Wing III - SSSD Sovereign

    Greetings pilots, and welcome to this week's Wing III Report! I'm GN Sasquatch, and I will continue to be your Wing Commander until a recount of the votes in the Outer Rim proves otherwise. (*Seq already gets ready for a full-fledged 'juristical' assault on the Outer Rim voting commitee in case this should happen*)
    We've got lots of news to go over this week (partially because a certain WC failed to release a report for LAST week), so settle in and get ready for a good (?) read.
Wing III Stats
Aleth - 7
Beth - 11
Gimel - 4
Daleth - 8
Hey - 6
Vav - 0 (Inactive)
The Big Guy - 1
Total: 37 (No change from last report)
Combat Response Ratings (CRRs)
Aleth  - CRR Level 2, 10/00
Beth   - CRR Level 5, 10/00 - (Whoohoo! - Seq)
Gimel  - CRR Level 0
Daleth - CRR Level 3, 10/00
Hey    - Currently Testing
Vav    - Inactive
Position Moves (10.31.00 -- 11.12.00)
- FM/SL Dan Jenkins, Hey : Promoted to Lieutenant!
- FM/SL Ordos, Hey : Declared AWOL and removed from rosters
- FM/LCM Jan Schneider, Daleth : Moves to Daleth Flight 3
- TRN/CT Josh Popelka : Promoted to Sub-Lieutenant, assigned to Hey Squad!
- CMDR/MAJ Sequoh Marden, Beth : Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel!!  (that means me doesn't it? - Seq)
- FM/SL Josh Popelka, Hey : Promoted to Lieutenant!
Wing III Extended Training
- FM/LCM Loor, Beth : Passed IWATS Squadron Management II (87%)
- FM/SL August Gladius, Aleth : Passed IWATS mIRC 1
Awards 'n' Stuff
The Bronze Star of the Empire (BS) has been awarded to :
- WC/GN Sasquatch
The Palpatine's Crescent (PC) has been awarded to :
- FM/LCM Loor, Beth
- FM/LCM Ranger, Daleth
- CMDR/CM Osan'gar, Hey
The Imperial Security Medal (ISM) has been awarded to :
- FL/CM Van, Daleth
- FM/LT Tvan'Oris, Hey
Wing III News Headlines
- Thanks to the efforts of SA Kawolski and the fine people over at TC.ORG, the XWA Community of pilots is finally able to take advantage of the new system of BSF submission! Lock and load a pilot file, and then click 'submit' ... it just doesn't get much better than this.
- The Wing III Halloween Spook-tacular came to an end, with medals and praise being heaped upon those who participated. Here's how things ended up :
FM/LCM Ranger / Daleth : "Ghost Story" -- 1st Place, Palpatine's Crescent
FL/CM Van / Daleth : "Return of the Emperor" -- Runner Up, Imperial Security Medal
    Notice something? All two of our submissions came from Daleth Squadron! Nice work, Daleth'ers. The stories are attached to this report ... if you haven't read them yet, then be sure to do so! Also, drop the authors a line and let them know how much you enjoyed their work.
- Hey Squad's flight contest ended with LT Tvan'Oris claiming first place! The good Lieutenant was awarded an ISM (see above) for his victory.
- The Hey Squadron Banner contest came to a close, and I'm proud to announce that Hey Squadron FINALLY has it's own banner! I have already submitted it to the Flight Office for posting on TC.ORG. The winning (and only) entry came from Hey CMDR Osan'gar, and you will find it attached for your viewing pleasure.
- Congratulations to Beth head honcho Sequoh Marden, who was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel this week! Sequoh reports that he may soon have to take a 3-4 week leave from the TIE Corps due to RL complications, but he has assured me that he WILL return. More news on Sequoh's brief absence as it becomes available.
- Hey Squadron's Combat Readiness Test will technically remain active until 11:59pm EST tomorrow. However, I have some great news! As of this very moment, every single pilot in Hey Squad has reported in to me with a pilot file! That's right boys and girls ... it looks like Hey is going to be the first W3 squad to achieve CRR Level 6!!
- Only one of the pilots in the soon-to-be deactivated Gimel Squadron had a request for future placement. The official request for Gimel's deactivation should be in the hands of the Flight Office, and it looks like Aleth and Hey will be picking up some new pilots soon.
