Flight Officer
Report #89
6.24.2005 - SA Cyric
Sector Admiral Cyric reporting in for the Flight Office and the Tie Corps on June 24, 2005
Another slow week for the Flight Office...AD Proton is moving along with learning the roster processing and soon he will be up to snuff!
I'd like to congratulate the following:
Khadgar promoted to Fleet Admiral by GA Astatine
Vladet promoted to Fleet Admiral by GA Astatine
Kane Reese give the Gold Star by ATF BGCOM and myself
Congrats to all!
IMP STORM: Quick Imperial Storm update - Planetary captures at the end of Turn 9:
ATF Team capture Korriban from the Sov Team
Sov Team capture Telos from the ATF Team
TCBG capture Endor from the ASF Team
Sith Team hides it out and captures Ithor
The standings currently are:
Sov - 39
Sith - 39
ASF - 34
TCBG - 28
ATF - 15
From FA Khadgar there is a new NL comp! Please refer to http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewtopic.php?p=14477 for details on a new competition for NL 108, “Great Works”
The EH's involvement in Freeworlds has seen a major change in the past week. Following the closure of Burnout's server, two servers have now taken it's place - one run by Fate & Tessius (24/7 USA Server) and one run by Gumba and Zaccarascrow (24/7 Role Play). Given the choice, I have opted to go with the Role Play server for several reasons - it's a clean start with new rules, new lists, the focus is more on Role Play and less on bureaucratic nonsense and importantly, I'll be in charge of the Empire which is a good opportunity to build and improve on the previous version of the Faction. I've (almost) finalized our tag list:
Avenger Squadron - TIE Fighter, TIE Avenger, TIE Phantom
Space Superiority
Panther Squadron - TIE Fighter, TIE Raptor, TIE Cyclone
Rancor Squadron - TIE Fighter, TIE Bomber, TIE Gunship, Alpha-Class XG-1 Star Wing
Heavy Assault
Hellfury / Spike Squadron - TIE Fighter, TIE ???, TIE ???
Heavy Assault or Space Superiority
Wolf Squadron - TIE Fighter, TIE Phantom, TIE Vengeance
Space Superiority
Imperial Navy Fleet - TIE Fighter, TIE Raptor, TIE Phantom, TIE Vengeance, Corellian Gunship x? Imperial Dreadnought x?
Advanced Space Superiority & Capital Ship Escort
Imperial Navy Shipping - TIE Fighter, Imperial YT-2400, Imperial Special Operations Shuttle, Delta-Class JV-7 Escort Shuttle, Lamda Shuttle, Sentinel-Class Landing Craft, Imperial Barge
Commercial and Military Transportation
These tags are now open to join. Some points to remember:
You're allowed a maximum of TWO tags only (may have different names if you wish). The only exception is if you're allocated a Capship, in which case you may have a third.
Pilots in Rancor, Panther and Wolf must choose that Squadron on the server for one of their choices. Pilots in Hawk must choose Wolf and those in Wampa must choose Imperial Navy Shipping. That being said, the tags are open to anyone (including non-EHers, so be nice!), you don't have to be in the above Squadrons to actually join them on the server.
Ubers and Capital Ships will be decided upon at a later date
The Forums are now located at: http://rp.kurbaga.com/forum/default.aspx?g=forum - please register and then PM Spellfire with your username so I can give you access to the Imperial Forum. Also let me know which tags you would like along with the name(s) of your Pilot. If you have any questions, either PM or email Priyum
My rant for the week seems to be an all to occurring rant: E-mailed transfer requests MUST be approved before I even see them! Seems a few have slipped by, some even Commanders...this is not tolerated and they will be kicked back!
Now I'd like to announce the new TCCOM's OWN for this Quarter. This wing has managed to fly a total of 2500+ missions and battles in the last two months, and has come back from relative obscurity, as has the entire TCBG, and totally dominated in the activity fields for the TC. There activity is a testament to the TCBG and to AD BUBBAX who has taken steps to ressurect the TCBG which was under duress in the most recent pass. Everyone should be proud! The New TCCOM's Own is WING X of the ISD Challenge! Congrats!
That's it from the Flight Office...
In Service...