Tactical Officer
Report #191
6.24.2005 - AD Frodo March
Admiral Frodo March Reporting for the Emperor's Hammer Tactical
Office on 06/24/05, report #191.
Tactical Officer's Opening Statement
561 Battles and 616 Free Missions
3590 total custom missions online!
First of all, if you keep track of my reports you will see that the
custom missions total is still 3590 despite the fact that we've
released 9 missions this week. I put XW-CD 1 out of order for the
time being, until we find a proper solution to its problem,
therefore we went down 7 missions.
This is my mid year report, where I report all of the
accomplishements the TAC office has done over the last 6 months, why
today and not next week? I leave Sunday, therefore VA Master will
be fully in charge of the TAC office from the 06/26/05 to
07/06/05. The next report will be done by him, and he will
handle High Scores, releases and any other problems you have. Be
nice :P
So, 2005 Stats up until now for releases:
Free Missions: 8
Battles: 4
Total Missions: 25
Free Missions: 19
Battles: 13
Total Missions: 82
Free Missions: 1
Battles: 2
Total Missions: 11
Free Missions: 9
Battles: 12
Total Missions: 64
Free Missions: 3
Battles: 3
Total Missions: 13
Levels Released: 0
Free Missions: 39
Battles: 34
Missions: 170
Not too bad if I do say so myself. In 2004 there were 296 releases,
we already have more than half of that, but we want much more than
300 missions in 2005. Our goal is more something towards 400
missions by December 31.
As for bug correction, there are currently 3 bug reports on the
compendium, all of which being worked on by some of my staff. They
are all picky little bugs might I add, so there aren't any major
problems with the mission compendium as it stands right now. And
we've yet to break our two week promise, which is good. e-mails
have still been going out for bug corrections.
As for competitions, we've had the Mission Creation incentive
which was a success, the Iron Mission Creator competition
which was very interesting and quite successful in addition to its
Flying Challenge. Plus we had our little TAC pilot of the week
competition, and our FCHG competition which started last
Other than that, I balanced the MoT-Bh awards, modified and uploaded
the online version of the TAC manual, Mike has been improving our
TAC DB, and we've upgraded our IWATS standards.
An Excellent 6 months on our side, and we're hoping for an even
better 6 months for the rest of 2005. Also, I'd like to remind
everybody that is participating in the FCHG competition that they
can submit their submissions at any time between now and 08/30/05,
as long as they make it clear that its an FCHG submission! :)
Tactical Announcements
-XWA TC 49, XWA Free 123, XVT Free 192, XvT Free 193 and TIE Free
257 have been released this week!
-There are currently NO TAC STAFF OPENINGS.
-The FCHG competition is under way.
Tactical Projects
-Fix those IWATS!: We've nearly finished, I believe we're
only waiting on TM to be updated.
Tactical Tasks
-More missions and faster turnaround in relation to testing: 170
missions in nearly 6 months, getting better.
-More support relating to new platforms (Jedi outcast academy,
SWGB): SWGB now has 2 active Tacticians and many, many testers,
we are ready to deal with SWGB bugs and the number of battles on the
compendium has increased drastically. If anybody would like to be
JA staff, please contact me as soon as possible. Our new project
will improve support for older platforms as well.
-Coordinating with training office to set up new training
resources for new platforms:.
-2005 FCHG Competition: The opportunity to make the next
Fleet Commander's Honour Guard battle is here! Click here for more
-Pilot of the Week Competition: The Pilot of the month for
June is COL Ric Taldrya, he had an excellent testing month.
Tactical Roster
Tactical Officer: AD Frodo March
Command Attaché: VA Master
Tactical Assistant #1: VA Locke Setzer
Tactical Assistant #2: COL Marcin Szydlowski
Tactician: LC Apophis Kuma
Tactician: FA Ender mBind
Tactician: VA Gidda
Tactician: CM Brukhar
Tactical Surveyor: COL Abel Malik
Tactical Surveyor: LC Apophis Kuma
Tactical Surveyor: LC Archangel
Tactical Surveyor: FA Ender mBind
Tactical Surveyor: VA Gidda
Tactical Surveyor: AD Stuart
Tactical Surveyor: CM Brukhar
Tactical Surveyor: COL George
Tactical Surveyor: AD Pickled Yoda
Tactical Surveyor: CM Katherine Cantor Flyer
Tactical Surveyor: CM Daniel Russell
Tactical Surveyor: COL Andrijas
Tactical Surveyor: COL Ric Taldrya
Tactical Progress
TIE: In Queue=2, Under testing=2, Under correction=1 Total=5
XvT: In queue=4, Under testing=4, Total=8
BoP: Empty
XWA: In queue=4, Final Check=1, Total=5
SWGB: In Queue=2, Total=2
XW: Under Testing=6, Total=6
JA: Empty.
Grand Total= 26 Down 4, HOWEVER, this is due to the fact that
I had to reject 4 XvT submissions due to lack of coherence, passable
design, or proper spelling.
Important Links
database 1.0
TAC Manual 3.0: Online Version
TAC Network: http://tac.minos.net/ or http://www.isdcolossus.com/tacdb/beta/
Mission Creation Forum: http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewforum.php?f=19
Custom Battle Submittion Form:http://www.isdcolossus.com/tacdb/beta/batsubmit.asp
Tech forum
BSF tutorial
Mission Editors
X-wing Mission Editor (X-ED)
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Editor (XvTED)
TIE Fighter Workshop
X-wing Alliance mission editor (AlliED Shareware
Frothy's Corner
Its been a hell of a week, and a hell of a 6 months. Now make sure
you treat Master as well as you would treat me...or better, better
would be good ;P
I'll see you in 12 days.
TAC-PROF/AD Frodo March/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign
GW-1GR/LoC-CSx6-Rx3/DFC-Rx1/CoSx6/CoL/CoB/LoAx2/OV-4E [TMPR]
"Ultimate Mission Creation Warrior"

TAC Reports
Command Staff