- New Hey Squadron Policy announced by CMDR Osan'gar :
    Major Jeff Domm has given some amazing graphics to me which take the form of a golden TIE and a golden Missile Boat. From now, including this CRT the winner of every Hey competition will receive a Golden TIE and when you have won five comps then you will get a golden Missile Boat. There will be medals awarded for a certain number of TIEs obtained as well. A big thank you goes to MAJ Jeff Domm for sending these in.
     A new Hey competition using this new system has already been announced! Hey pilots are to fly as many battles or free missions as they can by November 25th. The pilot with the most FCHG points earned will be declared the winner, and will recieve a Golden TIE.
- The regular season of the Sovereign Squadron League (THE competition for pilots who own TIECD / TIE 95) has ended. Now, the playoffs will begin! Here are the squadrons that have qualified to take part in the playoffs, as reported by WC/GN Wolly :
Sigma Squadron (Wing II)
"The Rat Pack" (SSSD Sovereign Command Officers)
Tornado Squadron (Wing X)
Praetorian Squadron (Elite -- Intelligence Division)
Teth Squadron (Wing IV)
Typhoon Squadron (Wing X)
Tempest Squadron (Wing X)  
Omega Squadron (Elite -- TIE Corps)
Psi Squadron (Wing II)
Rho Squadron (Wign II)  
Inferno Squadron (Wing X)
Cyclone Squadron (Wing X)
Thunder Squadron (Wing X)
Nun Squadron (Wing V)
Kappa Squadron (Wing II)
Yod Squadron (Wing IV)
Theta Squadron (Wing II)
Kaph Squadron (Wing IV)
Mem Squadron (Wing V)
Gamma Squadron (Wing I)
    Unfortunately, none of the squadrons from Wing III made the playoffs ... but that's not surprising since very few of us own TIECD or TIE95! So what this means is that we can now sit back and watch, and root for our favorite teams. And what fun is watching without a few friendly bets? See the orders section below for more.
- The Aleth vs. Beth competition ended on November 8th. Official results have yet to be announced, but from the news I have been receiving, I think Beth was in the lead ... (well, we even won.... :)  - Seq)
- The deadline for the graphics phase of the Supreme Squadron Series (TM) is TODAY! So far, the only entry I have recieved is from Beth's LCM Loor. Remember, the task was to create a recruiting graphic for your squad! Be sure to get any last minute entries in to me ASAP.
- The Wing Commander's Own for October is ... ... ... the envelope, please ... ... ... (wait for it) ... ... ... Daleth Squadron! Daleth has seen a nice rise in activity over the past 30 days, under the watchful eyes of MAJ Daniel Kamprath. Beth continues to be strong (as always), but I think Daleth deserves the award this month for the improvement I've seen. But watch out Daleth, because Hey Squadron just might take it away next month if their upswing in activity continues ... !
Wing III Orders
- Well, the next Sovereign-wide competition has been pushed back to (hopefully) next month. Fear not, COM/FA Kramer assures us all that it will be worth the wait!
- So, to fill the interim, I suppose a new Wing III competition is in order! More news on that in next week's report.
- Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and place your bets!!!
(*Sas puts on his 'bookie' hat and pulls out his little black book of numbers and odds*)
    You say the Sovereign League is only for TIE pilots? You say you want in on this little competitive venture? Well, have I got the answer for you! I am now accepting bets on who will win the Sov SL! Here is how this will work.
    You must e-mail me (with a CC for your CMDR, of course) and place a bet on THREE of the squadrons that I listed above. Be sure to list which squads you think will get 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Correct bets will earn a certain number of points, according to this system :
Correct winning squadron of the Sov SL guessed : 50 pts.
Correct 2nd place squad guessed : 45 pts. (100 pts. if correct 1st place squad is guessed)
Correct 3rd place squad guessed : 45 pts. (150 pts. if correct 1st and 2nd place squads guessed; 100 pts. if only correct 1st OR 2nd guessed)
(30 - amount of spots to actual finishing position) = ??? pts.
    I know that looks like "fuzzy math", so here are a few examples.
