Rage: Dragons of Death

By LCM Derek

To all Rage members past and present and to Avenger Wing II, they took our best pilots, our best ships, and we wish them the best of luck.

    "What did you do to my bed Lieutenant," Derek demanded as he stormed in the room. Glancing at his bed then at Aeurin Warren suspiciously he quickly chose a chair by Goatham's bunk.
    "Now why would I do a thing like that," replied Aeurin trying to look as innocent as possible, but I new better.
    "Well I thought you might take offense…" Derek said pausing momentarily to contain his laughter, "that time I locked you in the room with the sexually confused wookie."
    "Yeah well you will see when…" Aeurin's voice is suddenly cut off by the intercom.
    "Will Major Smitroc please report to Lieutenant Colonel Shups please," the intercom stated flatly.
    Just then Black Revenge strides into flight two's sleeping quarters complaining to Goatham, "You know, I didn't know that they could get promoted that fast from major and above."
    The intercom then cut in once again "Sorry, Major Smitroc please report to Lieutenant Colonel Shups in the briefing room please, thank-you."
    "Bloody…" came a very Smitroc sounding voice from flight ones quarters next door.
    Turning to Black Revenge Goatham replied, "They don't get promoted that fast."

    "Please take a seat Smitroc," Shups advises, "this might be a little intense." Smitroc nods and silently takes a seat. "As you know the Emperors Hammer has been having a few difficulties in the Avaat sector. This will be a routine mission so please pay close attention to the Holoprojector and more information will be given to you once you reach the rendezvous point." Smitroc leans back and watches the projector launch the latest briefing.

    "Routine mission my bloody ass," yells Destroyer through a very lavish smile, "not to Rage squadron."
    " Gentlemen please, lets just rendezvous with the Sahara and get this over with." screams Smitroc.
    "Flight two come with me," Goatham states walking out toward the hangar.
    "Umm where is my TIE Advanced and what exactly are we going to be doing."
    "Enerum, we are going to transfer to the freighter Daccar and then go to the rendezvous point. It will take around 3 days to reach the Daccar, then 4 days to the target."
    "I thought that information would be classified," Black Revenge says turning toward Goatham.
    "Well there is no turning back now, so every body on the shuttle lets hurry up and get there."

