Wing XIII - ISD Grey Wolf 



Wing XIII Report

November 13, 2000


Aboard the ISD Grey Wolf

LC Ichthys saw the Goliath Y-Wing approaching the ISD Grey Wolf.  It was no surprise to hear the computers report missile lock-ons and missile-launches.  VA Cyric was still back on G’Rho, for some reason, so Ichthys ordered the Grey Wolf to be abandoned.  Would the COM ever forgive him?  What future now lies before the shipwrecked Wing Commander?  He certainly no longer had a Wing to Command.

Soon LC Ichthys was sitting in his shuttle.  An ASF rescue craft came to pick him up.  Soon Ichthys was brought aboard a huge space station.  There he was escorted to a small, barren cell and given a cold meatless sandwich and a glass of water.  After eating his dinner, Ichthys laid down upon the small bunk that folded out from the wall.  His lower legs hung off the end of the cot.  After a prolonged ceiling inspection, it became apparent sleep would not come easily this night; eventually, it did.

The alarm clock went off.  Ichthys woke up in his cabin aboard the Grey Wolf.  What a nightmare! The Grey Wolf blown up indeed!  How could it?  How weird to have a dream about falling asleep!

But there was no time to linger dwelling upon the bad dreams.   The Grey Wolf had a confrontation exercise going on with the ISD Immortal.  Soon the GW would enter actual war.  Preparations need to be made.  The fighter squads must be inspected and briefed so that they can be prepared for action!


TC, ASF and Wing News

·         The TO is looking for a CA. Applications are now being accepted for the position of Command Attache to the Training Officer. The person who gets this position will most likely be the next TO, so there's no real need to go over what the requirements are. However, the following conditions will result in your application being deleted:

·         Asking the TO if he got your application (or getting a third party to ask him for you)

·         Asking the TO what your chances are (or getting a third party to ask him for you)

·         Asking the TO how many applications he's gotten so far (or getting a third party to ask him for you)

·         Asking the TO when he'll appoint the CA (or getting a third party to ask him for you)

·         Asking the TO what duties the CA will have or the job requirements (or getting a third party to ask him for you)

Applications should be mailed to the Training Officer with the subject "CA:TO Application". Outline why you think you should get the job. Applications which include recommendations or references will be deleted. There is no set closing date for applications.

·         Applicants must have been a member of the TIE Corps for a period of no less than 6 months, with at least two months spent at CMDR+ level

·         To have had no prior CoC violations or HCI convictions.

·         To be able to regularly check email and reply within a timely fashion (i.e within 48 hours) and spend out weekly Wing reports without fail!

·         To have a decent online presence, and the ability to attend meetings and online events. To own XvT and be familiar with the multiplayer aspects of the game.

·         Applicants must show the drive and enthusiasm needed to keep a Wing active and motivated.

·         Applications must be sent to Admiral Priyum and Vice Admiral Pel by this Saturday (18th November) and a decision will be made the following Monday. If you wish, you may include up to TWO references in your application. Please put WC application as the subject of the email.

·         Also CC VA Cyric and myself with your application

o       I bet the GW’s pride will be at stake!  Expect another iteration of ASF:VG

o       I’d like to see every CMDR get ranked (fly 10 matches) in XvT WoW.

o       Every LoC earned in WoW is worth points in the ASF:SC.

·       ASF:SC-II Starts next Monday!  If you don’t have the BGCOM’s site bookmarked by now, do so.

·        Current WingXIII Combat Ranks: (Bold indicates changes. :P)

o       Jedi 4th

§         [555] CPT Brucmack/Crusader

o       Ace 2nd

§         [180] CM Raven Arestar/Tartarus

o       Veteran 1st

§         [114] LC Chrusos Ichthys

o       Veteran 2nd

§         [98] CM Marcin Szydlowski/Crusader

o       Veteran 4st

§         [70] CM Raxis Krieger/Odin

o       Officer 4th

§         [31] LCM Xera Verr/Phoenix

o       Marksman 2nd

§         [22] LCM DrDiablo/Crusader

§         [21] CM Azazel/Phoenix

§         [21] CM Deamon/Phoenix

§         [21] LCM Wiesio/Crusader

§         [18] VA Cyric

o       Marksman 3rd

§         [19] CM SCUD/Tartarus

§         [18] COL Klick Saber/Phoenix

o       Marksman 4th

§         [14] LT Jonny Sawicki/Crusader

§         [13] CPT Brakka/Valkyrie

§         [12] CM Khadgar/Valkyrie

§         [11] CM CrazyR2/Vortex

§         [10] LT Hev Randrowan/Odin

o       Certified

§         [6] LCM Tron/Crusader

§         [6] LC Woobee/Odin

o       Trainee

§         [4] LCM Alex Foley/Vortex

§         [4] LCM CMR Brown/Pheonix

§         [4] LT Mace/Vortex

§         [2] LT Chris/Crusader

§         [2] LT Wes Janson/Tartarus

§         [1] CM Achim Schwarick/Vortex

§         [1] LT Black Knight/Phoenix

§         [1] LCM Dark Archon/Odin

§         [1] CM Ghost Rezdar/Valkyrie

§         [1] LCM Picard/Valkyrie

Ship’s Doc Report!

