Logistics Officer
Report #8
6.17.2005 - AD Gilad Pelleaeon
Logistics Office Report #8 - 6.17.05
A lot of work was done on the Encyclopedia Imperia over the past week. When I first gained access there were approximately 20 people on the list. Currently there are 223 people on it. In addition to adding these people I have also added a page for Manuals, one listing MoH recipients and two TIE Corps Oriented Pages (Ranks and Positions). I'm going to work toward having a section for each Subgroup.
Another important bit of news is the release of Newsletter 107. I hope to have a mirror of this up soon. I am also still working on setting up the new NL mirror on EH.net, I hope to have this done soon as well.
That should do it for this week.
Logistics Office Links
Logistics Office: http://lo.emperorshammer.net
Old Codex: http://codex.tiecorps.net
New Codex: http://gilad.minos.net/LO/Codex/index.htm
Encyclopedia Imperia: http://wiki.ehtiecorps.org
EH Tasks
Encyclopedia Imperia
EH Files archive
Mirror of Newsletters
Restarting and promotion of the EH library
EH Memorium
Cordially Submitted,
Admiral Gilad Pelleaeon
LO-PROF/AD Gilad Pelleaeon/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
Freeworlds Tags:
Emperor's Hammer Shipping Member: [EH-F]Gilad
Emperor's Hammer Fighter Wing Member: [EH-F]Gilad
BTM/JH Gilad Pelleaeon/Apocalypse/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona
Arcona's Protector

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