October 17, 2000


Still later On the Bridge of the ISD-II Grey Wolf in hyperspace somewhere near Stic

A massive wave warped the star-stripes in the forward viewscreen.  The crew of the Grey Wolf stood gaping, as the wave loomed ever closer.  Could this be the same phenomenon that hit the Minos Cluster?

The wave washed over the Grey Wolf seemingly without effect.  The crew returned apathetically back to their stations.  All was well.  But why did it seem so quiet?  Even the normal background chatter of the bridge crew was silent.

Commodore Cyric left to go on ahead to Mantessa.  He wanted to establish some business contacts there.  Maybe the Grey Wolf could be even better upgraded by some of the new local technology.

Commader Lockholme came onto the bridge.  She saw LC Ichthys sitting slouched at his station.  “Sir! Is something the matter?”

Ichthys replied, “Yes, there most certainly is.  Something has been lost in that wave we just collided with.   It’s as if I can no longer feel the rhythm or the pulse of the ship.  I need to find something that will re-unite us.”

Ichthys signaled to Commanders Brakka and Marcin Szydlowski to attend this impromptu meeting.  “Commanders.  A wave of apathy has washed over the Grey Wolf.  We need to find something to make it whole.  Commanders, you are my finest.  I want you or your representatives to seek out the lost Grail. When you have found it, return and we will cleanse the Grey Wolf.”

Commander Szydlowski quickly replied, “Sir, what does it look like? How will I know it if I find it?”

“You will know it when you see it.  But go! Return quickly before we all succumb to the dismal drain of emotional energy.”

So each commander did according to his own wishes.  CPT Brakka selected LCM Azrael to go in search of the Grail in his place.  Who could imagine what huge tracts of land Azreal the Just would cover or what wrongs he would right in his search for the Grail?  CM Lockholme selected her ablest, LCM Zodiak, to search for the Wing Commander’s prize.  Would Zodiak the Pure (ahem – Zodiak the Chaste) meet Castle Anthrax and fall into temptation?  Would he ever leave if he did enter?  It is said that for every Zodiak in the heavens above, there is a Zoot waiting for him on the earth below. CM Marcin Szydlowski gathered his merry men and together they formed an able band.  Sir Marcin the Brave led his troubadours into their Tie Advanced starfighters and wandered out into the stars.  LC Ichthys listened for a while to the cheery singing coming over their intercom: “Bravely bold Sir Marcin – bold Sir Marcin went off to meet his fate…”

Who would find the Grail? Who would return? Who would meet another fate?  What fates would these pilots meet among the stars?  As this Ichthys wondered as he watched the fighters disappear into the void.


TC, ASF and Wing News

I'm looking at taking on a CA:SCO to aid with various projects.

The requirements are as follows:

1. Have some basic slicing knowledge and/or scripting/programming knowledge (please note languages/platforms and examples).
2. Must be able to answer emails within 24 hours or so.
3. Must have a good sense of EH protocols and procedures.
4. Be willing to learn new skills as appropriate.
5. Have initiative to work on own projects as well as other Science Office projects.

The successful applicant will be responsible for assisting in the upgrading of facilities provided by the Science Office (file archive, fleet manual etc.) as well as expanding the areas covered. This is not just a spot with a VA rank, and anyone simply looking for a promotion would be advised not to apply. Please send all applications & recommendations to Please have all applications in by 21st October.

I am looking for additional Tactical Surveyors and Tacticians for the Tactical Staff in charge of beta testing new battles. As described in the Tactical Manual:

Tactician (TCT) - Makes battle corrections and bug fixes, reports to the appropriate Tactical Coordinator

Tactical Surveyor (TCS) - A beta tester who finds the bug fixes, reports to the Tactical Head Coordinator with reports.

·         Send your applications to Admiral Striker and Rear Admiral Shadd, please report the game platforms you use with detail (XvT with/without BoP, TIE Disk, CD or 95 etc) and/or on which platform you have some mission design/editing skills.

