Omega Squadron
Report #66
5.25.2005 - GN Brian

Pilots of Omega Squadron,

Looks like this week's formal report will be skipped... and I'm not even sure I'll have time to fly this week. :(

I'll be away on a business trip effective tonight, then seeing family for Memorial Day weekend. So through Monday night, Ixion gets the keys to my office. Yes, my *sarcasm* wonderful *sarcasm* job told me at 5:00pm tonight that I'm visiting a customer tomorrow morning, and that I should book the tickets.

Remember to fly for the IMPSTORM battle, files due tomorrow! Please send them to me and CC them to Ixion. May 2005 Sov SP Week 4 is due this Sunday (May 29th) as well.


CMDR/GN Brian/Omega/SSSD Sov


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TIE Corps Reports