No Report L


Glimpses from around the ship!


The shape of ISD Grey Wolf filled front screens. Imperial shutle Lambda slowly aproching huge hangar.  My fello passengers - stormtroopers, technicians and fighter pilots returning from their passes looked at my new TIE CORPS SL uniform
with smile and admiration.  I saw recognition in their eyes. I returned smile, but I was terribly scared.

I worked very hard had this uniform, but now on the my career beginning, I felt that i must prove my worth. At least shuttle finished docking procedure. All passengers went to their duties, and i stayed alone.  Slowly I went towards to exit. I saw three officers steps forward to my. I salute them and they returns my salute.

- Welcome to Wing XIII Sub-Lieutnant, I'm LC Chrusos Ichtys - said one of them. - Let me introduce you to your new Commodore, Grey Wolf commander Vice Admiral Cyric and your new Commander CM Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski.

I looked at my new commander - Mike
He smiled and said - Come , I introduce you rest of the squad.  When we aproched canteen  Crusaders stand up and salute.

- At ease - said Mike.- This is SL Marcin Kaczynski our new fellow directly from Daedalus.  He introduce me rest of team and I shaked hands with them.


- Welcome aboard friend - said Diablo.- You must drink with me.
- Be careful - said Wiesio with smile.- Diablo is tough guy with strong head. Better play poker with us.
-Sure, poker is my favourite game - I answered.

After thirty minutes I lose all my money.
-Don't worry - said Diablo.- You are not the first who lose with this hyenas. Come, drink with my.
-Perhaps I'll have more luck in this competition - I thought.
Unfortunetly I was wrong.  Last thing which I remember was Diablo lough and Mike's voice.
- I'll see you on the briefing tomorrow oh sorry today morning,at 8
a.m sharp !.

Morning Glory:


    Jastor woke up at 5:48. He opened his eyes and saw all of Crusader Squadron. They're still sleeping and only commander of squad was away.

-He's probably at gym or going to briefing room. - thought Jastor. He was siting at his bed for a while and then he went to take a shower. He knew Mike will wake them up at 6:00. And he wanted to be prepare. When he was in shower he heard Mike's voice from intercom.

-Crusaders! Wake up! I want to see you all in briefing room so move it! 6:20!

-Oh <bleep!>. Why the <bleep!> he's waking us? - shouted Wiesio.

-Shut up you moron. - answered Diablo and opened his eyes - My head hurts after yesterdays drinking with Az.

-Ok guys. Calm down a little. - suggested Drako. - If Mike is calling us it is important. And now as he said "Let's move it"

    15 minutes later they're all in briefing room. They saw Tartarus pilots tooking their places. Mike was drinking his morning coffee ( although in RL he hates it ), and talking with Raven and Brucmack. When he saw his pilots he stopped talking. Brucmack took he place. Mike started briefing.

-Good morning! As you can see, today we'll cooperate with Tartarus Squadron. Our wing commander assigned us some orders. - he looked at Raven.

-We'll make long hyperspace jump to Minos Cluster. This mission will be advanced recon and data gathering. - explained commander. Wiesio looked at Diablo.

-Using two squads for recon? This will be hot! - he grinned. Raven continued.

-We've installed special scanes on our Gunboats. As you heard there is weird space displacement there. We must check what really happened.

-Our high command suspects, rebels was testing new powerfull weapon there. But they <bleep!> something. - added Mike.

-That's all for now. Rest you'll see in your computers. We'll meet in hangar bay at 8:00. Dismissed!

    All pilots went our discussing about this what they heard. Mission was really cool, but of course they all wanted straight combat, not recon. Soon they're all in hangar bay, dressed in flight suits. Mike was there already, sitting at the wing of his fighter.

-Remember Crusaders. We'll see weird things, but be well prepared. Expect unexpected. - they shaked their heads saying "yes' and went to their fighters. Mike took his place.

-This is crusader 1. Standard eqipment check.

-Mission computers, check!

-Master arms switch, safe!

-Innertial navigatio, ok!

-Main propulsion, seems ok!

-Roger that. All flights. You got hyperjump coordinates. We'll jump as soon as we'll move to point 2-44-13.

    After few second they're all flying our of hangar bay. They saw cold and black space. They form standard recon formation. Tartarus was covering. After two minutes they made jump...



Deamon is sitting in his office looking at reports when FL Verr rushes into his office panting and looking ragged, "Would you look at these," He say's as he hands Deamon a stack of chips.


Hmmm, it seems Verr has found new life as a FL, he has been a busy guy as of late.

There is lots happening in he TC and ASF these coming weeks Lets see if we can vault Phoenix to the top of all lips in the ASF. Especially against the Fabled Vortex Squadron.



It was quiet inside of the Grey Wolf Ceremonial chambers. Pilots, Commanders, and crew all stood at attention as VA Cyric, LC Icthys and CM Raxis stood in the front portion of the hall. With a commanding voice, Cyric began to speak; "We are in these wars together. Together we must be united, through a chain of command. Unfortunatly, links in the chain have disappeared, and have needed replacement. Raven Lockholme has left us as Odin CMDR and has gone to the reserves. But this has not hindered our progress as a unit. Today is the day of replacement of the missing link.

