This month’s question (supplied by me since my editor needed an article and I needed something to write about): Should the Command Staff have term limits, or should they have professor-like tenure (contract for life)? I figured this would get people’s attention (especially the CS’s), and I think it did.

The first response was from LCM Wil_Striker. He stated that since the EH is not a democracy, command staffers should be able to remain in their positions as long as they want to, though they should be remain active and not get “comfortable” in their jobs. LCM Nurel Turr agreed with Wil_Striker and went on to say that the CS members are not chosen at random, but are chosen based on what they have done and the recommendations of others. Nurel Turr added that if a member of the CS neglects their duties, they should be forcibly removed. MAJ Chei-Ras suggested that command staffers should recognize on their own when they aren’t pulling their weight and step down, in contrast to being removed from office. CPT Werdna Elbee put out the idea of a yearly review of the CS, though he also mentioned how FA Kramer (Sovereign Commodore) wouldn’t step down because he likes his job. LCM Treb Helfest brought up the “realism” argument: since this is a military dictatorship, and so our leaders are our leaders for life (he also reminded us of how we can violently remove someone if they are convicted of corruption or “if they just piss us off”, but this is another matter...). AD Kermee, obviously bored and looking to ignite debate, mentioned that new command staffers are more likely to make mistakes due to lack of familiarity with their position. FA Darkov noted that in the last four years, the CS hasn’t been bad at all “with only a few people actually being removed, most CS’ers do resign if they think they aren't up to the job or if they are short on time”.

So there you have it. A definite majority consensus on keeping the command staff in their jobs for as long as they are able to function and want to function.


On a lighter note, this is from FA Darkov: “Typical journalist... always causing trouble and when there is no trouble twisting words, and when nothing is said, just making up evil rumors :)
I say lynch the Fish!!!! :P”

I’m so loved.

Written up by CPT Troutrooper

* The Editor would like to note that after this debate, FA Darkov had more to say about CPT Troutrooper when I approached him for an interview. I think he said something along the lines of "just as long as you keep Trout away from it."