Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Lieutenant Jeremiah Quenzer (#11898)
Name: Jeremiah Quenzer
Rank: Lutenit
Current Assignment: Retake Impreial Space
Scandoc Transmission Code:
Gender: Male
Race: Chiss
Date of Birth: 09-14-92
Place of Birth: Chiss
Marital Status: Single
Family: Unkown...
Social Status: Nobility
Quote: " the man who sits high in riches who dosn't give a flick... let the world rise up and bring him down for the rest of the people who are on there way up..."
Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: none...
Significant Events of Adulthood: Unkown...
Alignment and Attitude: Short fuse... "I have 0 tolerence for idiots and people who have enough brains to support breatheing and blood flow, which should be cut off in thse people"
Former Occupations: Unkown
Hobbies: plastic models... video games... the Empire...
Tragedies: None...
Phobias and Allergies: Mild accrophobia... excpt from the cotpit of my TIE...
Personal View of the Empire and EH: We will come back...
Reason for enlisting in the EH: I wanted a challenge that suited for me...
Other Comments: "There are plenty of people who have nothing to say and keep saying it and there are the others who do have something to say but don't say it..."
ID Line: FM/LT Jeremiah Quenzer/Echo 1-3/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Submitted: 6/28/2005 4:53:00 PM