·        Current WingXIII Combat Ranks: (Bold indicates changes. :P)

o       Jedi 4th

§         [522] CPT Brucmack/Crusader

o       Ace 2nd

§         [179] CM Raven Arestar/Vortex

o       Veteran 1st

§         [111] LC Chrusos Ichthys

o       Veteran 3rd

§         [82] CM Marcin Szydlowski/Crusader

o       Officer 1st

§         [68] CM Raxis Krieger/Odin

o       Officer 4th

§         [34] LCM Azrael/Valkyrie

§         [32] CM Darwin Matir/Valkyrie

§         [30] LCM Xera Verr/Phoenix

o       Marksman 2nd

§         [21] CM Azazel/Vortex

§         [21] LCM DrDiablo/Crusader

§         [20] LCM Wiesio/Crusader

o       Marksman 3rd

§         [18] VA Cyric

§         [18] CM Deamon/Phoenix

o       Marksman 4th

§         [14] LT Jonny Sawicki/Crusader

§         [13] CPT Brakka/Valkyrie

§         [12] CM Khadgar/Valkyrie

§         [10] LC Tethys/Odin

o       Certified

§         [9] LT Hev Randrowan/Odin

§         [8] CM CrazyR2/Vortex

§         [6] LC Woobee/Odin

o       Trainee

§         [4] LCM Alex Foley/Crusader

§         [4] LCM CMR Brown/Pheonix

§         [4] LT Mace/Vortex

§         [4] CM Raven Lockholme/Odin

§         [2] LT Garet Jax/Vortex

§         [2] LT Wes Janson/Tartarus

§         [1] CM Achim Schwarick/Vortex

§         [1] LT Black Knight/Phoenix

§         [1] LCM Dark Archon/Odin

§         [1] CM Ghost Rezdar/Valkyrie

§         [1] LCM Picard/Valkyrie

§         [1] LCM Trashman/Valkyrie

Ship’s Doc Report!

None at this time. L I’ll forward the Doc’s report when I get it.


Glimpses from around the ship!


After hyperspace jump completed Wiesio, Drako, Tron and Diablo appered in New Republic system of Chaazwa. They needed to recoordinate computers to another jump.

-This is Wiesio. I got new coordinates, but republic fighters appeared. They're hailing me through radio.

-Answer them. Before they check us we'll be out of here.

-Confimed. - he changer frequency. - This is Mood Wioosioo of Juno confederacy fighters. We're passing this sector. Confirm...

    After few seconds X-Wings group leader responded.

-This is Black leader. Mood Wioosioo, prepare to be inspected. Lower down your shields and power down weapon systems. After we'll scan you, you can go.

-No way - thought Wiesio. - Unable to confirm. We don't have enough time. - x-wing was about 2 klicks away.

-Confirm, or we'll open fire. - Wiesio changed frequency again.

-Full speed, shield up, lasers off. We got coordinates. - ordered Wiesio. All fighters moved stright ahead. When x-wings saw this they started firing.

-Oh <bleep!>! - shouted Diablo. - They're firing. Requesting permission to brake formation.

-Denied! - answered Wiesio. - We have no time. 2 minutes to hyperspace point.

-They'll fry us before we;ll escape! - complained Drako.

-All enegry to backward deflector. - he redirected reactor energy. - Turn off scaners, and everything but navigation computer and life support. We'll be faster.

-But we'll have to made corrections manualy. - said Tron.

-Mike learned you how to do this. Do it now! - shouted Wiesio. He grabed flight steering and started to make corrections. X-Wing were firing but they're about klick away so they're missing most shots. Diablo shouted when he received direct hit. Shields lowered to 55%.

-I've been hit. I another one and i'll be dead.

-20 more seconds. 15... 10... 5... - when one of x-wings locked lasers on Diablo his fighter jumped forward and dissappeared in hyperspace. They're free.

-Black 2 to commander. Should we follow them??? - asked rebel wingman.

-What for? I think they're just pirates and they're smuggling their precious cargo. That's why they didn't want to be inspected. Return to base.

-Yes sir. - all X-wing turned back and headed to nearest platform.

    Meantime 4 Gunboats were milions of kilometres away. They turned on everything again.

-We'll arrive at Sairians planet in 12 hours, Try to get some sleep. - suggested Wiesio. His cabin was much bigger than in Tie Advanced.

-Good idea. - confirmed Drako. - Drako out.

    They all falled asleep. They had few hours of waiting. Sleep was the best solution...


That’s all for now. 

Keep flying!  We love to fly and soon! The whole of TC will know it!