    Let's say LT Scoser in Aleth Squadron submits the following bets :
- Psi for 1st
- Typhoon for 2nd
- Teth for 3rd
    And let's say that the final results look like this :
1. Psi
2. Typhoon
3. "Rat Pack"
9. Teth
    LT Scoser would earn 50 points for correctly guessing the winning squad. He also correctly guessed the 2nd place squad, which means he gets 100 points for that guess. Lastly, Teth finished 9th, when Scoser thought they would finish 3rd. (30-6=24) ... so he gets 24 points for that last guess. So his grand total would be 174 points. Getting clearer? Let's do one more example.
    Let's say that LT Joraask Traelander from Daleth places the following bets :
- "Rat Pack" for 1st
- Rho for 2nd
- Tornado for 3rd
    And let's say the final results look like this :
1. Cyclone
2. Rho
3. "Rat Pack"
4. Tornado
    In this example, Joraask guessed that the "Rat Pack" would finish 1st, but they actually finished 3rd. (30-2=28). So that guess gets him 28 points. Next, Joraask guessed that Rho would finish second ... which they did. That one nets him 45 points. Lastly, he guessed that Tornado would finish 3rd, when they actually came in 4th. (30-1=29). So he gets 29 points for that last guess, with a grand total of 102 points.
    As you can see, the most points will come from correctly guessing which squads will finish where, with a maximum of 150 points possible for anyone who correctly bets on the actual top 3 squads. If the math seems complicated, don't worry ... all you have to do is bet, and I will take care of the rest ;-)
    Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that our winner will recieve an Imperial Security Medal, along with the title "Wing III Cantina King (or Queen)"? Well, now you know!
    So, ladies and gentlemen, PLACE YOUR BETS! And be quick about it, because the deadline to submit bets is November 18th!!! And DO place your bets ... this could be the easiest contest you ever win, so I will be extrodinarily ticked off if no one bothers to take part. 'Nuff said.
    Also, I encourage all of you to look up info on the participating squads to make "educated" guesses as to who will win!
Wing III Quote of the Week
"In the words of Fat Albert "HEY HEY HEY!" Welcome to the (I'm sure) highly anticipated Weekly Squadron Report for Aleth!" -- CM Jaster Sadista begins another highly-acclaimed Aleth Squadron report
Other notable quotes this week :
"Sas' wing report will probably give you all the latest Wing news. It SHOULD be out in the next few days." -- CM Osan'gar. Erm ...
"You fly - you live... so easy..." -- WC/GN Wolly defines his policy on competitions
- This weeks discussion topic : Why the heck do the Imperial Commandos wear those giant cockroach shells on their heads???
    Okay, that does it for this week! Remember to place your bets, and Fly High and Watch Your Six!
WC/GN Sasquatch / Wing III / SSSD Sovereign
[BSx3] [PCx11] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E] [IWATS-SM-TT-TM-M-IIC-GFX] [GALL]
M-T/A 'Silhouette'
Wing III - Phantoms
"We are your Grim Reaper"


    It's aliiiiiiiive!!! Alive, I tell you! The Wing III report is Aliiiiiveeee!!! Oh, that guy at my ISP said I was mad, but who's laughing now???
    Welcome to a fairly late edition of the Wing III report, and don't mind Igor over there, he's just grouchy today.
Wing III Stats
Aleth - 7
Beth - 11
Gimel - 4
Daleth - 8
Hey - 6
Vav - 0 (Inactive)
Lead Ghoul - 1
Total: 37 (+1 from last report)
Combat Response Ratings
Aleth  - CRR Level 2, 10/00
Beth   - CRR Level 5, 10/00
Gimel  - CRR Level 0
Daleth - CRR Level 3, 10/00
Hey    - CRR Level 0
Vav    - Inactive
Position Moves (10.22.00 -- 10.31.00)
- FM/LT Seth Lionheart, Aleth : Demoted to SL after conviction for cheating
- CMDR/CM Var Zoraan : Transfers back to Beth Squadron as a FM!
- FL/CM Treb Helfest, Gimel : Transfers to Spear Squadron in Wing IX
- FL/LCM Osan'gar, Hey : Promoted to Commander and advanced to CMDR of Hey Squadron!
- FM/MAJ Jeffery Domm, Hey : Advanced to Flight Leader
- TRN/CT August Gladius : Promoted to Sub-Lieutenant and assigned to Aleth Squadron!
- TRN/CT Joran Dax : Promoted to Sub-Lieutenant and assigned to Beth Squadron!
- FM/SL Joran Dax, Beth : Promoted to Lieutenant!
Awards 'n' Stuff
The Palpatine's Crescent [PC] has been awarded to :
- MAJ Sequoh Marden, Beth
The Imperial Security Medal [ISM] has been awarded to :
- LT Rapper, Daleth
- CM Cray Mikalen, Beth
- MAJ Sequoh Marden, Beth
Wing III News Headlines
- It's Halloween! Stop by my office and I'll throw some candy at you ;-)
- It's that time again ... MSE time! All CMDRs be sure to get these in to me pronto.
- WC's Own for October to be announced next week!
- Daleth Squadron survived their first ever Combat Readiness Test, and returned with a very respectable CRR Level 3! Nice work, Daleth!
- Congrats to CM Osan'gar, who has taken the step from A-CMDR to full-time CMDR of Hey Squadron, and gotten promoted to Commander as well!
- Speaking of Hey Squad, they are scheduled to begin their first CRT next week! Get pumped Hey pilots, and good luck.
- The Aleth vs. Beth challenge will begin on November 1st! A Free Mission will be flown, and the winning squadron will be determined by using the average score of the top 4 entries from each squad. ISMs will be awarded to highest scorers from each squad.
- Brand spankin' New Hey Squad Message Board, courtesy of CMDR Osan'gar :
- Be sure to welcome the resident 'new guys', SL August Gladius and LT Joran Dax! Also, a hearty 'welcome back' goes out to W3 veteran CM Var Zoraan, who transferred back to Beth Squad this week.
- Gimel Squadron has been gutted after numerous AWOLs and transfers. The CMDR and both FLs are gone, leaving only 4 pilots, 2 of which are SLs. One of two things will happen this week : Either Gimel will recieve a new CMDR (I already have all the applications that I am accepting, thanks), or Gimel will be closed down and the remaining four pilots will be distributed throughout the wing. If you are a member of Gimel Squadron, you will be hearing more about this soon.
- Kind of a short news section this week ... things have been quiet. A little too quiet ...
Wing III Orders
- The W3 Halloween Ghost Story ends today! If you haven't submitted a story yet, be sure to get it in to me before 12:00 EST tonight! You will find the two entries that I have recieved so far attached for your reading pleasure. Remember that the winner will get a PC, and all other participants will get an ISM just for making the effort :
- New Sovereign-wide competition begins in November!
Wing III Quote of the Week
"(Heavy drums start for the intro sequence...Dummm... Dum Dum Dummm...)
(Buffet then tries to do a high-kick, but unlike Buffy - The Vampire Slayer, he has something between his legs that hurts when he does so)
 -- CPT Werdna Elbee discovers why women make the best Vampire Slayers
Other Notable Quotes this week :
"It’s sad to admit it, but yes, our beloved stormtroopers were beaten by midgets on rogaine. Thank god I’m a pilot!" -- CM Cray Mikalen responds to last week's discussion topic about Ewoks
"I've been thinking yet again (Yes I know how dangerous this is But....)" -- CM Egg'Foo engages in a dangerous activity
"*Seq starts singing: What do you do with a drunken rebel... and starts walking slowly towards the cantina sometimes swinging left and right - he obviously isn't that sober anymore* (woah! had too much milk this morning!)" -- MAJ Sequoh Marden ... it seems that someone must have spiked the milk ...
"Wonderful news for you to pass along to your pilots!  I hereby declare that an armistice between the ScorpTroopers (and all other 'Loyalty Officers') and the pilots under my command!!!  This state will last until the end of October . . . enjoy the party!!!! -- COM / FA "Just earned my Green Belt" Kramer
"::Mouth hangs open in shock:: you mean.. i can actually move my stuff OUT of the Pit???  HURRAY!!  Party in the Lounge!!! WOO!!  And drinks are NOT on me ;P I know better.." -- WC/LC Joe, who almost went bankrupt the last time he bought the drinks ...