   The crowd clapped momentarily as LC Ichthys took the podium in the grand hall. With the sound of himself clearing his throat he began to speak "Ladies and Gentlemen of Wing XIII and Distinguished guests, today is a day of triumph and change in the TIE Corps. I find myself here today replacing with one of my commanders of Wing XIII with someone new. But Im proud of this someone. He once served as Odin CMDR in the past, and did a decent job. Today, we are here to inaugurate CM Raxis Krieger as Odin Commander of Wing XIII aboard the ISD Grey Wolf!". Clapping began once more as Raxis slowly crept up to the podium from his chair beside VA Cyric. "Welcome back friend. You are once again a part of command aboard this ship." the Mon Calmari wing commander said privately.

    With a hush of the crowd, a small compartment in the podium opened up revealing a small box which contained a very sought after pin. The hands of the wing commander reached into the box, pulled out the ruby-red colored star pin and pinned it to the top of Raxis' dress uniform just above his rank insignia. When his hands lowered, a roar of cheers and clapping filled the hall and Raxis couldnt help but smile in happiness as he has once again become a CMDR aboard the best ship in the fleet, The Imperial Star Destroyer Grey Wolf.



= when pilots of the squad are speaking.

- when other characters are speaking..

Tartarus Squadron comes out of hyperspace near Adle 3. Instantly the planet launches 3 squads of fighters.

=Sir I count 3 squads of fighters. 2 Z95 squadrons and 1 R41 squadron. Looks like we spoiled their fun.

=3 Capital ships are leaving the area.


=1 Carrack Class Cruiser Moon 1 Assault Frigate Jeeves 1 IMPERIAL CLASS STARDESTROYER Grey Wolf!

==Hrm. 1-2 Id their contents.

=Yes sir,

=I count 14 Shuttle/Transport Class ships leaving hte planet. Also the AFRG and the CRCK are coming for an attack run while the GW is making a run for it. Out of the shuttles 3 MUTRs are attacking us while the 8 CORT and 3 FRTs are entering hyperspace.

-Imperial Squadron please turn back now. We are at peace with empire.

=You are at peace?!?!?! What about the forces you are sending against us.

==We saw the probe that was sent at Aurora. It came from this system. You are now considered dead men.

-Fine imperial SCUM! Eat hot laser.

==Guys Right Echelon position adn attack!

=Yes sir. x11

=Tis Jamie I have a load of heavy bombs onboard. So does my flight. If you can provide escort we can destroy/disable the enemy. Done take Gunboat 3-2 and make a run at them.


4 Tie Bombers and 1 Assault Gunboat detach from the squad and at full speed make an attack run at the enemy. 4 heavy bombs streak at each of the capital ships brining down the shields .Then the Assaukt Gunboat disables them. meanwhile A lone TI identifies the contents of Grey wolf the scan returns that there is a duplicated id, and the real name is punisher. The TI also listens in on the communications and intercepts one that the Enemy GW is going to attack Kuat drive yards and the Kuat's forces will destroy our own ASF!


==Guys kill that Ship. There can be only one Grey Wolf.


20 Bombs are sent from the TBs. Then they escort the Guns. Out of the 20 bombs only 2 hit the enemy. But when teh gunz get close enough 8 bombs hit the ship and it explodes.


Meanwhile the TIs destroy the enemy squadrons.


An incoming force of Assualt Shuttkes captures the planet.



"This patrol is boring…" LCM Keiran Bastra pointed out. "Yes, but we need our Wing Commander back!" "This is Assault Gunboat Dump Truck to all fighters, Rebel Convoy has just entered, look alive," Trashman said. The slow moving freighter was no match for our fighters and was quickly disabled. ATR Lambda entered the sector "This is Transport Lambda here to assist in a capture operation." ATR Lambda wasted no time in getting to its mission

"This is ATR Lambda, we’ve started our docking operation." After about a minute… "This is ATR Lambda, we’ve completed our docking operation, no sign of the Carp!" "Wait a minute, VitCarp is on that incoming Shuttle, Atomic Attack!" "That’s VA Matir’s shuttle, quickly, move in!" Suddenly over the COM… "Commander Khadgar, report to the ISD Grey Wolf for a special assignment," it was Cyric, the Commodore of the Grey Wolf. "But sir! We are in pursuit of the Carp!" "Khadgar, this is important…" Cyric said. I made my way back to the Grey Wolf. I docked and proceeded to Cyric's’office. "You wanted to see me, Sir?" I said. "Yes, have a seat." I sat down and Cyric started explaining the news "Khadgar, due to your performance this month, I am officially appointing you as Commodore’s Protector, my bodyguard, it wasn’t an easy choice, but you stand a bit above the rest." I stood up and Saluted "Thank you, Sir!"

Suddenly the smell of fish wreaked the deck… "What is that awful smell?" Cyric commented. Suddenly a Mon Calamari walked into the room, Vitriolic Carp, followed by Trashman and Keiran Bastra. "Turns out VitCarp got stuck a compartment of Matir’s shuttle when he went to see him off," Trashman said

That’s all for now. 

