By LCM MacCredu

(December MKII Winner)

"Major Kaaren!!"
As the rough voice echoed off the steel walls of the barrack singeing the silence.
Sitting on his bunk a rather standard bunk for a Super class Star Destroyer, 
A plain jane consisting of a bunk bed, voice automated fold out table, lockers and a small urinal in the farthest corner of the room.
Emon shot up at the sudden outburst, standing straight as a pin, not a wrinkle in his stance.
Proud, neat and professional Emon thought to himself. But didn't have much time to continue his thought for colonel Zoto flanked by two Imperial flight officers entered the room. One ragged rough cut looking, the other as sharp as Emon himself especially in his dress uniform gleaming the newly acquired medal that Lord Vader himself had given him merely hours before for his exceptional acts of duty at the battle of Hoth.
Vader had instructed him that the Emperor had hand picked a few of the best men for a special mission and that he Emon would be leading this team and there were no exceptions.
Colonel Zoto was now before him a middle-aged man slightly shorter than Emon with a weathered look about the graying colonel.
"Let's cut the formalities," barked Zoto
"Emon I'd like you to meet the others that you've been briefed about, "I understand this is a change in the usual routine of command, but get over it."
"I've read your file and I don't know what kind of hotshot reckless pilot you are Emon and I really don't want to know."
Emon had caught a glimpse of jealousy in Zoto's eyes choking the after laying words. "All the details have been classified even for me!" Zoto continued, "Lord Vader has instructed me to show these two up so that you can get acquainted before your flight and to give you this." As the colonels words vanished he handed over a metallic titanium polished briefcase with the Imperial seal on it with an Inscription that read classified. "You have ten minutes, your ship is already on the turbo lift waiting at loading dock seven."
Emon saluted as he took the briefcase and spat out "thank you sir", in a growling voice. Emon had never liked the colonel especially when he was a jealous nerfherder who did nothing but throw his weight around harassing others. The colonel then stormed out of the room in silence leaving the three staring at each other with poker faces, sizing each other up, not willing to show any weaknesses.

The first to speak was Captain Vinhle the sharp one as Emon had put it, he had an air about him like a philosopher, knowledgeable, with his short cropped brown hair and vast analytic vocabulary. Calm and reserved he spoke. "My name is Captain Vinhle," "And this is Commander Rivash," Vinhle pointed to the man who was a head taller and built in mass whose eyes seemed to have the sensation of piercing your soul stressing the nerves. " You must be Major Emon Kaaren I presume". " You presume correctly commander," Emon nodded at the both of them bringing their attention to the briefcase as he laid it on the table. "And now that the introductions are complete, let's start the briefing for this mission." " For we seem to be left with very little time on our hands." The briefcase clicked open slowly after Emon entered the code that only he had received from Lord Vader earlier during his private ceremony. All three men in anticipation strained to peer within the confines of the metal case as Emon opened it. Inside there laid four holofolders. The first three were the Imperial profiles of each of the men in the room. Emon picked them up and scanned through the contents, the others waited in patience as Emon took mental notes of each holo folder.

Captain Vinhle, expert in tactics and theory, just like the sharp look, everything organized Emon thought. Master in Navigation and ship design and...

Commander Rivash, demolitions expert, Imperial Intelligence, Instructor of at least twenty-three Recon Squads.

Good men to have on your side Emon almost said out loud. Now for the last folder that was of interest...
Emon picked up the holofolder with the title that read Operation Energy and started reading the contents out loud for the others to hear. 

"You are instructed to go to the Imperial supported planet of Onivode in the Glanidor Sector of the outer rim territories at the far end of the galaxy. Once there you will receive information on the location of a vergence in the force, which could be a possible threat to the Empire. Intelligence report masses fleeing, vessels destroyed or missing and the survivors are crazed or driven insane. Contacts, equipment and supplies including 2,000,000 Credits will also be provided for your investigation of this threat once you have contacted Queen Islyn the royal queen of Onivode. You have two weeks to report back to the Emperor himself. Good luck this matter is most urgent and don't fail the Empire."

