Written by Jonathan M. Swinarski
(a.k.a Jarak Maldon)
Author's Introduction:

This work of fiction, based on the characters of the
Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet and those created in other works of fiction by her members, is part of the larger Imperial Orthodoxy Series. I suggest you read "Far Upon the Tide" and "An Internal Affair" before continuing onto this work.

ISD Colossus, Near Phare...

"I don't care!" Vice Admiral Ari Gilder barked at his Chief of Weaponry, who stated that weapons were not fully charged. "That thing out there is a threat to Imperial security! Fire!"

Yellow darts blasted from the laser cannons of the Imperial Star Destroyer Colossus. Each one of them found it's target, a Ssi-Ruuk cruiser. The egg-shaped craft, nearly six-hundred meters in length, fell into the laser sights of the Colossus only minutes before. The threat of the Ssi-Ruuk was believed gone, but Ari was not taking the smallest of chances. Last time they breached Imperial space a world was lost to the Rebels.

The shots from the Colossus burned the outer hull of the enemy ship, but did little more than that. The fusion-powered engines of the Ssi-Ruuvi ship flared in a desperate attempt to escape the guns of the destroyer. She hurled her own plasma weapons back at her enemy, causing only minor damage.

"They're pulling out, sir," the Scanner Tech said to his Commodore, "it looks like they're running as fast as they can. Their reactor is running awfully hot."

Ari signed and turned to his Comtech sitting in the starboard crew pit. "Can you get a transmission through to that ship? I'd really like to know what they are up to so far from their pathetic little home."

"I'll try sir." The Comtech's fingers flew over his control station in a near-futile attempt to raise his retreating enemy. He frequently spoke words of identification into his microphone, only to hear static in return. "Wait, sir! I'm receiving a visual feed. It's pretty weak but I think I can get it up."

"Do it!" Ari ordered.

The main communications viewscreen rose from the floor between the two crew pits. When it reached it's fully extended position the screen came to live. A wave of ear-piercing static blasted though the bridge. After some adjustments by the comtech the transmission cleared up, even if it was only slight.

A form took shape, a twisted one. A large green and blue alien appeared, small tongues extended from it's nostrils. It moved its massive saurian head in the direction of Ari, who stood proud on his bridge. "Es tre wenns shree, Cooolll-ouss-uss! Schreen si tess?"

The odd alien dialect continued to pour from the viewscreen. Ari's patience ran very short. "Can you run that though a translation matrix? I think the Ssi-Ruuvi file is still in there somewhere."

After a few moments the Comtech successfully loaded the program. The speech became slurred, then came out of the speakers in harsh, yet understandable basic. "Warship Colossus, you are Enemies of our Imperium! You will not be allowed to live in our presence, your entechment will commence!"

Ari glanced back at the Comtech. "Can you translate my words into his speech?"

"I can try," the man replied.

"Well do it." Ari waited a few moments as the program loaded. The Comtech gave him a go-ahead signal a few seconds later. "Ssi-Ruuvi commander, this is Vice Admiral Ari Gilder commanding the destroyer Colossus. Your ship is no match for our own. State your intentions immediately!"

A few moments paused, then the alien spoke again. "Ari of the un-enteched, our goals are to meet with our force and you are in our way! Logic states that we dispose of you before we continue, and we will do so now. You must surrender now or be destroyed."

"I won't be doing that, your lizardness." Ari motioned to the Comtech to kill the transmission. "Tactical, what are the offensive capabilities of that hunk of garbage out there?"

"Limited," a middle-aged Lieutenant Commander said from the tactical station. "Data from Bakura indicates that this ship is a heavy picket ship, no more. Typical Ssi-Ruuvi plasma weapons aboard. I don't doubt she is carrying some battle droids as well."

"Then let's dispose of this heavy picket ship. Ready all laser and turbolaser stations for full combat. Inform Mu and Nu Squadrons to prepare for launch. I want Commander Tethys' boys armed with advanced missiles in case they want to play full-contact shockball."

True to her commander's word the Ssi-Ruuvi ship banked hard around and flew point-blank towards the Colossus. She opened up with a stream of plasma fire and cut across the shields of the destroyer. A few streams of plasma energy managed to break though and hit the massive Imperial vessel, causing some surface damage to the outer hull and a few burnt-out laser cannons.

The Star Destroyer responded by blasting four shots from the heavy turbolaser batteries right into the brow of the Ssi-Ruuvi ship. The intense beams of energy seared against the shields of the egg-shaped ship and broke through. The laser blasts slammed full-force into the hull of the ship blasting away large chunks of hits outer hull and leaving behind massive black marks along her sides. The flames of fires within the ship were quelled by the vacuum of space.

The Ssi-Ruuk responded by pulling hard up, causing their ship to fly along the centerline of the Colossus. This was a very idiotic strategy since most of the heavy weaponry of the destroyer could easily hit the ship. While the first four turbolaser stations recharged the other four opened up and blasted the ventral surface of the picket ship. Two blue bolts from the heavy ion cannons seared into the massive fusion engine of the ship, darkening its glow a bit.

"I don't understand," Ari said, "they don't appear to fire back much. Launch Mu and Nu Squadrons, tell them to finish that ship off. Helm, steer sixty degrees starboard and ahead half on that heading. Tactical, keep a steady stream of laser fire going on them."

The flights of TIE Defenders and Missile boats spilled from the main hanger of the Colossus. Three TIE Advanced fighters from Nu Squadron followed closely behind. They flew directly towards the Ssi-Ruuvi ship, waiting for their missile lock tones to beep in so they could send off a brilliant display of yellow rockets into the guts of the alien ship.

"Mu three flight," Commander Amadeo, Squadron Commander of Mu in his TIE Defender, said over the communications channel, "open fire with heavy rockets. Take that lizard ship down!"

The four missile boats of Mu Flight III opened up with a harry of eight rockets. The large, bulky projectiles soared though space dead-on target with the Ssi-Ruuk ship. Each one of them brilliantly slammed into it's side, leaving a smoldering hole in the side of the ship. The picket ship started to wane sideways in a desperate attempt to get out of the Colossus's firing range.

Then the battle droids came. The pyramid-shaped ships were inhabited by the life force's of dozens of enteched beings, mostly smaller slave species of the Ssi-Ruuk. Swarms of them appeared, over seventy easily. They overtook the four missile boats and pumped bolts of energy into them. Two blew apart instantly. The other two were locked onto by the droid starfighters. Their pilots were being stolen.

"Damn it!" Ari yelled on his ship's bridge. "Commander Tethys, arm all weapons and finish those damn things off before you all get vaped. Tactical, target them with every laser cannon you got and open fire!"

The two droids who had stolen the Missile Boat pilots retreated to their wounded mother ship. The remainder fought a valiant battle against the advanced Imperial fighters. Several of Mu's defenders, armed with only heavy rockets, could not defend themselves in time. Three of their defenders were vaporised by the Ssi-Ruuvi weapons.

Nu had better luck. Their missiles found targets and eradicated them quickly. Before long the loaded Missile Boats and TIE Avengers of Nu took down half of the enemy droids. The primary target, however, made its escape. The picket ship's engines flared, and she jetted into the safety of hyperspace.

Ari watched from his bridge as Nu and Mu, despite losses, fought off the last of the Ssi-Ruuvi droid fighters. Wounded but triumphant they returned to their hanger bays.

"Get me Battlegroup command immediately," Ari told his Comtech. "The Command Staff needs to know about this, now."

Imperial Orthodoxy Command, Planet Oneve...

Supreme Moff Lardo Babune's palace on Oneve was more like a fortress. The planet was in its advanced age, approaching its death. Magma was beginning to cool in the mantle, forcing the rock layers above to become incredibly brittle. The weight of the solidified rock would put pressure on the liquid core, causing frequent earthquakes due to the necessary release of pressure. Within a few thousand years the pressure would build to a point whereas the entire planet would explode.

The palace was built in the military district of Oneve City, a conglomeration of small, resistant buildings laid out in a strict grid pattern. The military district was about five kilometers from the city center. Inside of its fortress walls laid barracks, hangers, and training facilities. Babune's palace rose like a dark pyramid from the center of this district. He sat in his personal throne room atop this grand structure.

He breathed a deep sigh and slumped into his spartan durasteel chair. His personal display indicated that contact with the Shriwen, the Ssi-Ruuvi Picket Ship, and been lost. The reason- she was attacked by the Star Destroyer Colossus, the same ship that scared away one of his own destroyers months before during his failed attempt to invade the Emperor's Hammer as a result of failed Republic invasion.

Babune credited himself as a military strategist, not as good as Thrawn, whose ideals bought him a ticket to the Unknown Regions, but a good one none-the-less. His plan was so sound, so complete. Had it not been for Val Ricaud it would have succeeded. Now it was in ruin. His destroyers where there, and his mighty flagship was nearing completion. Ever since the relations between his power and the Emperor's Hammer were severed there were a few minor incidents, including a near-skirmish between one of his own ship and the Hammer's Relentless.

I have my plans, though, Babune thought. And this one is very important to my success!

The small Ssi-Ruuvi ship had ventured away from its base, which was recently attacked by an Imperial Fleet operating out of a base in the downspin Epsilon Sector. That Ssi-Ruuvi base was one of the last outside their Imperium near the Unknown Regions. Babune's securing of Ssi-Ruuvi technology from Bakura allowed him to contact the ship, disguising himself as a late Ssi-Ruuk admiral, and lure it into Imperial Territory in the Aurora Sector. If not for the Emperor's Hammer that ship would have been in his hands by now.

Again, Babune sighed. He watched as the main doorway to his personal chambers opened to admit a tall, stocky man escorted by two shorter officers dressed in naval trooper gear and carrying fully-charged blaster rifles. Normally Babune wouldn't allow arms in his chambers, but the guest demanded it. If it had been any other person the Supreme Moff would have had him shot.

The center officer gave a hand signal to his escorts, prompting them to fall back and stand at ease. The center figure then removed his officers cap, which bore a commodore's insignia, and stepped forward towards Babune. On his approach he bowed down in respect, a standard greeting from a member of the admiralty to the Moff.

"My lord," he said, "an honor to serve you once again. I am at your disposal."

Babune nodded and gave a half-rate salute. "Welcome to my chambers, Rear Admiral Krasan. Please," Babune motioned to a chair directly across from him, "have a seat."

"I understand from your transmission that you have important matters for me," Krasan said as he sat in the uncomfortable chair. "The Glorious Dreams, as an Orthodoxy vessel, is at your disposal."

Babune nodded in acceptance. "I do hope you understand, Admiral, that this conversation must be kept between only us and valued members of your crew. It is classified highly, understand?"

"Of course, sir."

With Krasan's approval Babune reached over and pushed a button on his own armrest. A transparasteel canopy lowered from the high ceiling, enclosing the two men in a ten-meter circle. "Three days ago I gained contact, using foreign technology, with the Shriwen, a Ssi-Ruuk picket ship based out of an old Ssi-Ruuvi colony world that was recently attacked by the Empire."

"The Ssi-Ruuvi?" Krasan asked with interest. "I thought no contact with them was made after the New Republic's push into their territory a few years ago?"

"They did maintain several other colonies in known space." Babune found it irritating to explain things, especially when he gave orders. Several of his men lost their lives when Babune had to do this. "The 8th Rim Fleet, those who attacked the base, claim that this is the last in the Empire. I had to act then in order to secure my goal of capturing an intact Entechment station.

"You see, Krasan, at the Bakura battle I was able to see first-hand how their technology worked. The Republic captured all of their equipment. I was, however, able to acquire a small amount of Ssi-Ruuvi technology including some components to a destroyed Entechment booth. I knew this possessed the capability to transfer life force into a machine."

Krasan became instantly impressed. To make a living being into a machine...

"In order to test the procedure," Babune continued, "I will need an intact and fully operational device. I know through the communications I was able to make that the Shriwen has one aboard. They were en route when they were attacked by a Emperor's Hammer starship, the destroyer Colossus, and damaged. All I know now is that the ship is somewhere in the Minos Nebula region."

"I take it, sir, you want me to pursue?" Krasan asked.

"Yes, Admiral, and capture. It is a given that the Emperor's Hammer will be launching their own campaign to capture this ship as well and as soon as the Republic catches wind they will be here faster than a Wampa to it's dinner."

Babune pushed another button on his control board. A small holoprojector displayed a 3D representation of the Minos Nebula, a massive stellar field of stardust and gas. "From what I can fathom they are somewhere in the beta sector, near the Republic border. Since this is the only place where all three powers intersect this may be dangerous to operate in."

"I will see to it there is no problem," Krasan said smugly.

"Of course." Babune closed down the map. "I will transfer one of their communications arrays, same as I used, to your vessel. When you find the Ssi-Ruuk ship you are to board it, eliminate any resistance, capture the highest-ranking officer alive, and take the entechment technology. Also copy their entire computer library if you can and wipe it clean afterwards."


"One last thing, Admiral." Babune stood and drew a breath. "Don't engage any Republic or Hammer ship you come across, just say your conducting tests of the region and agree to leave immediately. After you are done with the Shriwen then leave it for dead and make it look like this is how they ended up after their skirmish with the Colossus."

"Of course, sir, I won't fail."

"Good. Dismissed."

Subspace Holocom Conference...

Vice Admiral Theodore, which was the basic name of one Coruscantian orphan known only as "Bvr," sat in his main conference room aboard the Star Destroyer Challenge, which was in orbit of the planet Sif. In front of him sat the command staff of the Challenge as well as the Immortal. Vice Admirals Ari Gilder and Jarak Maldon, as well as Fleet Admiral Kyle Kessler, appeared in holograph before him.

The battle log of the Colossus concluded its playback. Ari began speaking. "As you see we damaged her but good, but still lost a few pilots. Our tracking indicates that she hypered somewhere near the Minos Nebula. My techs say that it is ninety percent accurate."

"Thank you, Ari," Theodore said. "Your own ship status?"

"We are en route to the Heir System as ordered by command," Ari said. "Besides starfighter loss we took some hull damage and lost a few tractor beam projectors. The repair docks at Heir should be more than enough to take care of all of our damage."

"Do you think they are still a threat?" Corran Force, Commodore of Challenge, asked.

Ari shook his head. "Chances are they are not. We beat them up pretty good, as you saw in the battle playback. If they are heading to the nebula, however, they may be able to repair themselves."

"A common tactic," Vice Admiral Marc, Commodore of Immortal, added. "Most cadets know that Azare Style nebulas like the one on the fringes of the Minos Cluster are heavens for damaged starships. During the mainstay of the war dozens of Mon Calamari cruisers escaped destruction by hiding there."

"So they still could be a threat?" Jarak Maldon asked.

"I hardly think so," Kessler said. "One picket ship is not necessarily a threat. The Colossus nearly destroyed her during their battle. Let them die in there."

"Sir," Theodore added, "when the Aggressor Strike Force destroyer Intrepid engaged and damaged a Rebel frigate they too thought they were no longer threatening and left them. Two days later that same frigate reappeared and caused heavy damage to the repair docks at Karana. I think this needs to be investigated further, this is the Ssi-Ruuvi we are talking about here."