Keep flying!  We love to fly and soon! The whole of TC will know it!


WC/LC Chrusos Ichthys/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-1rh1gh/LoC-PSx106/CoS/CoL/CoB [LGNR] {IWATS-SM/2-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-XTT-XTM-GFX}
GRD Chrusos Ichthys (Sith)/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum


As you know, this is not my normal fashion for reports.  But I feel I must get one out.  There are many important items for us to keep in mind.
  1. Tartarus is WC's Own for October.  These pilots and their CMDR did terrific work this past month.  Tartarus squadron led WingXIII to victory against the other ASF ships in the October ASF:Vengeance comp.
  2. CM Khadgar/Valkyrie is COM Protector for October.  I hope that our COM Protector gets a chance to battle other COM Protectors from other ships this month.
  3. Many new pilots - experienced pilots from the reserves and new pilots from Daedalus - welcome, each of you.
  4. Crusader at 12 pilots.  Good work, CM Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski.
  5. Grey Wolf at 55 pilots.  Nice to see pilots coming aboard!
  6. There is an impending comp against the ISD Immortal/WingX.  It may begin as early as Friday.  Your CMDRs should have more info in their reports - when more details of this comp are hammered out.  This comp will be fiction and XWA based.
  7. OP:DH Final Battle happens at Saturday, November 11 at 11 PM GMT which is 6:00 PM EST.  This is the biggest and most critical battle of the entire operation.  Please show up, even if you do not have XWA.  For more details visit or for more details.
  8. The GW Website, , has been revised.  Many, many thanks to CM Raxis "Loki" Krieger/Odin and CPT Brucmack/Tartarus for making it happen.
  9. ASF:SC-II begins Monday, November 20th.  This is a big contest for each of us! AND it will be loads of fun too. for more info.  I personally hope to see the six GW squadrons line up 1,2,3,4,5,6 in this comp.  Can you do it? What reward shall I find for you if you do?
  10. November XvT WoW begins in 8 days - on the 17th of November.  Get your XvT ready!  I would really like to see CMDRs leading the way in this one.
  11. Commanders, this month I told you want I expect for November WC's Own.  I want your squads to participate in every Wing Comp.  I want to see XvT/BoP citations.  More importantly, I want to see your activity.  Are you ready for ASF:SC? This month, we shall see.
  12. MAJ Brakka has volunteered to moderate GWC on Wednesdays.  CPT Brucmack and myself will continue to moderate the ASF Wednesday Comp.  Attendance has been low - so these are easy medals for those who show!
  13. Final note!  Should I get a new message board on  Something similar to the TC message board?  Let me know your thoughts! :)
WingXIII! Here is where the action is! :)

WC/LC Chrusos Ichthys/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-1rh1gh/LoC-PSx107/DFC/CoS/CoL/CoB [LGNR] {IWATS-SM/2-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-XTT-XTM-GFX}
JH Chrusos Ichthys (Sith)/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum

Wing XIII Report

October 23, 2000


On the Bridge of the ISD-II Grey Wolf in Orbit over Mantessa

LC Ichthys was waiting for COM VA Cyric to come back from leave.  The wave of apathy was still taking its terrible toll on the crew of the Grey Wolf.  Somehow the Grey Wold had struggled into orbit around Mantessa – only to find it relatively empty.  Cyric was only a parsec away – at G’Rho – but space seemed so empty.  Looking at the scanners, it appeared that Goliath forces were nowhere around.

Ichthys ordered all of the graveyard shift to man craft and do reconnaissance patrols around the Grey Wolf.  Due to his insomnia, he joined them.

When COM Cyric arrived back on the Grey Wolf, it was strangely quiet.  The lights were muted.  When he walked onto the bridge, there was no one around.  He picked up a message pad from the arm of the command chair.  It only had one word written upon it.  “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhh!”


TC, ASF and Wing News

·        Current WingXIII Combat Ranks: (Bold indicates changes. :P)

o       Jedi 4th

§         [524] CPT Brucmack/Crusader

o       Ace 2nd

§         [180] CM Raven Arestar/Vortex

o       Veteran 1st

§         [111] LC Chrusos Ichthys

o       Veteran 2nd

§         [93] CM Marcin Szydlowski/Crusader

o       Officer 1st

§         [68] CM Raxis Krieger/Odin

o       Officer 4th

§         [32] CM Darwin Matir/Valkyrie

§         [30] LCM Xera Verr/Phoenix

o       Marksman 2nd

§         [21] CM Azazel/Vortex

§         [21] LCM DrDiablo/Crusader

§         [20] LCM Wiesio/Crusader

o       Marksman 3rd

§         [19] CM Deamon/Phoenix

§         [18] VA Cyric

o       Marksman 4th

§         [14] LT Jonny Sawicki/Crusader

§         [13] CPT Brakka/Valkyrie

§         [12] CM Khadgar/Valkyrie

§         [10] CM CrazyR2/Vortex

§         [10] LC Tethys/Odin

o       Certified

§         [9] LT Hev Randrowan/Odin

§         [6] LC Woobee/Odin

§         [5] CM Raven Lockholme/Odin

o       Trainee

§         [4] LCM Alex Foley/Crusader

§         [4] LCM CMR Brown/Pheonix

§         [4] LT Mace/Vortex

§         [2] LT Garet Jax/Vortex

§         [2] LT Wes Janson/Tartarus

§         [1] CM Achim Schwarick/Vortex

§         [1] LT Black Knight/Phoenix

§         [1] LCM Dark Archon/Odin

§         [1] CM Ghost Rezdar/Valkyrie

§         [1] LCM Picard/Valkyrie

§         [1] LCM Trashman/Valkyrie

Ship’s Doc Report!