"Well men that is it" Emon stated bluntly as he put the holo folders back into the briefcase. "Any Questions?"
As the briefcase closed a green light engulfed the inside of the metal case leaving nothing left but dust. Emon waited a second or two and still no one broke the silence between them.
"The show must go on, Let's move" Emon ordered as the team left the barrack heading towards dock seven.

"So this is it," Captain Vinhle said as the three stared at the Imperial shuttle Aspera waiting on Dock Seven.
"Looks like it came right off the production line, a mark III I believe," Vinhle stated "Better armor and a higher top end than it's predecessors," "If you want the diagnostics I could get them from the computer aboard the ship?"
"That won't be necessary captain," Emon cut in "As long as it flies that's all I care about." 
"That and an adequate defense system," Rivash retorted gruffly smearing a smirk across his face. "Vinhle, get aboard and perform a systems check, Rivash, see what kind of armament is on this crate" Emon took a deep breath, so much to do and so little time he thought.
A slight vibration and hum washed over enthralling the dock as the engines were checked.
Rivash reported in "twin turbo laser turret and advanced concussions standard equipment for a long-range reconnaissance, everything seems to be adequate" he smiled. At least we know what makes this man happy Emon thought to himself chuckling. Vinhle poked his head out of the cockpit of the shuttle and stated "Everything checks out sir, we're ready to rock n roll" "Good, Good" said Emon "Let us be on our way then" Emon said as they all climbed aboard. "Command this is recon shuttle Aspera requesting take off," Emon requested through the com link "Aspera this is Command you are cleared for take off, have a nice flight," the com link reported back. Emon gripped the flight controls and eased the Aspera out of the hold of the Star Destroyer Executor and with a flick of his wrist they were gone from view jumped into hyperspace. Light flashed like the rays of the suns piercing through every molecule, every atom of cell and the three were finally on their way to meet their destiny.

Computer: "Nearing the Glanidor System, hyper drive shutdown, returning to sub light speed" as the streaks start to decline from view back into the stars that they are.
"WARNING", "WARNING" the alarms were going off in a frenzy "Missile Lock" "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeep"
"BLAM!" The ship shook violently as it took a bone jarring direct hit, shooting bright flames engulfing the shuttle and then dissipating. "Shields at 54%, we can't take another one like that" screamed Vinhle "Redirect power from the lasers and put em in the engines and try to get those shields back up" Emon yelled frantically at Vinhle. "Rivash get the targeting system up and get those concussions ready" "Damn it who in the blazing stars is shooting at us, this is supposed to be a clear sector!"
"Got him on radar two clicks to our aft, it seems to be an independent class rebel T wing" Rivash barked keeping his cool. Sweat started running down Emon's forehead his mind was racing and his blood thinned as his heart worked double time from the adrenaline that slammed into his system, damn it I wasn't expecting this so soon Emon thought. "Blam" the ship shook again but not as hard as the concussion barely missed its target sending sparks flying in dead space. "Good maneuvering sir," Vinhle directed towards Emon. "RIVASH" Emon yelled and continued with jumbled words that Rivash didn't even acknowledge or hear "I got him," "I got him, repeated Rivash to himself out loud. "Firing!" As a missile screamed away from the Aspera pursuing it's target slamming into the wing of the rebel craft nearly knocking out the ships protective shields. "Vinhle screamed in warning "they're trying to send transmissions." "I'll try to jam it now" Everyone aboard the shuttle Aspera was tense knowing that a shuttle wasn't meant for an intense multiple confrontation, if more craft were to show up their fate would be sealed. The transmission could be heard in the Aspera going out from the T wing "Bravo to Charlie this is Gold Scout, We've just spotted shhhhhhh the transmission went to static as Vinhle looked up with a big smile. "Transmission jammed sir," Vinhle stated with pride. "Good now let's get this bastard before more can locate our coordinates" Emon said as he guided the controls to pull around heading directly towards the T wing head on. Two clicks the radar read, "closer a little closer," Emon muttered to himself under his breath. One click, as the T wing opened up a flurry of continuous barrage of red streaks that seemed to litter the space between the two ships. "Ka Ping, Ka Ping," the sound rattled the hull as a few had hit there mark. "I CAN'T GET LOCK!," Rivash yelled hysterically. "Shields down to 20% but still holding" Vinhle shouted out relieved that they were still alive. The men aboard the shuttle Aspera felt the push of the T wings engines in their stomachs and the whine that popped their ears as the T wing pulled up at the last second almost colliding with them. "He's close enough now, Get those lasers back up and cut off all power to the shields!" "WHAT!?" Vinhle said looking at Emon like he had one to many at the Cantina. Emon jerked the controls to bring the lumbering ship about till they were facing the tail end of the T wing as it zigzagged through the stars. "They'll stand for at least thirty seconds, Now do it!," Emon spat out the order in disgust. Just enough time for Rivash let loose a hail fire of green bolts plummeting into the T wing tearing a it as the rebel craft shot to the left to try an out maneuver it's persistent predator. "Shields are down" Vinhle said in a panic. Emon never heard his comrades outcry, for he had been waiting for this moment, rolling the Aspera to the left concentrating to level the bulky ship out, watching as the T wing was heading for them blasting away to no avail. "Rivash NOW!" Rivash was already ahead of Emon's remark as two linked green lasers impacted the middle of the T wing exploding the craft like a mortar shower lighting up the horizon on a memorable night of celebration back home. "Yippeeee," Vinhle went crazy. "Good Job men," Emon stated with sincerity in his dry hoarse voice. Rivash just nodded shaking his head with one of those famous grins he was getting know for about his face. "Intense!" Rivash exclaimed still smiling as they were now heading for the bright Red Orb of Onivode nearly an hour away in front of them. 

