Tactical Officer
Report #189
6.10.2005 - AD Frodo March
Admiral Frodo March Reporting for the Emperor's Hammer Tactical
Office on 06/10/05, report #189.
Tactical Officer's Opening Statement
560 Battles and 610 Free Missions
3584 total custom missions online!
Alright! This week was just as active as they always are with the
TAC office, some releases, bug fixes, and all that usual good stuff
we're used to mingled with advancements in our IWATS
MCBS has gotten 17 grads for in its first week! Just a friendly
reminder that new mission creators will be required to take MCBS to
submit battles and missions to the Tactical Office! :)
XAM is getting updated, the new questions for the test are ready. I
expect the rest by the end of this week. Also, the TM Prof has
awaken and will begin his work on TM now.
Enough IWATS talk! I'm starting to sound like Stu :P
Congratulations go out to LC Ric Taldrya for getting a Silver Star
for reaching 75 beta points! Good job Ric!
Tactical Announcements
-TIE TC 224 and XvT TC 116 were released this week!
-There are currently NO TAC STAFF OPENINGS.
-An FCHG competition is schedualed to begin next week.
Tactical Projects
-Frodo's Quest for More Missions: I've decided to remove this
project from my reports as of next report, since theres little to
report, and you ALL know I'm always after more missions >:P
-Fix those IWATS!: The TAC staff is fixing our IWATS courses!
In collaboration with the TO we're bringing our course standards up.
XTM has been updated, MCBS has been released, XAM and TM are coming
Tactical Tasks
-More missions and faster turnaround in relation to testing:
-More support relating to new platforms (Jedi outcast academy,
SWGB): SWGB now has 2 active Tacticians and many, many testers,
we are ready to deal with SWGB bugs and the number of battles on the
compendium has increased drastically. If anybody would like to be
JA staff, please contact me as soon as possible. Our new project
will improve support for older platforms as well.
-Coordinating with training office to set up new training
resources for new platforms:.
-Pilot of the Week Competition: The Pilot of the week this
week, after long consideration, is LC Ric Taldrya! He simply went
all out and I apreciate his efforts.
Standings for June are: Gidda-1, Ric-1.
Tactical Roster
Tactical Officer: AD Frodo March
Command Attaché: VA Master
Tactical Assistant #1: VA Locke Setzer
Tactical Assistant #2: COL Marcin Szydlowski
Tactician: LC Apophis Kuma
Tactician: FA Ender mBind
Tactician: VA Gidda
Tactician: CM Brukhar
Tactician: COL Marcin Szydlowski
Tactical Surveyor: COL Abel Malik
Tactical Surveyor: LC Apophis Kuma
Tactical Surveyor: LC Archangel
Tactical Surveyor: FA Ender mBind
Tactical Surveyor: VA Gidda
Tactical Surveyor: COL Marcin Szydlowski
Tactical Surveyor: VA Stuart
Tactical Surveyor: MAJ Aft Skylek
Tactical Surveyor: COL Brucmack
Tactical Surveyor: CM Ayudanter de la Clars
Tactical Surveyor: CM Brukhar
Tactical Surveyor: COL George
Tactical Surveyor: VA Pickled Yoda
Tactical Surveyor: LT Katherine Cantor Flyer
Tactical Surveyor: LCM Daniel Russell
Tactical Surveyor: COL Andrijas
Tactical Surveyor: LC Ric Taldrya
Tactical Progress
TIE: In Queue=1, Under testing=3, Total=4
XvT: In queue=6, Under testing=6, Total=12
BoP: Empty
XWA: In queue=2, Under Testing=3, Under Correction=1, Final
Check=2, Total=8
SWGB: In Queue=2, Total=2
XW: In queue=4, Under Testing=2, Total=6
JA: Empty.
Grand Total= 32 We're down two from last week! Which means we
actually got a week without any submissions! *Gasps*! This cannot
be! Guys, submit stuff >:)
Important Links
database 1.0
TAC Manual 3.0: Online Version
TAC Network: http://tac.minos.net/ or http://www.isdcolossus.com/tacdb/beta/
Mission Creation Forum: http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewforum.php?f=19
Custom Battle Submittion Form:http://www.isdcolossus.com/tacdb/beta/batsubmit.asp
Tech forum
BSF tutorial
Mission Editors
X-wing Mission Editor (X-ED)
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Editor (XvTED)
TIE Fighter Workshop
X-wing Alliance mission editor (AlliED Shareware
Frothy's Corner
Well, another strong week from my end of the EH. I'd just like to
point out that I haven't gone a week without releasing stuff
since...March 11th, which is good. I like that. Also, there's no
longer any bug reports for the moment (Except for XW CD 1).
Go fly stuff!
TAC-PROF/AD Frodo March/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign
GW-1GR/LoC-CSx6-Rx3/DFC-Rx1/CoSx6/CoL/CoB/LoAx2/OV-4E [TMPR]
"Ultimate Mission Creation Warrior"

TAC Reports
Command Staff