Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Lieutenant Commander Viper Pred (#11573)

Name: Viper Pred

Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Current Assignment: Sigma Squadron, onboard the SSSD Sovereign

Scandoc Transmission Code:

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 15 years before Battle of Yavin

Place of Birth: Outer Rim Territories, Paol'skhaa Sector, planet Oulsh'tein

Marital Status: Single

Family: Father Jar'rek Pred(member of Oulsh'tein's police), mother Mal Br'an(teacher in a local school and an artist), sister Allice Pred (officer on the ISD "Chimera", currently M.I.A.)

Social Status: Well-to-do

Quote: Fear is the mind killer. I will face my fear and it will pass through me, and when it is gone there will be nothing, only I will remain.

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: Yeah, good old times... Shame that they won't come back. From the youngest years, I wanted to fly. I spent countless hours in my father's Z-95 simulator. In time, I realized that I have even better reflex than my father. With each year, I was better and better. The only thing that still enabled my Dad to win was his experience. When I was thirteen, he let me fly a two-seated training version of a police Headhunter. In two months, I flew almost like normal pilot, and after half a year you wouldn't recognize woh is who when I flew with my father. I always hadn't got any problems with learning, so I had plenty of time for practice. For my 16th birthday, parents bought me a Z-95. I liked repairing things, so I quickly "modified" my ship. Cannons with longer range, some more armor, faster engines, this kind of things. After my 18th birthday, I went to the Academy on Coruscant.

Significant Events of Adulthood: The training was hard, but those damn instructors weren't good enough for me. After ending the Academy, I wasn't maybe as good as Hobbie Klivan, Wes Janson or Pash Cracken, but none of the instructors could beat me. After few weeks of service on a small platform somewhere in the Outer Rim, I was moved under the command of Vice Admiral Thrawn. I never met such a commander, and I don't expect that it will ever happen. He took care of every man or woman on his ship. Not that he was so friendly, no no. But he never risked our lifes without a purpose. He never treated us as a spare part, that could be replaced. Most of our missions were quit easy ones, noting too seroius. Patrols, escorts, reconesance. But then, Admiral Zaarin wanted to kill the Emperor. He was a harsh one, especially with those Tie Defenders. But we eventually captured him. After that, there was the Battle of Endor. Yeah, I know that this may sound like a heresy, but I always thought that Emperor was a little too overconfident. How the battle ended - everyone knows. But still, the Empire was strong. But when Ysanna Isard gained power, I knew that she wouldn't have a chance with the Rebels. Her plans were too subtle. And that's why she left the Coruscant in hands of the Rebel Alliance. After this, I seperated from the Empire, and went searching the almost legendary Emperor's Hammer, strike fleet under the command of Grand Admiral Ronin. And that's, how I got here.

Alignment and Attitude: Calm and quiet, but I can quickly change into a vulcano of emotions. When something crosses the limit of my patience, better don't get in my way. I'm in rage, and I don't care if my target is an enemy or friend. But, fortunately, it happens rarely...

Former Occupations: None, I'm a pilot from the beginning.

Hobbies: Shooting Rebels, drinking good drinks, beautiful women and fast ships. And finding in my neighbourhood potential pilots.

Tragedies: Well, it was one a standard mission. But when we thought, that the sector was empty, everything went wrong. Suddenly, six Tie Defenders jumped out of hyperspace, and slaughtered my squadron. I and my wingmate were the only ones to survive. It was a shock to me, that in few seconds most of my friends have died. The second time I felt the same was when I heard that my sister is missing. I still don't know anything about here fate. After nine months of searching, I had to accept that she's probably dead.

Phobias and Allergies: From what I know, none.

Personal View of the Empire and EH: I think that the Empire was a mainstay of peace and safeness, but after the Battle of Endor, it has collapsed. Now, the Remnants of the Empire went to the dogs. Corruption has creeped in everywhere. But the EH is on the best way to bring back Empire's past glory.

Reason for enlisting in the EH: I was always talented in flying, and this is my calling. Duty in EH is fulfillment of my dreams. And that's the way to fight with chaos , spread by the New Republic. They must be stopped, and joining the EH is the best way to do it. Long Live The Empire !!!

Other Comments: I'm flying, I have my own ship and I've got new friends, but, the most important, I'm happy and proud of serving the EH.

ID Line: FL/LCM Viper Pred/Sigma 3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

Submitted: 6/20/2005 4:13:00 PM