Yabin Culain looked up in the Red sky hearing a scream or more like feeling it miles away as he took a couple deep breaths of the salty humid air. It had been a long time forty plus years since he was inducted into the priestly sect of Onivode know as the Leir Caste' which in Onivion stood for Order and Justice. They were the judges and advisors of royalty for as long as anyone left alive could remember. The Leir Caste' a religion based upon the force in which he had to master by studying the secrets for twenty years. It thrived on nonviolence, exempt from war no one in the order could lift a hand against another not even in defense but there were other ways around defending yourself without violence he'd been taught since he was a child. Yabin wondered where the sanctity and sanity of life went to. The Queen was now dead assassinated, for what purpose and whose cause he contemplated to himself. The local civilians were split and most were convinced it was the Empire and were gaining popularity mostly by propaganda of several extremists who wanted to retaliate for the destruction and constant bombardments that had leveled almost every city on Onivode. But why Yabin thought to himself, when the Empire were supposed to have sent investigators to meet with Queen Islyn to find out the cause of the disturbance at the fringes of the Glanidor sector. Where they not suppose to defend planets that supported the Empire. But it had been confirmed that it was Ties and other Imperial ships that were doing the bombarding for the last week causing chaos and destruction. The strongest extremists in retribution had already executed the Emperors ambassadors the day before. Something doesn't add up he thought or more had a feeling, intuition of an old man you could call it. He then drifted back to an old memory of his old mentor telling him as a young boy "Nothing is what it seems young Yabin, do not do, but feel, the force never lies." He was interrupted by a scream nearby warning everyone "HERE THEY COME AGAIN!" Yabin threw his hood on from his cardinal colored robes and took off down the path towards the Labyrinth.