* * * * * * * * * * 

    Later on board the Daccar Derek looks out the viewpoint as flights 1 and 3 hit hyperspace.
    "Black Revenge go take the bridge - Derek, Enerum you're with me…we are going to meet with some R&D people, lets make this look gentlemen."
    As we walked to the hangar bay on the left side of the Modified freighter we were met by the R&D special ops technician. "Hello boys and welcome to the age of cloak technology," she began but as she continued Enerum bent over and whispered in my ear.
    "I don't think that this will be a bad mission after all," he whispered, "well as long as she stays."
    "Anyway," she began again, "my technicians are transforming your TIE Avengers into the new X-3 Seekers."
    "I don't mean to intrude," Goatham interrupted, "but what is an X-3 Seeker anyway?"
    "Good question, an X-3 Seeker is a TIE avenger covered in fiber-optic panels with an advanced jamming and a sonar radar system so you can detect other similarly cloaked bases," she informed us.
    "Umm…I don't like the sound of that." Enerum cut in.
    "What could go wrong I mean with Smitroc, Destroyer, Black Revenge and Juve…well and not to mention myself," Goatham replied.
    "Ohh…you too Derek, nothing is going to go wrong." Suddenly the whole cabin began to shake and these annoying red warning lights began to go off.
    "Battle stations, all hands to battle stations." Black revenge cut in over our intercom.
    As Derek and Goatham headed to the landing bay to Prepare the TIEs as Enerum ran to meet up with Black Revenge. Then together they hurried over to the landing bay where Derek and Goatham were waiting. Quickly strapping them selves in they launched out of the hangar. 
    "Ok form up," Black Revenge commanded.
    "Flights 2 and 3 engage the X-Wings, we'll take out the Y-Wings," Smitroc quickly said realizing that the enemy Y-Wings were within missile range so they were trying to disable the freighter, not destroy it. The Rebels must not get the newest in the line of cloak technology. 
    Juve led the way opening fire with all of his missiles taking out 2 of the X-Wings. Then Smitroc sliced through hole, cannons blazing he scattered damage to most of the Y-Wings following behind. 
    "Derek you're with me," Black Revenge as Derek and him peeled of after an escaping trio of Y-Wings. Transferring all power to there engines they easily closed to within .2 clicks of the lead Y-Wing. Then Black Revenge fired a missile and pealed off. The Y-Wing almost escaped the missile but ended up getting a glancing blow. Which all of a sudden incinerated the Y-Wing and scattered the 2 remaining Y-Wings causing major shield damage to both of them.
    "You didn't tell me you had us loaded with heavy rockets."
    "Sorry, Black revenge; a…uh…slight error on my part," came the reply from Derek.
    "They just don't give up do they," Smitroc said examining the still in formation Y-Wings 3 clicks from the freighter, "I guess I will have to change that."
    Swiftly Smitroc's TIE advanced cut horizontally above the Y-Wings hitting 6 with flares sending them spinning into each other taking out what precious shields they have left.
    Meanwhile Juve puts all power to engines as he leads his 6 pursuers on a wild goose chase in a large circle. Coming back across where he started from Smitroc, leading Destroyer and Aeurin passes him getting ready for a dive at the Y-Wings. Instead Smitroc pulls out of the formation cuts to 1/3 power and pulls behind the X-Wings. He then quickly picks off 3 of the remaining X-Wings with missiles. Just then Goatham finishes the transmission with the freighter and states, "I got them." Then the Modified freighter finishes pulling out of range of the interdictor and hits hyperspace.
    "This is Smitroc, you have the coordinates Goatham?"
    "OK lets get out off here," Smitroc replies.
    "Flight two form up, we have some rockets to use," Black revenge says through his devilish grin. Cutting all power to engines flight two fled through the chaos and launched a salvo of 15 heavy rockets at the blind spot in the rear. As the last heavy rocket hit the Interdictor it collapsed into a ball of flame which was quickly extinguished from the lack of oxygen.
    "OK boys hit it," Smitroc's voice commanded. After about 2 minutes flight 2 dropped out of hyperspace and was quickly joined by flights 2 and 3. 
    Derek broke the silence, "Guys, I think that the rebels should use pure oxygen."
    "Why is that?" Juve replied.
    "Is it cheaper or something?" cut-in Goatham.
    "Nahh bigger explosions Derek said happily, "Ohh…and guys guess what, I got the kill."
    "Yeah well I got the kills for all of the X-Wings and Y-Wings we didn't get," Smitroc's evil laughter stated.
    "How is that?" Derek asked.
    "I figured it out 'cause I am smart."
    "Does that make us stupid?"
    "No just you Derek"
    "By the way whatever happened to you as a child?"
    "Well my mom used to drop me on my head when I was little. Then she would ask, "Derek are you OK?" It hurt but of course I would always say yes. Then I would almost always hear a muffled, "Damn" and she would do it again and again."
    "OK from now on Derek, we are on a strictly need to know basis."
    "Yes major…ohh and by the way how do you get all of these extra kills."
    "Right now they have about 30 seconds of fuel left."
    "Your evil."
    "I know."

