<Astix> Moreco, being too mature should be made a crime
<Werdna_LB> mature people (well, old people) should be killed as they are evil and no fun
<Mutilator> and they smell
<`Moreco> lol
<`Moreco> how old are you exactly ast?
<Mutilator> no offence to anyone's old people
<Mutilator> 18?
<Werdna_LB> they are jealous of our youth and party-life, so they take it out on us by pissing themselves near us
<Astix> werdna, shut up
<`Moreco> lol
<Astix> i cant type 4 laffing :P
<Mutilator> well that's a new one :P
<Mutilator> you from Up North Ast or something ?
<Werdna_LB> yes, I mean 18 year olds, Muti...as I am only 18 in March
<Astix> no, me from hackney
<Astix> and talk scot
<Astix> coz i am
<Astix> even tho i was born in hackney
<Werdna_LB> I have already found myself hitting small children with my walking cane and boring young people about war stories
<Mutilator> lol
<`Moreco> :P
<Astix> heheh
<Mutilator> Werdna_LB, you are 8 going on 80!
<Mutilator> 0800 1111 - hmmm
<Werdna_LB> "I spent my years in the war in a cellar. I was damned if I was going to fight"
<Astix> heh
<Jourdain> lol.. childline
<Mutilator> I know it too well :P
<Mutilator> I often phone up for a chat
<Werdna_LB> "Still, with all the dead soldiers I found plenty of fun young women to spend my time with after the war"
<Jourdain> i phoned it once
* Mutilator hasn't, he was joking
<Mutilator> why did u phone it?
<Werdna_LB> "I still get white feathers to this day"
<Mutilator> u being abused Jourd?
<Jourdain> i opened up my heart and was talking for 5 mins before the woman told me she was the operator
<Mutilator> lol
<Jourdain> no..
* Werdna_LB will keep on talking until people leave out of boredom with my tales
<Mutilator> u r not being serious are you
<Mutilator> ...are you ?
<Jourdain> yes
<Mutilator> oh dear
* `Moreco scratches his head and wonders about the sanity of today´s youth
<Werdna_LB> "My brother was in the war. Fighting for the Japanese he was"
* Mutilator scratches his head and wonders about the stale smell of today's older citizens
<Werdna_LB> "Sadly he died...about 40 years later of a heart attack"
*** Jourdain has quit IRC (Yawn)
<Mutilator> Werdna_LB, you really are too good at that
<Werdna_LB> "His name was Pubert. Pubes for short"
<Mutilator> hehe
<Werdna_LB> yes, one person down with my stories!!!
<Astix> gods
<Werdna_LB> "I met Hitler once. Nice bloke, but a bit nuts. He sure liked his drink."
<Astix> werd, stop it. ill thro up
<Mutilator> Werd shut up
* `Moreco points at Werdna_LB and laughes his ass off
<`Moreco> :P
<Werdna_LB> "He would get so drunk that he would beat up people. Jews mainly"
* Astix reaches for his holster slowly while watching Werdna_LB with a little grin...
* Astix unleases a swarm of Hothian Star Goats into the room, and watches as everyone rushes to the door. He laughs out loud as Werdna_LB get trampled to death.
* Mutilator loses his temper, pulls out a shotgun and points it a Werdna_LB, "Don't tempt me Werdna_LB!"
<Werdna_LB> "I didn't agree with that killing...but each to their own"
<Astix> gtg
<Astix> cuyez all
<Werdna_LB> yes, another one!!!
<Mutilator> c'ya
<Astix> say hi 2 mav for me
<Werdna_LB> cya
<Mutilator> lol
<Mutilator> c'ya
<Mutilator> this'll be good
<Astix> no it wont
<Astix> hell will break
*** Astix has quit IRC (Dont waste cream on your cat, drink it all yourself | JOIN THE IW- http://iwto.ehnet.org)
<Werdna_LB> "I fought hard in the war. It took 10 men to finally get me to enlist in the army"
<Mutilator> Werdna_LB, you are now, officially the most boring person I know
<Werdna_LB> "When I did evenually join I became one of those entertainers to get out of fighting"
<`Moreco> werd, pls stop this crap... :P
<Werdna_LB> "I had to dress up like a girl every night on stage and sing in a high voice"
<Werdna_LB> "...which I still do to this day"
<Mutilator> Werdna_LB, last chance
* `Moreco ´s finger wanders over the kick button
* Werdna_LB pisses himself and forces everyone to notice the smell before leaving the room to change (/old problem)
<`Moreco> over = to
<Werdna_LB> okay, I'm done!
<`Moreco> thank you
* Mutilator was about to kick you
* `Moreco too :P
<`Moreco> and that wouldn´t even be ops abuse :P
<Werdna_LB> Now I'll tell you about the time I went to Woodstock to protest against hippies
<Werdna_LB> :o)

It was about this time when I was kicked from the channel. I soon returned though...

<`Moreco> :P
<Werdna_LB> I was against their free-love. I was damned if I could get any, so I tryed to stop the hippies doing it
<Werdna_LB> I have to go now, cyas :o)
<Mutilator> c;ya
<`Moreco> heh, cu
* Werdna_LB notices everyone sigh of relief
<`Moreco> :P
<Werdna_LB> don't worry, I'll tell you the rest when I return tomorrow
<Werdna_LB> muhahahahaha...I am old and evil !!!!!!!
*** Disconnected

<CM_Hawk> Space Monkeys and super star aleins 
<CocoMunky> what are aleins?
<Miack> ???
* Miack turns into a zombie
*** Miack is now known as M-Zombie
* M-Zombie starts to wonder around lookin for ppl to eat
<Werdna_LB> talking about Aliens and Zombies, has anyone got the new Scooby Doo cartoon on video and DVD yet?
* M-Zombie slaps LB
<CocoMunky> lol
<M-Zombie> thats for kids 
<CocoMunky> not yet LB
<Werdna_LB> I want it, but I'll look like a prat in the shop
<CocoMunky> but soon..soon I'll have it
* `Adren hands Werdna a scooby snack
<CocoMunky> LB, get yer motha to go in :P
<Werdna_LB> munch munch munch
<M-Zombie> eh ?
* `Adren watches scooby doo with her niece :)
* CocoMunky watches Scooby doo! :D
<CM_Hawk> get a small kid off the street to get it
<Werdna_LB> that's what I need, some little kid to use as an excuse
<M-Zombie> buy it off Amazon 
<CocoMunky> just go get it you foo' :P
<`Adren> scooby doo?? where are yoooooooU?
<CM_Hawk> lol
<M-Zombie> O...K
<Werdna_LB> I'm also after Toy Story 2 and the Transformer Movie, so I'll just get them all from Amazon
* M-Zombie sniggers
<CocoMunky> Transformers
<M-Zombie> Robots in disguise 
<CM_Hawk> Transform movie i want

<`Pri> grah....new ASF motto still hasn't been approved :P
<{|Raven|}> motto?
<CM_Hawk> you cant put sealion init
<{|Raven|}> what about a nick?
<CocoMunky> eh? I thought it was approved earlier on! :P
<`Pri> we got a nick. Sea Lion Woooman. :P
<CM_Hawk> lol
<CocoMunky> oh...whats your motto gonna be then
<`Pri> can't remember...something like "We're coming to get you...aaaight"
<CM_Hawk> its going fraggle rock theme tune
<`Darkov> not "wazzzup"
<`Darkov> ? :P
<`Adren> fraggle rock .. lol
<`Pri> nope. we got little uns to think about :P
<`Adren> let the music play
<CM_Hawk> down at fraggle rock 
<Werdna_LB> I think SureFire should ban all people who say "WASSUP"
<`Pri> hmm...Top 10 of 1980 is on tonight...
<`Pri> I was born then :P
* `Darkov agrees with Werdna
<TroutWork> me too
<Werdna_LB> down at fraggle rock, you swing a fraggle by it's cock
<CM_Hawk> im 81
<`Darkov> geh, where's the Evil Bot Master K
<SureFire> Heh.
* M-Zombie was born in 81
* {|Raven|} is 83
<Werdna_LB> swing it round and round, and throw it to the ground
<CocoMunky> bah...1980
<`Darkov> Pri is a kid
<`Darkov> :P
* Werdna_LB was born in 83
<`Pri> I remember 1980...it was a cold year..
<{|Raven|}> 50+?
<CM_Hawk> Pri over 20
<CocoMunky> 84!!!
<`Pri> too old :P
<`Darkov> Raven bit old for a pilot arent you?
<CM_Hawk> im 19 :P
<{|Raven|}> I'm a CMDR its allowed: P
* CocoMunky dances the happy 84 dance
<`Pri> actually I'm 20 on the 16th of December (aaawwooogaaa!) :P
<TroutWork> the worse part about being born in 1980 was being 20 (read: not legal drinking age) for the new millenium
<Werdna_LB> ah, but does anyone remember the 90's...the silly clothes, the funny hair
* {|Raven|} is 17 on 11th of December
<CM_Hawk> lol im 20 on 18 th of feb
<`Darkov> Pri your younger than my younger sister, and I think she's a baby
<{|Raven|}> Hawk is 20?
<`Pri> oh yeh...is she nice? >:)
<{|Raven|}> Thank god Ric isn't here :)
* `Darkov feels old
<{|Raven|}> Ricaud :)
<Werdna_LB> nice question, Pri!
<`Darkov> Val is old apparently
<CM_Hawk> no 19 but 20 soon
<`Pri> Ric is old and senile :P
<`Darkov> Pri, she's engaged... and I wouldn't know, not the way I look at her
<`Pri> bah...
<{|Raven|}> bah
<CM_Hawk> mad
<{|Raven|}> ...
<`Pri> I'll have to stick to the streets on Soho then :/
<`Darkov> lady-boys :P
<{|Raven|}> what the hell is Soho?
<{|Raven|}> CoHo?
<`Darkov> a place
<`Darklord> mmmm soho :)
<`Darkov> a seedy place
<CM_Hawk> in london
<`Darklord> a cool place :)
<`Pri> a place in london
<`Darkov> a red light district
<{|Raven|}> ah!
<`Pri> very cool place :)
<{|Raven|}> no wonder I never heard of it
<`Darkov> the best place :P
<CM_Hawk> with ot the red lights
<{|Raven|}> ^ to the london remark
<CM_Hawk> out
<`Darkov> come on.. there must be someone older than me here
<CM_Hawk> il get my dad on for you
* `Pri is gonna see to it that DL leaves Soho with a lady-boy on his back :P
<`Darkov> anyone from the seventies? or sixties? 
<`Darklord> bev - nope you're the oldest :)
<`Darkov> noooooo I don't want to be the oldest!!!
<CM_Hawk> lol
<`Darklord> old git!
<`Pri> geezer
<`Darkov> it was fun a couple of years back when you couldn't drink legally and I could :P
<CM_Hawk> dirty old git
<`Darkov> but now its just..... old
<{|Raven|}> Darkov you what 50?
<M-Zombie> LOL
<`Darkov> not quite
<`Pri> Darkov receives a pension :P
<`Darkov> I told you ain't retired yet...
<CM_Hawk> that be a good day
* `Darkov has four years before the pension
<`Quake> thanx
<`Darkov> four years of making everyone in the EH suffer :P
<M-Zombie> noooooooo

<CocoMunky> Hey LB
<Werdna_LB> hello
<SureFire> Hello.
<Werdna_LB> is it me, or is it a tad quiet?
<CrazyR2> it's not you, Werdna.. :P
* CocoMunky thinks
<CocoMunky> er...its the 2nd one :P
<Werdna_LB> in that case I must bring happiness and murth to you all
<Werdna_LB> :o)
<CocoMunky> LB, attack southerners!
<Werdna_LB> all you southerners are a bunch of shandy drinking fairies!!!
<CocoMunky> YAY!
<`Adren> shandy :P
<`Adren> lol
<`Darklord> heh strange that I drink lots of vodka then :P
<CocoMunky> yeah...your a weirdo DL :P
<`Darklord> vodka rules :)
* CrazyR2 douses DL in vodka.
<`Darklord> until the next morning :P
* `Adren hands Darklord a prarie fire

*** `Bang_mon has joined #tiecorps
<Werdna_LB> Bang_mon??? are you one of them damn pokemon?
<CocoMunky> Shoe! :P
<MAJ_Toran> ROFL
<`Adren> hehe
<`Adren> pokemon Banger
<`Bang_mon> har har funny
*** `Bang_mon has left #tiecorps
<CocoMunky> ew...isn't Banging Pokemon illegal? >:P
<`Adren> aw Werdna scared him away
<CrazyR2> heheh
* CocoMunky pokes LB
<CocoMunky> that wasn't very nice, was it? :P
<Werdna_LB> sorry
<CocoMunky> better :P

*** `Bangmon has joined #tiecorps
<SureFire> [`Bangmon] "A true Northerner, Not one of those southern Poncies"
<MindB_ndr> bangmon, is man. northern enough?;)
<CocoMunky> Yay for Banger's Info Line! :D
<`Bangmon> ya
<`Adren> hehe
<`Bangmon> Manc's is North
* `Adren wonders what a Poncie is?
<Werdna_LB> no manchesters not northern enough...unlike Newcastle
<`Bangmon> but Manc's talk like Poofs
<MindB_ndr> yes but newcastle are reserve-scots
<CocoMunky> yeah...Manchester is sorta north
<CocoMunky> Stoke! :D
<Werdna_LB> newcastle's nowhere near scotland
<CPTNemesi> lol
<MindB_ndr> heheheh
<CocoMunky> yes it is, LB :P
<MindB_ndr> i knew that would come:D
<MAJMinkus> Werdna. On a Global Scale, it is.
<`Bangmon> Hey, don't knock the Geordies
<CocoMunky> yeah....Geordies are good (well....better than Cockey's
<Werdna_LB> see, Geordies are everyones second favourite people barring their own people
* CocoMunky thinks
<CocoMunky> yeah...I S'pose they are :P

* `Pri wonders if LB stands for Lady-Boy...
* ShadwHawk hopes not
<Werdna_LB> or Elbee, which is more likely
<TroutWork> hi editor, mr. bossman, sir
<SureFire> Hey.
* CM_Hawk pours a bucket of water on Pri
<Werdna_LB> Trout!!! Why aren't you working???
<`Pri> yeh, but Lady-Boy is much more interesting :P
<TroutWork> who says im not? :P
<Werdna_LB> well, less of the chatter, slave
<TroutWork> right...

...back to IRC Fun main