WC/LC Chrusos Ichthys/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-1rh1gh/LoC-PSx106/CoS/CoL/CoB [LGNR] {IWATS-SM/2-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-XTT-XTM-GFX}
GRD Chrusos Ichthys (Sith)/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum

October 9, 2000


 On the Bridge of the ISD-II Grey Wolf in hyperspace somewhere near Stic

The newly promoted Lieutenant Colonel Ichthys was quite excited.  He was bending over the radio operator’s shoulder to see the news as it came in.  “Commodore Cyric!  Top priority news from EH HQ at Aurora!  It appears the Minos Cluster has fallen off the universe!”

“Ichthys, get a grip on yourself!  Clusters don’t fall off the universe!”

“Sir!  By orders of the GA himself, all travel in the Minos Cluster is prohibited.  Ships venturing into the area are lost.  Rebel travel in the area is not reported.  With all the survey ships we had in the area, Minos Cluster must be undergoing a major physical disruption!”

Right about then, a massive wave warped the star-stripes in the forward viewscreen.  The crew of the Grey Wolf stood gaping as the wave loomed ever closer.  Could this be the same phenomenon that hit the Minos Cluster?

TC, ASF and Wing News

·        Current WingXIII Combat Ranks: (Bold indicates changes. :P)

o       Jedi 4th

§         [506] CPT Brucmack/Crusader

o       Ace 2nd

§         [178] CM Raven Arestar/Vortex

o       Veteran 2nd

§         [99] LC Chrusos Ichthys

o       Veteran 4th

§         [75] CM Marcin Szydlowski/Crusader

o       Officer 1st

§         [66] CM Raxis Krieger/Odin

o       Officer 4th

§         [34] LCM Azrael/Valkyrie

§         [31] CM Darwin Matir/Valkyrie

§         [30] LCM Xera Verr/Phoenix

o       Marksman 2nd

§         [21] LCM DrDiablo/Crusader

§         [20] CM Azazel/Vortex

§         [20] LCM Wiesio/Crusader

o       Marksman 3rd

§         [18] CM Deamon/Phoenix

§         [16] VA Cyric

o       Marksman 4th

§         [14] LT Jonny Sawicki/Crusader

§         [13] CPT Brakka/Valkyrie

§         [10] CM Khadgar/Valkyrie

§         [10] LC Tethys/Odin

o       Certified

§         [9] LT Hev Randrowan/Odin

§         [8] CM CrazyR2/Vortex

§         [6] LCM Tron/Crusader

§         [6] LC Woobee/Odin

o       Trainee

§         [4] LCM Alex Foley/Crusader

§         [4] LCM CMR Brown/Pheonix

§         [4] LT Mace/Vortex

§         [4] CM Raven Lockholme/Odin

§         [2] LT Garet Jax/Vortex

§         [2] LT Wes Janson/Tartarus

§         [2] LCM Zodiak/Odin

§         [1] CM Achim Schwarick/Vortex

§         [1] LT Black Knight/Phoenix

§         [1] LCM Dark Archon/Odin

§         [1] CM Ghost Rezdar/Valkyrie

§         [1] CM Phoenix/Tartarus

§         [1] LCM Picard/Valkyrie

§         [1] LCM Trashman/Valkyrie


Ship’s Doc Report!

None at this time. L I’ll forward the Doc’s report when I get it.


Glimpses from around the ship!


In CMDR Azazel's Office............

