Logistics Officer
Report #7
6.10.2005 - AD Gilad Pelleaeon
Logistics Office Report #7 - 6.10.05
A couple of items of news for this week...
I have been granted space on the Emperorshammer.net server as of Wednesday. This weekend I will be uploading all of the NLs to this server to provide us with another mirror with which to access them. The Logistics Office Website has also been relocated, you can now access it at http://lo.emperorshammer.net.
After talking with GA Astatine I have decided to phase out the Codex in it's current form. Information from the Codex will be put into the new Emperor's Hammer Encyclopedia Imperia, which is basically the Emperor's Hammer's own Wikipedia, the main one can be found at http://www.wikipedia.org/. As it stands I have entered all Former and Current Command Staff members into the EI. Currently I am putting in Former and Current Subgroup Commanders. Until all of the Codex Information has been put into the EI, you can still access both versions the Codex at the addresses listed below.
That should do it for this week. My door is open to suggestions and comments if you have any.
Logistics Office Links
Logistics Office: http://lo.emperorshammer.net
Old Codex: http://codex.tiecorps.net
New Codex: http://gilad.minos.net/LO/Codex/index.htm
Encyclopedia Imperia: http://wiki.ehtiecorps.org
EH Tasks
Encyclopedia Imperia
EH Files archive
Mirror of Newsletters
Restarting and promotion of the EH library
EH Memorium
Cordially Submitted,
Admiral Gilad Pelleaeon
LO-PROF/AD Gilad Pelleaeon/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
Freeworlds Tags:
Emperor's Hammer Shipping Member: [EH-F]Gilad
Emperor's Hammer Fighter Wing Member: [EH-F]Gilad
BTM/JH Gilad Pelleaeon/Apocalypse/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona
Arcona's Protector

LO Reports
Command Staff