Wing XIV
Report #8
6.14.2005 - LC Apophis Kuma
FLEET NEWS: AROUND THE WORLD FOOD NEWS: The one problem I still have is with reports, although they are
coming in and that's nice, they aren't in accordance with the COMs orders. I
know mine is a bit late but I emailed the appropriate people and afforded them
the advanced notice it would be late. At any rate let's try to get them in
earlier like Saturdays by noon. Thanks. In reference to this short burst of
activity, I am working on a points scale which will work in-connection with
the Wing Top Gun comps. Then end of the month the one with the most points
will be the WC's Escort Pilot until a new one is chosen or they retain title
til the next month. Lastly, I know this report format is boring but its all I
got for now as I couldn't do anymore regular text type reports, I had to go
with my trusty format I used in the squadron. So bear with me I'm working on
changing it. That's it for this week, cya next time! PILOTS LOUNGE WAR ROOM: MEDALS AWARDED: IWATS COMPLETED: REPORTS RECEIVED: Rewards: As all things come to an end, such as rewards for work accomplished. There were no medals posted this
week, with none pending save the MSE ones, which I'm not sure if they were awarded or not, hopefully they will come soon.
Just remember I will gladly get you a medal or promotion if you put forth the effort. I promise you I will if its within
my power to get you these things. All you need to do is show me that your ready for it. Nuff said. Have a great day! Respectfully Submitted,
XIV Weekly Report #8
WWR Date: 06.14.2005
Snake Pit
Imperial Storm - Battle for Korriban Results
AES Squadron CMDR Sought
[TO] Edumacation Competition Ends Monday!
EHSP 3.0 for XvT and BoP Released
New Battles Released!
The details of these and more can be seen here: TieCorps
Welcome to the 8th Wing XIV Report. Sorry this is late but I had to due my military duty (RL), and that takes priority. However, I am happy to say that I have seen some good work this past week. As well as a semi-decent participation in my comps. I have noticed that there is a running tally going one now between a couple of pilot gunning for that BS I offered earlier this week. Just remember that there are also a couple of
additional medals that go with that as an extra incentive to do some MP stuff.
But I'm glad to see a garden variety of work going on all across the wing. I
guess there is a possibility that there is life after death or retirement as
they say :P
WC's Work: I actually did fly several battle this week, 4 free
missions and one battle.., Accomplished the completion of one competition
created 1 more with 1 additional waiting for TO approval.
Remember that I
will also accept any work for those of you who are doing FW on your spare time. So please don't forget to send me
any activity you have for this platform. I will add it to the report and get you any rewards in which you are entitled
to. If anyone needs me please use email. This is the fastest way to make contact with me right now, so I have minimum
distractions. Thanks.
(SP) FCHG Stuff: There are some good flyers this week and for June so far more details once I get the points figured out. I would add that CM S 4patas is probably leading the snakepit in flying but we'll see.
PS: Don't forget my new email address is
so be sure to update your address books, also if it's during the work week Mon~Fri then please make sure you include
as a CC email address, that way I can do Wing stuff while I'm at work. Remember you slithering snakes, DO SOME ACTIVITY! nuff said!
POTW: CM S 4patas is once again the Pilot of the Week! Great work keep it up!
Some Wing comps going on. We got another round of Wing Top Gun coming and currently running is a MP Top Gun comp where if you get 13 LoCs or better you get awarded. The more the merrier and the one who take the top prize also gets an IS-SW.
Look here for details.
We've made it through another round of Imperial Storm, maybe it's our destiny this time to come out ahead. But we're waiting for word from the frontlines. Standby for further details.
LT Ulor Tack - ISM
LCM Nutrientman - ISM
LT Bribon - ISM, IS-SW
CM S 4patas - PC, IS-BW, IS-SR, LoC x6
CM Gara Petothel - IS-GW, LoC x4
LC Apophis Kuma - MCBS, WPN
Lieutenant Colonel Apophis Kuma
WC-TCT-TCS-PROF/LC Apophis Kuma/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
[PIN: 9554]
"You don't have to believe. But be prepared to be proved wrong."
- Grand Admiral Thrawn