"Noted," Kessler added, "but I am sure that the Grand Admiral would not approve of us sending in a task force to destroy one ship. Granted he knows the threat the Ssi-Ruuvi possess but this is only one ship. What information do you have?"

Theodore accessed the control panel in front of him and activated a standard map program. The Map displayed the galaxy and its political holdings. The Empire was fractioned in the deep core, but still strong in the Rim sectors. Most of Imperial territory was Galactic North from the Mid Rim upward. Recently there was dispute to capture Warlord Zisnj's territory in the Mid Rim along the Perlemian Trade Route. The Hydian Way run from Zisnj's old territory up through the Centran Cluster to the Corporate Sector in the Tingel Arm. Most of that area was independent or loyal to the Republic.

Save the holdings in Galactic North and in the Deep Core the Empire did not have much else, save a line of space along the Galactic Edge in the Galactic South sector.

The 2D map displayed the entire Galactic South region remarkably from the Expansion Region all the way to the galactic fringes. The Rimma Trade Route and Hydian Way became visible, then star systems and political boundaries were drawn. From Sullust to Naboo was the oval-shaped Andran Federation, a collection of hundreds of star systems loyal to the New Republic. The Republic's space was shaded orange, and that territory ran all the way from Sullust, past Sluis Van, to the fringes of the Minos Cluster.

Republic territory curled around the semi-independent, but Republic-friendly, Elrood Sector. It then expanded on towards worlds like Tatooine and Ryloth, taking up a good chunk of the Galactic South sector. Most of the space between the Rimma Trade Route and the Corellian Run was loyal or friendly to the Republic. Upspin from the Corellian Run was Bothan then Hutt Territory. The Empire controlled little there until you went almost totally across the galaxy to Yaga Minor. Beyond the terminus of the Route was Wild Space, no one ruled there. Most illegal trade traffic from Hutt Space to the Minos and Kathol Sectors ran though there.

Between the Minos Cluster, which most of was under Republic control, and the Elrood Sector was the Imperial Orthodoxy, the hardly-loyal faction had caused trouble on more than one occasion. Beyond the Minos Cluster, extending almost to the Kathol Sector and downspin towards the Ison Corridor was the Epsilon Sector, most of which was Emperor's Hammer territory.

The EH controlled several major systems, but its territory included dozens more worlds. The majority of its holdings were in the Aurora Sector adjacent to the Minos Cluster. The Kathol Sector was under Imperial Control, as was the remainder of the Epsilon Sector through Ison and Bespin. Beyond the Ison Corridor was little of anything, including the worlds of Bakura and Endor, loyal to the Republic. Dowspin from Bakura and Endor was the Unknown Regions, and Ssi-Ruuvi Space.

"The edge of Ssi-Ruuvi territory," Theodore began, "is nearly thirty-thousand light years away. A hyperspace journey would require ten days and ten course alterations due to gravimetric anomalies in the Ison Corridor. Even then you would have to travel through Imperial and Republic territory."

"A small base, then?" Jarak asked.

"A possibility," Kessler noted. "I'll check up with news reports now and get back to you in a few moments. Which ship is currently closest to the Minos Nebula?"

"The Relentless," Jarak said. "We are currently five light years from her edge. We can be there in a matter of minutes if so desired."

A few minutes passed. No one spoke, save for a few mumbles and coughs made by Ari. At one point Marc and Corran Force had a small conversation that could not be heard by anyone. After around three minutes Kessler's holo-image returned to view.

"I have a report from the commander of the 8th Rim Fleet, based out of Treg XI near Ison, that a small Ssi-Ruuvi colony was engaged and destroyed. Report does indicate that a few ships escaped but most were in the direction of Ssi-Ruuvi space. It looks like it was a straggler colony."

"Well we have some answers," Ari said, "we know where it came from. Still why would it travel through thousands of light years of occupied territory to get all the way here? It seems ridiculous."

"It could possibly be some sort of courier ship," Theodore added. "Perhaps it is running an important communication to another base somewhere in this sector. It is possible, the Rebs used to do it all the time before they took over most of the HoloNet."

"True." Kessler paused for a moment, as if reviewing the situation. "The Grand Admiral has given me full jurisdiction over the situation, but he wants this dealt with quickly if it is a threat. While it is questionable if they have a base this deep in our own territory Theodore's explanation may be reasonable. Vice Admiral Maldon, is the Relentless equip to enter the Minos Nebula?"

Jarak gave a holographic nod. "Yes, sir. We are assigned to run a border scan through the nebula in a few days anyway. If Colossus gives us any tactical information we can be on it in a few hours."

"Good. If you find the ship, destroy it. If you find any other ships, destroy them too. If you find a base, damn... vape that as well. Kill anything Ssi-Ruuk that you can. Call for backup if necessary, I believe you have an assigned escort anyway."

"Should I secure any of their technology?" Jarak asked.

"If you can," Kessler sighed. "I know the Corporate Division would love to get their hands on it, INTEL even more. Don't risk your objective to do so. I expect regular reports to myself and Admiral Theodore. Kessler out."

Kyle Kessler's hologram faded away from view. Theodore turned to the representation of Jarak Maldon. "Okay then, you and your escort ships have authorization to fully search the nebula. If you must go into Republic or Orthodoxy space you can, but try not to make a scene. We don't need an incident at this point, especially so soon after Imperial Storm when everyone is relaxed. Anything else?"

"No sir," Jarak said.

"Good. All other ships continue current objectives and patrols. Battlegroup Commander out."

Mon Cal Cruiser Justice, near Minos Nebula...

Captain Redan Pong paced back and forth on his bridge. For the last three days his ship and escorts were running patrol along the Minos Nebula, the nexus of three supreme powers in the Aurora Sector. The Justice, the Mon Calamari cruiser, was about to finish her second pass of the Minos Beta sector.

"Waypoint seventeen reached, pass two," the navigator said from his forward station. "Falling into standard patrol formation and ready to proceed to waypoint one again."

"Very good." Pong looked over to his scanner tech. "Any traces on scanners?"

"Scanning." A few moments passed as the middle-aged Bothan lieutenant ran through his procedure. "Sir I have one contact out five million klicks port, coming from the nebula. It is a container transport, Zulu-class."

Captain Pong sighed. Smugglers loved to hide in nebulas, especially ones like the Minos Nebula. Scanners were severely handicapped in there so local patrols couldn't flush them out. Also this nebula was a border zone, not many ships from the Republic nor the Imperial factions Orthodoxy or Hammer ventured in there. "Open a communications link to that ship."

Almost instantly a booming voice echoed through the bridge. It was noticeably Toydarian. "What do you Republic people wants with me? I not doing anything wrong, I think."

"This is Captain Redan Pong of the cruiser Justice," the Captain began. "You are in violation of Republic border laws. Your ship is flying too close to proclaimed Imperial borders and high-risk combat zones. In addition this entire region of Republic space is off-limits to traders due to potential for combat situations after the Minos Conflicts."

"Yous kidding, right?" The Toydarian voice gave a brisk laugh. "Just a week ago I had allowed to go to colony world Argimiliar II for-"

Pong cut in quickly, "That is another charge there, operating Republic-registered starships in Imperial territory. That alone is serious enough. I suggest you leave the sector immediately."

"Who said I was being a Republic-registered ship?"

"I don't have time for this," Pong signed. "Listen, captain, just leave the restricted zone immediately."

"Well... I kinda in running from Orthodoxy vessels... they chase me in there and forget about me. I ran into some strange ship too. Looked like Ssi-Ruuk. Didn't make contact, busy with repairs."

Instantly Pong became alert. Ssi-Ruuk ships? Here? Damn! Ever since the invasion of Ssi-Ruuvi space after Endor the Republic considered them a dead threat. Still they had to be considered a threat since their technology was considered incredibly dangerous, even if only one ship is active. Any Republic commander who detects a Ssi-Ruuvi force is to alert proper authority and, if conditions permit, engage immediately, Quote New Republic Directive 46.

"Captain of transport," Pong said with distress, "report immediately to the nearest major world, preferably coreward. If you do not then I will have to condemn your vessel and transfer marines aboard. Understood?"

"Of-of-of course!"

Before any more conversation could be exchanged the small transport ship burned her overpowered ion engines on a course that would take them to an acceptable hyperjump point. Obviously the captain did not want any armed conflict, especially with a fully-armed warship that could easily turn his entire property ownership into a floating field of debris in about a minute.

"Inform Greoop Base that we may have Ssi-Ruuvi contacts in the sector," Captain Pong barked at his chief communications officer. "Call all support vessels into formation and trace the course of that trader's ship back into the nebula. If there is a Ssi-Ruuk ship in there we'll find it... we have to."

Star Destroyer Glorious Dreams, approaching Minos Nebula...

Rear Admiral Drak Krasan gazed out the forward viewports at the Minos Nebula. Such a pretty sight, he thought to himself, too bad it is such a negative effect on my mission.

The blue-green cloud of gasses filled all the forward viewports of the Glorious Dreams. On occasion flashes of charged stellar plasma flashed between small, growing clumps of stellar matter what would someday in the distant future become stars. This nebula was said to have spawned all the stars in the Minos Cluster, though the fact is debatable.

The gas cloud was also a major navigational hazard. Hyperspace travel around the massive field of gas required several jumps to star systems at the fringe of the nebula. Of course this far from the core worlds traffic was light. Not many civilian ships traveled out further than the Minos Cluster or the Aurora Sector. Beyond was the wastes of the galaxy... few systems, a sector controlled by near-rogue Imperials, and the immense hyperspace turbulence of the galactic barrier.

Somewhere, in that nebula, was the Shriwen. Krasan had to find it no matter the cost.

"Approaching outer fringes," Commander Kelf, 1st Officer of the Destroyer, said. "Special dust now increasing. Estimated time to scanner blackout is ten minutes."

"How long before we can adapt scanner equipment for nebula operation?" Krasan asked.

After a quick check of his display board, Kelf answered. "If all goes as planed, sir, we should have 35% efficiency of sensors within the hour."

"Excellent," Krasan said. "Efficiency is paramount. If you can, and I assume you will, maximize scanners to fifty percent. If you cannot, then our goal is compromised. Understood?"

"Of course, sir. And the equipment given my his supremeness?"

Krasan smiled. Moff Babune gave him several pieces of Ssi-Ruuk and other experimental equipment. The majority was communications equipment and special weapons designed to nullify any threat the Ssi-Ruuk may pose. Babune didn't want anyone knowing about it, and Krasan knew question would arise sooner or later.

"Sir," Kelf inquired, "what is the purpose of the equipment?"

"That Commander," Krasan dictated, "is secret Orthodoxy business that is not for you to know."

Commander Kelf opened his mouth to protest, but decided quickly against risking immediate execution. "I fully understand, sir."

"Good, very good."

The Glorious Dreams flew alone into the nebula, not so much as one ship escort. Supreme Moff Babune even believed that even one ship, especially a Star Destroyer, was too much. The Ssi-Ruuvi entechment technology was vital, in what way Krasan did not know, to Babune's plans. Krasan knew that the Supreme Moff's grand plan to take down his biggest rival, the Emperor's Hammer, failed and even the attempt to curry the favor of the EH training staff into getting more pilots for the Orthodoxy failed.

Babune had very few original Star Destroyers, the Glorious Dreams was one. Most of Babune's ships were constructed at his own shipyards and computer-linked so as to reduce crewage. Krasan smirked at the thought. The Andran's old Imperial garrison used slave-rigged destroyers due to crew shortage, and they all wound up in Andran hands.

Babune had constructed twenty Star Destroyers, twice as many as the Emperor's Hammer fleet but minus the Super Star Destroyers. While it was nothing compared to the thousands that once graced the Imperial fleet it was enough to wage war in the backwater sectors of the galaxy. They were computer controlled because of manpower, that was what Babune didn't have. Somehow the Ssi-Ruuk technology was tied in there, but Krasan was not to question it.

"Sir?" a deepening voice asked.

Drak Krasan gazed over his right shoulder to see his twelve-year-old son Rev standing there. The youth was Krasan's pride, taken on all missions. Even besides the Glorious Dreams was listed as Krasan's personal residence so that was not a choice. Rev was the only heir to Drak, and to the Krasan family for that matter. The elder did everything necessary to meld the younger into his own image. No matter what I may have done...

"Yes, Rev, what is it?" Drak Krasan asked.

"We are entering a nebula," Rev said. "My studies of astrophh... astrophysics tells me that when we go in there we are risking limited sight, right?"

"Yes, Rev, that is correct."

"So why are we going into a place that will make it harder to see the enemy?"

"Because, son, we are looking for something," Krasan said in a low voice. "Something that, to the Orthodoxy, is very very important."

"What is it?"

"I... can't tell you, Rev."

"But why?"

"Because the Supreme Moff wills it."

"Why is it we always have to listen to that-"

"REV! He is our sovereign protector, and you will not degrade him! He wills us going into this place!" Krasan stood from his chair and pointed out towards the nebula. "Don't question what he wills!"

Shocked, the youth spoke in a small voice. "But, you do question him."

Rear Admiral Krasan opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He willed to speak, but he couldn't. The Supreme Moff's word was law, but his own feelings amended the law. He had spoke out against Babune on more than one occasion and he would have been promptly executed if it weren't for his experience. He was loyal, but his son just made a valiant attempt to shatter that loyality.

"Rev... go back to our quarters."

Without word the young man scurried back to the turbolift. Drak Krasan slumped back into his chair on the bridge of his destroyer quietly contemplating his true loyality. Someday in the future I'll be one one giving the supreme orders. I will have my own will, it will be me who is powerful. Someday...

Star Destroyer Relentless, near Minos Nebula...

The Relentless approached the fringes of the Minos Nebula. Along side the Assault Frigate Ajax as well as four older, but still powerful, gunships flew in formation. The small group was no where near the size of a full battlegroup of destroyers, but in any situation it was plenty to take down a single Ssi-Ruuk starship. Her commodore had no intention of failing the mission.

On the upper deck of the destroyer's bridge sat, in his chair, Vice Admiral Jarak Maldon. He was an Andran Human, the heir to the Sovereignty of the Andran Federation, and probably one of the few of his kind still active in the Imperial Navy. For being and admiral he was rather young, only twenty-eight standard years. Back on his homeworld he had two children and a wife... and due to political reasons he couldn't even talk to them without breaking interstellar law.

For him the command of the Relentless played out into his hand. After serving years as a starfighter pilot he found his fortune, and misfortune, in upper command then retired back to a nice Wing Commander position. The RelCom before him, Val Ricaud, gave Jarak command upon his departure. Since then Jarak always tried to live up to Val's legacy, save for the small part about being convicted for treason.