             A much happier CMDR Azazel sit's reading his scandoc's on his desk monitor, " ah......much much better i see !", he say's quietly to himeself with a grin. Whilst reading the messages he hears a bit of comotion outside his office door....something is happening on the flight deck. " Huh?....what's going on now? ", Azazel stands and press's the button to open his door. There are Imperial Commando's scurrying about all over the place, Az looks left.....then right, he stops one dead in his track's who salutes sharply. " Sargeant.....kindly tell me what all this commotion is about? ", " yes CMDR Azazel sir, the WC, LC Vitcarp is gathering all the pilot's of your squadron for a medal ceremony, VA Cyric will be along shortly you not old sir?? ", Az frowns....." No i was not.....still i'd better get ready...are you going there now Sargeant? ", " Yes sir ", say's the commando proudly, " good.....tell LC Vitcarp i'll be there shortly, thank's Sargeant ", " will do sir ", the Sargeant salutes and scurries off . Az close's his door and enter's his ajoining quater's and put's on his best uniform which display's his acheivements and FCHG rank. Az walks back into his office and check's his remaining messages...." aha....there it is ", Az chuckles as he spot's the reminder and invitation to dinner with all of WingXIII for the celebration of LC Vitcarp's promo to LC. Just then, the door buzzer sounds, " Enter ", Az say's cheerfully, VA Cyric walks in....smiling. Az quickly stands to attention and salutes, VA Cyric salutes back, " at ease CM Azazel, ah...i see your all spruced up ready for today's medal ceremony and evenings dining! ", Cyric chuckles, " know me sir.......not one to miss such an invitation to down CMDR Deamons grog-on-tap, and take part in some gambling ", " well come now then, we got alot to do , and time is wasting CMDR ". Az follows VA Cyric down the corridoor to the flight deck. All of Vortex is turned out smartly, medals gleaming on their chest's, all at attention, before them LC Vitcarp stands, and beside him a commando holding a steel tray with a silken towel on it so not to damage or scratch the medals that lay apon it. VA Cyric step's forward after all the salutes and formal talk, VA Cyric calls CMDR Azazel to step forward, " CMDR Azazel, i hereby award thee with a ISM and a LOC, congrats CMDR ", Az salutes and stands next to LC Vitcarp. VA Cyric then invites Az to give each of his pilot's who earnt a decorations their medals. Each pilot stepped forward and saluted whilst Az pinned their medals on their tunic's, and saluted in return with a " excellent pilot, congratulations....keep up the good work " speech. But soon the ceremony came to an end, and with a huge cheer, the pilot's filed off the flight deck for the officer's lounge for LC Vitcarp's party......*hick*



  LCM Sin Drakkar walked down the stoic hallways of the ISD Grey Wolf with his tote bag in hand.  The empty clean space on his shoulder where his Crusader patch used to be made him feel rather naked and alone on the ship, but he was hopeful.  He had served too long in the Emperor's Hammer with little recognition for his efforts; his flight record was impeccable, but many lesser pilots on the ship had a breastful of medals; LCM Drakkar only had two, and that fact has ate at his spirit as surely as a Minoc chews through the wires of neglected space transports.  It was simply time to move to a new squadron, where his efforts would hopefully go noticed by Odin's new and successful Commander.  

   Passing by the quarters of Vortex squadron, Drakkar chuckled to himself, hearing the many pilots of Vortex snoring so loudly that they are sucking the paint off of the ceiling.  He couldn't wait to find out what the blokes of Odin's odious personal habits were.  Mental images of sleeping in a room full of smelly socks and bad language filled his mind with dark trepidation as he finally reached the portal that lead to Hangar number four; the home of Odin. Above the portal, the great banner of the "Wing Commander's Own" squadron hung like a trophy, heralding the successes of the teamwork contained within.  LCM Drakkar opened the door and peered inside.

  A Lieutenant with a wry smile was dragging some heavy object in a bag

towards the door, whistling "dieu-da-dieu-dieu" to himself as he worked.  The bag he was dragging had a long zipper that ran its length down the middle, and it was about six feet long, a bodybag!  Upon seeing LCM Drakkar, the LT looked up and snapped a grim salute. The end of the bag he was moving fell to the floor with a thud, and the bruised and bloody arm of a dead pilot fell out of the bag, smelling of cooked flesh. The pungent odor wafted across LCM Drakkar's nose as he returned the salute.

  "LCM Sin Drakkar reporting for duty to Odin squadron according to Flight Office order #1774523.4-Omicron."  The LCM knew that this pilot had lower rank than he, but it never hurt to be formal and show respect as a first impression - a good way to make friends.

  The young Lieutenant stared at the new arrival for a moment, making sure to not miss the fact that the new guy was staring at the body he was dragging. "Well met, I am LT Hev Randrowan, of Odin Flight III.  Pay no attention to this guy! He was inactive.  CMDR Raven and LCM Zodiak had to "correct" his inactivity with their sidearms."  Hev's gloved finger pointed the body bag on the floor. "They shot this poor cuss when he was sleeping in a storage crate, trying to get out of patrol his replacement?"

