Writing Contest Details
Your section should continue on from the last part, and should be finished for others to carry it on.
You MUST read all of the other parts first. I won't be letting in any entries that mess up the overall storyline by forgetting the past, making a character do something that they wouldn't do, etc.
I'm sorry, but you aren't allowed in the story. All of the characters must be made up, or from the Star Wars storyline. I will allow EH Flag Officers like GA Ronin, SA Compton and so on though.
All of the entries will be published next month, and the winner will get top billing (and be the story to be continued on from for next month). It should be e-mailed to me at battlecomp@hotmail.com before Saturday 9th December, and the winner will also receive a merit from the first high-ranking officer I can bribe into doing so (I have dirt on VA Jarak now, so he'll probably award it).