"Ok Hey Squadron listen up, its your favorite time of the week - Osan'gars squadron report *thunderous clapping is heard*." -- CM Osan'gar's first squadron report opens to rave reviews
"Everyone welcome SL August Gladius to Aleth! I think I might know the new SL from somewhere else, and if he is who I'm thinking of, here's a word of advice: keep your women away from him. He knows what I mean ..." -- CM Jaster Sadista warns Aleth Squadron about the new pilot
"I think you'll like it here in Beth. We are all well trained in the art of the SPOON. We are unstoppable! If we come to a bar, we never leave...voluntarily." -- CM Cray Mikalen welcomes Beth's new pilot
"Ah the art of the spoon. Surely one of the most ancient and deadly arts in the galaxy, even the Jedi run in terror at the sight of THE SPOON. Sounds like my kind on place." -- LT Joran Dax catches on quick
- This week's discussion topic : If you throw silverware at a werewolf, will it kill him?
    Okay, that about wraps it up for this week. Have a safe and happy Halloween, and Fly High and Watch Your Six!
WC/GN Sasquatch / Wing III / SSSD Sovereign
[BSx2] [PCx11] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E] [IWATS-SM-TT-TM-M-IIC-GFX] [GALL]
M-T/A 'Silhouette'
Wing III - Phantoms
"We are your Grim Reaper"

    Velcome, velcome to castle Sasquatchula! Do step inside and make yourself at home. Also, please fill out these medical history forms so I will know if it is safe to suck your blood ...
    Ahem ... vell, vhat I meant to say vas, velcome to the Ving III veekly report! Okay, I'll be stopping vith the cheesy vampire accent now ...
    Not a terrible lot of activity this week, but still plenty of news to go over. Settle in and prepare for a good read.
Wing III Stats
Aleth - 6
Beth - 9
Gimel - 6
Daleth - 8
Hey - 6
Vav - 0 (Inactive)
Head Vampire - 1
Total: 36 (-1 from last week)
Combat Response Ratings
Aleth - CRR Level 2
Beth - CRR Level 5
Gimel - CRR Level 0 (Untested)
Daleth - Currently Testing
Hey - CRR Level 0 (Untested)
Vav - Inactive
Position Moves (10.15.00 -- 10.22.00)
- FM/LCM Mayk Wolverine, Aleth : Advanced to Flight Leader!
- FL/LCM Nurel Turr, Aleth : Advanced to Flight Leader!
- FM/LT Jia Kinaor, Gimel : Declared AWOL and removed from rosters
Awards 'n' Stuff
None this week ...
Wing III News Headlines
- Our first ever Combat Readiness Tests have been completed by Aleth and Beth Squadrons! Due to unusual hyper-activity in RL, I was JUST able to mail out the results a few hours ago >:-/
    Anyway, congrats go out to Aleth, which passed with a respectable CRR Level 2, qualifing them for squad vs. squad competitions with anyone in the fleet (except elite squads). And a great job by Beth Squadron, who passed with flying colors and achieved CRR Level 5 in their very first attempt! That means that Beth has earned my permission to challenge an elite squad, or even a squad in one of the EH's allied clubs! Very nicely done, gentlemen.
- Next up on the CRT front : Daleth Squadron! All the pilots of Daleth still have until 11:59pm EST tonight to get their pilot files in to me. Participation wasn't very good at first, but a flood of pilot files over the past few days means that Daleth is doing well! Only two pilots have failed to report in thus far.
- Daleth's CM Egg'Foo submitted two ideas to SA Kawolski about a history of service on TC.ORG personnel profiles, and a 'Loyalty Medal' that would be awarded for spending a certain amount of time in a squad or wing. Unfortunatly, the medal idea was shot down because GA Ronin has announced that there will be no new medals (unless he comes up with them), and the history of service idea (my personal favorite) didn't recieve very much attention ...
- New Hey Squadron Message Board, courtesy of A-CMDR Osan'gar :
- The Wing III e-group recieved both continued use and continued criticism this week. I ended up putting my foot down about the whole criticism thing, and upon reflection, I guess I must have unintentionally stepped on some people's toes when I did it. So I just want to say that I don't think anything less of the people who complained ... everyone's entitled to an opinion. But I also don't want to see anymore complaints, either. Communication is a fun part of being in the TIE Corps, and it's a vital element in having an active and successful wing (or squad). And to be brutally honest, we need more of it in good ol' Wing III.