    "All I am wondering is how they knew we were coming though?" Smitroc though out loud but what he kept quiet was the two possibilities: coincidence or traitor and with the New Republic it usually wasn't just any coincidence that they were there. I better not tell any body though he thought.
    "Tell me Goatham, were is the Black Ops R&D specialist," Smitroc said lifting his head, "I need to know if the TIE Avengers have been converted to those X-3 Seekers."
    "Umm…she is…uh…"
    "Well out with it."
    "She is having a drink with Derek," Goatham blurted out.
    "That poor soul."
    "Which one?"
    "Well now that you mention it. Hmm…" Smitroc says pausing to think.
    "We better head over there."
    "Well Derek does have those problems."
    "Come on…lets go."
    Arriving at the TIE bay the rest of the squadron was already ready to go. "Ok boys lets see what you're made of," Smitroc began, "We are going to use are new X-3 Seekers to infiltrate the cloaked base. Then we slaughter the rebels and download the memory banks from the main computer, set charges, get out, and blow it up. I hope you brought your sith gear."
    "Never leave home without it," Iater Gaible said toying with his lightsaber, "In fact slaughtering rebels is what Iater Gaibles do best."
    "OK suit up and let's go."
    Rage quickly suited up hopped in their X-3s and left the hangar. Forming up they started the cloaked tracking device that bounced sound off of objects then mapped them out on your screen.
    "I think I got the hangar. It's over here," Derek stated, "but I got a bad idea about this and I just can't put my finger on it."
    "Well tell us when you figure it out, Juve you and Iater Gaible go first," Smitroc said, "I don't want any surprises."
    The rest of Rage squadron watched as all of a sudden Juve and Iater Gaible seemed to disappear. Then shortly the rest off rage squadron followed them in. As the rest of Rage pulled into the hangar Juve and Iater Gaible were surrounded by 16 dead rebel troopers and seemed to be admiring each other's handiwork. 
    Climbing out of their TIEs Rage started for the lift - the only way down to the base. As they entered and the doors shut Derek once again broke the silence, "Guys, I think I know what was bothering me."
    "Well what is it?" Smitroc queried.
    "If we are force sensitive then why do we need that detection gear."
    "Good for a second there I thought it was going to be something to do with the Black Ops lady," Goatham laughed.
    "Uhh…I…" Derek began.
    "It's OK, Goatham is just giving you a bad time." Smitroc cut-in.
    "No that is just the thing. I was having a drink with Jesse her assistant Whitney the black Ops lady said she was going to be with you guys."
    Reaching for the force and suddenly realize it was being cut-off by something. Smitroc let out a "Holy…" but his voice was cut-off by the rest of the squad voicing their favorite quotes who were in turn cut-off by a hiss; The hiss of gas.
    Though the numbing pain the last sound the squadron heard was Derek's weak voice crying, "Those damn bloody animals." Before all was swept into darkness.
    And all was silent.

    "I must congratulate you guys," the voice began, "I never expected to get all of the new X3 Seekers."
    Peering through the haze Smitroc sees an all to familiar figure. Damn, I am going to kill her he thought.
    "Sleep tight," the voice said followed by a hiss and all was silent once more.

    Pulling himself awake he felt the throbbing pain in his head. Man, I haven't had a hangover this bad in 2 years. Wincing then opening his eyes he saw Goatham still passed out in front of him and suddenly remembering where he was. Springing up he noticed that other than Goatham the cell was completely barren. Hearing a swish Derek leaped up and turned around. Through the door came a rebel interrogator and an Imperial Interrogation Droid. Where did they get that damn droid Derek wondered?
    As the interrogator came close to Derek he spoke, "I was hoping you would be the first to wake, fighters are always more fun to break."
Derek lunged at the head of the interrogator out of desperation but missed when the interrogator backed up. Instead Derek landed right beside him. Cocking his head to one side Derek bit hard into the interrogator's leg.
    Cursing the guards moved to pull Derek of the interrogator who was screaming with pain. As they each reached behind Derek's armpits to pull him off Derek kicked the interrogator in the place he had just bitten on his leg. Dropping him to the ground. But before the guards could fully pull Derek away he had put the inside of his left ankle under the chin of the interrogator and his heel at the base of the interrogator's neck. In less than a moment he pulled up with his left foot and slammed his right foot down hard. Snapping the interrogator's neck.
    Looking up Derek barely had time to see the guards reinforced gauntlet slam into his face. But before the silence overcame him, his last thought was that he was still safe - for now. 
    And darkness overcame him once more.

    Looking across the room Destroyer wondered where they were and noticed Iater Gaible began to stir. If only he could somehow get his force power back. He felt miserable. When will this end, he thought. He also wondered where they got the Imperial technology. Obviously the rebels weren't as skilled in the art of torture as the imperials if they had to use our stuff.
    Finally letting himself fall into that painless void. He realized that he hadn't felt this much pain since the shadow academy.

    Smitroc was brilliant and he knew it; after passing through waves of seemingly endless doubts and fears he finally had a plan. After getting his ration of food and water that day he hurried and ate his food but stored the water in his mouth. When the interrogator came he knew it was time to act.
    When the torture droid got close enough he spit all the water in his mouth on to it and short-circuited it. Swiftly grabbing it before it hit the ground he brought it up and stabbed the interrogator with it though the left temple.
    Moving faster than the guards thought possible he kicked one in the chest toward Aeurin warren that in turn grabbed him and threw him up in the air, shot the other trooper with his troopers gun and brought his trooper down on his knee. Cracking his back; killing him instantly.
Smitroc only looked at Aeurin Warren with a growing respect, not to mention smile, "Nice." 
    Grabbing the blasters Smitroc and Aeurin Warren blew out the door. Coming to the hallway outside they shot two more guards. Moving to the cell across from them they found where they were keeping those anti-force animals. With a look of revenge in his eye Smitroc threw in a thermal detonator he had grabbed off one of the trooper's belts and shut the door.
    A couple seconds later he heard a small blast as his force powers came back and almost instantly all of the other cell doors burst outward. Looking at the rest of Rage squadron race out he noticed a slightly surprised but mostly pissed of look on each of their faces. Good he thought as they swept thought the station killing everything in their path like a gigantic tidal wave. No rebel was left alive.

    Hate fuels the force…

    Anger fuels the hate…

    Rage is that anger.

    "Iater Gaible, Juve you guys almost done inspecting those?" Smitroc queried coming into the hangar. 
    "Yea," Juve began, "They are a Apparently battle ready and we had them fully loaded with Advanced Concussion Missiles…"
    "But," Iater Gaible finished, "They were flown while we were captured. Stupid rebels modifying our personal fighters, of course we put backdoors in our computer system. Anyway they were flown to sector 6.3 TZ Delta 7 in the Brankston quadrant."
    "What we would like to know is what is so important that will be out there?" Juve asked. 
    "I don't know," Smitroc replied, "But I will have Goatham run a check."
    In the lift Smitroc asked Goatham as he came on, "So how is it going?"
    "Me and Warren are done," Goatham replied, "I hope we find out whatever those nasty rebels were up to in those Computer Files."
    "Excellent now I have something else for you."
    "I want you to find out all you can about these coordinates," Smitroc stated handing Goatham a datapad.
    "Sir," Goatham saluted and with a smart turn stepped off the elevator. 
    After descending a couple of more feet he arrived at the heart of the station. There Destroyer and Derek were putting the finishing touches on a nice little project.
    "Is it ready?" Goatham asked.
    "Yes sir." came Destroyers reply.
    "Yea it will make Alderaan look like a weapons demonstration," Derek cut in.
    "It was a weapons demonstration," came the reply from Smitroc. 
    He had to admit though they did do a nice job with this station. It is probably the biggest, most technical bomb he had ever seen. Any rebels that came back here would get a rude awakening before they are incinerated. 

    "Sir, apparently I have some bad news for you," Goatham began. Like it would be any other way Smitroc thought, but kept his thoughts to himself. "In that sector roughly 3 imperial days ago the convoy Mainstream passed through," Goatham said, "their cargo: the main frame for the Eclipse."

    Smitroc was pissed off and everyone knew it. As the got into formation each member had certain questions, but they knew that this wasn't the time. Their priority was to get the main frame back. Destroyer watched as all around him the rest of the squadron seemingly disappeared. It was hard, but he managed to stay in formation by computer screen alone. Their hyperspace destination: an unknown rebel base with highly important stolen imperial technology. This is my kind of mission he thought as the stars flew by.
    Coming out of hyperspace Smitroc sent an immediate message out to the Avenger. He then watched as the rebels powered down their ships and started their internal security checks. Rage had to contain their laughter as the rebels looked for their "spy". 
    As Rage split up to ID the ships Smitroc observed the situation. There was a Mon Cal flanked by two light Mon Cals, 6 freighters and a Golan III. 
    "This is Black Revenge, the main frame is on the Mon Cal."
    "Well lets give them a rude awakening," came Smitroc's only reply.
    Flight 1 and 2 simultaneously pulled into two separate hangers. After passing into the hanger they each launched their missiles. It hurt their shields, but there was no question that everything in there was dead, gone permanently.
    Then Aeurin Warren cut in; "Don't you think we should wait until the Avenger arrives? It will be a lot simpler that way."
    Just when you thought they were learning, Smitroc thought. "No, you hear that sound? That is the engines powering down 'cause these guys now what is coming and they don't want to be here when the storm of death rolls in. whether or not they can get out of here is a chance we can ill afford to take." 
    They disposed of the rebel troopers on their way to the Command Bridge. Aeurin warren opened the doors and rushed in. looking around he noticed that the room was abandoned or so he thought. The figure flew from the dark faster then humanly possible and kicked Aeurin up against the wall. Jumping over him the figure whipped out his lightsaber and swept it down in a wide arc. In a split second out of no where a lightsaber came in between him and his victim. "Surprise," laughed Smitroc who then kicked upward into the figure's face toppling him over backwards. 
    Back flipping up the Jedi brought his lightsaber around in a brutal and deadly stance. The other brought his lightsaber around into an elegant and beautiful, but just as deadly stance.
    And the dance began.
    The Dance of Death. 

    Finally Smitroc saw his chance as the Jedi brought his lightsaber down in a spinning arc. Dropping to one knee he brought his lightsaber around to shield the blow. As he did he kicked out the Jedi's legs. Them jumping up he kicked the Jedi sending him flying across the room. After picking up the Jedi's lightsaber he ran to where he hit the wall. He decided to show his last act of mercy as a Dark Jedi. Turning the Jedi's lightsaber off he put it against the Jedi's forehead. Reaching through the force he made the Jedi's hands come up and take hold of the lethal weapon and turn it on, killing himself instantly. Running to retrieve Aeurin Warren he switched on his comlink, " How is it going Black revenge?"
    "We have the cruiser and main computer intact, lets get out of here," Black Revenge replied. 
    Finally reaching Aeurin warren he picked him up and ran to the med. Station, but before he could reach it the ship began to shake. They are using their last option he thought they are going to blow us up. 

    As Firefox looked out the bridge he watched as the stars began to slow. "Shups, stand by for launch." he stated before sitting down. They better be here was the only thing on his mind.
    "Roger begging pre-launch checks," came the reply from Shups.
    Coming out of hyperspace he switched his comlink to Smitroc's frequency, "where are you?"
    "We're on the Mon Cal. Can you bring us in, we got a man down."
    "OK bringing you in."
    Focusing his attention back to his crew he spoke, "focus all fire power on those two Light Calamari and tell the avenger Wing to focus all of their fire power on the Golan 3, there's a lot of fire coming from that and we can go without a fighter screen for a little while."

    In the aftermath the Mon Cal faced any rebels worst nightmare as it was swallowed. In a cave of death. The home of the dark Jedi Brotherhood. 

* * * * * * * * * * 

    "So Firefox," Goatham began bringing his eyes away from the injured Aeurin Warren, "You think we can still use the X-3 Seekers? I kinda like them." 
    "No, no Goatham. I am afraid not." Firefox answered, "The only time you use the best you have is in one of two situations."
    "What is that?" Goatham pressed.
    "When your desperate or you know you have something better.'
    "So which one was it this time?"
    "Take your pick. That is for you to decide."

    Opening the door Smitroc and Black Revenge moved in. 
    "So," Smitroc began, "You think you could escape us Whitney?"
    Whitney turned and drew a blaster, but it immediately flew across the room and exploded against the wall. Pitiful aren't they? Smitroc said to Black Revenge mentally. With a nod Black Revenge moved back into the shadows. 
    Bringing up his blaster Smitroc spoke, "I would love to show you compassion…"
    "Thank you, thank you," she cut in.
    "…But I guess it wasn't in my gene pool." Shooting her in the head and at the base of her neck.
    "Clean up the mess," Smitroc commanded walking out of the room.
    As Black Revenge followed Whitney's body was incinerated in a burst of flame. 

    After taking the main computer back to the secret staging area Derek and Juve were given a tour of the partially completed Eclipse. Finishing in the Command Room Derek stared out the window. 
    "Four more years," Derek said. 
    "4 more years till what?" the human tour guide asked.
    "Four more years till I sit here once again," Derek said coming to rest at the newly installed Commodore's chair.

CMDR/CM Derek/Rage/Avenger Wing 1/SSD Avenger