Improvements To The Flying Contest

From now on, I, CPT Werdna Elbee, will run the Battlecry Flying Contests. This is not because I don't trust anyone else with the job, but because I would rather have all of the facts about the competition to hand incase it goes pair-shaped again.

I also have a new e-mail address for exclusively competitions (, so if I ever do have to let someone else run the competition I can still keep an eye on what is going on. It will also mean that no e-mails will be missed out by accident by being hidden by my thousands of other e-mails I get, and there will be no confusion of which e-mail address you have to send it too.


I will be attempting to employ a number of mission designers for the competitions, instead of just having one person make all the missions. This should cut down on bugs in missions, allow me to run Flying Contests EVERY MONTH, and to make sure that you have great, original missions to play every month.

I have already signed up 3 mission designers who have offered to make missions on occasions for Battlecry. They will be definitely be making missions for issue 10, for the BIG Battlecry Competition. Keep an eye out for that!!!


The medal awarding system has been boosted up for higher medals for the winners, and more medals to award the pilots who have only just fell short of the top spot. Information on this system can be seen back at the main Flying Contest page.

The award system will also occasionally change for BIG competitions on special events. Expect to see amazing rewards next month for the first "BIG Competition".


Hopefully, the Battlecry contests will be of a higher priority throughout the TC fleet, as soon as people see what fun they are, what they rewards they get for taking part, and the "kudos" for winning.  The contests will also be highly promoted from now on, and members won't be able to do anything in the TC without knowing about these competitions.

CPT Werdna Elbee
(Battlecry Editor)

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