Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Lieutenant Wes Revon Thrum (#12006)

Name: Wes Revon Thrum

Rank: Sub Lieutenant

Current Assignment: ISD Grey Wolf - Phoenix Squadron

Scandoc Transmission Code:

Gender: Male

Race: Andarian

Date of Birth: 02/27/1983

Place of Birth: Adari - Renos Settlement

Marital Status: Single

Family: Sister - Still Back on Adari, Status Unknown Mother - Deceased Father - Deceased

Social Status: Well-to-do

Quote: "If you think you're taking me out, then I'm taking you with me!"

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: Adari - 5 Years old : A scout group of three TIE pilots enter Renos settlement in search of Rebel insurgents, upon seeing these pilots and their flight uniforms, Wes became enamored at the idea of one day owning one of those uniforms. Endor - 17 years old: Wes Witnesses the destruction of the second death star by the rebels and the ensuing planetary devastation following said distruction.. His feelings against the rebels are hardened. Shortly after, he joins an imperial Stormtrooper legion.

Significant Events of Adulthood: 20 Years old: While stationed on a star destroyer, Wes Finishes his requirements to become an officer, and puts in application to become a TIE pilot. 21 years old: Wes Finishes Officers and pilots training, and is assigned to Phoenix Squadron on board the ISD Grey Wolf.

Alignment and Attitude: A loyal supporter of the imperial cause, he vows to protect worlds against such devestation as seen at Endor, though he does admit the near-extinction of the Ewok population is not compleatly a terrible thing, he does stand behind his hatred and resentment towards the Rebellion. Off duty, Wes is the type to mostly stick to himself, silent and standalone, he spends a great deal of time in the simulator honing his flight skills. He aspires to one day fly as an ace for the Empire.

Former Occupations: 7 Years old: Worked as an apprentice in a trade shop on Adari, learned the finer points of various weapons and armor pieces. 15 Years old: Managed to obtain his own personal starship, a YT-2400 that he used for trade runs and various other purposes. It was in this ship, while en-route to endor, that he witnessed the death stars destruction

Hobbies: An avid player of Pazaak and Sabacc as well, though he perfers the prior to the latter. He also fancies himself an artist, and spends time occasionally working on various pieces for his own personal enjoyment.

Tragedies: To this day, his sisters whereabouts are unknown, last he heard she was still back on Adari, but repetitive attempts to get in touch with her, and a search while on leave gave no sign of her. While this disturbs him greatly, he places his worry aside, hoping his sister is allright, and stays on station for the Imperial Cause.

Phobias and Allergies: While not afraid of much, he does have a thing about spiders, due to a rather "memorable" incidant with a Kinrath Viper in his teenage years. Allergic to nothing, save rebel supporters. When placed in their vicinity, he tends to have rash outbreaks of un-adulterated violence.

Personal View of the Empire and EH: A Full, loyal supporter of the Imperial cause and the Empires fight for a peacfull galaxy, he would die before he would ever turn his back to the empire, and would rather be torn from limb before being removed from the Empires service.

Reason for enlisting in the EH: An inbred hatred for the rebellion due to first hand witness of the rebels cold blooded ways at Endor, and the partical destruction of the entire Endor moon's ecosystem in the fallout following the Second death stars destruction.

Other Comments:

ID Line: FM/SL Wes Revon Thrum/Phoenix 3-2/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

Submitted: 6/25/2005 7:52:00 PM