Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Lieutenant Hox Reek (#11830)

Name: Hox Reek

Rank: Lieutenant

Current Assignment: Mantis Squadron, Wing XV, ISD Vanguard

Scandoc Transmission Code:

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Date of Birth: Year of the battle of Endor

Place of Birth: Naboo

Marital Status: Single

Family: Only parents. They served Emperor's for many years. Now they're to old to do something, what they did before.

Social Status: Well-to-do

Quote: No risk - no play.

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: I was born on Naboo. I didn't have very good notes in primary school, but I passed it. When I had free time I was always going to the combat symulators. I was born to fly. I was the best. After primary school I care only about my flying. I loved it. I met a girl, Ariela. She was a fantastic pilot too. We became a great friends. Together we joined the Naboo security. Two years since then we joined the Emperor's Hammer.

Significant Events of Adulthood: I joined Emperor's Hammer, just like my parents and my friend Ariela. The Death Star was destroyed when I was 25. Great present for my birthday. Fortunately my father survived the attack. I couldn't fight because of I was sick. Then I and Ariela was sent to the destroyer "Chimaera". I met there two fantastic people: Grand Admiral Thrawn and Cpt. Gilad Palleon. I was very proud that I could serve them. At last I had very hard missions. But I always survived. Unfortunately on one mission...

Alignment and Attitude: I'm quiet, but very rarely. I hate people who are laughing at me. In this situations I can even use a weapon...

Former Occupations: Just pilot.

Hobbies: 3D rendering, music (Hip-Hop), sport (soccer). My favourite ships are: TIE-phantom, TIE-bomber, Eta-2 Actis and TIE-advanced. And my favourite is killing the rebel scums.

Tragedies: ...on one mission happened something terrible. We flew to planet Alzoc III. There suppose to wait our suppliers. They weren't. We found "Lusankya". But it wasn't under command of Ysanna Isard, but under these blasted rebels. We were so close to this SSD. Only I, my wingmate and Arila survived. Rest was killed. Another tragedie. I and Ariela flew in assault shuttle with few storm comandos. We were in clouds when sudenly three Y-wings attacked us. We fell down. When I was awake I realised that only I survived. Ariela was killed. I HATE THE REBELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phobias and Allergies: None

Personal View of the Empire and EH: Empire was the best way to create a peace in the galaxy. Unfortunately the rebels had to destroy it. Now, when Grand Admiral Thrawn is dead only the EH can bring the new peace in the galaxy. No one can stop us: rebels, Yuuzhan Vongs - no one. We'll crashed'em all!!!

Reason for enlisting in the EH: I was born to fly. In Emperor's Hammer are only the best pilots. That's why I joined the EH. I'm very proud of it.

Other Comments: I don't like Siths. And Jedi too. Especially these first...

ID Line: FM/LT Hox Reek/Mantis 3-3/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

Submitted: 6/10/2005 3:08:00 PM