DOC Woobee reporting in - 21/10/2000


The main hangar of the ISD Grey Wolf...


A hiss echoes through the cavernous hangar bay as the ramp opens up on the Imperial shuttle. The ramp thuds onto the metal decking and for a moment there is silence. And then from within the ship comes a noise.


"Ow ow ow ouch owwww oww!"


CM Raven Lockholme marches out, dragging Woobee backwards by the ears. He seems to be wearing some sort of archaic battle armour, and he's got cuts and bruises all over him.


"Owww oww, you know," gasps Woobee, "I am a ouch Lietenant Colonel and a owwwww senior officer on this oww ship! Owwwww oww oww!"


As Raven continues to drag Woobee along she retorts, "You're also a very naughty pilot and I'm your commanding officer, so get used to it."


"But ouch owwww, ahhh," he ponders for a moment.


"Aye Sir."



G'day pilots of Wing XIII, and welcome to what is likely the first sign of life from me many of you would have seen for quite some time. Yes I've been rather totally distracted of late. I apologize for my recently lack-lustre contribution. I'll do my best for you.


It seems my lack of dilligence has not slowed down anyone else, and things are looking great for the ship at the moment. Our most excellent Flag Officers continue to work very hard on our behalves, and I'm very pleased to see they are garner well deserved accolades. Cyric's reception of the Grand Order of the Emperor is a particularly fitting honour. His long, loyal and dilligent service is a great example to all within and without the ship. I'm not to sorry to see that I no longer outrank the Wing Commander. :)


The big news right now is the XvT WoW we are participating in. There are medals up for grabs, and there is pride at stake as well! We're competing with our sister ships in the ASF to garner the most points. This means get in there and have a go!


Last of all, I have a proposition. The Grey Wolf does not have any ship's nurses. This is not a major problem. However we might find it useful, and I for one am willing to give things a shot. So, if you think you would like some more responsibility, and a chance to show what you can do, please drop me an email and let me know that you're interested in being a ship's nurse. What does the job involve you ask? Well, you tell me! Tell me what you think it would be good to do as the nurse, and I'll discuss things with Cyric and Vitcarp. I'm not promising to take on a nurse, but if it looks like a good idea it can happen.


Enough out of me for now. Thanks for you attention pilots! Time for me to get into the cockpit of my T/I, before I get bashed by my CMDR. ;)



Glimpses from around the ship!


CMDR Azazel stares out into space at the pilot's of Vortex who are flying escort for him. " Sir, when do we some action ? ", piped up LT Mace to break the silence, " soon LT Mace, very soon indeed i feel, we'll all have our hands full soon enough pilot ". Az taps his finger's on the window sil as he watches LT Mace's T/I swing closer, as he looks he can just see LT Mace in his all black flying suit waving at him. " LT Mace, i see you just fine, please keep at a safe distance and keep yer eye out for trouble, we are still 15 km away from the Grey Wolf !", " Yes sir, i'll fly on ahead a bit and start my scan ", LT Mace's T/I darts forward. " Sir shall i go forward and cover Mace? ", the voice of a normaly silent Obi-wan kirknobi speaks up,  " no LT Obi-wan, you stay just off the portside and maintain escort with LT Draxx, we'll soon know if LT Mace pick's anything up", " Aye sir ". As they get within 10 km LT Draxx and LT Obi-wan move to 1.5 km from the shuttle. " Sir.......i'm picking up a power source....very faint...probaly 30 km away and closing fast ", " good LT Mace, Draxx , Obi-wan, can you comfirm this?", Draxx, " i confirm sir ", Obi-wan, " affirmative sir ". Azazel goes into the cockpit of the shuttle to tell the pilot's, " alert the Grey Wolf to be on stand by, this could be a premptive strike by traiter forces of the Goliath fleet, inform LC Vitcarp and VA Cyric that going to yellow alert would be a good precaution at this point !", Az stare's far ahead at the GW which seem's to be so far away from the shuttle, even at 10 km. The shuttles CM acknowledge's CMDR Azazel's request, " will do sir, right away !".

Meanwhile on the ISD Grey Wolf bridge....

