Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Lieutenant Hideous (#11983)

Name: Darth Hideous

Rank: Sub Lieutenant

Current Assignment: Sword 2-3/Wing IX/ISD Relentless

Scandoc Transmission Code:

Gender: Male

Race: Humanoid

Date of Birth: 15/08/1981

Place of Birth: Tralus

Marital Status: Single

Family: Mother and Father, both killed, sister, missing

Social Status: Well-to-do

Quote: I don't believe in luck - you make your own luck in this universe

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: My Mother and Father were both killed when I was bearly 9 years old. Me and my sister were raised as average upstanding citizens of the Empire until the Rebels conducted a raid on a nearby Bacta storage facility. They didn't care who they injured int he raid as long as they got thier hands on what they wanted. My mother and Father were both killed when the rebels destroyed a nearby factory thinking it was a defense station. It was being used at the time as a makeshift school. Me and my sister would both have been killed if I wasn't off leading her astray and convincing here is was a good idea to skip class. After my parents were killed and me and my sister were on our own, a withered old man was kind to us and offered us shelter and taught me many things. At the time I thought he was a sorcerer and he mentioned strange things about the force but I never understood and I never took much heed of what he said. He fed and clothed us for a short time while trying to teach me, but I was more concerned with learning practical skills that woul denable me and my sister to survive.

Significant Events of Adulthood: Me and my sister got on just fine after my parents were killed. We move aroung the Empire as we needed to, just to survive and learn what skills we really needed. I wanted to make a difference and I wanted revenge on the rebels for my parents. I attempted to enlist in the Imperial academy on Carida but was denied entry due to "missing years" in my life. I couldn't admit to what I had done in those years as I would not have got in to the academy but me and my sister had to survive. I was nineteen when my sister was taken from me. We were hanging with a Trader named Dunc from Corellia. He didnt hang with the most upstanding crew, and we spent a lot of time on the smugglers moon. During a trip to Ord Mantell we were set upon by raiders, but they didn't smell like raiders to me. The hit was all to precise and to well coreagraphed to be a chance hit on a party of traders. In teh crossfire that ensued, I got separated from my sister and I've always thought that this was planned. Most of our parts was split onto the West side of the landing platform, while my sister and a few straglers were forced to take shelter on teh East side. I always thought that keeping us covered was a token effort while they picked of the straglers on the East side. The last I aw of my sister after all the straglers had ben picked off was her being dragged off by what looked like a bounty hunter in Madolorian Armour - she was limp but she was not dead. Why did they take her? What did they want with her? Why did they not take me instead? I met up with an old withered man when I was 20 shortly after my sister went missing. He taught me many things and it was months before I realised that this was the same man from my past. I spen months with him then and months with him now yet I never really knew him. He promised he could help me find my sister and teach me how to harness great power. This man proved to me that he had power by altering my very face. He could help me with my sister and get me entry to the academy. I studied under him and carried out many tasks for him during my tutalge, some of which I cannot mention. Through him I earned many things but by far the most powerful was how to use the force. When this man tought me everthing he could, I killed him and tok the rest of his knowledge that he was unwiling to share. Through his knowledge and the skills that he taught, I was able to joint he Imperail Academy as I had once dreamed.

Alignment and Attitude: After the attack that killed my parents, I have no love for the Rebels. I crave order and peace and would like to do my part in achieving this

Former Occupations: Pick Pocket Body Gaurd Racer Proffesional Fighter Trader Bounty Hunter

Hobbies: Flying Learning - knowledge is power

Tragedies: Parents being killed Being turnied down by the Imperail Academy when eighteen. Sister being abducted when nineteen

Phobias and Allergies: None - Never show Weakness

Personal View of the Empire and EH: The empire strives to being peace and order tot he galaxy, something that I wihs to be a part of. The EH are a part of the Empire that can make this happen and I can help

Reason for enlisting in the EH: To amke a difference. To explore the galaxy and find my sister.

Other Comments:

ID Line: FM/SL Hideous/Sword 2-3/Wing IX/ISD Relentless

Submitted: 6/8/2005 6:29:00 PM