  "I suppose."  Hev couldn't believe what he was seeing.  He leaned over and pushed the half open zipper aside, revealing the dead pilot's name, "SL Norp".  The look of surprise and horror was still clear on his pale face; eyes rolled back into his head and a pair of blaster holes still smoked on his abdomen.  Apparently this squadron takes dereliction of duty as a serious matter.  Dead serious!

  "C'mon, Ill introduce ya to the others," LT Hev broke the silence with his cheery voice, "Just help me get this lazy excuse for a pilot down the garbage hatch."  With a mutual effort, the body bag was placed in the garbage chute, and the door was closed...the sliding of rubber on steel was heard for a moment as the body disappeared into the darkness of the refuse hold.

  The two pilots made their way into the main hangar, where a small group of pilots were assembled for the daily briefing.  A woman with a grim set to her jaw was gesticulating madly in front of them; on her breast was the five pointed star that denoted her as Odin's Commander. "When we show those puffy-headed Crusader pilots that we are a threat to their so-called superiority, you will all most likely receive medals.  And we can make them suffer the humiliation that has long been overdue for them!"

  The pilots looked at each other and nodded eagerly, liking this idea a lot. LCM Drakkar noted many ranks among these pilots, and he couldnt get over the fact that a few of these men were older...more mature.  The Commander took notice of his presence.

  "Gentlemen, this is LCM Sin Drakkar, our newest arrival....from Crusader."

The woman Commander was handsome, for sure, but Drakkar could not look at her without thinking of the horror that was frozen on that young, dead pilot's face. "Zodiak, give him his patch and show him the ropes, we've got a lot of work to do."

  "Yes, Ma'am."  An older pilot in his late twenties with a two foot pony tail and a cigarette clenched between his teeth turned towards Drakkar and Hev. The braided cord of the ISD Grey Wolf Commodore's Protector was wrapped around the shoulder of his uniform.  With an icy stare, he stepped away from the formation of pilots and walked to the doorway where Hev and Drakkar were standing.  When he stopped in front of the two, he lifted his gloved hand in the lazy salute of a seasoned veteran.  He tossed a patch to Drakker, who caught it and looked at its style, drastically different than Crusader's patch.

   "Perhaps the differences wouldn't be so bad after all," Drakkar thought to himself as the older pilot began briefing him.



A small TF races through the vastness of space. Its escorting an Escort Shuttle. This is TF Razor, Shuttle Beowulf welcome to the ISD Grey Wolf. The TF zooms off as the shuttle enters the hangar. A message comes into the Shuttles cockpit, Shuttle Beowulf you are cleared to enter the main Hangar, VA Cyric, LC Chrusos and CM Raven are waiting for you. Thank you the shuttles pilot replied. The shuttles graciously enters the hangar and lands. From its cockpit 2 pilots emerge. The 3 gentlemen who were waiting for the new arrivals step forward and introduce themselves and after that welcome the pilots to the ship. CM Raven takes the 2 arrivals and shows them to their quarters. 2 hours later. 1 klick from the ISD Grey Wolf. The space turns blue and a PURSUER ENFORCEMENT SHIP shoots out of the hyperspace. This is PES Hornet 3-2. LT Rex speaking the ISD Vanguard was ambushed by a superiour Goliath Fleet. They took out their engines they are dead in space, here are the coordinates for the fleet, 3:334:312:212:230:304 Now I'm off to get more reinforcements. W/O decelerating the PES entered hyperspace. The transmission was on VA Cyric's desk within 3 minutes, and within 5 minutes ISD Grey Wolf left for hyperspace, but Tartarus Squadron and Shuttle Beowulf stayed behind, it was the pilots week off and the ISD Grey Wolf was on Station in the best relaxation spot in the universe, you got it right kids! Disney Land!!!! :) As the shuttle descended through the atmosphere the alarms went off. CM Raven went to the forward cockpit, sir its the goliath force, I count 1 CRS, 3 LFRG, 1 INT, 1 VSD, Not good thought Raven to himself.  Sir! LT Chris stepped forward. Give me a Missile Boat and I'll keep them off our tail as we descend. Sorry dude no Missiles they are at the front :( But here are the keys to your own personnal Tie Bomber, here is some washing material the previous SL forgot to clean it up after he had his accident. Shitzo ejected him to space last week :) Its a new modified version you have 12 Heavy Bombs on board, but the space is a bit cramped, and your speed =  only 60.