- This just in from LCM Mayk Wolverine :
For all interested: Aleth Meeting schedule :


GMT - Greenwich Mean Time 18 : 00  (19:00 CET)

1h = 15 grades on map :)

If you are on 15 E then 1 hour later than GMT
If you are on 15 W then 1 hour earlier than GMT
Use math  and your brain (if you have one - too much drinks) :)
- We've all heard the horror stories about COM/FA Kramer's favorite way of punishing hapless pilots ... the Scorpions. And, we all know that THE SCORPIONS reside in the dreaded PIT. But until recently, we didn't really know what it looked like ...
    But all of that is fixed now, because WC/LC Inkwolf took her camera along during her latest 'visit'. Be sure to check out the attached photo to see why you don't wanna get on the COM's bad side!
- CM Cray Mikalen reports a total update of the Wing III Uniform Archive!!! Be sure to admire his handiwork at :
- Also, SA Kawolski has updated the TC.ORG database to support uniform displays on your personnel profile! Since Cray has already taken the time to make uniforms for EVERYBODY, be sure to go get your uniform from the W3 archive and post it to your personnel profile on TC.ORG!
- Aleth / Beth competition currently in the works now that each squad is CRR qualified ... stay tuned, more news as it becomes available ...
- Gimel CMDR CPT Pete Mitchell has decided to step down from his post, and to leave Wing III entirely to head off to the BattleGroups and join former W3'er CM Quake! This means that the postition of Gimel CMDR is open.
- Speaking of positions, the job of Hey CMDR has been filled! My choice is made, and has been for some time. I'm just waiting on the rosters to be updated so that I can announce it to everyone. I believe FO Sarriss said something about not being able to update the rosters for a while (perhaps a short leave), so this was expected. Stay tuned.
- About our numbers : Alarmingly enough, we've had several officers jump ship from Wing III. A handful of good folks left Aleth for the TC Reserves last week, and recent AWOLs, AWOLs-to-be, and now Pete's departure mean that our numbers will continue to decrease. THIS IS NOT GOOD! And unfortunatly, the situation is much the same throughout most of the other Sovereign wings. What this means is that, now more than ever, we need to be recruiting like crazy. Did you know that, at full capacity, a typical wing of EH starfighters is capable of supporting 72 pilots? It seems unreal, especially since we're down at about 35 right now, less than half capacity. Remember folks, anyone even REMOTELY interested in Star Wars is a potential EH Rebel-basher. Don't be afraid to bring the topic up.
- Hey Squadron "Bash-a-Rebel" and Banner Design contests continue to run, until October 27th and 31st, respectively. All Hey pilots, especially Sub-Lieutenants who are desperatly in need of promotion, are encouraged to participate.
- Be sure to check out the newest edition of BattleCry, put out by our very own CPT Werdna Elbee :
Wing III Orders
- The Wing III Halloween Spook-tacular!!! A cheesy name for our newest Wing competition? You bet!
    Due to the lack of Halloween-ish or scary missions in the database (well, maybe except for the one where Kessler is trying to romance a certain female officer), this particular competition will have no flight portion. Instead, I want you all to be (gasp!) creative! Your assignment is to write an EH ghost story. Be as creepy as possible, and have fun with it! Inclusion of actual W3 officers or scenarios is encouraged, but not required. Submissions will be judged by yours truly, and the winner will have the honor of becoming the official W3 'ghost story' ... at least until next year. And if that just isn't enough, I'll throw in a Palpatine's Crescent to sweeten the deal for the winner, and even an Imperial Security Medal for the runners up. That means EVERYONE who participates is GUARENTEED to recieve AT LEAST an ISM. Why, you ask? Has our insane WC gone completely around the bend? No, but I realize that fiction writing is difficult, and very often a thankless job. Also, check out the deadline ...
    In keeping with the Halloween-ish theme here, the deadline is October 31st! That means you have roughly a week and a half. Now, to be eligable for that minimum ISM, your entry MUST be AT LEAST 500 words, no more than 3000 please, and it must be in my inbox by October 31st ... no easy task for most of us. All submissions will be distributed for the wing and the ship to read. Good luck to you all, and I'm looking forward to reading these ;-)
- Recruit, recruit, recruit!!!