He raised his hand and ran his fingers through his blonde hair, then over the cyberoptic circuitry above his left eye. Three years ago, in one of his most active combat missions, enemy fire caused severe damage to his TIE Defender resulting in several injuries to Jarak, including the loss of his left eye. The ship defended in the mission was a medical frigate, and the prosthetic specialist aboard was able to fit Jarak with a rather real looking prosthesis eye. One could only tell its artificialness by the crescent shape piece of metal around his eyebrow and the small, intricate circuitry in the eye itself. Jarak used it to "stare thorough" his crewmen.

Captain Dorja, executive aboard the Relentless, turned to his commodore from the portside crew pit. "Commodore Maldon, sir. We have three minutes until we enter the nebula proper. Orders?"

Jarak scratched at his chin, which was growing some stubble due to the fact it had been some time since he shaved. "Order our escorts to form up in a high vic formation in presentation to our bow. Have command of the Ajax order a flight path that will bring her along our midline and below. Ahead at best speed."


Ahead of the small taskforce flew Dagger Squadron, outfitted for recon duty. Her defenders where the only ones on the Relentless able to harbor the bulky scanner equipment that was designed to pierce the thick nebula gasses. It would be vital if they were to find this Ssi-Ruuk ship.

Commander Taf'ron Daro found himself in temporary command of Dagger, due to his experience fighting in nebula environments during his early tours of duty. Captain Falcon, normal commander of Dagger, supervised flight patters aboard the frigate Ajax. Daro found himself in a soothing environment. The wispy gasses nearly put him into a deep trance. It seemed like a mission more suited for cadets.

"Entering nebula proper, beta sector," Daro said. "All ships activate scanners and follow designated search patterns. Soon as you find something report it back to search command on the Ajax and make sure Jerry hears it too, right?"

A series of positive replies came back over the comlink. "Good, now break out."

Each one of the modified TIE Defenders increased throttle and flew into the dense nebula. Instantly the thick dust particles clogged the ion engines, prohibiting intense speed that defender pilots so loved. Moreover the scanner equipment sucked up a good deal of power. Pilots decided to use their shield allotment to juice the scanners since particle shielding was about useless in a nebula anyway.

The pattern was a series of overlapping loops that would cover all of beta sector in about ten hours. The capitol ships would also spread out and comb the nebula itself while the defenders ran their searches. It was extremely efficient, and everyone believed their mission would be over inside of a few hours. Just a standard search-and-destroy, nothing more.

Ssi-Ruuk Picket Ship Shriwen, Minos Nebula...

Lieutenant Josh Natifa came back to the world of the living, and with a pounding headache. His eyesight was blurred, and all he could hear was low mans and the sizzle of electric discharge. He had no idea where he was, or what had happened to him. For all he knew he was in a swamp on Nal Hutta, the sound would have been about the same.

But then the short-term memory rose like a phoenix from the ashes of disorientation. Natifa, Flight Leader of Mu Flight III, Missile Boats, was struck down in battle and captured by the enemy. That enemy was the Ssi-Ruuk.

Immediately his senses became fully alert. The room was barely lit, but it took only seconds for the pilot's eyes to adjust. He was in a room, a fairly large one too, strapped to some sort of table. He had been stripped of his bulky fight suit and found himself only wearing the thin inner cooling layer of the suit. He was injured, since there was a sharp pain flowing from his right leg. As he gazed down he discovered a large gash, poorly taken care of, from his right ankle all the way to this knee.

His arms and legs were secured to the table, so he couldn't move more than a few inches. He turned his head to see another table alongside him with another occupant. It was an alien. Perhaps one of their slaves? Natifa thought. Whatever it was it was angry. It fought its restraints and tried desperately to free itself from whatever doom awaited it, but its efforts were futile.

A long and dreadful hum began to fill the room. Two tubes sprung from the sides of the aliens table and pierced into his temples, triggering it to yell in extreme pain. Some sort of charge started to flow through the tubes into a large piece of machinery behind the aliens restraint table. Soon the screams of the alien were all but dead, and its body, obviously dead, started to vaporise as the result of a ruby beam being fired at it.

Natifa lifted his head in an attempt to see the machine behind the dead alien. It was making several noises, most of which sounded like an overheating caf pot. After a few seconds the noises died down. The sound of clanking metal feet could be heard on the deck. A droid, the Ssi-Ruuvi equivalent to a battle droid, walked past the table and off out of view. The alien had been enteched.

Suddenly Natifa's heard started to skip beats. He was on the same sort of table, and it would be his turn soon enough. Voices could be heard, talking in some sort of odd dialect. The sound of footsteps filled the room, and two, very large brown aliens filled Natifa's view. They were Ssi-Ruuvi.

One appeared to be in a position of command, being as he wore a more elaborate uniform vest. The other frequently spoke after the elder in a lower tone, suggesting obedience. Natifa had no idea what they were saying, but it was frightening none the less.

After two minutes of vocal exchange the Ssi-Ruuvi moved away to Natifa's left, towards another table. The restrained pilot turned his neck to see what was to his left, what was so important to them. It was Natifa's wingman, a young human who had just enlisted in the TIE Corps. He was next for entechment.

The youth, no older than nineteen standard years, lay naked on the metal table. He moved slightly from side to side in vain efforts to free himself. He was much more injured than Natifa was, however. Several large scrapes and cuts graced his body. A particular gash along the left side of his chest exposed the ribs. Natifa also noticed that his right hand was missing, blown off in combat. A bloody infected mess crowned his stub.

Natifa, like so few Imperials, was an Andran. His people had seen many bitter conflicts and wars, but valued life in the extreme. Tybalt Maldon II said once, "It is better to live in shame and fight another day than die in honor and never fight again to redeem." But this man, this young man, was in extreme pain. His death was close at hand, and the Ssi-Ruuvi cared only about finishing their procedure.

The tubes extended once again and pierced into the young sub-lieutenant's temples, causing a scream of pain and terror. The scream was short-lived, and the body became limp and offered no resistance to the struggle. The ruby laser beam that jetted from the ceiling began to vaporise his remains. A minute later another battle droid clanked away into service.

The two aliens started to chatter in their language once again. One of them came back into view and pointed at Natifa. The elder one briskly walked over and nodded his huge reptilian head. As the large beast turned the smaller one bore a small, crude vibroblade and cut away Natifa's clothing. Several times he misjudged and slit a gash in the pilot's side, but offered no mercy to Natifa's cries of pain.

When finished the subordinate Ssi-Ruuvi tore the remains of clothing away from Natifa, leaving him naked on the cold table. He knew well it was his time to be enteched, and he braced his body for the worst. The two beasts moved away as the hum began once again. Josh Natifa felt as the two tubes stabbed into the sides of his head, causing an immense pain.

Then something happened. The entire deck started to vibrate, and hard. The machine stopped, and the tubes retracted. Natifa was spared for the moment. Something just happened, something very important.

Cruiser Justice, Minos Nebula...

Captain Pong of the Justice watched as his cruiser blasted another ruby laser bolt into the already-damaged Ssi-Ruuk vessel. While he had pondered how the ship received the damage he was more concerned with finishing it and taking anything that was left over for display to the Republic Council. They'll make me at least an admiral for this, he thought.

"Sir," his chief scanner tech said, "I am reading a fusion build-up in their main engine. I think they are trying to make a hyperspace jump."

"Order all vessels to target their engines, now!" Pong shouted.

It was too late to do any good. The massive drive unit of the Shriwen flared and shot the damaged ship into the safety of hyperspace. To Pong it was a lucky break for them, as it was him even finding them. It only took an hour after entering the nebula before one of the Justice's escort corvettes spotted the damaged ship. Pong had hoped to take it down, but his hopes sank faster than a scraped Gungan sub.

"Track them!" Pong ordered.

"Aye sir," his scanner tech replied. "If they have any sort of normal hyperdrive aboard that can then they won't be able to jump very far. I think I can just scan in their general direction and find what we're looking for. Shouldn't take long."

"Good. Sooner we get that ship, the better." Pong returned to his repulsor chair and slumped into it. He found it hard to adapt to, since it was designed for a Mon Cal. "Any signs of more smugglers?"

Another scanner tech checked his display. "Negative, no contacts from any starships. Wait... sir, Corvette A-C-234 has something, contacts."

"Give it to me, Ensign."

"Ahh..." The nervous officer was in the midst of his first major mission, and his hormone level prevented him from making any accurate sentence last. "Several, sir."

"Several?" Pong leaned forward and gave the green officer a good stare. "Several of what?"

"Contacts, sir."

"Oh you say now? What are they?!"

The young tech took a breath and read off his list. "Sir, four modified gunships, an Assault-Class Frigate, and an Imperial-Class Star Destroyer, deuce."

Pong griped his armrests. Please don't let it be... "Identify!"

"Imperial, sir."

"Damn it!" Pong slammed his fist into his armrest, causing a hint of pain to flow up his arm. "Please tell me they are going in the opposite direction we have to."

"I don't think so, sir."

"Well, Ensign, let us just hope your thoughts prevail in this situation, eh?"

ISD Relentless, Minos Nebula...

Jarak Maldon watched the scanner display as the red dot, indicating the Ssi-Ruuk vessel, flashed out of view. The remaining ships scattered about then, after a few moments of chaos, went back into their formation and slipped out of scanner range. The Republic was looking for the Shriwen as well.

"Did they spot us?" Jarak asked.

"I have no way of knowing," said the scanner tech at that station. "Our tracking equipment doesn't work properly in a nebula environment. I can launch a probe if you wish."

"Negative, I don't want to draw attention. Can you track the course of the Ssi-Ruuk ship?"

"Not from this location, I don't have a good enough vantage on their hyperspace entry vector. I can estimate that they went in the direction of the nebula's gamma sector, however."

Jarak gave a nod of appreciation and started walking back up towards his chair. "Well we now know that the New Republic is also operating a small task force here," he addressed towards Captain Dorja. "From what the scanner tells me it is flagged by a Mon Calamari Cruiser. How much experience have you had against that class of starship, Captain?"

"Little, sir," Dorja remarked. "I only had two hot combat operations with a Mon Cal, one of them was a smaller version of what you say we're up against. I do know that they are cobbled-together starships, not very good at taking long-term punishment. Very difficult to repair since only the Mon Calamari themselves seem to know how to repair them correctly."

"Interesting you know so much about them."

"I like to read reports a lot, sir."

"Ah, understandable." Jarak flicked on the communications line as he fell into his chair. "Major Dukhat, what is present status of our starfighter patrols?"

The deep voice of Major Satai Dukhat, Wing Commander of Wing IX, came back through the line. "Commodore, sir, we presently have reports that Dagger Squadron has detected longprobe Y-Wings moving in their patrol area. Heavy particle concentration prevents them from making good communication."

Jarak turned towards Dorja. "Do you think those longprobes would have the same communication problems?"

"I don't see why not," Dorja replied.

"Major Dukhat, order Dagger to allocate their power to weapons and take down those wishbones now."

"Sir, what if the Rebs detect us?"

"Right now," Jarak began, "they probably already know we are here. The best thing we can do is impede their progress by destroying their means of search. Give the order." The Commodore turned to the starboard crew pit. "Computer command, report."

A Bothan lieutenant looked up to meet Jarak's glance. "Yes, sir?"

"I want you to pull up any and all records concerning the Bakura Incident immediately."

Dagger Squadron Patrol, Minos Nebula...

Commander Daro, temporary commander of Dagger Squadron, glanced down at his computer display to find another area of the nebula that was totally empty. Dagger had been scanning and reporting to the Ajax for hours with nothing to show for it except communications trouble and annoying equipment failure due to nebula gasses.

So it was viewed as excitement when the comlink from the Relentless became active. Commander Daro quickly replaced his helmet and switched the comlink on. "Command of Dagger reporting, orders?"

"Commander," Major Dukhat's voice boomed, even though it was distorted, "break from scans and activate all weapons. You have a five-flight of longbones out a few thousand klicks that might find the treasure before us. Find them, lock them, and vape them."

"Understood, Rel, proceeding now." Daro dialed up the frequency for his squadron. "Dagger boys- Turn of your flashlights and arm lasers, we got targets due forward at 876 klicks. Lock on and destroy."

Daro adjusted his power output from the enhanced scanners over to central weapons and began charging at increased levels while baking shield power to engines since his shields were useless in the nebula anyway. He pushed to full throttle and assumed a position in the lead of a vic formation Dagger made.

A few moments later the five Y-Wing longprobes appeared. It would be an absolute slaughter. The weaponless Y-Wings would be easy bait for six fully-armed TIE Defenders. Daro picked his target and flew in close and fast, expecting quick and total victory. That didn't happen.

Two of the TIE Defenders opened fire and killed a longprobe in a few seconds, then moved on another to fire. One of the Defenders, Dagger 2-3, moved in close to one of the wishbone's aft section and sent a quad-burst into its engines, causing the two nacelles to blow apart. The rest of the ship flew apart.

The same defender took another target and went after it, but his prey was armed. Three gravity mines flew from the bottom of the Y-Wing and ripped into the upper wing of the defender, lodging themselves onto the upper hull. They exploded, destroying the cockpit and sending the lower two wings off in a spiral.

"They got mines! Evade!" Daro shouted.

The remaining three wishbones looped around to avoid their vicious predators and tired to line up another gravity mine shot. Daro picked the lead ship and pumped a rapid sequence of four laser bolts right into its cockpit, killing the pilot and sending most of the controls flying in a molten state out the back. The braindead wishbone started a dead spiral towards another defender, which finished it off quickly.

One of the two remaining ships released its mines, which found a target in Daro's wingman, Lieutenant Dan Malkatos. The mine smashed into his upper pylon and detonated, blasting the upper wing free. The rest of the ship, however, was intact though crippled.

Daro lined up and shot of a quad-burst at the mine-less Y-Wing and blasted apart the Artoo unit in the rear along with most of the scanner equipment. Another shot hit home with the port nacelle, which blasted it free. As a result the fusion power plant exploded sending whatever was left of the wishbone out in all directions.

Just as the final wishbone fell into sights of Dagger another communication flared across the communications channel. "This is Vice Admiral Maldon, do not destroy the last wishbone, repeat, do NOT destroy! Capture intact and alive."

"That's affirm," Daro said as he keyed on his ion cannons and switched over to Republic frequency. "Hey, lone wishbone, several ion cannons are on you now. Surrender and we don't shock, copy?"

Cruiser Justice, Minos Nebula...

"What do you mean, lost contact?" Captain Pong asked his chief scanner tech in a shrill and upset voice. "A flight of starfighters doesn't just vanish into nebula gas!"

The bridge of the Justice became instantly quiet as everyone waited for the chief's response. "Ah, sir, we have lost contact with all of the Y-Wings. Their transponders are no longer functioning and I have no communications contact. It would appear, sir, that they have been destroyed."


"Yes, sir."

"Communications," Pong boomed as he spun his chair in the direction of the comms station, "send out a message to our flight and see if they-"

"Sir," the comtech interrupted, "I have been trying to raise the flight ever since Lieutenant Jegs lost contact. I hear only static and background noise from our engines. They're gone, sir."

"Damn..." Pong slouched his head into his open hands. This can't be happening, not to me! "Any sign of that Imperial fleet?"

