Bounty Hunter's Guild
5.27.2005 - Tuss

From the place Andy Kaufman has decided to reveal his doings for the past 21 years, its the B-H-G!

Hall of Fame voting is going well, almost half of the voters have already replied, and it looks like we will have inductions this time around. There is still time for votin so we will see what the results will be in a few short weeks.

We seem to be doing good in recruiting - like fifteen new members in the Citadel, and several old retirees back into the fold - now we must se if we can keep up on the retention side.

I am out of town until Tuesday, the hmw decided we needed to take a vacation before she is hugnormous and doesn't want to anymore. So Jer is in charge over the weekend.

Prospero gave the Chief's responding to a State of the Kabals survey that was responded to very quickly, and provided us with good responses as to where to target our retention efforts. I know it has helped me in my planning and evaluating, and will effect some of my work in the coming weeks.

Congratulations to Dash Rendar of Phoenix for his new Gold Plate, which Prospero awarded after stumbling across the hidden gems in the PX site which he was responsible for, going above and beyond what is required and what is normally done.

Special thanks to Sarin for recognizing the effort I am putting forth in the area of unity, we are already seeing the results, and we hope to pick up even more momentum.

Dark Prince Tuss Raydod


DP Reports