  " VA Cyric sir...incoming transmisson from CMDR Azazel of Vortex squadron, he's on his approach, he's at 8 km and closing, he request's we go to yellow alert because one of his pilot's has picked up a power source bearing 127, closing fast, possibly an enemy T/A on a recon misson in this sector......his pilot's are waiting for a better reading sir ", the bridge crew member looks up at VA Cyric who is standing above him on the bridge walkway, hands behind his back in thought. " Ok, you there, get me LC Vitcarp on the com NOW, signal yellow alert! Operater, get me a positive id on the ship type and allignment when it is in range, all hands stand by !!", VA Cyric heads for his bridge chair and sit's down thinking of all posibility's and options.

 Meanwhile on the shuttle.....

 " LT Mace , do you have a positive id on that ship yet?", Az begins to feel a bit helpless and vulnerable not being in his T/A fighter ' Sabretooth', " not yet wait.......T/A sir.......from the Goliath fleet, she's armed with 6 heavy rocket's and she's heading for you sir !!", Az sense's a bit of panic and urgency in his pilot's voice, 'that is good' Az thinks to himself. " Mace head for it , stay out of missile and laser range until your behind it, try and make contact, if you get no reply reduce it's sheilds, one of Crusader squadron will disable it when the launch.....i hope ", "  affirmative sir ", replies Mace as he heads towards the T/A, which is still on an approach vector. Minutes later, 4 gunboats from Crusader are dispatched to disable the Goliath T/A. But as LT Mace open's fire to reduce it's sheilds, over the con Az hears a familier whistle and bleeping.....and he knows who it is too ! " All ships......and the ISD Grey Wolf....stand down yellow alert.....repeat stand down yellow alert, do not fire on the approaching Goliath T/A !! There's a GW pilot flying it, repeat DO NOT FIRE OPON APPROACHING FIGHTER!! ", Az chuckles as VA Cyric and the Crusader pilot's chatter away, totaly miffed, but VA Cyric wants an update pronto!! Azazel laugh's as he get's in touch with the pilot of the stolen T/A, " CM CrazyR2.....nice to see you Mini Beanus, care to explain how you got your hands on this fighter and where you've been for the last few day's??", ( loads of whistle's and beep's ), " ah i see R2,  you boarded the wrong transport on Tantooine, so you stole a fighter and hyperd into this sector, very good pilot....and you have some data for the fleet, excellent news !!! You'll get a medal you know you clever sneaky lil bot ", ( more high pitched whistles followed by some really high pitched bleep's and more whistles), " ok mini bean, i'll get maintenance onto your broken foot, we'll have you looking all spick and span soon!" Az watches the T/A shoot past the shuttle as they come in for docking.......all safe and sound, everything back to normal..........or is it?

On the Vortex flight deck.........


Boom's the voice of the WingXIII cammander LC Vitcarp, he looks angry.....but at what, Az has done nothing wrong.....or has he?

" .......coming right away", Az rush's over leaving his bag's to be carried to his office. LC Vitcarp stands in his office doorway, fish like hand out stretched pointing to a Jam rocket on his desk that has melted all over some paper work. Az spot's it as he walks through the door....and suppress's a giggle...

" Errrr.....morning sir........turned out nice again eh?", LC Vitcarp just watches him strole in and slams the door. Not much is known, but the everyone on the flight deck heard the fish's voice, and saw CMDR Azazel doing a lot of shrugging and standing to attention.

Maybe CPT Brakka and CMDR Deamon know something??



I woke to the beeps of an R2 unit. 

 " Oh rats im late for the breifing!"

I jumped out of bed and put on my flight suit and boots, and rushed down the

hall to the breifing room.

they had just started.

 "....and there will be a small...... ah yes, here is LT. Darklighter now.

Mr. Darklighter,

care to join us?"

 I was still groggy, so i looked Maj. Ichthese in the eye and said,

 "no, not really, but go ahead."

 "As i was saying, a rebel convoy was sighted en-route to the Minos Cluster.

We think they are part of a secret

re-arming process to try to recapture it."

 " Crusader squadron will escort an X-Wing escape pod with Mr. Darklighter in

it, so they'll pick  him up and think him of a rebel."

I stood up and held my hands out.

 "Whoa, why me?"

 "sit down. We picked you, because your not a big loss if you get killed."

 "oh gee, thanks for the moral support."

 "You have the only experiance with pyro technics, so you get to blow them

up-from the inside."

I rose my hand. "why cant you send in tartarus, or another boming squad?"

Vit looked at me sympatheticly

 " Because, they could warn the entire fleet."

 "i see."

He opened the door and turned to the squadron.

 "We leave in 3 hours. you are dismissed."

We walked out of the room to the mess hall.after 30 minuts of 'good luck' we

went to the hangar bar where my pod was waiting.

 "im gonna go there in this hunk o junk?"

 "yep, were gonna re-modify it with a self detonator. when to land and get

out it will detonate in 5 minutes."

I watched as droids filled the small gargo hold with explosives and a laser.

A small droid came to me.

 "Sir, you are to crash land in the cargo bay. an auto laser will take out 

any by passers, and all communication ports.

You must enter the sewers and go to the last level,

explosives every 10 meters."

Mike walked into the center of the hangar.

 "Ok people, kick the tires, and light the fires, showtime in 30 minuts, get

your game faces on. after we take care of the X-Wing escorts, we get home.

Xeno will do the rest. May the force be with us.