5 mins later.


A small object detaches from the Shuttle and starts to gain altitude, 5 seconds later another objects detaches and follows the first object. "Sir LT Wes Janson and LT Chris have detached successfully"

Pilots report in!
Tartarus 3 Online

Tartarus 6 online.


As the fighters gained altitude the goliath fleet dispatched  2 Tie Interceptor Squadrons to destroy Disney Land. As the fighters entered atmosphere their cockpits got scalding red. So it wasn't a surprise when they didn't see 2 dots coming at them.


"Sir we've entered the atmosphere and lost all contact with the Goliath, no worry, CMDR JoJarJo replied wakka wakka wakka. The pilots laughed .

Squadron Report!

Grood Squadron here

Binks squadron here.



Suddenly, a commotion started on the net. Sir whats happening. Binks squadron's 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12 starfighters destroyed, 7 wasn't destroyed has it's your escort. A missile streaked past JoJarJo's viewport and Binks squadron's #7 blew up in flame. Grood squadron get on hold with Offence and tell them we are in trouble. Yes sir!
Grood squadron evasive action! Run for the ATRs/ETRs. I see them sir! 12 ATRs and 12 ETRs descend through atmosphere. Captain Jeo looked out of viewport, and saw a Rocket heading his way Ah! Sh....then he was no more. CMDR of the ETR/ATR Battlegroup recieved a report, 12 rockets destroyed the ATR squadron. Luckily we can take a hit from 1 Rocket. Blasted atmosphere I can't see nothing! Sir ETR Delta 3-9 are destroyed. Tell all forces to go full throttle we have to clear the atmoshpere we just have to! Sir #2 and 10 just exploded. Looks like they are out of rockets wonderful. A blue line showed up front looks like we made it! Sir there are 10 fighters waiting for us! We can see them now! Open fire. Sir sensors are telling me they are firing. Oh nuts! 20 laser beams repeated 3 times destroyed the 2 ETRs in a flash.


In Space!


Sir our forces are destroyed! Open fire on the planet! If we don't get it noone will.


Sir incoming 3 ISDs. Nuts the decoy didn't work right!


The enemy escapes but loses a CRS in the process.





"Commander Khadgar, report to my office immediately." The speaker on the ISD Grey Wolf boomed with the voice of Captain Brakka, Commander of Valkyrie Squadron. I quickly made my way to the office of Brakka. I entered the door and took a seat opposite Captain Brakka. "Thank you for joining me, Commander Khadgar," he started, "I’d like to thank you for choosing Valkyrie above all the Squadrons, currently we are under in a training operation to improve squadron performace, report to the briefing room, and welcome board." I quickly replied "Yes Sir!" and made my to the briefing room.

"Before I begin, I’d like everyone to welcome Commander Khadgar to the squadron, I’m sure you’ve all heard of him, so let us continue." "The first operation will be an obstacle course, fairly straight forward, pilots, to your TIEs, and May the Force be with You!" I made my way to my Assault Gunboat, Excalibur, she wasn’t as good for starfighter combat as my old T/I, but she was good for capital ship strikes. I put on my helmet and climbed into the cockpit of my TIE. Once all systems were ready, I proceeded out of the docking bay and went into a cylindrical tube. The obstacle course began, overall it wasn’t anything new, dodging various shapes at high speeds, the obstacle ended after 3 minutes.

"Excellent work on the obstacle course, everyone, the second drill will be target practice, you must eliminate all of Container group Delta." Again, we went to our TIEs. On the way I saw an unfamiliar face, "Who are you?" I inquired. "Lieutenant Commander Yamato," I’ll be along side you in this drill. "Good to have you aboard," I said.

Shortly we made our way out of the Grey Wolf and towards Container group Delta. Just then I picked up a signal on the radio, "This is Lone Star to Rebel Command, proceed with Operation: Retrieve". "Did you get that?" I said over the Com. "Yeah," Brakka said, "I don’t like it." Shortly after a Calamari Cruiser entered, "Calamari Cruiser Tyranny heading our way!" I said over the Com. "I see it! All units into attack formation!" Brakka responded. Soon the Cruiser launched X-Wing Squadron Blue to intercept us along with two ATRs. Steadily the distance grew smaller between X-Wing Blue 3 and my craft, suddenly my computer chirped "Incoming Missle," I quickly targeted it and dodged it quickly, it whizzed by my craft. Quickly I flipped over and shot down the missle as it came toward my craft. I rotated around just in time to blow the approaching X-Wing out of the sky. "All units, report back to base," Brakka said over the Com.

When we got back to the briefing room, Brakka spoke up. "There is no way the Rebels should have known we were training in this area, there must be a leak, that transmission to Rebel Command came from one of Valkyrie’s fighters."

To be continued…

That’s all for now. 

Keep flying!  We love to fly and soon! The whole of TC will know it!


WC/LC Chrusos Ichthys/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx8/MoI/MoT-1rh1gh/LoC-PSx99/CoS/CoL/CoB [LGNR] {IWATS-SM/2-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-XTT-XTM-GFX}
GRD Chrusos Ichthys (Sith)/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum

October 2, 2000


Commodore Cyric stood on the bridge of the ISD-II Grey Wolf staring out the huge picture window.  The starstripes shrank to dots and the Grey Wolf entered space near G’Rho.  Commodore Cyric stared out the window a bit longer, glanced at the gravitational sensor array near his left hand and then resumed looking out the window more.  “Major!  Where is the Goliath fleet?  You told me they had been sighted here – in this system!”

“Yes, Sir! They were!” Major Ichthys sputtered.

“Well?” Cyric continued.  “Where are they? All that I see is this little Lancer Frigate!  Don’t tell me I revealed my main taskforce just to skewer this one small craft.”

Reports began streaming in from Thilla, Stic, Narulac, Daltar, and Mantessa.  The B/CRS’s at Thilla, Stic, Narulac and Daltar were quickly dispatched.  Ichthys chuckled.  “Never buy in Bulks,” thought the Major to himself. Mantessa brought disturbing news.  Asp, Krayt and Diamondback fighter squadrons and a Modified Frigate had been lost to the huge Goliath task force that had just left G’Rho a day ago.  Fortunately they took with them the VSD Largo, the CRS Offensive as well as a few fighters and heavy transports.

While COM Cyric was not unhappy with the reports, he was not impressed.  Starfighters from the Grey Wolf streaked toward the lone Goliath frigate.  Cyric stood near the window as if he could smell the blood of the Goliath fleet nearby.  “Major!”  He growled, “I know that the Goliath fleet is nearby.  Where are they going? Where will they be next?  I want to strike them and I want to strike them hard!”

The Major was at a loss for words for a moment, but then a glimmer of an idea came.  “Sir! If you will accompany me to the debriefing chamber, I will show you,” said Ichthys suavely as he picked up his copy of Operation: DarkHammer – The Movie.


TC, ASF and Wing News

·        ·        Current WingXIII Combat Ranks: (Bold indicates changes – I don’t think any LoCs have been award this week :P)