The scanner tech checked his read-out display. "No contact since our first scan."

"Well they have to be out there!" Pong stood and addressed towards the viewport, as if something was looking back at him. "If those wishbones were destroyed then someone did it. Had to be the Imperials, right?"

"Well, sir-"

"Oh then who was it? The big bad nebula monster?!"

"Sir, I-"

"Damn you, shut up!" Pong motioned to his security officer. "Get that slime off my bridge now! Bring me someone with a bit more common sense and experience on how to operate a switch!"

Two security officers started to walk towards the scanner station as the young tech suddenly spoke. "Captain Pong, I have several Imperial contacts coming into view!"

Picket Ship Shriwen, Minos Nebula...

Josh Natifa moaned as he felt a cold chill run up his spine. They dragged him out of the entechment room as the small damaged ship ran from its enemy. They dragged him across the ship, through all sorts of unknown and unusual equipment. They finally reached at destination, wherever it was.

The battered pilot was still naked and severely injured. The large gash on his side still expelled blood, though the flow of it had gone down considerably. The Ssi-Ruuk that escorted him obviously had no regard for his safety being that they dragged him over every sharp point on the floor that there was.

Wherever they were now it smelled very fresh. The room was bathed in an azul light that shifted, almost like a reflection off of water. The center of the room had a large pool of a crystal-green liquid in it that reminded Natifa of a mis-colored batca. It didn't take long to realize that the goal of his captors was to toss him into that pool, and he could offer no resistance.

One of the brown Ssi-Ruuk guards grabbed Natifa with both of his clawed hands and heaved him into the air. Only a second later he splashed into the green liquid. It was thick, sticky, and very very cold. Natifa thrust his arms in rapid motions attempting to swim to the surface, but his strength wasn't there. He left the liquid oozing into his wounds, causing them to intensely sting. He let it move down his throat and into his lungs, giving him the stimulation to breathe.

Soon the bath of ooze became warm, breathable, and very soothing. His wounds lost all pain, and he could breathe it almost like he could breathe air, though it was an unusual sensation. He nearly forgot who he was and where he was, until the liquid became thin and hot. When he realized he was in danger he thrust his arms again, which were again with strength, and broke the surface.

When he did he coughed up the green ooze into the thin soup the pool had become. He moved over towards the edge and gave his best effort to climb out, but a large Ssi-Ruuk kicked him back into the scolding pool. He again thrust back to the surface, but was brought down by an incredible suction.

Seconds later he was forced to the bottom of the pool atop a thin grate by which all the liquid was rapidly being drained from its tank. Moments later the surface passed below him and the last of the now-hot liquid passed through the grate and out of the tank. Natifa now felt cold, but very clean and refreshed. His wounds were gone and his strength had returned.

Two Ssi-Ruuk, who where smaller than the guards above, appeared from a doorway at the bottom of the tank and walked towards Natifa. His first reaction was to defend himself, but something told him not to. The bore with them a white jumpsuit and a small piece of electronic equipment. Natifa accepted the "gifts" and gingerly slipped into the loose, but comfortable, jumpsuit. One of the Ssi-Ruuk placed the small devise into Natifa's ear.

Then, in plain basic, he spoke. "Pilot of the Empire, our Commander desires your appearance."

ISD Relentless, Minos Nebula...

Vice Admiral Jarak Maldon sat calmly in the senior officers briefing room aboard the Relentless. Only ten minutes earlier the Longprobe Y-Wing that surrendered to Commander Daro landed securely in the forward hanger bay of the Star Destroyer, its pilot having given in to his fear of instant eradication. Now that fear rekindled as he was escorted into the room where Jarak waited.

Major Satai Dukhat, Wing Commander of Wing IX, and Captain Dorja, Executive of the Relentless, sat on either side of Vice Admiral Maldon as the prisoner was escorted into the room. Commander Daro followed suit, still in his flight uniform and still with blaster sidearm drawn despite the presence of stromtroopers.

"Thank you, Commander Daro," Satai said, waving his hand, "you are dismissed."

The young officer nodded and walked back into the corridor, his eyes still following the captured Republic pilot. Jarak gave a hand signal to the escorting stromtroopers to depart, which they did without question. That left the young Republic pilot, no older than twenty standard years, standing there completely afraid and still in his full flightsuit.

"Welcome, pilot!" Jarak said rather cheerful. "Enjoying your stay, I assume. Would you like anything? A drink? Clean uniform? Shower?" Jarak watched as the young officer shook his head 'no' to each question. "Anything?" A final shake of the head. "Well then sit down, young man."

"Flight Officer Daniel Krefman!" the young pilot barked, "New Republic Cruiser Justice, Chapter Seventeen of Bowhawk Squadron, headquarters Mon Calamari and operating out of Greoop Base- Minos Sector. Identification number-"

"Oh for the Force please!" Dorja said. "We frankly don't give a-"

Jarak casually waved a hand towards Dorja, quieting him. "Now now, Captain. Let the young man have his say. So you are based on the Justice, operating out of Greoop Base? Well that answers some of my questions I had for you. So tell me, Flight Officer Krefman, what were you doing out there in an excuse for a starfighter?"

"My orders were to scan the nebula for-" he paused, knowing he was under orders not to say a thing about his mission profile. He knew very well he was in a bad, bad situation. "Ah, for-"

"Oh never mind," Jarak said as he waved his had. He had switched his cyberoptic implant over to an infrared setting, allowing him to see that the pilot in front of him was quite distressed. "You are looking for a Ssi-Ruuvi picket ship that happened to venture through here, so are we."

"So then," The young officer glanced at Jarak's rank insignia, "Colonel, I-"

"That's Vice Admiral, son. Count the blue blocks one more time."

"Vice Admiral, I then suppose you have no further use of me?"

"What? You expect we are just going to let you go?" Jarak gave a hearty laugh. "Hardly! You, my friend, are a prisioner of war plain and simple. Imperial Documentation states you are to be interrogated and turned over to the proper authoroties."

Jarak watched as the young pilot became choked up. He knew the very thought of prison wasn't what the young man had thought of when he joined the starfighter corps. "Right now, however, I want you to tell me exactly where your ship is to my navigation officer, he is on speakers. Go ahead."

The pilot gave it no hesitation. "The Justice is at-"

"Be aware, I know if you are lying."


Jarak pointed at his cyperoptic circuitry above his left eye. "Infrared setting. When one lies they typically become very hot and start to mildly sweat. I suggest you tell the truth or your punishment will be more... severe. Understand?"

ISD Glorious Dreams, Minos Nebula...

"Nothing, sir."

The words of Lieutenant Kelf rang through Krasan's ears. For hours the Glorious Dreams cruised through the nebula alone watching for the Ssi-Ruuvi vessel, but found nothing. The blue haze outside the viewports was a beautiful sight, but it was also quite annoying. Without a frame of reference- a star, a planet, anything- it was hard to even believe you were making progress.

Krasan signed. "Very well, continue."

While in the hypnotising nebula Krasan thought very deeply about the situation. Babune obviously trusted him a great deal if he permitted him even a glimpse into his plans. He needed the Ssi-Ruuvi technology desperately for something, but what? The question cycled through Krasan's mind over and over again. What practical use could he have for alien garbage?

All Krasan knew was the potential of the entechment procedure for his own use. It could subjugate thousands and turn them into useful battle droids, but not for long. Studies at Bakura and from the Jedi Skywalker indicated that the mental energies would fade after a short time. Of course if Krasan could get his hands on an entechment table, or any piece of equipment, he could use his own wit to study its function.

The more he thought, the more it intrigued him. Krasan had absolutely no plan of remaining with Babune, he wasn't even fully allied with the central Imperial body. Besides, Krasak thought him rather a fool due to very poor decisions made in the past. Still he is my leader, and until I have my time I have to follow his orders... but not entirely.


Krasan snapped out of his trance at Kelf's worlds. "What is it, lieutenant?"

"Contact, sir. Three thousand klicks out. It is small and moving fast."

"Perfect," Krasan said smiling. "Arm the ion cannons and engage in a preset course."

The feeling of the sharp turn, made more by inertia than by actual gravity, was warmly welcome by the crew of the Orthodoxy destroyer. Cruising straight with no break could degrade even the most stalwart of spacemen. The massive ship sailed cleanly through the nebula towards the mysterious contact.

As they got closer a shape started to form on scanner screens. Krasan expected it to be the ovular shape of a Ssi-Ruuk vesslel, but it wasn't. Instead what the scanners told him was that the ship out there was long and angular. It was a Victory-Class Star Destroyer.

Krasan threw his hands in the air. "Always one damn thing or another. Identify that ship, now!"

"Corporate Sector ship," a scanner tech said. "IFF readings indicate it is the CSA-437."

"What is a CSA ship doing here, on the other side of the blasted galaxy?" Krasan calmly asked himself. "Communications, open a line to that ship. Tactical, arm turbolasers, just in case."

The chief comtech waved a hand at Krasan to indicate an open channel. "Corporate Sector vessel, this is the Imperial Orthodoxy Destroyer Glorious Dreams, Rear Admiral Krasan commanding. Please state the reason you are operating in our space immediately or we will open fire."

Seconds passed. The view of the smaller destroyer was made out on the forward viewports, it was only a few dozen kilometers away. Provided targeting scanners worked to any percentage in a nebula it would be easy to take it down.

An image took form on the viewscreen before Krasan's chair, it was one of a alien captain in a Corporate Sector Authority uniform. "Rear Admiral Krasan, this is the science vessel CSA-437. We are in a survey of this nebula on behalf of the New Republic. We will withdraw from your space immediately."

"Well that would explain why you are here." Krasan ran numbers through his mind. The crew of a science ship operating out of the CSA was usually only a few dozen. Hardly a great loss. "The New Republic is that desperate for scientific assistance?"

"I wouldn't know, sir. I will withdraw from your territory immediately."

"A second, Captain," Krasan said before the opposite man could kill the transmission. "Have you encountered or identified through scans any alien vessels in this sector?"

The CSA captain paused for a moment as if digging through his memory very deeply. Obviously his species was one with a small sense of recollection. "Ah, yes. Recently, in fact. It was the ion echo of an unknown vessel, possibly a neutral trader. It was heading in the direction of the Nebula's gamma, no.... alpha sector."

"Could you describe the ship?"

"You know I really should be going-"

"Don't worry Captain," Krasan said with reassurance, "we don't mind your presence here. All I want is a description of that vessel in which you saw."

"Well our scanners said... the scanners said it was... uh..."

"Please try to use your brain to its full potential, I know certain species inside Corporate space have that mental handicap. I am short on time."

"Oh," the CSA Captain said with sudden shock. "Well... it was ovular, not very big. I'd say it was about two or three hundred meters in length, but no more. Must be a cargo ship."

Krasan raised an eyebrow. "Or maybe a Ssi-Ruuvi vessel?"

"Oh, yes!" A look of bright joy filled the eyes of the alien captain. "Yes! Possibly it could have been! Wow, such a find here in the remote regions of the Minos Cluster. The New Republic will be most ecstatic to hear of this!"

"I see you have another mental handicap," Krasan noted.


"Yes, you think I am going to let you tell them that." Krasan turned in his chair. "Tactical- target all turbolaser batteries and open fire, now!"

Before the slow captain of the VSD could react, or even think of another thing to say, five gold beams of light jetted through the nebular gasses from the batteries of the Glorious Dreams. Each shot connected perfectly with the CSA vessel. The first blew away the shield generators, which weren't even active. The second ripped through the command tower. The third impacted the unshielded hull fifty meters forward of the bridge, as did the forth and fifth.

The result was a hole in the hypermatter core burned in by the last turbolaser shot. The rapid release of pressure caused a large explosion of the unstable raw energy. The entire vessel was torn apart as her powerplant blew. The reflection of light off the neubla's dust particles made it a fascinating sight from the safety of the Glorious Dreams.

ISD Relentless, Minos Nebula...

"Dead ahead sir," Dorja said with a wide smile, knowing the Relentless was about to kill something. "It is definitely a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser. From what our pilot friend told us it has to be the Justice."

Commodore Jarak Maldon gazed ahead through the thick of the nebula. Ahead was the faint shadow of a large vessel surrounded by several smaller escorts. Knowing standard fleet pattern it was easy for him to realize that the Justice was there as Dorja had indicated. So far there was no reaction, and Jarak knew well off that if he wanted he could destroy each of those ships with ease.

"Very well." Jarak rose from his chair and strode forward towards the viewports. He stood still and fixed his gaze on the prey for a long moment before speaking again, as if contemplating his next move. "Hold here and order all escorts to activate shields." Jarak turned to his Chief Tactical Officer. "I want us to do the same."

"Should we power weapon systems?" asked the Tactical Officer.

"Negative," replied Jarak calmly.

"Sir?" Dorja asked with a near-fearful uneasiness.

At the end of Captain Dorja's statement Jarak simply turned his head and fixed a stern gaze at the questioning officer. Dorja didn't say another word, but simply strode with his dignity back to his chair alongside the commodore's. He wasn't about to question Jarak's orders.

"Scanners," Jarak said towards the portside crew pit, "can you tell me if they are activating their weapon systems as well? Better yet, do they know we're here?"

The crewman at the scanner post checked his display quickly before answering. "I can't get a clear reading through the nebula gasses, sir. I can tell you they know we're here. Even if their scanners were worse than ours they could still make some visual contact as we are."

"Indeed." Jarak turned his head to the opposite crew pit. "Communications- Get me a channel over to the Justice as clear as you can. I want to speak with their commanding officer."

"Sir?" The comtech on duty was a young human male, probably from the Aurora Sector, who knew nothing more than standard Imperial policy, which wasn't what Jarak was speaking. "Are you sure? That is against standard protocol. I think we-"

"What you think," Jarak said as he turned his glare toward the young man, "is worthless in this situation. I am the commander of this destroyer and my orders stand. If you want to give your input I suggest you join the officer advisory team. Now get me a channel!"

"Yes sir."

The communications viewscreen rose from the deck before Jarak as the comtech attempted to patch through a comlink. Probably the comtech on duty over on the Justice was just as baffled as the comtech on the Relentless. It wasn't often that two enemy warships greeted each-other on the field of battle. Everyone on both bridges were in anticipation of what would happen next.

After a few seconds of static a voice broke through. "This is Captain Pong of the Republic Cruiser Justice operating border patrol in Minos Nebula Sector Beta. Please state your intentions."

Before responding Jarak waited for the holo-image to break through. This Pong was not very old, though neither was Jarak. As far as the Imperial commander could fathom the opposite commodore was no older than twenty-seven or perhaps twenty-eight, the same age as Jarak himself.

"Captain Pong," Jarak began after drawing a deep breath, "this is Commodore of Relentless. I currently hold in my custody one Flight Officer Krefman of your belonging. He was in a flight of Y-Wings, correct?"

Pong bore a stern frown. "I am not talking to you using one of my crew as barter! State the reason for contacting me now, Commodore of Relentless, or I will order my starfighter squadrons launched and my gunners to target your ship."