I manuvered the pod away from the action, and watch crusader take care of the


 "Alright Xeno, do your thing, AND NO  FLASHY STUFF!"

 "heh, roger that mike."

I put myself in a controlled spin, just to piss of mike and Vit. i crashed

into the Hangar and watch red lasers destroy every moving thing.

I opened the hatch and immediately the Auto destruct sequence was initiated.

I put the 40 pounds (120 kilos) of explosives into my bag, picked up the

laser and headed

to a man hole. I hopped down and made my way to the last level. As soon as i

got down there, i was confronted by 2 rebel guards.

 "Freeze, scum."

I took out my blaster and aimed at there faces. They dropped to there knees

and begged for there life. I killed them for being stupid.

after i set the charges, i remembered an important detail. i took out my

comlink and called Vit.

 "Grey Wolf you have a problem, HOW AM I GONNA GET BACK?!?"

 "No need to shout, Xeno, were leaving that up to you, over and out"

great.i set the timer for an hour and headed for the hangar. I stole an

A-Wing and headed out.

I watched in Sadistic Glee as the flagship blew up, destroying the multiple

containers around it.

All of a sudden a familiar voice cackled on my comlink.

 "Attention, you are in AoA airspace. turn back or die."

 "Braggart? is that you?"

 "Xeno!! your alive, come on, ill escort you to our flagship!"

On the flagship i met wit old pirate friends, and made new ones.

 " i thought the AoA was destroyed in that last battle."

 "well," braggart explained, "for the most part, we were, but in the end, we

retreated back home, and got recruits. Now how bout you, i saw you explode,

and spin out of control."

 " They only blew off a wing, i managed to get picked up by some imperials.

and i joined them, and im a Lt."

 "well, since you think its ok, a friend of yours is a friend of ours."

The army of the AoA piloted to the grey wolf, and was hailed by Chrusos


 "Yo Vit, dont worry, theres are my Angels of Apocolypes buddies. There here

to join us."

 "Allright, Dock with us, and lets  chat."

After the meeting, with new allies, we all went into the mess hall, for a

nice grog..............



Xeno Darklighter

FM/LT Xeno Darklighter/Crusader 2-4/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

Valkyrie Traning Operation III – Submitted by CM Khadgar

"It’s Lieutenant Commander Yamato, Sir! He’s getting away with classified documents!" Brakka muttered a curse quietly and push a button near one of the speakers. "This is Captain Brakka, all fighters, launch in pursuit of Lieutenant Commander Yamato. Repeat, all crews to their fighters."

All Grey Wolf Squadrons were launched in pursuit of Lieutenant Commander Yamato.

Steadily the fighters launched to get LCM Yamato; eventually they caught up and disabled him.

Suddenly, "Sir, Rebel Cruiser Anarchy entering the area!" "Darn, all fighters, into formation." Brakka said over the Com. The Anarachy launched squadrons of X-Wings and Y-Wings.

"They’re heading for the Grey Wolf!" said one of the pilots. A battle ensued; eventually the bomber flight from Valkyrie managed to heavily damage the Anarchy. The Rebels retreated back to their ship. "We’ll get you, Imperial Scum!"

Shortly after, Yamato was transported to Aurora Prime for trial "How do you plead, Mr. Yamato, to treason?" the Judge said "Guilty on all counts." Yamato responded. "Then, it is the opinion of this of this tribunal that you are to be de-commissioned. You are no longer an officer of the TIE Corps. Your enrollment in the Imperial Academy is hereby terminated."

And with that, Yamato hadn’t been heard from again…

Note: Lieutenant Commander Yamato is not meant to portray any officer of the Emperor’s Hammer or any other club, he is a factious character

: Incoming Tie Fighter, please identify yourself. WC Vitcarp looked out the viewport the incoming Tie Fighter was heading for Grey Wolf.

-Give them one more warning the open fire to disable.

-Sir, this is a class Two Tie Fighter, they cannot be disabled.

-What do you mean?

-Upon impact the ship selfdestructs!

-Got it!

-Send out 3 Tugs armed with Tractor beams!

-Aye Sir!

The young lieutenant ran out, 3 seconds later the COM ordered Red Alert.

The Tie Fighter is brouht aboard ISD Grey Wolf and the pilot comes to Cyric and VitCarp.

The young man salutes! "Sir Targ declared it self its own nation and left the EH"

The Commanding Officers took the news lightly, most of the ppl didn't know what Targ was.

The COM asked politely, and you rushed here why?

-Well Sir (The pilot takes out a gun and shoots a barage and the command staff Most could duck but the communications officer, the system coordinator and the COM were shot,

As LC Vitcarp went to the COM he said one brief sentece, "Take a course on Targ"

4 days later.

COM was shot but was only wounded, the man was captured but upon testing he commited suicide.

Meanwhile hte WC took command of the ship, the enemy forces were to be really tiny, upon last years testing Targ had only one company Thunder. The forces consisted of 6 SPCs, 2 Scouts, and a squadron of Z 95.


As the Task Force came out of hyperspace, it found itself surrounded. 20 enemy task forces stood in the way, each TF had the leading ship as a FRG and up calss vessel.