The shuttle Aspera descended slowly with its repulsor lifts through the reddish dust which was the atmosphere of Onivode. "Still no answer, sir" Vinhle reported on trying to contact any communications with Onivode. "Keep trying Captain," Emon commanded. The crew was just calming down from their near death at the hands of the rebel ship when they were able to view the ground as it came before them. "Major Kaaren, Look!" Rivash protruded looking straight a head through the cockpit transfixed at the ghastly site of destruction that stretched as far as they could see. "What in the falling stars happened here?" Emon knew before Vinhle let the words slip from his lips what had happened and motioned for Vinhle to be silent.
He'd seen this before on Hoth and several other major engagements that he had been a part of. "War," he whispered. "Rivash, double check radar, use every frequency we don't want any more surprises now that we are here." The land was barren; rubble was all that was left of the landscape as the Aspera glided easily over the Capital city with no sign of life. The palace was torn apart as they flew by and very few buildings still stood, everything looked deserted amongst the wreckage and debris. Blast holes and wrecked ships were scattered everywhere like a major engagement took place right in the middle of the city and spread out to the horizon. "This is Imperial shuttle Aspera requesting contact, over" Vinhle kept speaking through the com. Nothing but static echoed back through the speakers. "I believe we are the only ones here," Vinhle said with a heavy heart. Rivash spoke up with his cold voice, " Strange thing, there is no movement of any kind at least in the skies, they must have all left or were blasted to Oblivion." "I've checked and rechecked every frequency sir." "Wait!", "There, over there, I saw something" Rivash was pointing to one of the building that was battered but still standing, picking up the spirits of the crew and drawing there attention to what he was pointing at. Sure enough everyone aboard the ship saw movement of a couple young boys rushing to hide running for the old dilapidated building on the backside of where the palace once stood. "I have a bad feeling about this but if we don't go down there, we will have failed the Empire and I'm not the one to report directly to the Emperor that we have failed" Emon directed. The entire crew knew that they had to continue even if the effort would prove to be pointless. Now a place to land Emon thought as he scanned for a clear area to set the shuttle down on. Four clicks away he spotted an outcropping with enough area to land and proceeded to set the shuttle down nice and easy amongst the rock and twisted chunks of metal. When the engines had died down and everyone had unstrapped their webbing Emon looked at Vinhle who seemed nervous obviously trying to assess the situation and spoke in an understanding tone. "Vinhle, you can stay here and guard the ship, till we send word otherwise." Emon then turned to Rivash who was eager to be on the ground again and ordered him to grab a couple E-11 rifles and a thermo inferred sensor. Emon opened the hatch and the two imperial officers disappeared from view trekking their way towards where the building stood that they had seen the boys run to, rifles and sensor in hand. 

Edward and Patrick Culain ducked into what was left of the building that had at one time garrisoned the palace volunteer defenders and dropped the supplies they had been gathering. "Did they see us?" Edward asked Patrick 
"I hope not." Patrick gasped out of breath. From the shadows Yabin materialized as if he had walked through the wall. "What have I told you about going out into the open when it's unsafe?" Yabin scolded the two young men. "But," stammered Patrick but couldn't finish his excuse for Yabin had cut him off giving them both a stern glare. "But's right, it could have been your butt out there!" Both the young men could see that their father was very displeased with their actions. "Now both of you, to the labyrinth with you and tell the council to be alert, I'll deal with this!" "Yes father," both of the boys spoke in unison as they gathered the supplies and took off through the secret entryway that Yabin had a second before emerged from.

