Fleet Commander
Report #5
6.26.2005 - GA Astatine

Domain updated, yay! :P

Newsletter 107 has been released and looks pretty spiffy from what I’ve seen. Go check it out at http://www.corporatedivision.com/sentinel/107/

We’ve had a bunch of small changes in the COs. Vlad and Khadgar have been promoted to Fleet Admiral, congratulations to them. Hemi has been appointed to Prefect, congratulations to him. A reminder that IWCOM and GMF are still open for apps. Details are on the main EH message board.

Since there’s a decent amount of votes for the last 2 polls on the TC site, seems like a good idea to look at the results. The first one relates to what people thought of the Episode 3 trailer. 54% said Episode 3 will “pwn”, while 30% said it would be better than 1 and 2. 12 voters (4%) wanted George Lucas to stop violating their childhood. In response to having actually seen Episode 3, 23% felt it was the best of all the movies. 59% thought it was the best of the prequels but couldn’t compare with the original trilogy. 1 voter asked for a spoon to scoop out their violated eyeballs while another silly person admitted to being a Trekkie (we’re currently looking into who that is….).

If you have an idea or suggestion for a poll, let me know.

That’s all.


FC Reports
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