Logistics Officer
Report #6
6.3.2005 - AD Gilad Pelleaeon
Logistics Office Report #6 - 6.03.05
Work began on the new Codex this week. I have the layout done and have been working on inserting the content from the old Codex. I started to update some of the information, but decided it would be best to wait on that until I had the old stuff inserted. I have the acronyms page to a point that I concider to be updated. I would like all SGCOMs and CSers to look over their respective sections. Let me know if any of the information is out of date or not being used anymore. My immediate plans for the Codex are to bring all information in it up to date. Additionally on the CS and SGCOM pages I will be changing the service times from being measured by NLs to months and years. I think this will give a better perspective on how long people have spent in their respective positions.
Also this week AD Lenvik provided me with every page of Newsletter 34 so I can convert it into HTML form. This is going to take a back seat for now until I have the Codex complete as it is much larger than I originally anticipated (114 pages by my count).
Earlier this week I provided Astatine with copies of every NL in Zip Format, which have all been uploaded on the EHTIECorps.org domain. There is currently a security issue with the first 12 issues, I hope to have this resolved soon. The links on the LO Site have been updated to reflect this change.
That's all for this week.
Logistics Office Links
Logistics Office: http://lo.tiecorps.net
Old Codex: http://codex.tiecorps.net
New Codex: http://gilad.minos.net/LO/Codex/index.htm (Under Construction)
EH Tasks
EH Codex
EH Files archive
Mirror of Newsletters
Restarting and promotion of the EH library
EH Memorium
Cordially Submitted,
Admiral Gilad Pelleaeon
LO-PROF/AD Gilad Pelleaeon/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
Freeworlds Tags:
Emperor's Hammer Shipping Member: [EH-F]Gilad
Emperor's Hammer Fighter Wing Member: [EH-F]Gilad
BTM/JH Gilad Pelleaeon/Apocalypse/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona
Arcona's Protector

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