-Sir!! I count 5 FRG, 4 M/FRG, 1 ISD, 1 CRS, 4 STRC, 1 DRDN, 2 VSD, 1 INT and a SUPER CLASS STARDESTROYER!


The Orders came pouring. The Task Force's ships were to defend the ISD while a small squadron performed a surgical strike against the INT. The squad chosen was Tartarus squadron. The ships were soon loaded with Heavy Bombs, even the agile Tie interceptors.


The Squadron was escorted by Crusader squadron whose fighters were loaded with advanced missiles. Because of heavy bombs the fighters were very slow, so when the enemy fighters appeared the Crusaders charged ahead. 24 Missiles streaked through space, 5 seconds later 24 fireballs showed.


Then teh fighters went into the batltle on lasers. The EH ships had agility, punch and skill, but the enemy had more ships. On each Crusader Pilot there were 50 enemy fighters. The Crusaders got rid of missiles quickly and hte enemy took a 120 ship loss toll. CMDR Marcin got through these don't have shields, AGs use ions to disable, TIs take them out once they are dead in space. Meanwhile the Tartarus squadron engaged their Decoy beams. And got within .5 klicks of the INT. Prepare to fire CMDR Raven Announced. On my count 5 ,4 ,3 ,2 ,1 FIRE!!!! 24 HEAVY BOMBS streaked from the fighters, which had to decloak to fire, 10 fireballs streakde din front of the ships, but still 14 bombs made it. And the INT exploded in a heavy ball of plasma. Sir! came the voice of LT Wes Janson we have enough firepower to take out the SSD! ,Sorry, Wes its too far, look in your rear viewport, as LT looked out he saw 300 dots streaking at them, those are TF!!!!!


As the pilots turned their figters arround and dumped their bombs they ran away. The enemy was very stupid. They continued following us until They came near the bombs then CPT Bruckmack who was nearby activated them, a ginat fireball took out all of the enemy fighters and a nearby support Ship, VSD Miracle.


The fighters reunited with the ASF forces entered the ship.


3 seconds later ISD Grey Wolf and friends were gone.



Later in the briefing room:



WC: What happened?!?!??! How did they get a SSD? Did anyone get an ID On it?

A young promisng LT stands up...

LT Wes Janson: Sir I took a glimpse at it, it returned as SSD Stalwart.

WC: Stalwart? I remember that name. COMM make a search for it.

The unpromisng LT looks at the screen and waits for ASK Space Jeeves to answer the question.

"Sir VSD Stalwart, Property of Kuat Drive Yards 3 years ago missing in action near the Allari Space. Nothing until 2 years ago, now its rISD Stalwart, property of Allari space yards, it destroyer a rebel armada of 12 DRDN and saved the ALLARI Space. severly damaged in battle.

2 ,months ago, SCT Tyrant took a glimpse of the ALLARI Space, The task force we saw compiles to the data.

WC: Thank you, someone get SSD Avenger on the line, tell them we need to borrow their ship.

ShadowHawk: No No and for the last time no. The ship is stationed to protect Aurora, we are not to fight!. The most I can do is give you mine wing, only under one condiion, I get to come.

WC: Great meet our little task force near the 3rd planet in the Allari sector


1 week later.


WC: The SSD was severly damaged thanks to Tartarus, everyone needs to arm with bombs and attack them, dismissed.


CMDR: Guys keep an eye out I feel something bad about to go down.


Incoming Message: This is the Allari fleet, please do not attack alien beings not from our galaxy imitated out leaders revolted and want to attack us, we think they have a huge fleet nearby.


To prove his words 300 HEAVY Class cruisers jumped in. No fighters were present but this huge things got a lot of firepower.

The SSD and the ISDs went into the battle with the ancient battle cry. And the battle started. The EH and Allarian forces contained a total of 3 ISDs, 1 SSD, 5 VSDs, 30 FRG/STRC class ships, 3 CRSs, 2 CRL, 60 CRV/GUNs. And a 2 wings of fighters. The Allarians couldn't imitate the fighter technology


The heavy enemy ships had very lil maneuverabilty the manuaverable figters and CRV/GUNs ezily maneuverd through the storm of fire.

The enemy ships maneuverd into a wall type formation and concentrated their fire on the SSD. But some enemy captains fired at the small ships. In the middlie of the battle the SSD had to rethreat cuz it was seriously damaged but by that time over 200 ships were destroyed. Finally the battle was over, the EH and Allarian forces together lost about 20 ships. That meant that for each of enemy's ships EH gave away 1 CRV.


Total EH losses consisted of 12 CRVs, 2 CRS <---rebel ships are nothing!, and 1 VSD-Which was lost when 15 enemy Ships rammed it. Also there were 24 fighters lost one squad from Each wing.





That’s all for now. 

Keep flying!  We love to fly and soon! The whole of TC will know it!


WC/LC Chrusos Ichthys/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-1rh1gh/LoC-PSx106/CoS/CoL/CoB [LGNR] {IWATS-SM/2-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-XTT-XTM-GFX}
GRD Chrusos Ichthys (Sith)/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum