<MAJMinkus> Tom: I thought you were already in Munky Squad? >:P
<Miack> .....
<CocoMunky> yeah
<CocoMunky> I Command Munky Squadron :P
<Werdna_LB> is there a Concorde Squadron in the CD? I heard there was going to be coz I thought the name up
<MAJMinkus> Poor Munkys... >:P
<MAJMinkus> Werdna: Nope. That was one of Cour's ideas. Which were all crap, so they've all been scraped.
* CocoMunky thwips Minks
* QuakeAway burns some trick or treaters
* QuakeAway fetches a Chainsaw
<MAJMinkus> Plus our first Squadron only has 3 members >:P
<CMGavin> son of a...
<Werdna_LB> DAMN!!!
* QuakeAway puts on a leather mask
* QuakeAway makes pig squeels
<Werdna_LB> I thought I would make a sick, yet lasting, impression on the CD too
<MAJMinkus> Nope. Anyway. Ricaud's been PREX. No one could beat the sick and lasting impression he made >:P

* MAJMinkus is getting good at recognising people's name >:P
<Werdna_LB> Minkus: hey look, it's...........thingy
<`Tom> Who are you Werdna_LB? I don't recognise the name >:P
<MAJMinkus> Thingy? Could you narrow it down a bit. There a lots of people best known as thingy >:P
<Kessler> Well I suppose I'd better go put some clothes on or something :P
<Werdna_LB> ARGHH!!!
<MAJ_Ford> Ugh.
<MAJ_Ford> NakedCMDR! :-P
<`Tom> :D
<Werdna_LB> mental image burning into brain!!! ARGHH!!!
<Kessler> Didn't I mention that when I came in? Oops
<Kessler> Someone pass me a towel?
*** CMGavin has quit IRC (Leaving)
<MAJ_Ford> Kick him...please....:-P
* ``Necroph gets a towel and whip kessler with it
<Kessler> Jeez, no need to quit. It's not THAT bad :P
<``Necroph> *s
<`Tom> heh...you scared Gavin off forever Kess :P
<Werdna_LB> I thought you were typing faster. more fingers to use, Kess???
* Kessler looks down.
<MAJ_Ford> Bad Miack!
<MAJ_Ford> Kess is going to enjoy that :-P
<Kessler> Well, I see what he means :P
<`Kawolski> hah >:P
<Kessler> Anyway, bye!
<MAJ_Ford> Hm.
<Kessler> Next time you see me I'll be mostly clothed :P
<MAJ_Ford> MSE's due tomorrow :-P
<MAJ_Ford> Mostly? :-P
<Werdna_LB> ...mostly
<Kessler> Mostly
*** Kessler has left #tiecorps

<`Darklord> hows you?
<`Pri> fine, you?
<`Darklord> couldnt be better :)
<`Pri> Good.
<`Darklord> although I dont know if I'll have the cash for london this weekend :(
<`Pri> grrr :P
<`Darklord> I'll work it out later
<`Darklord> I spent more than I planned with Mai on Saturday :P
<Werdna_LB> little London village? why do you want to go there?
<`Pri> I heard..you bought her a £35 top or something :P
<`Darklord> yep :)
* QuakeAway shakes his head
* `Pri thwaps DL...you don't buy stuff that expensive...you steal it!
<`Darklord> lol
<`Pri> (don't try it at home kids :P)
<Werdna_LB> remember the two steps...1)pick up gift... 2. run like hell
<`Darklord> hehehe
<`Pri> heh
<Werdna_LB> that's how we do it in the North East!
<`Darklord> yeah well she's worth it :)
<Werdna_LB> ...but not worth a criminal record? think about it DL
<`Pri> lol
<`Darklord> bah stealing is bad :P
<Werdna_LB> it's okay as long as it's from a big company or something
<`Darklord> lol

*** Sadi-[D] has joined #tiecorps
<SureFire> [Sadi-[D]] It's me again
<Jenova`> lo Sadista
<Sadi-[D]> heya
<Jenova`> how,s things
<Sadi-[D]> OK I guess. You?
<Werdna_LB> Sadi-D...you sound like a DJ
<Sadi-[D]> LB: No no. The [D] is to show my support. For the Democrats :)
<Jenova`> ah
<Werdna_LB> oh, I thought someone graded you :o)
* Jenova` 3changes topic to "George W Bush must 4DIE3"
<Jenova`> heh
* Sadi-[D] holds up his "Gore 2000" sign
<`Quake> y?
<Jenova`> Yay
<Jenova`> vote gore for a better america :P
* `Quake holds up his "I am gay" sign
<Jenova`> >:P
<`Quake> whoops wrong sign!
<Jenova`> booo
<Sadi-[D]> hehe
<`Kawolski> Gore's going to lose..haha
<Jenova`> lmao @ QUake
* `Quake raises his "Who cares about American Politics?!" Sign
<Sadi-[D]> LB: I have a B+, if your wondering :)
<Jenova`> Yay
<Werdna_LB> AL Gore is an idiot who's soul job will be to act like a puppet for the real people in charge
* MAJMinkus cheers Quake
<Sadi-[D]> LB: shut your mouth! You live in England! How do you know? 
<Sadi-[D]> :)
<Werdna_LB> The democrats may be right, but in a crisis, Bush would be better
<Sadi-[D]> !
<Sadi-[D]> You've got to be kidding me
<Sadi-[D]> Gore has almost a quarter century of experience
<Werdna_LB> as an englishman, my opinons lie in the affect the US leader would have on the world
<THE0> doing what ? selling his self ?
<Firebird> You think Bush is less of a puppet with his daddy hanging around like that?
<Sadi-[D]> hehe
<`Pri> heh
<`Kawolski> yeah.
<THE0> Clinton was "only' a governor
<`Kawolski> of the huge state of Arkansas, I might add. :P
<MunkyAway> was it Gore who lost the last election?
<Sadi-[D]> no
<Werdna_LB> the fact is, I wouldn't trust Gore with the bomb
<Sadi-[D]> I would
<MunkyAway> oh right
<Sadi-[D]> Bush is a religious zelot
<MAJMinkus> I wouldn't trust either of them >:P
<THE0> problem is Gore trusts China with the bomb
<Firebird> rather him than Bush.. all Bush's staff will be cold war people
* `Kawolski laughs at all the stupid uninformed people in the channel.
<`Kawolski> Man, you guys probably aren't old enough to vote anyway. :P
* Sadi-[D] isn't :)
<`Pri> heh
<Werdna_LB> either way, the US will have a crap leader...so at least make him a safe one
<MunkyAway> damn right :P
<Mad-AFK> ditto
<Mad-AFK> AND I am british
<Firebird> I'd be a strong proponent of a "none of the above" option, but still :P
<Mad-AFK> !britkick
<Mad-AFK> >:P
<MunkyAway> We really want someone to lower the prices of sweets
<THE0> FB...then vote for Nader
<THE0> at least he tells the truth about what he believes
<Werdna_LB> I am a Brit who will soon be voting...but I'll end up voting for the Commies in a drunken blur
* `Pri feeds the Munky to Gordon Brown :P
* Sadi-[D] hates Republicans
<Firebird> voting for Nader seems kinda pointless, I have to say
<MAJMinkus> That's Evil, Pri. >:P But since It's Tom, I doubt anyone will mind >:P
<MunkyAway> Priy : I said LOWER >:P
<THE0> "hate" ...lovely way to catagorize
<`Pri> oh...
<Sadi-[D]> Sorry... "strongly dislike"
<Astatine> does the US have a preference based votiing system?
* `Pri feeds the Munky to Robin *I'm a gimp* Cook :P
* MAJMinkus will vote for the Monster Raving Looney Party when he's older. On account that I couldn't give a rat's arse about Politics >:P
<THE0> A vote for nader...if he stands for what you believe is important
<Sadi-[D]> We have a stupid "electoral college"
<Firebird> he doesn't, exactly.. none of them have it entirely right :)
<Werdna_LB> the system is simple, when things are good, vote republican...when the sh*t hits the fans because of the Reps, vote democrat
<Werdna_LB> it's been that way for years
<Sadi-[D]> grrrr
<`Ace> ..basically, thats right :P
<THE0> noone will agree with you !00% of the time...if they do beware
<`Ace> i'm repub, but it seems to be true :P
<Sadi-[D]> Vote Dem no matter what
* Firebird nods to The0.
* `Kawolski vote Republican because he doesn't feel like living in a Communist country.
<Sadi-[D]> !
<Werdna_LB> I have to go now, but remember...I have a knack for being right all the time (in my opinion)
<`Ace> yeah, go K!
<`Kawolski> If I want communism or socialism, I'll move to China.
* MindB_ndr lives in a commy country
<THE0> hmmm...bull buchannon was a Dem....used to beat blacks to keep them out of schools....yeah ALWAYS is a great idea
* MindB_ndr votes gree/commy too:P
* Sadi-[D] would beat K senseless if he didn't infinatly outrank him :)
<MindB_ndr> (but mostly as a protest vote)
<MAJMinkus> Mind, aren't you Dutch?
<MindB_ndr> yes
<Werdna_LB> GO COMMUNISM!!! Let's all be equal, except from the leaders who are more equal than you
<MindB_ndr> holland is the most communistic country ever

