New TIE Bomber of PI Squadron being scrambled
from Platorm SSP-10 in orbit around Sienar Homeworld...
(Photo: SJain, 2/95)
The Emperor has given final approval to the newly commissioned Imperial Star Destroyer (ISD) Avenger Fleet to be composed of the following capital ships, in addition to the standard Fleet escort craft:
Imperial Star Destroyer (ISD)Avenger (6 squadrons)
Interceptor Cruiser (INT) Harpax II (1 squadron)
Nebulon-B Frigate (FRG) Imperator (2 squadrons)
Nebulon-B Frigate (FRG) Ardent (2 squadrons)
The Wing Commander presents the following approved squadron unit designations/functions, as proposed in Newsletter No. 9, for the new escort capital ships to be assigned to the Emperor's Hammer Strike Wing (to be added to the General Pilot Roster in Newsletter No. 11):
FRG Imperator
MU Squadron (Strike)
Flight I (TIE Fighter)
Flight II (TIE Interceptor)
Flight III (TIE Advanced)NU Squadron (Support)
Flight I (TIE Bomber)
Flight II (TIE Advanced)
Flight III (TIE Advanced)FRG Ardent
PI Squadron (Assault)
Flight I (TIE Bomber)
Flight II (TIE Bomber)
Flight III (Missile Boat)PHI Squadron (Strike)
Flight I (TIE Fighter)
Flight II (TIE Advanced)
Flight III (TIE Defender)INT Harpax II
IOTA Squadron (Escort)
Flight I (TIE Advanced)
Flight II (TIE Defender)
Flight III (Missile Boat)
It should be noted that some of the squadrons listed above will have to wait to receive their full complement of upgraded replacement fighters in light of the recent Rebel attack on the Sienar Systems production facilities, as detailed in the Officer's Deck Section of this Newsletter. In addition, appointment to the above squadrons will NOT be authorized until the ISD Avenger Wing is at approximately 90% capacity (anticipated by posting of Newsletter No. 11, out on 3/3/95).
Finally, all Members are reminded that the Wing Commander, and only the Wing Commander, may select pilots for the new Squadron Commander positions. These Command Officer positions entail not only great prestige and power, but also great responsibility. These officers are expected to devote significant off-line time to Newsletter articles, mission design, Squadron submission/performance reviews, folder postings, etc. If applicants feel they can not devote such time, please do not apply. The Wing Commander prefers to make wise choices, rather than an expedient ones. Consequently, qualified applicants interested in any position in the new squadrons, should begin compiling their applications and forward to the Office of the Wing Commander by 3/2/95 5:00 pm EST for consideration by the Wing Commander and/or the Flight Officer. Applicants not sure of qualification requirements for Squadron positions are referred to those posted in Newsletter No. 1 for guidance. Any questions should be directed to the Office of the Wing Commander @ W Call.
The Wing Commander has recently heard from General Zach Slaton (Zach EXCO), former Wing Commander of the Executor Wing...As was posted in past Newsletters, the Executor Wing was the inspiration for formation of the Emperor's Hammer...Consequently, in honor of this fine Officer and the Executor Wing, the Wing Commander has agreed to place General Slaton's posting in the Emperor's Hammer Newsletter to aid the Wing in its reformation. The following was recently posted in the Avenger Concourse Bulletin Board AOL Emperor's Hammer Message Board):
Subj: We must crush the Rebellion!
Date: 95-02-23 21:38:08 EST
From: Zach EXCO
This lunacy must stop. I have been away for too long and have missed too much. The Rebellion has grown too strong and must be crushed.
Admiral Ronin and I will join forces to crush this puny group of rebels. With his help and the auhorization of Darth Vader, plans are in the works for the resurrection of Executor Wing. With these two mighty wings, the Empire will unite and crush the rebellion once and for all! Long live the Empire!
In the Emperor's Service...
General Zach "Firestar" Slaton
Wing Commander
Executor Wing
SSD Executor
In addition, the Wing Commander is anticipating receipt of an updated description for the Executor Wing from General Slaton.
The Great Hall of the Emperor's Secret Order
where the Command Officers of the Emperor's
Hammer recently received their new commissions...
(photo: SNorbut659, 2/95)
The approval of the expansion of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Wing resulted in the promotion of Wing Commander General Ronin to the rank of Admiral. In addition, General Shawshank (XO), General Adams (TACT) and General ChuckJoeS (FLT OFF) were also promoted by the Emperor to the rank ofVice Admiral. It should be noted that these promotions were based solely on the proposed expansion and these officers' extensive contributions to development of the Emperor's Hammer. These are ranks, as in TIE Fighter, that are not normally obtainable by TIE pilots. Consequently, these ranks will be only be granted in the future in the event of a sudden vacancy in an existing position.
Emperor Palpatine himself presented the Officers with their new commissions in the Great Hall of the Emperor's Secret Order in the Imperial Palace. General Ronin and the other Command Officers of the Emperor's Hammer were personally summoned to Coruscant City by Lord Vader to the suddenly announced ceremony. Although the Hammer's new escort ships, the Imperator, Ardent and Harpax II, have yet to rendevous with the ISD Avenger, these promotions were announced in the interim. Following the award ceremony, a brief reception was held in honor of the four officers on the SSD Executor. It is rumored in the Palace that Emperor Palpatine wants to expand his new elite Strike Wing as soon as possible to combat new Rebel threats arising in the Empire. With the creation of Admiral Zaarin's Iron Hand, and the new Rebel terrorist group, the Divine Wind, the Emperor wants to be prepared for any contingency and he wants to be prepared yesterday....