"Very well," Jarak sighed. "I understand you are in pursuit of a Ssi-Ruuvi starship. I also understand you previously intercepted this ship and damaged it further and it then escaped. I won't bother to ask the validity of the question since you seem to be in a straight-forward mood."

"Get to the point, buckethead!"

Jarak raised an eyebrow. "If you insist on interruption... You must acknowledge that a Ssi-Ruuk presence, even if it is only one ship, is still a threat to security. We want it destroyed. Currently, however, we are closer to destroying ourselves. Therefore I propose that we concentrate our efforts in eliminating this menace."

"What?" Pong smiled and gave a short laugh. "Are you serious? Do you obviously expect me to sit back and give data to you while thinking nothing of it?"

"No, Captain Pong, I don't expect it." Jarak drew a datapad from his chair's storage compartment and held it up. "This is the Bakura Accord, ratified by Chief of State Leia Organa... is it Solo now?"

"That doesn't matter to you, Imperial."

Jarak wanted to spit out the fact that Leia was a cousin by marriage, but decided against it in the spirit of reaching an end to the tense negotiations. "This accord was also placed into law by Mon Mothma. It formed a temporary alliance between the forces of the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic in order to combat the Ssi-Ruuvi threat to Bakura."

"That alliance didn't last." Pong was growing tiresome. He desperately wanted to open fire and perhaps win another Medal of Valor in the process. "Get on with your talk."

"You are correct," said Jarak, who was becoming rather annoyed with the rash commander opposite him. "At the end the local Imperial governor ordered his forces to attack, and they were destroyed or captured by your starships. Still the accord was never destroyed simply because the Ssi-Ruuvi were still a threat. In fact the government of the New Republic sent military information concerning Ssi-Ruuvi movements to the Intern Imperial Council for years following the event."

"Then what are you saying? What does this... truce have to do with our situation?"

Knowing success was at hand, Jarak cracked a smile as he read. "It states- 'If in the event of Ssi-Ruuvi incursion into Imperial or Alliance-held territory whereas fleets or vessels of both powers are present it is to be noted that the threat of the Ssi-Ruuvi is greater than hostilities between the two governments. Any starships are required, for the duration, to cooperate their efforts in finding and eliminating the threat.'"

Pong was shocked, but still set on maintaining his position. "I will not accept those terms."

"I believe you are required to," Jarak said. "If you don't you'll end up in a firefight which you may or may not win. When you return to your commanders at Greoop or Sullust they'll be sure to reprimand you for not upholding this agreement and placing the internal security of the New Republic at risk."

Jarak leaned closer to the viewscreen to augment his statements. "You could loose your command very quickly if you break a rule like that, Captain Pong. I suggest we both consolidate and search this foe out and eradicate it together. Then we can settle our differences afterwards. Agreed?"

Pong sighed. He knew very well it was considered a great combat victory to take down an Imperial Star Destroyer, even though thousands had fallen in the past years. Still the thought of government treaty violation was a sour one, especially if it meant losing his precious command. I can't have that! Damn regulations...

"Agreed," Pong said at length. "I will transmit scanner data to you now."

"Second thought," Jarak waved his had, "I'll see to it personally. As a show of faith I will shuttle over to the Justice immediately. I hope I can trust your crew, Captain."

Picket Ship Shriwen, Minos Nebula...

Josh Natifa was again dragged through the large Ssi-Ruuk vessel to meet a fate he wasn't totally sure would bring him. The two large salmon-colored guards were at his sides, showing him the way to walk. He knew one wrong move and their plasma rifles would make short work out of him. Act casual, he thought.

Most of the ship was damaged, so attempting to navigate through it was a challenge. Several sections were sealed off or without atmosphere. There were no turbolifts, so ascending required use of large, steep rampways designed more for Ssi-Ruuvi and their Pwi'leks. Natifa found himself out of breath in minutes.

After a final vigorous climb Natifa was ushered through a doorway and into what appeared to be a command center. It was large and circular with a massive viewport at the forward most point. In the center was a semi-circular control station with a large blue Ssi-Ruuk behind it. His decoration and posture indicated he was the commander of the starship.

There were similar stations spread throughout the bridge in no set pattern. The starboard side of the command center was damaged apparently in an explosion. Three stations along the burnt wall were destroyed. At the base of one was a dead Pwi'lek and the shattered structure of an ancient-looking battle droid. Natifa noticed it was the same one he saw his fellow pilot become enteched in. At least he was no longer confined...

The guards deposited Natifa in front of the captain-figure and stood back, but still kept their plasma weapons trained on him in case of sudden move. The captain-figure toyed with a similar translation devise to what Natifa himself was wearing, then spoke.

"You are one of the Imperials," the Ssi-Ruuk said. "You flew their manned starfighters from the battlestar called the Colossus. Am I accurate?"

"Yes," Natifa said, finding nothing more to say.

"Your entechment has been delayed due to damage received by a battlestar from the others," continued the Ssi-Ruuk captain. "They are the ones that the great Palpatine called his enemies."

Totally drunken to the situation Natifa could only respond saying, "He was great, huh?"

The massive alien reeled back. "Of course! He spoke to us over great distance. He was greater than the blue-skins that crippled our Imperium, and the warriors beyond the rapids of underspace. He was more powerful than the unity weapon of the former Chodak Empire of our neighboring galaxy."

"Well," Natifa began, "it is fascinating that you know something about our neighboring galaxy and all, and it is great that you think Palpy was great but... well I know there has to be a reason why I'm not a robot right know. That fluid back there makes me woozy so you'd better tell me now."

"Before we continue, my 'name' as you call it is Chechpen, dictator of the Shriwen." The beast drew closer to Natifa. "The Ralen fluid, made from the sap of our most precious trees, is untested on races of this sector and we had no indication of its effects."

"Well, no need to apologize."

Chechpen made a squalling noise and drove his three-fingered fist into Natifa's upper chest. "I am not offering my sentiments! You were kept alive for a reason, and you only will be until our entechment lab is fully operational once again."

"Then what is it?" Natifa asked, clenching his shoulder.

"Both forces of your Empire and the others are here in this nebula," Chechpen said. "We were attacked by the others recently, as you know now. Our damage will prevent us from reaching the location of the signal if we are to be found by either force. You will make sure we don't intercept any of them."

"And how will I do that? I'm a pilot, not a maracle worker. Your lucky this garbage barge is still holding air."

"Do not make us kill you sooner." Chechpen molded his face into the Ssi-Ruuk version of a smile. "It would be a terrible waste of prime human life force energy."

The captain turned to the station beside him, occupied by a brown Ssi-Ruuvi. They muttered something back and forth, but Natifa's translator was too weak to pick it up successfully. The subordinate crewman stepped away from his station and faced the captain, then muttered something again. In response Chechpen drew his own plasma rifle and fired. The result was a small piddle of yellowish goo on the decking where the Ssi-Ruuk had once stood.

Chechpen turned back to Natifa. "That is what will happen to you if you don't follow my instruction and get us to safety. Now assume the station!"

"I don't see why," Natifa shrugged. "You'll just entech me when it is all said and done."

"You will do it, Josh Natifa."

For reasons beyond what Natifa could fathom the suggestion seemed reasonable. In fact it was the fluid in which he was bathed. It slowly broke down acids in nerve cells in the brainstem, making suggestion seem easy to accept. It was limited mind control, and it was working.

"Yes," Natifa said slowly as he walked up to the station and placed himself behind it, not thinking a negative thought about the entire situation.

En route to Cruiser Justice, Minos Nebula...

The Lambda-Class shuttle, covered with Imperial markings and identification, smoothly sailed through the pale blue nebula gasses towards the enemy Mon Cal. It was unusual to the crew, having a known enemy vessel so close yet not making an attempt to vaporise you. The large brown cruiser simply sat there peacefully in space with her escorts waiting for the shuttle to arrive.

Jarak sat calmly in the copilots chair, having wanted to see the view. He could tell that the pilot, a seasoned-looking alien of what race Jarak did not know, was a bit sketchy about the entire incident since he flew with sudden jerks as a sixteen-year old would drive his new landspeeder. Daniel Krefman, free from any bondage, was at the rear of the cockpit under guard.

"Justice hanger one control," a voice said over the communication system, a voice just as nervous as the shuttle's pilot, "hailing shuttle Rel-04. We have you on approach to us now. Follow guidance program one-seven being sent to you know and land in zone four."

The pilot gave an affirmative reply and programmed the guidance program, which gave him a clear flightpath into the large forward hanger of the MC-80 Cruiser. He eased the throttle back as they flew in closer and also noticed several side-mounted gun turrets drew onto the shuttle's position.

"Don't worry," Jarak said. He felt a general amount of fear through his limited perception of the Force, but he ignored it, not wanting to fall back into the dark side with the Brotherhood once again. "They aren't about to fire on us, not yet anyway."

The shuttle approached the hanger's magnetic field and raised her lower wings to their landing position. The craft slipped through easily and switched over to repulsor drives to taxi over to the landing field. Seconds later the landing gear kissed the foreign deck and the drone of the engines came to a still quiet.

Jarak and his escort, two stormtroopers, moved down to where the landing ramp was recently deployed. They walked out into the overly-humid air of the Mon Cal starship. At the ramp's foot was Captain Pong, who was inching for his sidearm, and several Republic shocktroops. This has to be just as unusual for them, Jarak thought.

Smiling, Jarak extended his hand. "Captain Pong, pleasure to meet you in person. I'm Vice Admiral Jarak Maldon, Commodore of the Relentless."

"Likewise, Commodore." Pong brought his hand up to meet Jarak's, though slowly. "As a precaution we request that only you accompany me to the briefing room."

Jarak opened his mouth to rebuke, but realized it would get him nowhere. He wanted to draw into the Force powers he knew while under the guidance of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi, but quickly decided against it. They can't know about the Brotherhood, Jarak warned himself.

With the raise of a hand Jarak instructed his guards to maintain post at the shuttle's airlock. He followed Pong and his guards as they lead him out of the hanger bay and into a very large, very open, and very bright corridor. It had been cleared of personnel and droids, as if Jarak himself were a large security threat. They entered a turbolift and traveled up several dozen decks to what had to be the command section.

With the lift stopped it was only a quick walk across another, smaller hallway into the conference room. Unlike the sterile metallic feel of the Relentless this one had a very inviting warm glow to it. The table was made of thick transparasteel and all the chairs were repulsor driven. Pong took his own then motioned for Jarak to take one opposite him. After the rival commodore was firmly seated Pong gave a nod to his troopers, signaling them to leave the room leaving the two alone together.

"Before we begin," Pong said, "I would like to thank you for the return of Flight Officer Krefman. I don't know too many Imperials who would do that."

Jarak smiled. "Contrary to popular opinion, Captain, we aren't all barbaric killers. The Ssi-Ruuk, however, are." The Imperial removed his cap and placed it on the table before him, as to symbolize an environment of tranquility. "It is very important we end that threat."

Pong nodded. "Yes, I'd say so. From our last engagement it looks as if we damaged the ship but good, do you honestly think they are still a threat?"

"I don't know," Jarak sighed. "From what we can tell they must be trying to get somewhere, and fast. They ran away from a conflict with our sister ship, the Colossus, pretty quick. I imagine that someone called them here, but as far as who it is I can't tell."

"I can tell you now, Commodore, that the Republic would never summon any Ssi-Ruuk ship into its territory."

"Nor would the Emperor's Hammer."

"Another Imperial faction, perhaps?"

Jarak paused in thought. "The only other major factions are the holdings in the Kathol Sector or the Imperial Orthodoxy, who hardly even qualify as Imperial. If they were trying to get to the Kathol Sector then they wouldn't go through here, there is plenty of area to get around."

"What would the Orthodoxy want with the Ssi-Ruuk?"

"Who knows, exactly. Perhaps they seek an alliance, which wouldn't be good for the Republic or any other Imperial faction including, especially including, the Emperor's Hammer. But still we can't jump to that conclusion. For all we know it is the Hutts or another one of the thousands of worlds beyond upspin of here."

"Well I frankly don't care who is calling them or if they are on their own terms," Pong said with a deepening voice, "I just want them. The Republic wishes to capture any Ssi-Ruuk ship possible for investigation."

"I can't allow that," Jarak bluntly stated.


"I can't, Captain." Jarak wanted to stand, but he felt it would be viewed as a show of hostility. "Naval Command has deemed this enemy vessel as a threat to Imperial security, one to be destroyed on sight. I cannot disobey that order."

"What about my orders?"

"I know," Jarak began, "that the Republic's capture issue is a secondary objective. Besides I don't think you had chasing Ssi-Ruuvi on your mind when you departed Greoop Base, did you?"

"Of course not!" Pong slammed his hand on the table. "But I now want that prize!"

"For the best of your Republic or for your own personal glory?"

Pong was hit hard by that statement, very hard. "If I am to find this ship first, I am issuing a capture order because I think it is right, that's all."

"And," Jarak said in reply, "if I find the Ssi-Ruuk vessel first I will destroy it, then our alliance will terminate and we will go back to our respective bases as if we never met, unless of course you'd rather have a full-scale combat engagement right here."

Pong toyed with the idea of drawing his sidearm and shooting Jarak Maldon then and there, then issuing orders to attack his destroyer. It would be fun, but at this range suicidal. The heavy turbolaser batteries of the Imperial ship would tear the fragile Justice apart.

"Of course not," Pong said with a smile. "Do you have a search pattern suggestion, or should we just wing this entire operation?"

"I believe," Jarak began, "that we should fan our ships in an arrowhead pattern at a distance of three klicks apart each, with the larger ships at the tip and the Justice and the Relentless making up the arrowhead."

Pong nodded, not knowing that Jarak's secondary motive for making this plan was to have a good ambush plan in case the Republic ships changed their views. Captain Pong couldn't see past his own self-glory enough to realize it. All he saw was an effective way to find the enemy ship.

"Seems like an effective plan." Pong pulled a datapad from his duty uniform's upper pocket. "This is all the tactical information, and all other information for that matter, we have on the Ssi-Ruuk ship. It also has our search results. We have thoroughly combed Minos Beta already."

"We have already swept Minos Gamma. I say we concentrate our efforts on Minos Alpha, then onto Delta if need be. I'll return to my ship and prepare things on my end." Jarak took the datapad and his cap, offering a salute. "Best of luck, Captain Pong."

"Thank you, Commodore Maldon. I hope we can bring this to and end shortly."

ISD Glorious Dreams, Minos Nebula...

"Entering Minos Alpha sector, sir," stated the second helmsman of the Glorious Dreams.

"Engaging scans," Lieutenant Kelf, chief of scanner systems, said.

Krasan gave shallow nods to both men. They had combed through millions of kilometers of nebula to find only a useless CSA science ship and quadrillions of cubic meters of nebular gas. The equipment supplied by Supreme Moff Babune did little to help, besides make ion trails more visible. Too bad there weren't any to spot.