Emon was unsettled, he was beginning to think his eyes had played tricks on him, he swore he'd seen the boys enter the building but still no sign of life showed on the sensor. Emon kept sweeping it around scanning for anything as both men were about three hundred yards from the area that they had spotted the two running. Emon turned toward Rivash "You see anything yet Rivash?" Rivash didn't say a word, he just shook his head no, giving Emon a blank look. At that moment Yabin Culain stepped out as if he had appeared from nowhere out of the stony tomb which was the city.
Rivash spotted him first and lifted his rifle up in a defensive stance yelling a warning to Emon and to the man directly in front of them. "Stop right there!" Emon spun around and saw a robed man walking towards them. Where did he come from Emon thought and why didn't the sensor pick him up? Emon didn't have time to analyze the specifics, plus it had been a hard enough day as it was. The man stopped twenty feet from Emon and Rivash seemingly to look through them. The man was obviously unarmed an old fellow about sixty standard years for a humanoid. "My name is Yabin Culain and who might be gracing us with their presence" "I'll be asking the questions here Emon barked as he started to lift his rifle but before he could react both his and Rivashs E-11 blaster rifles were laying at Yabin's feet. "There is no need for idle threats," Yabin spoke calmly. Emon was stunned, he had never seen anything like the event he just saw before in his life. Sure he had heard urban legends of such things but had passed them off as being old wives tales. Yabin once again asked "Why did you come?" "We came to see your majesty Queen Islyn,"
Rivash said deciding to cooperate with this man who had unnatural abilities. "The Queen is dead, killed by an Imperial spy for 2,000,000 credits." Yabin spoke through the men shaking their souls. "Th.. Th.. This can't be so," Emon stuttered. "We are Imperial Investigators!" Emon decided to tell the truth "No Imperial presence is even close to this sector, otherwise we would have been told about it." Emon then related their mission and the encounters that they have had including introducing Rivash and himself. "You choose wise words Major, I can tell if you are telling the truth," Yabin said "Your thoughts are pure and I believe you." "We've been expecting you, most have given up on you even showing up but some still have faith." Yabin proceeded to tell Emon and Rivash of the attacks by Imperial craft and the underground base with in the heart of the planet surrounded by the Labyrinth in which protects the Onivions that haven't left or been killed. "Princess Kyrah has something for you, she is the sole survivor of our royal family" Yabin continued "We must hurry for it is unsafe out here in the open." Yabin looked up at the sky like he had heard something and then brought his attention back to the men in front of him. Emon then thought of Vinhle still back in the ship awaiting their return. "Yabin, Emon relayed his concern, what about our ship?" "And the man aboard it." Yabin stated. "There is a hanger in the mountain behind us to the north, you can land your ship there, the hanger will be open by the time your ship and friend gets there." Emon then took out his com link and relayed the information to Vinhle. Emon, Rivash picked up their rifles and followed Yabin to the doorway of the volunteer garrison building. "Wait here, I won't be long, " Yabin said as he vanished inside the building to open the secret secured doorway to the labyrinth and alert the others of their presence. While Rivash and Emon waited they watched as Vinhle lifted the Aspera off the ground and started heading in their direction going to the mountain that Emon had instructed him to go to. Zing!, a laser blast grazed Emon's shoulder knocking him back against the building and down to the ground. Rivash alarmed turned to see a black probe droid shooting in their direction and ran out in front of the building covering Emon, shooting back at the dreadful metal and circuits from which the blasts were coming from. At this time the Aspera was almost at the building. Vinhle seeing the exchange of laser blasts spotted the droid hiding behind a crashed speeder and proceeded to get the turrets aboard the Aspera to lock in on the droid. Emon finally rose to his feet, the wind knocked out of his body watched as two Tie Interceptors drop from the sky sweeping towards their target, sending deadly green fiery bolts into the Aspera's hull. Vinhle got his lock and shot two linked blasts into the droid dissolving it from view in a puff of smoke. He didn't even know what hit him or that he was in danger as the Aspera exploding into a ball of bright orange flame smashing into the ground sliding, ripping apart engulfing the area in front of the building into a furnace of molten metal and sparking electrical equipment. Rivash heard the explosion and tried to get out of the way of the crew's destroyed ship but he wasn't quick enough as it washed over him terminating him from Emon's view. Yabin grabbed Emon and threw him through the entryway of the Labyrinth just in time as the building took consecutive concussions and fell to the ground level shaking the earth about them. Yabin picked Emon up "Your friends are gone?" Yabin asked more in a statement than a question. Emon could only shake his head. "Come on, we don't have much time, there will be more coming." "And Princess Kyrah is eager to meet you, she has one of the briefcases that the Queen was murdered for." Yabin with Emon following scampered down the many paths that lead through the heart of the Labyrinth. "Roar" shook the Labyrinth sending chills up and down Emon's spine. "What was that?" Emon asked. "That is the Ma'tleke, a creature that inhabits this maze and feasts on intruders and trespassers who don't know there way, so stay close and don't wander"

"BAM!" Emon woke up from his deep sleep his little black heart beating at a fluttering speed, engulfed in sweat. "wha, what" he exclaimed as he realized that he wasn't in the labyrinth but aboard the ship with the commander he had thought was a Jedi. The ship was setting down in the middle of the woods "You have a nice sleep Emon?" the commander asked "The noise was just a tree branch that brushed against the wing," the commander explained. The commander's voice sounds unusually familiar Emon thought trying to place it. "They really need to trim those from time to time, Are you okay Emon?" the commander asked with a smile. Like the splitting of an atom or a light bulb turning on Emon knew who this man was. "RIVASH!" "Is that you?"

FL/LCM MacCredu/Sin 2-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign