ISD Challenge
Report #12
6.20.2005 - VA Locke Setzer

ISD Challenge

Commodore Report #12


-Well! After a number of moves, some relocating and a few other unexpected events, I can say I'm back to full capacity. While I was around during some of the moving and was handling various things (as can be seen by the exciting news of the reopening of Cyclone Squadron this week), I haven't really been at full capacity thanks to real life events. But after last week's leave, that all ends, and starting this week I'll be back to full-COMness. For this week though, we'll have to deal with a couple hiccups (the stats for this week are not all that complete, although kudos to George for assembling them for me, since the info became unavaliable to myself) So, moving on with more important events...

-This week brought about my long-time goal of finally seeing the Challenge again, for the first time in a quite awhile, at a state of 6 squadrons, the way we were always meant to be :D Seperating our powerhouse of Typhoon into two squadrons will, I believe, continue the great effort all of it's members have been putting forth in the past couple of months, in addition to also creating a bit of rivalry between the two squadrons. Congrats especially to CM Katherine Flyer, who I know will lead Cyclone to many great things. I look forward to watching the progress of both Typhoon and Cyclone in the future :)

-Another big event this week was the awarding of a Silver Star to Kate and TK, who have continued, month after month, to provide a phenomenal performance that has made all of us quite proud to say the least. Both of you are an excellent example of what a TC officer should strive to be, and a SS is the least we can do for your continued dedicated service.

-A big welcome back to CM Dulcatos, who returns from his stint on the Immortal to be in Cyclone Squadron! We're thrilled to have him back onboard, and I imagine Kate is happy to have another legendary flyer amoung her squadmates ;)

-A big welcome onboard and congrats to newly-promoted LT Red Phoenix, who arrived to Tempest this week and quickly grabbed his LT badge, and Krulos Helrond, who was also promoted to LT this week. Woo!

-There's been some buzz about meetings on the mailing list, and I can say that while they have died down a bit, I'll be making a bigger push for them in recent weeks, especially after the 3rd of July. These have never brought about huge crowds, but I think those of us who always went to them found them quite fun, and I'd like to keep on pushing them.

-While IS continues on we've got quite a few wing comps going on being pushed by Cor, so see if you can't get in on them. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I'm anxious to see IS end so that we can get back to doing some real, exciting comps where we can actually show off the superiority of the Challenge, in it's current largest and most active form, against the rest of the TC :)


Challenge Letterhead Comp - A graphic comp to design a letterhead/watermark/symbol/logo/badge for the various units aboard the ISD Challenge. This type of graphic would be something that could be used on all authorial Challenge/Wing X documentation. There will be three categories: a graphic for the ISD Challenge, a graphic for Wing X, and graphic(s) for the Squadrons of the Challenge. The best graphic submitted for the Challenge, and the best one for the Wing will win an IS-SR each. The best graphic for each squadron will receive an IS-BR. Only rule is: you can only submit one graphic to each category. So you can't submit a graphic for each squadron. Deadline is the end of June.

WC Report Template - Cor hates his WC Report template! Make him something cool and you can nab a IS-SR and see your handywork in his report each week! Runner-up gets an IS-BR and might see his template used if the winner's template is deemed too complex for Cor's feeble HTML skills. Deadline is the end of June.

ISD Challenge Sexy Name Comp - Submit a short list of names that you think are the sexiest names in the world under two complex categories: guy names and girl names. Cor and I and some other folks will debate them and decide on the winners. IS-SR to the person who picks the best names in each category, IS-BR to the runner-up! Deadline is the end of June.

TIE Corps Battlegroup Training Night - A TCBG sponsored MP night, occuring on IRC in channel #EHCOC every Saturday at 6pm GMT (1pm EST)

TCBG Weekly Trivia Meetings in #TCBG/Challenge Meetings in #wing_x - Each week at a set time (6pm EST Sundays), all members of the TCBG are invited to attend a weekly IRC ship meeting in #TCBG, where one session of trivia or other IRC-based events will be held. An IS-GR to any member who wins the most weekly trivia in a month, IS-SR to any member who wins at least two, IS-BR to any member who wins one week. Also, an IS-SR to the member with the highest attendance (who actually participated in the meeting, didn't just idle). Afterwards, a short meeting discussing the events of the ship will occur in #wing_x.

Pilot of the Week/Month - Every week Cor will choose a pilot to be pilot of the week. Then at the end of the month, I will choose one of them and declare them the "Pilot of the Month". The PotM will recieve a IS-SR, while the remaining PotWs will be given IS-BRs.
This week's PotW: CM TK-9780!!

Squadron of the Month - Every month I will declare a squadron the squadron of the month. The CMDR will be awarded the IS-SR, and any member he believes helped his squadron achieve that award will be awarded an IS-BR.
May 2005 Squadron of the Month: Typhoon Squadron
April 2005 Squadron of the Month: Typhoon Squadron
March 2005 Squadron of the Month: Inferno Squadron

Battlegroup News

-Oldie's handling the IS stuff for the BG now. Woo!

-Bubba will be gone starting on the third for some time for a real life trip. So while he's galavanting across Europe, I get to watch the BG for him. Somehow this deal seems unfair ;P

Ship Statistics


Warning: Due to loss of numerous emails, this week's stats were done mostly by George with some additions by me... but they may be off a bit. Reliable Ship Stats will again be seen in reports starting next week ;P

Missions Flown: 55
IWATS Taken: 0

Missions Flown: 0
IWATS Taken: 0

Missions Flown: 60
IWATS Taken: 3

Missions Flown: 21
IWATS Taken: 1

Missions Flown: 8
IWATS Taken: 0

Missions Flown: 0
IWATS Taken: 0

Alright! I'll admit this week's report was a bit off, but it's the first week back to full-duty, so you've got to expect that. You've all done so superbly as of late, and the ship being in such great position as it is that we can have 6 squadrons again is completely a testament to all of you, individually. You're the ones who have made this ship what it is, and I'm completely thrilled to be a part of it :)

But, now that we're back on track, just know this: It's only the beginning ;) Getting back to this state was recovery; now we're gonna gear up to make history...

Respectfully Submitted,

COM-TACA/VA Locke Setzer/ISD Challenge


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TIE Corps Reports