"This is becoming very tedious," Krasan said to Kelf. "I want you to widen scanner bandwidth and start sweeping more area immediately. I am sick of this constant bantha chase."

"Sir," began Kelf, "there is a high chance we can pass right over them at a higher bandwidth, we'll loose a lot of scanning power. Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure!" Krasan boomed. "That's why I'm the commodore!"

ISD Relentless, Minos Nebula...

"You did WHAT!?"

Jarak winced as the holographic representation of Fleet Admiral Kessler barked at him. "Sir, I didn't have a choice! I couldn't search for a Ssi-Ruuk ship and fire at a bunch of New Reps at the same time."

The hologram fizzed due to disturbance caused by the nebula. "Commodore Maldon, I do hope that you-"

"Come in!" Jarak checked the transmission status and increased power from his workstation. "Kessler!"


"Come in, Fleet Command!"


If he wanted, Jarak could have boosted power one more time. He knew, however, it would only get him more heat from Kessler and possibly into even more trouble when he returned from the mission. Jarak killed all power and deactivated the communications terminal atop his desk in his ready room.

"Great," he mumbled to himself, "just great."

After checking over a few reports from across the ship, the only of interest a complaint of bad food being delivered to the crews of Turret 3, Jarak walked back to the bridge, a simple flight of stairs away. The officers and crew were still there at their stations, working as if nothing obviously amiss was happening, even though Republic ships were flying casually off the flanks of the Relentless.

"Captain Dorja," Jarak said, "report please."

The elder officer turned to face his commander. "Our formation is stable. Captain Falcon reports from Ajax that scanners are becoming increasingly ineffective as we travel deeper into the nebula's alpha sector. He recommends all ships increase bandwidth to compensate, but Captain Pong refuses to acknowledge."

Jarak bit his upper lip. "Oh really? Communications- get me a feed direct to the bridge of the Justice."

After a quick "Aye, sir" the main viewscreen locked into position and displayed a crisp, 2D view of the open bridge of the cruiser Justice. Pong was sitting there in his repulsor chair in a rather relaxed position. He didn't bother to stand or to salute, he simply barked, "What is it?"

"I am informed, Captain, that command of Ajax recommended you to increase bandwidth on scans." Jarak attempted to stare down Pong, but his attempts were futile. "Why haven't you?"

"Because," Pong said as he shifted his position forward, "I don't think it is necessary. Increasing bandwidth will reduce scanning power. We could pass over the enemy. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

"Of course not." No matter how much Jarak wanted to lash out at Pong he knew he couldn't. Destroying the alliance now would result in chaos, something that was not needed in more excess. "Bear in mind, Captain, that distortion from the nebula will retard your current scanning configuration and you may pass over them anyway."

"I'll do what I want, Commodore. Pong out!"

"Damn it!" Jarak cursed as the transmission fell dead. "Tell me how I ever got myself into this, Dorja!"

"I think, sir, you thought it would speed the process." Captain Dorja attempted to find words of soothing. "Sir, I have to remind you that the alliance at Bakura failed as well. I don't think we can expect better luck."

"Well it would be nice if we could have some 'better luck,'" Jarak signed. "Inform Captain Falcon to maintain current scanning protocol, we'll do it Pong's way just so he's happy. I just hope we find this damn ship and fast, I can't put up with that arrogant nerf-herder any longer than need-be. How much area have we covered, anyway?"

Dorja turned to the Chief of Sensors, who replied, "Twenty-nine percent of alpha, sir."

Jarak shook his head. Six hours of alliance and only this much to show for it. "Carry on."

Picket Ship Shriwen, Minos Nebula...

Josh Natifa, former pilot and lieutenant of the Empire, was totally brainwashed by the Ssi-Ruuk. He stood there at his station beside Chechpen, the apparent leader of the Ssi-Ruuk aboard the Shriwen. For the past six hours he used the damaged scanners, which were outdated by Imperial standards, to navigate the ship safely to the other side of the nebula, to their contact in the Imperial Orthodoxy.

"Status, Natifa?" Chechpen asked.

"Currently... nothing... nooo thing." Natifa found it hard to speak, his jaw wanted to lock together.

"Excellent, we should be through shortly." Chechpen looked over his sorry subject. The fluid was starting to effect Natifa's brain. Soon his life energy would be worthless. Entechment must occur soon. "Continue your scans, and keep me informed."

Natifa nodded slowly. He felt his own existence slipping away. He couldn't remember why he was following Chechpen or the Ssi-Ruuk, but it seemed like a logical course of action. Anything else, such as resistance, did not seem acceptable, it even seemed deplorable. I must service and assist my greater masters.

Don't you know who you are? A thought told him. You are Josh Natifa, Mu Squadron- Destroyer Colossus! Fight this enemy! Fight-

As quick as it came the thought was gone, interrupted by a beeping from his station. "Chechpen... contacts, destroyers and cruisers... Imperial... Republic!"

Chechpen winced and slammed his massive clawed hand into Natifa's back. "I told you to keep us away from them!" The Ssi-Ruuk captain watched as the battered and brainwashed Natifa crawled back to his station. "Seer us away from them, now! You had better hope they haven't detected us our your life energy won't even find its way to the entechment chamber!"

Natifa studied his panel once more, this time there was a new contact farther out. "Chechpen... contact, destroyer... Chechpen!"

"What is it? I thought I-"

"They... they are hailing us."

ISD Glorious Dreams, Minos Nebula...

Krasan smiled widely. His suggestion paid off, they found the Shriwen. The battered Ssi-Ruuk ship was sitting there within a few thousand kilometers right for the taking. The only issue was the combined fleet of Imperial and Republic warships coming right at them. A hard situation to combat...

"They don't appear to be taking offensive action," Lieutenant Kelf, Chief of Operations, said. "It seems they are just sitting there waiting to see who will get them first."

"Do we have any indication the other fleet has seen us?" Krasan asked.

"I don't believe so sir," Kelf checked his display one more time before responding to his commodore. "From what I can tell they haven't widened their scanning bandwidth, they are still operating on a more condensed setting, limiting their range. It will be at least ten minutes before they detect us, but they'll find the Ssi-Ruuk vessel in only five."

Krasan nodded. "We have to find some way to stall them. It is obvious they are working together, obviously under some sort of under-the-carpet Bakura accord. We have to make them open into conflict, that way we'll have near unlimited time to preform boarding operations and get out before they even realize we're here."

"Boarding operations?" Kelf asked. "I thought our orders were to-"

"Never mind that, Lieutenant. Our orders are whatever I say to do." Krasan turned to the entire bridge staff. "We have to start a conflict, and we have to do it very quickly. Any suggestions?"

No one turned up their voice. It was common, since no one really wanted to voice a suggestion that their commanding officer would view as stupid or a 'waste of time.' Still one eager young ensign stood from his post at tactical and addressed his commodore.

"Sir, ah... Ensign Began, Tactical Division. Ah sir, I believe that we can modify one of our proton torpedoes to travel long rage then impact with one of the Republic ships, making them believe that the Emperor's Hammer forces opened fire on them... sir."

"Well," Krasan said, "they are a bit far out to shoot a barrage of torpedoes at, ensign."

"Well sir," Began continued, "not exactly. If you reduce power a torpedo can travel a lot farther. We could fire one at their formation, target a smaller ship. It would be able to reach them easily and it would surely start some sort of conflict."

Krasan looked over to Lieutenant Kelf. "Your opinion?"

"Well it is a very unorthodox idea sir," Kelf said. "Then again I assume the orders for the capture of this Ssi-Ruuk ship come directly from Moff Babune, therefore it is in our best interest to follow it out. I say we give Ensign Began's idea a try, we don't have any more options."

"Very well, rig a torpedo immediately."

The Minos Nebula...

One single torpedo, one lone torpedo, jetted from the forward most torpedo tube of the Glorious Dreams. It didn't fly as fast as a protorp usually did, but it made good progress through the murky nebula. Soon the white wedge that was the Glorious Dreams faded away in the blue hue of the nebula.

The torpedo continued forward, slowly, but on target. After five minutes of constant travel it found its destination, a lone Republic transport ship rigged for in-depth scans at the end of the V-formation. The torpedo started to accelerate to gain power and found its target plain and true.

The torpedo slammed into the port side of the transport, whose shields were not operating. The hull was ripped open from the explosion of detonation. The entire craft tore apart. It had begun.

Curiser Justice, Battlescape...

Captain Pong's eyes opened rapidly as he saw the transport erupt in a nova of yellow flame. The entire bridge was in uproar. some cursed, others gasp in horror. It was in an instant that Pong lost his trust, how little it was, with the Empire. That backstabbing son of a hutt!

"Confirmed," the tactical officer said from below Pong's position, "transport A-334 has been destroyed by a proton torpedo, visual from Corvette Beta-27!"

"All ships," Pong barked, "activate shields and arm weapons systems! Target the nearest Imperial starship and open fire, now!"

"Sir?" The tactical officer asked. "Are you sure? They outgun us severely, chances of our victory-"

"I don't care about the odds," Pong shouted. "I only care that those bucketheads get what they deserve, now destroy them!"

ISD Relentless, Battlescape...

Jarak was equally as surprised from the sight. No one seemed to be able to explain it, but the transport had exploded apparently due to a torpedo attack. All Jarak knew was he didn't fire it, but it was going to cause very serious complications very shortly.

Before he could issue any orders the entire deck shook beneath him, knocking him down onto the floor. By the time the internal gravity systems compensated it was clear that the Relentless had been fired upon by the cruiser Justice, looming nearby.

The Justice fired three more shots which tore away at the unshielded upper hull of the majestic starship. Jarak hauled himself back into his chair and hung on as more and more incoming fire battered his destroyer.

"Report!" Jarak yelled.

The bridge was a conglomeration of voices, all trying to accomplish a goal that suddenly became the business of everyone else, and vice versa. The shields did activate, but not after the enemy was able to pump nearly ten turbolaser shots into the Relentless.

"Shields active," Dorja reported. "Turbolasers charging... on line now. Shall I return fire?"

Jarak pondered the situation for a moment, attempting to compile information on what just happened. Apparently Captain Pong viewed the destruction of the transport as an act of hostility on the part of the Imperials. "Damage?"

Dorja checked his status display. "Several hull breaches. Turbolaser One is off-line, destroyed by enemy fire. We have fifty crewmen reported missing, twenty confirmed deaths. Ajax is reporting heavy damage to forward hull. We've lost three corvettes and one lancer frigate."

"Damn," Jarak said calmly.

"Sir, should we open fire?"

"Get me a comms channel to Captain Pong."

"Sir, I-"

"Do it!"

The shields held as the communications officer brought up a direct channel, via HoloComm, to the bridge of the Justice. Captain Pong was there barking orders left and right. For a moment he simply ignored his advisory, but let his thin shreds of honor come through.

"Commodore Maldon," Pong said with disgust, "I don't know what game you are playing here but I'm putting an end to it right now. Surrender your vessel now or be destroyed!"

"I don't know what your up to, Pong," Jarak replied, "but whoever destroyed that transport wasn't us. You've opened fire with no duracrete reason and destroyed four of my ships, as well as damaged even more. Be aware that if I order my ships to attack you won't be alive much longer."

Pong paused for a moment before he continued. "Listen, buckethead, I'm going to take care of you very quickly then I'll find the Ssi-Ruuk my way, got that? You can preach peace all you want but I'll know just how much of a womprat you really are. See you in hell, Commodore!"

The transmission was killed before Jarak even had a chance to respond. "I knew I could never place any trust in the Republic... Tactical, all ships open fire. Major Dukhat, launch all starfighters."

ISD Glorious Dreams, Minos Nebula...

Rear Admiral Krasan smiled. The plan had worked, the Republic and Emperor's Hammer fleets were battering each-other at the very moment. They had no idea that their prize was right before them, and that someone else was going to snag it first. He almost felt like the smartest captain in the galaxy before he realized that his mission was not yet complete.

"Lieutenant Kelf," Krasan said, "activate Auxiliary Sub-System seven, running from Cargo Bay 32."

"Yes sir," Kelf replied with no argument.

Sub-System seven was a nice toy given to Krasan by Supreme Moff Babune, a communications platform from a salvaged Ssi-Ruuk scout ship. With it Krasan would be able to communicate with the Shriwen, assuming anyone was still alive aboard her. Hopefully the rouse would work long enough for the grand plan to be implemented.

"Helm, move us within one-hundred klicks of the Ssi-Ruuvi ship." Krasan slowly waked forward to the viewports. To his left there were flashes of light, the heat of battle. To the right was a small black dot that was his prey. "Hanger Control- Ready transport Gamma for immediate launch. Have Stormtrooper detachment one report there immediately. Kelf, you too."

"Sir?" Kelf asked with surprise. "I'm a bridge officer, I have no place on an away team."

"Come now," Krasan said smoothly, "wouldn't you like to see a Ssi-Ruuk ship first-hand? Besides, Lieutenant, it is an order, not a request. Move."

Kelf saluted, sighed, then moved to the aft turbolifts. Krasan returned to his chair to find that the communications array had been activated, and that he had complete control from his own chair. The translator was able to give a rough translation into basic of the Ssi-Ruuvi language. It was rough, but easy enough to understand. Krasan had no difficulty opening a transmission to the Shriwen.

"Picket ship," Krasan said, "this is Admiral Ivankata. I have secured this Imperial ship and intend to use it to reform our great Imperium! Respond, please. We need to meet you to discuss the re-conquering of our sacred homeland. Respond!"

There was static, nothing else. Krasan wondered if the translator was defective, or perhaps there was no communications equipment aboard the other ship. Worse, or perhaps better, yet the crew could have been killed. Krasan's only worry was that the technology requested of by Babune was intact.

"Admiral!" Krasan was surprised to hear the voice break through the static. "This is Chechpen, leader of the Shriwen. I am honored to hear your voice!"

Krasan smiled. "Excellent, you live. I will be coming aboard momentarily. Lower your shields and be ready to receive me. Ivankata out!"

The transmission died out. It may have been a better idea to continue the conversation longer, but Krasan did not want to blow his cover, as fragile as it was. Sooner or later the other fleets would finish their battle and, presuming anything was left over, continue their search. Time was of the essence.

Krasan pointed to his first officer, indicating for him to take over command. He strode to the turbolift, his mind a focused blade. He wouldn't fail- not now, not ever.

Sword 1-1, Battlescape...

Captain Daro flinched as the laser bolts from a nearby X-Wing scathed his upper shields. He was back in a Sword Squadron defender, fully able for combat. This combat, however, was very sticky. The Republic out-numbered the Imperials in starfighter numbers two-to-one. They were very harsh odds, even if most of the Imperial starfighters were state-of-the-art.

Daro thumbed his laser control over to quad fire and pulled up on his stick, bringing him in behind the aggressor X-Wing. Before the New Republic pilot could move Daro had punched two volleys into his engines. He watched the enemy explode as he flew under the dying ship.

The battle was course. When the shooting started all ships were in tight formation, making for a series of broadsides. The Relentless took several critical hits before her shields could active. Black scars were etched in her hull. The Ajax's guns were still firing despite the damage she took.