* `Pri_away joins in with the BT flaming :P
<`Tom> I like BT >:P
<MAJMinkus> Because it was the first that offered us Free Calls for £X a month. >:P
<Ricaud> I mean ... AOL has Connie. She's hip, she's sexy, she's happening. She's with it. And what does BT have? ... bloody wrinkly old ET, that's what. :P
<MAJMinkus> Erm. You ever actually looked at Connie, Ricaud? >:P
<`Tom> ET's Hip :P
<Werdna_LB> it depends on whether ET's your "thing" or not
<Ricaud> Yes. She's a minx. :P
<Ricaud> Albeit a ginger minx. :P
<Ricaud> But I'm a tool of AOL, I would think that. :P
<Werdna_LB> it's Connies voice I think...very commanding, yet friendly and playful
<Ricaud> And she's got such great skin, just a shame about the hair. :-)
<Werdna_LB> the dress she wears is a bit dodgy too
<MAJMinkus> You could tell her to have it dyed >:P
<RA_Andron> nothing wrong with see-through dresses :P
<Ricaud> So after seeing Connie, I went signed up with AOL immediately ... and did this sexy, sassy, helpful spring out of my computer and sign on to do with as I please? No. Nothing. I complained, of course. :P
<`Tom> yeah...
<Ricaud> "Hello? AOL helpline?"
<RA_Andron> what IS wrong however is the fact that you can see what's behind the dress. i.e. the scenery :P
<Ricaud> "Yes sir, how can I help you?"
<Werdna_LB> sassy women spring out of my computer...and I need a credit card to see that too
<Ricaud> "Yes, I'd like to complain. After seeing your adverts for AOL UK, I went out and signed up. And yet I see no Connie coming out of my computer."
<`Tom> lol
<Ricaud> "Erm ... sir ..."
<Ricaud> "I mean, you advertise that a woman will come out of the computer, and she doesn't! Eh? Where's the fun in that? Eh! I'll have you under the trade descriptions act!"
<RA_Andron> lol
<Ricaud> "I'm sorry sir, there appears to be a problem with the line-" *brrrrrrrrrrr* :P
<VA_Bargon> lol
<RA_Andron> hehe
<LCM_Tiger> LOL
<Werdna_LB> it's like Linx deoderant...does it work? does it f*ck
<Ricaud> LOL. Exactly. :P
<RA_Andron> the Lynx Effect- No Effect :P
<Werdna_LB> I spray gallons of that crap over me every day, which smells awful btw, and I don't give any "effect"
<MAJMinkus> No. You get to smell like crap. Surely that's worth it? >:P
<Werdna_LB> a few women have fainted from it though
<RA_Andron> lol
<Ricaud> Hey, I can make women faint without wearing any deodorant. Nyah. :P

<CM_Hawk> Nipples everywhere
<`Tom> what channel?
<CM_Hawk> not telling find them youre self
* `Tom thinks Hawkie is getting turned on by Inspector Morse >:P
<Werdna_LB> "oh baby, yeah, arrest me again"
<RA_Tom> OMG really
<CM_Hawk> i was watching the X-files
<RA_Tom> all that talk of sex?
<SPQR> eh, Gillian Anderson's hot :P
<Jedgar> Gillian Anderson's nipples?!?!?
<SPQR> are nice.
* Werdna_LB feels the tone lowering by the second

<TomFood> what's right around scotland? we all whack each other with sticks >:P#
<Jedgar> yeah]
<CM_Hawk> Scotland = sick plain sick
<TomFood> Its our way of life, we have to watch out for the cavemen though
* Werdna_LB lives near the border of Scotland...where civilisation exists...just
<TomFood> Cavemen = Dinosaurs
<CM_Hawk> LB fights te scots off every night to save his village
<TomFood> and these "Car's" are too damn slow, I mean, those "Wheel" things just slow us down
<TomFood> I think its to do with the fact that they are square though :P
<Werdna_LB> I have to defeat the Vikings of the coast as well
<CM_Hawk> im glad i live n the south i dont tink i could hold back the vikings too
<TomFood> You do LB?, gosh your life is hard. I only have to defeat rogue romans
<Werdna_LB> I have viking blood actually...it's nice to know my relatives were raped
<CM_Hawk> lol
* _Reaper__ lives in cornwall where the Radon flows free, and the weak are killed and eaten
<Werdna_LB> Reaper lives in cornwall, where the strong inbreed too :o)
<CM_Hawk> i live near london live me alone
* _Reaper__ has to go find his brother, "I'm hungry"
<_Reaper__> nothing wrong with london: the town where you can nearly walk on the air... literally
<CPTCalvin> :P
<Werdna_LB> it's a nice little village that london
<CM_Hawk> LB you havnt been down there for along time :P#
<_Reaper__> full of those carraiges that don't need horses
<Werdna_LB> I haven't been there since the Romans took it over
<CM_Hawk> lol
<_Reaper__> carriages

