Bounty Hunter's Guild
6.18.2005 - Tuss

Welcome, from the subgroup that can now measure their longevity in decades.... its the B-H-G!

KAG XXI has finally concluded. This seasons winner is Phoenix Kabal! Usually the BHG's adopted step-child, they came to the plate this season and lead from event 1. Congrats to them. It was a well recieved Kabal Authority Games with a lot of participation,and some good competitive events. Thanks goes to Slowbacca as well as the rest of the commission for pulling it together.

This of course coincided with the BHG's 10th anniversary! We had plenty of celebration, and a special newsletter commemorating the past 10 years. (Note to Khadgar, we still help up our EHNL end yo). Podracer had its openning race. This is a game that has been in the works for literally years, so it is good to see that work finally come to fruition. Ric Gravant is the man to give credit to, his work is what made it go from a a great idea to a reality.

Also as is customary at this time we held Hall of Fame voting. This time one man recieved the proper 75% of the vote, and that was Tad Taliesin. In the earlier days of the BHG, Tad was involved in everything, he has recieved every distinguishable award the BHG has to offer. He was the right hand man of Trench for some time, as well as doing many other things for the BHG. He deserved it, congrats to him.

Two Order of the Dark Prince awards were given, this is the highest award that can be awarded in the BHG. One went to Darth Shadow, who has done wonders in the past with both the BHG Role Playing System, as well as the XoC (ships, and where you buy other stuff). Along with that is his incredible loyalty and activity, a well deserved award. With him the Underlord Jernai recieved the ODP. His contributions are immeasurable. All the functionality of the BHG workings can be traced to him and Fruity, he has also been a loyal and dependable leader when I have been away, and in times when extra advice is needed.

Along with all of this we have a bunch of position changes, due to everything being on hold during KAG. Next week I will go in to detail with the new position appointees, as the other two open spots should be finished by then as well.

Until then, remember, pants are a priviledge, not a right.

- Dark Prince Tuss Raydod


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