"Sword," Daro said into the comm, "flight of B-Wings at one-three-zero mark four. Looks like they are heading after one of our Lancers. Cut them off at the pass and end their day!"

The B-Wings were tough ships, very tough. It was like bantha leather was sown onto their hulls. A TIE Defender pilot could pump dozens of shots into her and she'd keep on flying. The only hope was to kill it before it expelled its payload, a risky operation that had to be timed perfectly.

Daro keyed over to his concussion missiles. The overlay on his HUD was centered over the flight leader, B-Wing Red One. The display clicked several times before a satisfying constant tone rang throughout the cockpit. Daro squeezed the trigger and watched as the crimson bullets tore into the back of the though starfighter, ripping away its shields. Three more laser blasts ended its day.

He smiled when he realized the rest of the Sword boys took down the other four B-Wings. In his mind the battle was going quite well. At the rate they were going the Republic would be totally exhausted of starfighters within twenty minutes. The capitol ship war, however, was another matter entirely.

Cruiser Justice, Battlescape...

Captain Pong grimaced. The fight was harsh, and at close range to boot. Already nearly half of his starfighter force was vaped by the advanced starfighters the Imperials used. All but one of his corvettes fell under guns, and his gunships were taking damage. The vanguard escort, a Nebulon-B Frigate, was absorbing most of the fire from the Relentless meant for the Justice.

"New attack pattern," Pong ordered. "Take us in firing range of the Relentless."

"Sir?" The weapons officer looked up from his station and gave Pong a stern glare. "They out-gun us. Even with escort we are risking suicide!"

Pong watched as another Imperial Lancer erupted in flame. Immediately the thought of the Relentless exploding entered his mind as a goal, one that he had to meet. "Those are my orders, Lieutenant."

The Justice moved forward at flank speed, bringing her out of the frigate's protection. The turbolasers started rapid fire across the dorsal hull of the destroyer. Few shots pierced the shields, and those that did only put a few black marks on the destroyer's hull. The Imperial ship reacted by pumping three heavy turbolaser shots right into the side of the Justice.

The entire bridge shook under impact. The life-like cruiser rolled onto her side, gaping wounds becoming exposed to enemy fire. Seven TIE Interceptors from the Ajax flew along her flank and poured laser fire into the wounds making them even deeper.

"Proton torpedoes!" Pong yelled. "Fire!"

A series of twenty torpedoes spilled from the forward and aft banks of the Justice, all on target with the Relentless. A few went stray and managed to take down three of the aggressing TIEs. The remainder jetted through the nebula gas towards the enemy ship.

"Starboard turbolasers, target their shields." Pong watched as the blue streaks of light continued towards the enemy destroyer. He had to time this exactly right. "Fire!"

Sixty bolts of red laser fire ripped through space, past the torpedoes in flight, and buried themselves into the portside shields of the Relentless. The result was a momentary lapse in shielding, one that the torpedoes could find their way into. Each one of the torps buried itself into the hull of the destroyer and detonated. The massive Imperial vessel shook as a gaping wound became visible across her might hull.

"Perfect," Pong said with delight.

Boarding Party Transport, en route to Shriwen...

Transport Gamma came into sight of the Shriwen. The Ssi-Ruuk ship was extremely damaged. Most of her outer hull was blackened and massive wounds were dug into her sides. If it wasn't for solid construction the ship would have been a cloud of debris. She loomed there, wounded, and ripe for the taking.

Inside Gamma Krasan had assembled the best Orthodoxy troops he had to offer. Sixteen of them lined the sides of the transport all clad in heavy shock armor, the best quality in the Empire. They bore with them heavy blaster/laser riles capable of total vaporization of an enemy. It was the ultimate boarding party.

Besides the troops there were six heavy-duty cargo droids designed for heavy lifting. Krasan would need those to cart of the entechment tables and various other Ssi-Ruuk trinkets. A 3PO protocol droid was at hand to translate and download the Ssi-Ruuvi database as well.

Lieutenant Kelf, dressed in a lighter version of the armor, stood beside his commander. Krasan held the same style of blaster rifle in his had as his shocktroops had. It felt like he was holding the ultimate power, a sensation he enjoyed a great deal. This will be most enjoyable, he thought.

"Approaching target," the pilot warned. "Prepare to move out!"

The small transport sailed towards the hanger bay, which was mounted on the forward section of the ship. As they came closer it was easy to notice the damaged space battle droids inside. Most of them were missing, destroyed in combat with the Colossus. There was an abundant amount of space for the transport to land.

Three Ssi-Ruuk were in the bay as the transport came to rest on its deck. All of them bore no weapons, expecting their fallen admiral to come out of the transport with his arms raised in total victory. They had no idea what to expect. The aft doorway blasted open and the entire team spilled out, rifles in hand. The Ssi-Ruuk had nothing to say before the fire vaporised them.

The troopers took up defensive positions around the hanger bay. Krasan walked down the egress ramp with Kelf and breathed in a portion of the stale air. "Most impressive. Prepare to move out!"

"Sir," Kelf asked, "how much resistance can we expect?"

Krasan shrugged, "Who knows? All that I know is we are more than properly outfitted. Overtaking this vessel should be no problem whatsoever." Krasan turned to his team and raised his voice. "Listen up. If you come across any technology labeled as essential in your mission profile tag it so the droids can pick it up and bring it back here. Don't take too much, though. Also don't assault the bridge until I give the order!"

Every one of the elite troops nodded in acknowledgement and filed out into the hallway. Several more shots were fired, and again the smell of vaporised flesh filled the air. Krasan motioned for Kelf to follow.

"Sir, where are we going?" Kelf asked. "I must warn you my combat rating is not exactly elite."

"To the entechment labs," Krasan said. "There you will be... most useful."

ISD Relentless, Battlescape...

Jarak Maldon was again knocked off of his feet as the barrage of torpedoes slammed into the side of his mighty flagship. The shock of the explosion sent the entire destroyer reeling onto its side, and it also sent everyone aboard reeling onto their sides. As the gravimetric systems compensated Jarak once again hauled himself back to his chair.

"Report!" the Commodore yelled.

Dorja, who also had just hoisted himself up, responded. "Sir we have severe hull breaches on the port side. Sections gamma twelve through omicron beta on decks one-zero-seven to one-one-six have been destroyed. There is a loss of life support systems in surrounding sections. Sixty-three missing. All port side turbolaser turrets are off-line, they got the power distribution node."

"Damn," Jarak said under his breath. "Re-route the reactor feed through the hanger bay and back along an auxiliary path... or... I don't give a womp rat how you do it just make sure those turbolasers are firing again! Status on our other ships?"

"Ajax reports loss of aft shielding." Dorja rapidly scrolled down his list. "We have only one lancer left, sir. The corvettes are taking up escort positions alongside the Ajax. As for the Rebs they've lost all corvettes and all but two gunships. Our own gunships are moving in to make the kill on the Justice's escort frig."

Jarak nodded. "Order those corvettes to protect the Ajax the best they can, without her finding the Ssi-Ruuk is totally out of the question." Jarak keyed in his chair's comlink to hanger control. "Major Dukhat, starfighter situation?"

The haggered voice of Major Satai Dukhat crackled back through the comm system. "Commodore, Dagger is reporting three losses. Sword has one evac and two headed back to the ship. Spear and Shield are holding with one loss each. Reports indicate that the entire TIE Interceptor squad from the Ajax has been vaped."

"The Rebs?"

"Sketchy... looks like we vaped most of them. There are a few X-Wings flying out there and a half-squad of A-Wings. Sir it looks like space superiority is won by us. I'm going to go ahead and launch our bombers. I don't think they have any B or Y-Wings left to spare."

The voice of Captain Daro crackled in. "I agree, sirs. It is pretty quiet out here, all things considering. They were awfully quiet pilots. We have three, all X-Wings, that just surrendered. I'm ordering Sword 1-2 to escort them to the Relentless."

"Good shooting, Captain," Jarak commented. "I advise you stay close to the Relentless, we've lost ability to fire turbolasers. Shields are holding, provided that Pong doesn't try to do what he just did again."

"Aye, sir."

Jarak killed the transmission and gazed out at the battle. It had lasted only a half-hour, and at this point any side could take it. The Rebs had lost nearly every starfighter, but their capitol ships were still lethal. Without turbolasers the Relentless was just a big target. Something had to be done, and quick.

Bridge, Picket Ship Shriwen...


Chechpen did the Ssi-Ruuvi equivalent to a gasp when he heard the words. The transport of their supposed admiral had harbored elite shock troops that were tearing their way through the Shriwen. The Ssi-Ruuk captain frantically looked around his bridge. With no ample force of troops aboard he was not in a good situation, not at all.

"Natifa!" Chechpen shouted. "Lock down the bridge!"

The brainwashed slave did just that. With the flick of a switch he caused massive triple-reinforced blast doors to close around the entry ports to the bridge. It would take incredible power to cut through them, power that the Imperial troops hopefully didn't have.

"Where are they?" Chechpen asked.

"They are..." Natifa paused. The fluid was starting to erode the chemical bonds in his brain, it was becoming harder and harder for him to think. "...they have taken the hanger and... the lower fifteen decks. They are... they are approaching the engine room and the... the entechment... labs. Also... computer control."

"Lock out computer control to the bridge!" Chechpen barked. "Send all troops to guard the entechment rooms, they can't be taken!"

"Of... of course, master."

Near Entechment Labs, Picket Ship Shriwen...

Krasan drew his rifle and aimed it down the hallway. The door to the entechment lab was straight ahead, and twenty Ssi-Ruuk blocked passage. Six members of his team were behind him, including Lieutenant Kelf. They had a more strategic position, being along the junction of a hallway. They could simply stand there and fire, but Krasan had other plans.

"Direct attack!" He yelled. "Kelf, stay with me."

Each one of the shock troops obeyed. They all, as a group, raced into the open hallway which offered no protection whatsoever. As soon as the Ssi-Ruuk caught the intruders they opened fire with their plasma rifles. Two of the shock troopers went down instantly, their bodies becoming a smoking mass of green slop on the deckplates.

The remaining opened fire with their files. With sweeping motions they were able to vaporise nearly half of the Ssi-Ruuk guards before the enemy had a chance to retaliate. In the second it took for the Imperial rifles to recharge the Ssi-Ruuk again fired, this time taking down all but one of the Imperial troopers.

Krasan checked his own rifle's power level as the remaining trooper opened fire once again, cutting down all but two of the large guradsmen. He attempted to fire once again, but was shocked to find his rifle was critically low on power. The two guards looked at their small prey, intent on a quick victory. They raised their plasma rifles...

Before they could fire Krasan leapt into the open and fired two shots, each one of them dead on target. The two massive reptiles dropped dead to the deck. Their bodes made a eerie thumping sound as they hit, almost like boulders falling from a cliff into a river. The lone trooper saluted his commander as all three of the survivors marched into the entechment laboratory.

It was an amazing sight, to Krasan anyway. Two tables were side-by-side in the center of the room surrounded by several other trinkets. This was the entechment table, the very device used to transfer life energies. It was a magnificent piece of technology. No wonder Babune wants it, Krasan thought.

"Should I tag this sir?" The trooper asked.

Krasan smiled and drew his rifle. With one shot he vaporised the trooper cleanly. Lieutenant Kelf turned to fire his own blaster pistol in retaliation, but stood for a second in hesitation. It was considered ultimate treason to kill a superior officer, even in a dire situation. Krasan took advantage of that instant to turn and fire at Kelf. The shot wasn't fatal, he only vaporised most of Kelf's lower arm.

"Your hesitation was your undoing," Krasan said as he watched his subordinate squirm in pain. "You have to understand that my own plan isn't the same as yours. I want to see how these things work, don't you?"

Kelf didn't answer.

"I said, Lieutenant, don't you?" Krasan walked over and kicked Kelf hard in the gut. "Well?"

The young lieutenant, clutching his wound in pain, spit at Krasan. The Rear Admiral only laughed and grabbed the flinching man by his neck, hauled him up, and slammed him down onto the one entechment table that bore a healthy green glow.

"I take it this is the only active one," Krasan said. "Babune will want it. I'm sure he wants me to run a test first. If it does work maybe I'll take the other one here all for myself."

"Why?" Kelf asked in a low voice, trying to escape the bonds Krasan applied.

"Because, Kelf, it is what I want to do!"

Having firmly restrained his former officer Krasan walked over to what had to be the main control panel. He didn't know one word of the Ssi-Ruuk language, but he could fathom that the single green button activated the procedure. He pressed it with his palm and watched with delight.

Kelf tried one more futile effort to escape. The device started its dreadful hum as the long needle descended and jammed itself into his head. His screams were muffled quickly as the energy of life was drawn out of him. His lifeless body fell limp on the table, and was quickly vaporised by the machine.

Across the room a lifeless battle droid was filled with the spark of life. It extended its arms and started a slow walk to the center of the chamber. It appeared to eye Krasan down, as if the spirit of Kelf wanted to use its new domicile to attack his former commander.

"Most efficient," Krasan said. He raised his blaster and fired on the droid, sending pieces flying across the room. Smiling with success he keyed on his comlink. "Team one, objective satisfied. I am the only survivor. Your status?"

"Engine room secure, one loss," the voice of the senior trooper said. "We have captured computer control, but it has been locked out from access. I've tagged all the equipment registered, the droids are hauling it away as we speak."

"Good. I am en-route to the bridge now. Have the 3PO droid report there too under guard. Make sure the droids do their job well, speed is critical. There is no telling when those other ships will pick us up."

"Of course sir."

"Krasan out."

Krasan checked over the room. He pulled two marker tags from his equipment pouch and slapped one on the functional entechment table, marking all other associated equipment to be taken with it. He walked to the other table, which was still off-line. As he placed the tag he altered the final destination to his own personal cargo storage. This was his, not Babune's.

The droids came moments later to retrieve the items and asked no questions about the change in destination. All those who could speak were dead, and the droids were too stupid to talk.

ISD Relentless, Battlescape...

The Relentless had drawn herself out of the primary battle. Her turbolasers were still crippled, and repairs were coming incredibly slowly. The result was the Justice started to pick off the remaining Imperial ships. It was only the bomber squads and the pilots of Sword Squadron who were keeping it from becoming a slaughter.

"The shields on the Justice are down to thirty-three," Dorja said. "Shield Squadron is going in one more time. Captain Daro reports that the Rebel starfighters have been exhausted."

Normally that would have been a turning point in battle. Now, however, it wasn't. Without the support of the Relentless it was a Mon Cal and a frig, plus three gunships, against an Imperial frig, a lancer-class, and two corellian corvettes. It was incredibly lopsided, something had to be done.

"Sir," a man at the scanner station shouted.

"Not now!" Jarak yelled.

"But sir, I have a contact."

Jarak's interest perked. "Where?"

"A few thousand klicks out. It is... sir, it's a Ssi-Ruuk ship. Severely damaged, but it is there."