<CocoMunky> Lady Boy!
<Werdna_LB> Coco puffs!
<`M> coco pops not puuffs :)
<CocoMunky> Yeah...Coco Puffs are cheapo :P
<MAJMinkus> Isn't it Coco Poof? in Tom's Case? >:P
<Werdna_LB> whoops, got my cereals mixed up. how could that have happened?
<Werdna_LB> it's said "puff" up here in Geordie land though
<CocoMunky> Hush Mortal
<CocoMunky> ew...Newcastle
<CocoMunky> (the Crap 'un) :P
<`M> i suppose T is a puff >:P
* CocoMunky thwaps Mell
<Werdna_LB> you suppose right
<CocoMunky> bah...well at least I'm not a Lady Boy >:P
<Werdna_LB> neither am I, so I don't see a problem
* CocoMunky kills LB
* Werdna_LB kills CocoMuncy back
<CocoMunky> hah...you spelt me name wrong! :P
<Flelmo> Muncy? :P
<Werdna_LB> whatever
<CocoMunky> muhahahahhaah
<CocoMunky> I won an arguement
* CocoMunky runs and jumps out of the window

<Flelmo> What goes in hard and dry and comes out soft and wet?
<Flelmo> Chewing Gum, of course! :P
<Flelmo> Arnold Schwartzenager has a long one, Bill Gates has a short one, Madonna doesn't have one, and Bill Clinton's is used all the time... what is it?
<Nightw^lf> Name. An old one, Flelm. :P
<CCN_Mage> Name!
<CCN_Mage> =P

* Miack has a plan to have Fondor killed
* Werdna_LB has a plan to have Miack killed
* Zekkie has a plan to have Werdna killed.
* Miack has a plan to have the SOV destroyed
<Werdna_LB> crap! does no one have a plan to kill Zekkie???
Ford> At least we don't fist our new members :P
* abk|cpp thinks people that hate the sov suffer from axial-superlaser-envy
<MAJMinkus> Miack. We're doing a fine job of that by ourselves, thank you very much >:P
<Ford> We just remove their colons :P
<Ford> Agreed, AbK :P

* Werdna_LB starts humming to himself
<`Tom> Himself? Wait, your male LB?
<Werdna_LB> yes I am
* `Tom sighs
<`Tom> This joke has lost its appeal after the 15,000 time, hasn't it?
<Werdna_LB> sorry, tom
<`Hawkie> Tom was that all about ?
<Werdna_LB> you'll have to think up something new
<MAJMinkus> Tom.. it was never THAT funny to start with... what kept it vaguely amusing was the fact LB always used to get baited by the whole thing. >:P
<Werdna_LB> yes, I'm the funny one...not you :o)
<`Tom> bah...

<`Hawkie> Quake why have you called you're self Buffy ?
<MAJMinkus> He's a little..... confused.
<MAJMinkus> >:P
<`Hawkie> is that why he's wearing the dress and wig ?
<Werdna_LB> do you like to "play" with Mr. Pointy?
<Avenegro> He's in Ricaud's wing, after all. :P
<`Tom> He's a Lady-boy!
<MAJMinkus> Probably. I try not to notice. >:P
<`Tom> Good job Pri isn't here >:P
<`Hawkie> He's in Ricaud wing are my question has been answered
<MAJMinkus> Tom has spoken. He is an expert on Lady-Boys... considering all the hours he's spent studying them in detail >:P
<Werdna_LB> "is that supposed to be there, darling?"
* `Tom kills Minkus
<`Tom> I just heard it off Pri
<`Hawkie> and Pri heard it off DL
<MAJMinkus> That's what you want us to believe, Tom.... >:P
<`Tom> No! really! Its True!
<`Hawkie> Tom done his own Research i bet :P
<`Tom> No I haven't
<Werdna_LB> it's it fun when a joke backfires horribly on someone :o)
<`Hawkie> : )
<MAJMinkus> Tom: We know the truth. Pri has been telling us all. Behind DL, your his biggest customer. >:P
<`Tom> bah...
<`Tom> DL isn't a customer
<`Tom> he's the Owner of the business
<`Hawkie> DL gets it free does he ?
<`Tom> Ye....I mean I wouldn't know
<MAJMinkus> Ok. So you've just admitted you're the Biggest Customer, Tom. >:P
<`Hawkie> so you're the only paying ?
<`Hawkie> do you think Quake in a chat room acting as a girl somewhere ?

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