- Get pumped for next month's Sovereign-wide competition, which will feature a Wargame type atmosphere ...
Wing III Quote of the Week
"OOPS" -- CM Van, upon being told that he forgot to include his ID line in his last e-mail. For this reply, he simply signed it, "Van". Love that sarcasm ;-)
"Steve: Look over there at that creature. Due to it sitting in the big chair and the way he orders everyone around, it can only be the beast called the "FA Kramer." Right, now I'm going to sneak up behind it and stick my thumb up it's butthole...and that should really piss it off !!! (The camera moves to follow the insane Australian. The deed is then done on the "FA Kramer." The camera shakes around, only catching glimpses of Steve being torn into shreds.) Crikie, mate!!!" -- CPT Werdna Elbee details The Crocodile Hunter's latest exploits ...
"So everyone stop moaning about how your mailbox is full up, doesn't everyone like having lots of mails to read?" -- LCM Osan'gar defends the now infamous 'Morale Test', which split the wing in two in a debate between pilots who loved it or hated it
"Also, anyone who doesn't reply to the morale test WILL BE SHOT!!! So keep your morale up, or else." -- Werdna's at it again. No, he wasn't joking ;-)
"Fifthly, Force Commander.  I just bought it, does it get better?  This 'Desert Training' is awful ..." -- COM/FA Kramer discovers the horrible truth about Force Commander (*Sas stares at the never-been-played copy of FC that he has, and considers selling it to some poor fool on E-Bay*)
"All of this stuff I learnt at school - but I'm no geographic genius!" -- LCM Mayk Wolverine discusses time zones
"Luckily it's just the SSS and nothing important!" -- MAJ Sequoh Marden, who strives every day to win the SSS, because it's just so dang important to both him and his squad ...
"Never leave a 10,000 word project on British Political history until a week before it is meant to be handed in." -- LCM Osan'gar relates some of his RL difficulties ... ouch.
"It's chock full of Aleth goodness!" -- CM Jaster Sadista inadvertantly comes up with Aleth's new motto ;-)
"Oh, and one thing about the CRR for next month: When you send your pilot file to me DON'T FORGET TO SEND IT TO GN SAS AS WELL!!!!!! AAARRRGGGG!" -- Jaster blows off some steam about Aleth's CRT woes ...

- This week's discussion topic : Ewoks. Saviors of Endor, or hairy midgets with health disorders? You be the judge.
- EVIL DEAD / ARMY OF DARKNESS NEWS!!! Who wants some? Attention all Army of Darkness fans! McFarlane toys, makers of the Spawn series of collector's figures, has released ASH from AoD as one of the characters in their "Movie Maniacs : Series Three" collection. You'll find a picture in the attached .ZIP file. Oh yeah, you know I already have mine! He now stands watch right under my Star Destroyer, with chain saw gleaming in the artifical light.
    But even better than that is the fact that the EVIL DEAD VIDEO GAME, Evil Dead : Hail to the King, will be released on October 30th! Come get some! With Bruce Campbell as the voice of Ash, everyone's favorite deadite slashing, trash talking hero. Since I love spreading the word about this stuff, you will also find an ED:HK advertisement attached in the .ZIP file, which kind of says it all.
    What's that you say? You want to know more? You want to download a gameplay trailer? You want pics and audio from the voice over session with Bruce Campbell? Then come to poppa :
    Basically, what we've got here is a terrific movie tie in, with the creators of the hit game Parasite Eve doing the work. All the critics are excited, so am I, and you should be too. Evil Dead : Hail to the King will release for PC CD-ROM, Dreamcast and PlayStation ... and odds are you already have at least one of those. Happy Halloween, ED and AoD fans!
    Okay, that just about wraps things up for this week. Until next time ... Fly High and Watch Your Six!
WC/GN Sasquatch / Wing III / SSSD Sovereign
[BSx2] [PCx11] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E] [IWATS-SM-TT-TM-M-IIC-GFX] [GALL]
M-T/A 'Silhouette'
Wing III - Phantoms
"We are your Grim Reaper"