Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Lieutenant Commander Marlin (#11751)

Name: Marlin

Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Current Assignment: Typhoon Squadron

Scandoc Transmission Code:

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Date of Birth: Approximately 23 standard years ago

Place of Birth: Out Bound Flight

Marital Status: Single

Family: No family. Father died of radiation burns after attempting repair of outer hull of Dreadnaught 4. Mother died whilst giving birth.

Social Status: Poor

Quote: "Ok, you don't drink which is smart on your part. But being sober can put you at a disadvantage when it comes to violence. Me, I can't box worth a shit, see. Now I'm good in a fight because I can't feel anything. You, your gonna feel everything." -Bad Santa

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence:
Marlin was born an only child an orphaned shortly there after. Living in the nursery with the other kids who were brought up and trpped on the doomed flight he was a constant target for bullies. On his 6th birthday whilst enjoying his birthday cake was attacked by the most prominent bully and had his celebratory meal stolen. Knowing he didn not stand a chance fighting the larger boy Marlin let his emotions of continued pursecution boil with him and to his surprise caused the cake to fly back to him and the stolen tray in the bullies hands fly up and smack the larger youth in the nose breaking it.

Amused highly by this, only breifly for the beings aboud Out Bound Flight had a fear of the Jedi and those who possessed Jedi abilities, Marlin was marched under guard to the prison quarters in the lower decks with the other Force sensitive kids of his home-ship.

Spending his days fine tuning his new found skill with his fellow captives and their respective talenets that had landed them in the slammer and learning the basics and more of the galaxy's wealth of knowledge from the only two people living on the multi-level Dreadnaughts that did not fear them, thus teaching and spending much of their time with the feared children.
Marlin took a great interest in Star Fighter piloting and a hobbie known as fishing, things he could only dream of from here, untill many years later.

Someone had finally discovered the doomed flight and emissaries of the now-know New Republic came to visit and even fought a battle for the ships themselves.

After the battle and some months later he and the other children were released from their prisoon home and bourded a shuttle to a space station orbiting Mon Calamari. They were given credits to but personal belongings as they all owned none, as well as having new clothes already purchased for them along with private and spacious accomadation aboard the station for the night till more permanent lodgings could be arranged.

Marlin first puchased a fishing rod and tackle and booked a vistit to the plante for the next day to try his hand at fishing. Also he bought many data dards and reader to learn what he could about the galaxy since the knowledge he had of it was over 50 years old.

That night while reading about Darth Vader and the empire he was visited by Luke Skywalker and his wfe Mara Jade-Skywalker, real Jedi. They told Marlin of the Jedi academy and of their knowing of Marlins and the other ex-captive childrens' abilities to weild the force, offering them the chance to lean the ways of the Force and join the New Jedi Order. Marlin accepted under one condition, he could have a day to go fishing which they allowed, telling him to meet them back at the spaceport at the end of the day.

With that he couldnt sleep so continued to read up on past events and such until the moring and boarded the transport to the planets surface. There he fished for many hours on the edge of one of Mon Cals vast oceans catching dozens of flying mackerel and enjoying the wide open space and freedom to do as he wished.
By the end of the day he became a little bored with his fishing spot and ventured onto a property on his way back to the spaceport to fish in its large waterhole-like pond next to the property's building where he scored the largest catch of the day, a Mon Calamari named Ackbar.

Knowing full wel from his studies of the Rebellion who Admiral Ackbar was he fled to he spaceport to hide. As soon as the Jedi discovered that he had hooked the ex-Admiral he assumed he would be in great trouble and denied a chance to learn from the Jedi. With that in mind he sat in misery until a spacer took pity on the crest fallen youth, and not knowing his crime offered Marlin a ride to Nar Shadda where he assued the young Marlin that he could get cheap transport, if not free, to anywhere in the galaxy. Taking up the chance to escape he left with the spacer and traveled to Nar Shadda.

Meetiing the crew he discovered they were on their way to play in the annual Sabacc Tournament to retain their title has champions. They taught Marlin the ins and outs of spaceship mechanics and flight controls and even taught him Sabacc while feeding him Corelian Ale.

Somewhere in the night after folding a hand he, rather drunk and unknowing, levitated several betting chips above his palm. With surprised looks from the crew and a head full of booze Marlin panicked and then passed out. The next day they assured Marlin it was ok, if not great that he done that and would keep his secret, as long as he helped them win the tournament again with his Jedi talents. Although he wasnt too good at it he had tried the night before to use the Force to determin whether a player hand a winning hand or not, although being very wasted thoughout the night didnt help much so they spent the remaing day of travel testing his skill at reading people through the Force.

Significant Events of Adulthood: a

Alignment and Attitude: None to speak of.

Former Occupations: Profesional Sabacc player. (To be explained)

Hobbies: Fishing, what else?

Tragedies: a

Phobias and Allergies: a

Personal View of the Empire and EH: a

Reason for enlisting in the EH: a

Other Comments: a

ID Line: FM/LCM Marlin/Typhoon 1-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge ISMx2/IS-1BW-1BR-1SW/CoB [KNGT] {IWATS-TT-WPN}

Submitted: 6/7/2005 12:34:00 AM