Omega Squadron
Report #67
5.28.2005 - GN Brian
Omega Squadron members, honored guests,
COL Ixion reporting as temporary acting CMDR while GN Brian is on leave.
This will be a short summary more than a report.
Squadron Orders:
- SSSD Sovereign Single Player Ladder, week 4:
TIE-FREE Battle #256 - Tides Of War
XvT-FREE Battle #188 - Protect VIPs for Recon Officer's party
XWA-FREE Battle #117 - TIE Fighter: Demonstration
Due: May 29nd, Sunday (i.e. tomorrow)!!
- Do IWATS courses, earn a chance at additional medals!
See 16 May 2005 post on the TC site.
"Once per week, I will be choosing an IWATS course, ANYONE who completes
that IWATS Course during that specific week will get an IS-BR."
This is already at week 2. It's not very clear which course is chosen: the
TO report is not telling openly: I guess that discovering it is part of the
game ;-)
Hints can be found at the following board topic:
- Ongoing: find and evaluate new recruits.
Squadron News:
- GN Brian is sudden onleave until next monday night. COL Ixion has the keys
of his office until his return.
- Imperial Storm Turn 1 is over. As far as I know we had only one
submission: uhhm...
- May SP week 3 is over. The results are to be released. Week 4 is almost at
it's deadline. Try to fly this guys!
EH-wide News:
- Positions opened for TAC testers. See TC news page for details and
TC Officers reports:
- TO:
- TAC:
- LO:
- SC:
- OPS:
- FO:
- XO:
Activity Reports (I might not have all the informations here):
CMDR/GN Brian - On leave
FM/GN Compton - no activity
FL/COL Ixion Deathbringer - Flew for IMPSTORM turn 1.
FM/LC Yoman - no activity