Jarak smiled widely. They had found the brass ring, the found the Shriwen, and on accident as well. Something could be done, and Jarak knew what it was. "Start moving us towards it, slowly. I want to grab Pong's attention. Tell Captain Daro to ready his last missile for launch."

Cruiser Justice, Battlescape...

"Where are they going?" Pong asked into nothingness as he watched the wounded Imperial ship start to wane away. "What does he think he's doing?"

Pong started a long string of thought. It was a very cowardly move, leaving battle. Either Jarak was a complete coward or he had found something, something very important to his mission...

It dawned on Pong in less than a second. "Helm, follow them flank!"

"Sir?" The helmsman asked.

"Don't question me!" Pong turned to his scanner chief. "Increase scanner bandwidth and scan in the area where that ship is headed. Tell me everything that is there."

The scanner tech adjusted his scanners and began a sweep of the area. Beyond the Relentless was more nebula gas, a few rogue pieces of rock, and one contact- a Ssi-Ruuk ship. "Sir, we have the Ssi-Ruuk out sixty-thousand klicks. They are at a dead stop."

Pong let loose a laugh and slapped his knee. "Excellent! Divert auxiliary power to the engines and get us there, now! I'm not going to have that Imperial buckethead take my prize, my ring of glory." Pong started to ponder to himself what would happen when he found the ship and hauled it back to Republic space... no, right to Coruscant! "Well, move!"

Sword 1-1, Battlescape...

Captain Daro watched for the move Jarak said the Justice would make. It wasn't hard to tell when it happened, since the ship gained a massive burst of forward momentum. Pong had diverted all of his auxiliary power into the massive engines of the Mon Cal, a very bad move. He obviously didn't realize that auxiliary bridge shielding was powered by auxiliary power, a connected even a twelve-year-old could make.

Knowing what to do Daro throttled up and made a fast approach on the bridge itself, weaving out of the retaliation fire spilled out by his target. He armed his final concussion missile and clocked down his target listings to the ship's bridge. This i'll be great, he thought with humor in his mind.

Cruiser Justice, Battlescape...

Leaving behind his support ships was no better than what Jarak had done. Without protection fire the remaining gunships fell under the fire of the missile boats. It would only be a matter of time before the abandoned escort frigate would fall to Imperial fire. Pong didn't care. A small price to pay for the glory of bringing back the ship of a most feared enemy.

Then something else caught Pong's attention. Ahead he saw, against the blue backdrop of the nebula, a black and white shape hurling towards the bridge. It was a starfighter, an Imperial starfighter.

"Get that bug away from my windshield!" Pong yelled.

Lances of red fire hurled up towards the enemy starfighter, but not one could touch it. The pilot evaded every shot fired. Pong didn't realize what he was doing until a blast of red light flew from the ship as it turned away. Whatever that red shape was it was still on a direct course for the bridge.

No one said a thing, it was too late. Captain Pong finally realized that it was a missile, a missile that would end every one of his glorious dreams. He fell back in his chair and wondered where he went wrong as the projectile pierced the forward viewports. The sucking air pulled Pong forward, breaking nearly every bone in his body. The still-moving missile caught Pong's body in mid-air and exploded, which vaporised the arrogant captain before he could think one more thought of grandeur.

From space Daro witnessed the entire bridge module go up in flame. The entire ship waned as its primary control was killed. Pong's mission was over, he had failed in the most supreme sense.

Near the Bridge, Picket Ship Shriwen...

Krasan came to a stop outside the massive blast door that lead to the bridge. The surviving members of the team were assembled there, as was the protocol droid. Krasan gave an idle salute. All that had to do was break in, kill everyone except the captain, and steal the computer information. Time was running out, being as the Relentless was already on its way unbeknownst to Krasan.

"It's solid durasteel," the commander of the troopers said. "We can probably hit it with everything we got, but the chances of also vaporizing everything on the bridge is high. Should we give it a try?"

"What else can we do?" Krasan asked, not feeling a shred of guilt.

The commander shrugged. "There isn't an override panel here, so I imagine shooting is the only way to go. I'll order my men to take care of it now. You may want to stand back, sir."

Krasan nodded and stepped back a ways, ensuring that he wouldn't be caught in any explosion assuming the plan failed. The troopers opened up with their rifles. Each beam of light slammed into the door, causing it to glow red-hot in seconds. Small streams of melted durasteel flowed along the floor an quickly cooled as the process continued. The sound of building pressure became louder and louder...

Bridge, Picket Ship Shriwen...

Chechpen looked back as the door became red with heat. "This can't be possible! They can't break through that door!" He turned to his brainwashed slave, who was close to death. "Natifa, guard the door!"

Natifa nodded and walked, without even a blaster, towards the doorway. The sound of pressure build up immensely as he finally reached the threshold. He extended his hand to the control panel next to the door in an attempt to bring up a force field, but he was far too late.

The pressure reached critical and the door blew open. A shower of molten durasteel rained over the bridge, causing the remaining Ssi-Ruuk to scream in pain. Chechpen was able to escape, having ducked under his command station. Natifa was blown back to the side wall and knocked out.

Before slipping into unconsciousness he uttered, "I'm sorry.... master."

The members of Krasan's team filed in one after the other, blasters raised. They shot at everyone except who they knew to be the commander. In seconds every last Ssi-Ruuk on the bridge, save Chechpen, was dead. The ship was now theirs.

Krasan strode onto the bridge with a look of extreme pride in his eye. His mission was all but over and, for him, it was a total success. "Access the computer control," he ordered the protocol droid, "and download their database directly into your memory."

"Sir," a trooper said, "shall I escort their commander back to the transport?"

"Of course." Krasan looked at the stunned beast. "I'm sure Babune will have a good amount of fun questioning you, scum."

The trooper dragged Chechpen away from the bridge. As they went the commander, knowing he was defeated, didn't say a word. For the Ssi-Ruuk it was a fate worse than entechment. The troops gazed around the bridge and tagged anything of value. Moments later two more droids entered the room and carted it away.

"Data transfer complete," the 3PO droid said from the commander's station. "35% retrieval of their database. It has been saved in memory for Supreme Moff Babune's access."

"Of course," Krasan said while withdrawing a memory disk from his equipment pouch. "I'll take care of erasure myself. Return to the transport and prepare for departure."

Krasan waited until the droid was away before plugging the card in and downloading his own copy of the database. The procedure only took a minute, but that minute he noticed something else. A human male was on the floor near the entry port. Krasan quickly finished the procedure, pocketed the disk, started the deleting procedure, and hurried over.

A shocktrooper followed him over him. "Probably one they couldn't entech, or something. You want him killed?"

Krasan shook his head. "No, of course not. Take him back to the ship. This may be another like the human that was at Bakura. If that is the case we should know everything about him. And, not a word to anyone. Babune would have him killed immediately."

"Of course, sir," the trooper said as he hauled the near-lifeless body up onto his shoulders.

"We'd better get out of here, sir," another trooper said who had positioned himself at the forward station. "I can't read Ssi-Ruuvi, but I think this is telling me a ship is approaching."

"Good thinking." Krasan took another look around the destroyed bridge. "Everyone, back to the transport. Time we get this junk to where it belongs."

ISD Relentless, nearing Shriwen...

"Success, sir," Daro said over the comlink.

Indeed it was. The Justice was a dead stick, and reports from the Ajax indicated that her escorts were destroyed as well when she deserted them. The repairs on the turbolasers were complete, even if they weren't needed, and the Ssi-Ruuk ship was in view. Only a second earlier Krasan's transport left just before it could have been detected.

"No life signs on the Ssi-Ruuk ship," the scanner tech said. "I assume that Pong's attack on her earlier did them in. They must have fallen from hyperspace shortly before the last of them died. I doubt there is anything of value aboard that ship."

Jarak nodded. "Nevertheless target it, our orders are to destroy. Anything on the Justice?"

"She's a dead stick, sir. Her bridge is destroyed and she has damaged to most every other place on board. I doubt she is in any condition to attack us again."

"Good." Jarak turned to the communications officer. "Try to raise them, whoever is in charge. Captain Dorja, order all ships to assume escort position and lock in hyperspace course to get us out of here."

"I have the Justice," the comtech said.

"Put her through."

A static burst out on the bridge speakers. It was several seconds before it cleared up, revealing the voice of a Mon Calamari. "This is Lieutenant Tan. We surrender this vessel due to the death of our captain."

"Pong's dead, eh? He had it coming." Jarak pondered the situation for a second. "I have no use for you, return to Republic territory immediately. The Ssi-Ruuk ship is our responsibility."

"But our-"

"Lieutenant my turbolasers are now operational. Would you like me to finish you off as well?"

"Of course not."

"Good, then return to Republic territory immediately. Relentless out."

The beaten shape of the Justice started a long and lazy arc. A few minutes later her engines flared and she escaped into the realm of hyperspace, beaten by her foe. The mystery of who fired the shot was still unsolved, but Jarak assumed it was one of Pong's ploys. Lousy arrogant bantha fodder, Jarak thought to himself. He deserved his fate.

"I have a target solution on the Ssi-Ruuk ship, sir," weapons reported.

Jarak gave a look at the beaten ship. They were trying to run, run somewhere that Jarak didn't know of. They weren't fast, or strong, enough to make it. In a way Jarak almost felt sorry for them. "Fire."

Three bursts of yellow energy ripped through space and impacted with the crippled ship. It simply fell apart with little explosion. The debris spread like a metal could through the nebula. The Ssi-Ruuvi threat in Imperial territory was over.

From the Glorious Dreams Krasan watched and smiled, they hadn't known a thing about what happened.

ISD Relentless, Phare System Repair Dock,
Three Days Later...

The starship repair facility at Phare was crowded as usual. Recent attacks along the border prompted several other Imperial factions to make use. The Relentless sat in one of the repair yards awaiting the final phase of her repairs. Afterwards, much to the crews dismay, they'd be back on patrol duty. Vice Admiral Ari of the Colossus was already bragging about how his attack did Ssi-Ruuk ship in "most of the way."

Fleet Admiral Kyle Kessler stood on the bridge, alongside Jarak. He had rushed there as soon as the Relentless and her battered escorts arrived eager to hear of any news. Of course Jarak told the entire story, leaving out the truth to loss of contact.

"I'll expect a full written report," Kessler said. "The Grand Admiral will want one, especially under the circumstances. I have to commend you, it isn't often you can get the Rebs to work on the same side, even if it didn't work out. Too bad not everyone things highly of your decision."

"Let me guess, Ricaud?" Jarak asked.

"Ah yes, he did say something," Kessler laughed. "I won't bother to say it over. The Grand Admiral is even considering awarding you and the ship with a commendation. He may even require an audience, I couldn't answer all of his questions. Be sure to forward your report to him and the executive as well."

"Of course." Jarak bit his lip. "I still want to know who fired first."

"And I still want to know where my vintage bottle of Uulara went, but I'll never find out. Let it rest, it would have happened anyway."

"I suppose."

"Don't suppose, just forget it. It was probably a trivial thing, nothing else major happened at all. Be glad you finished your mission, that was your primary goal."

Jarak nodded. "Of course, your right. Damn you, Kessler. I'll have to mention your name once again in the address to the crew. Did those scans get to the Corporate Division?"

"And to INTEL," Kessler added. "The captured starfighters are on their way to the Infiltrator Wing as well. By the way, Supreme Moff Babune gave the GA a little chat today, want's to know why we went into their space in our nebula search."

"What does the Imperial Orthodoxy have to do with this?"

ISD Glorious Dreams, near Oneve...

"Excellent," Babune said over the private comlink to Krasan's quarters. "All material has arrived, as well as the computer read-out. Their commander is under my custody, his spirits seem very broken. I'll be sure they get even worse. You will be commended for this, Krasan. Did you have any trouble?"

"Why, not at all," Krasan said.

"Good. I am eager to study this entechment technology. It is... lets say, critical to my other research. The Glorious Dreams is to stay here at Oneve for the next several days. I'll be sure to give you new mission orders within a few days. Babune out."

The screen faded black. "So much you don't know," Krasan said quietly.

In his private storage the other entechment table sat, as well as his copy of their database. It was kept under maximum security, nearly no one saw it unloaded. Those who did would have accidents care of Krasan within the next few days. He would find studying this technology most fascinating.

He quietly left his quarters and strode down the halls. He watched everyone go about their daily business with no other thoughts about the cares of the universe of the larger conflict about him. Droids did their work on their own, and Krasan daydreamed about them once being living beings.

He arrived at a medical annex near his quarters, a facility designed for care of the senior officers only. The only medical professional on duty was a medical droid caring for a single patient. Josh Natifa, his dogtags identified him as, was poisoned by the Ssi-Ruuk. He obviously missed his entechment date. A simple batca dip fixed the immediate problem but the medical droid was unsure of his long-term condition.

Krasan looked down at the young man who was peacefully sleeping. He looked like an older version of Krasan's son Rev. "Wake up, Josh."

Natifa's eyes cracked open. "Where..."

"On a star destroyer, the Glorious Dreams."


"The Ssi-Ruuk, they poisoned you, brainwashed you. Don't worry, your safe now. Everything is fine."

"Of course..." he paused for a moment, finding a thought. "...master?"

Krasan raised an eyebrow. "Yes, that is correct. Correct indeed."

Several Weeks later on Oneve...

Cold, Why cold?

Chechpen regained his semi- conscious state. The past weeks were a total blur, lost in the everlasting sea of time. The Shriwen, the battle, the man named Krasan… all were details that he did not know the significance of. Now the blue-scaled Ssi-Ruuvi lay defenceless on a cold metal table.

Where am I?

A voice spoke, "This had better work."

"It will, your Excellency," another spoke. The voice was dormant for a second before saying something in lower tone; "Especially with all the money we threw into it."

Chechpen could feel harsh restraints loop around his arms. The man, a scientist of sort, stood in front of him and eyed him down with a look of supreme disgust. "I don’t know where Krasan picked you up, slime. I’ve seen better looking aliens in backwater cantinas."

The man obviously didn’t know Chechpen was a Ssi-Ruuvi. The poor former captain of the Shriwen, a ship pillaged and destroyed by Rear Admiral Krasan, was now subject to the technology his people used against others.

No… this cannot be! Take me to Lwhekk! I cannot die here!

Whoever the scientist was he didn’t care about the religious practice of the Ssi-Ruuk. He disappeared from sight with whomever he referred to as "Excellency." A dreadful drone filled the air, something was happening.

Pain… why pain?

Suddenly Chechpen remembered the weeks… Krasan brought him to Oneve, and his Excellency, Babune, tortured him… he wanted to know how something worked, he wanted the secrets to the Entechment process.


But the pain was gone, and so was Chechpen’s life. He died without the process being completed, it had failed. The former commander died away from his homeworld, away from battle, it was the most dishonourable sense.

"The procedure has failed, Excellency."

"I can see that, Doctor. Get the techs back on it and overview the designs once again, I know this can work. I will be in my chambers."

"Of course, your Excellency."

For continuation, read the upcoming "Divided we Stand."