o       Top Ace 1st

§         [459] CPT Brucmack/Crusader

o       Ace 3rd

§         [170] CM Raven Arestar/Vortex

o       Veteran 3rd

§         [85] MAJ Chrusos Ichthys

o       Veteran 4th

§         [70] CM Marcin Szydlowski/Crusader

o       Officer 1st

§         [66] CM Raxis Krieger/Odin

o       Officer 4th

§         [34] LCM Azrael/Valkyrie

§         [31] CM Darwin Matir/Valkyrie

§         [30] LCM Xera Verr/Phoenix

o       Marksman 2nd

§         [21] LCM DrDiablo/Crusader

§         [20] LT Wiesio/Crusader

o       Marksman 3rd

§         [19] CM Azazel/Vortex

§         [18] LT MadDog/Tartarus

§         [16] VA Cyric

§         [16] CM Deamon/Phoenix

o       Marksman 4th

§         [14] LT Jonny Sawicki/Crusader

§         [13] CPT Brakka/Valkyrie

§         [10] LC Tethys/Odin

o       Certified

§         [9] CM Khadgar/Valkyrie

§         [8] CM CrazyR2/Vortex

§         [8] LT Hev Randrowan/Odin

§         [6] LCM Tron/Crusader

§         [6] LC Woobee/Odin

o       Trainee

§         [4] LT Alex Foley/Crusader

§         [4] LT CMR Brown/Pheonix

§         [4] LCM Raven Lockholme/Odin

§         [3] LT Renos Louca/Vortex

§         [2] LT Garet Jax/Vortex

§         [1] CM Achim Schwarick/Vortex

§         [1] LT Black Knight/Phoenix

§         [1] LCM Dark Archon/Odin

§         [1] CM Ghost Rezdar/Valkyrie

§         [1] CM Phoenix/Tartarus

§         [1] LCM Trashman/Valkyrie

§         [1] LCM Zodiak/Odin


Ship’s Doc Report!

None at this time. L I’ll forward the Doc’s report when I get it.


Glimpses from around the ship!


In CMDR Azazel's Office............

     A very unhappy CMDR pace's his office floor, eye's set hard into the flagstone floor, a frown the size of the grand canyon sit's on his troubled brow....the weight of a thousand questions run through his head. But only one stands out most prominantly, " why are my pilot's not flying?". Az spins to turn and look at the door where CM Achim has just come in and saluted, " Good morning sir, here's my flight report", Achim beams. Az's eye's thin as he salutes back, and points to his desk, " put it there and sit down CM Achim", Az's voice rasp's and breaks the harmony that is a morning on the Grey Wolf. Achim walks to the desk, and places down the report, as he does so he avoids Az's burning gaze, all that he can just see in that red and black face , is those burning yellow and red eye's boring through his skull. Az watches his flight leader sit down..........then he begins....." ACHIM ...have you noticed that Vortex is not doing very well on the citation and patrol front?", Az can't contain his anger and frustration no longer.., " Sir i have noticed...what are you going to do?", Achim nervously replies. " I'll tell you what i'm gonna do.....only the pilot's who fly will sit at  my table and reap the rewards.......there will be no slacking in my squadron...after all, all are most welcome aboard the ISD Inactive !!", in his anger his force power's cause a vase to fly accross the room and shatter against the far wall. Achim jolt's in his chair, " Sir please'll wreck your office ", Achim's voice is cautiouse....but Az does calm down.....for his FL know's him well......" your right Achim.......come ...let's get some breakie and a drink, then talk some more about this matter", Az put's his hand on Achim's shoulder to put him at ease.....and they leave for the mess hall for grog and breakie.....



AS Deamon looks at his Master Roster of Phoenix Squadron he see's that Most of his Pilots are Flying Battles. :) and Is happy with them. He is also wondering where the rest of his Pilots are. Hmmmm. Well On with the show. :)  Many happenings this week he see's as he looks at the Flight Reports he has filed this week. Hmmm, CMR Brown has been actively shooting rebles, hehehe, he likes shooting rebs. Ahhh FL Con has been flying also. Hmmm, he may have to fly an X-Wing (in CD form) before long. Well after TC-XvT-10 that is :) And LT Dark Knight, only a couple days in the Squad and Promoted and flew two Battles, I am Impressed Deamon thinks to him self. I wonder if the rest of the Squadron can keep up to this new gun we have aquired.



CPT Brucmack has just finished his reports, and wanted to go to sleep, when he saw Mike running to his cabin, with some other pilot on his tail. "CMDR!" - shouted Mike - "tell them that we're the only Polish Power!!!" Brucmack looked surprised. "What?!" - he asked. Then he saw Ya-qoob walking in, slowly. He looked drunk. "I have been in TC, when... when... you were all just babies!" - he screamed. Some other pilot, shout from the corridor "I am CM Artyis, and you are nothing, Ya-qoob!!!". "WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!!" - Brucmack couldn't wait much longer. "We are Sigma pilots, we are the best!" - answered the voice from the corridor. "No, no no... WE are the best...". Mike was getting angry. Some more pilots walked into the CMDR's office. "Greetings from Sigma..."- said Hag, and felt onto CPT's bed. "I give up..." - though CMDR. "Ya-qoob, stop singing!!!". "Ok, ok...". Suddenly, somebody screamed "Let's drink!!!" and all the pilots run out of Brucmack's cabin...

Next morning, Brucmack went into Polish Power quarters. Drako and Sin Drakkar were looking at it too... Mike and Diablo were talking silently "aaaah... it hurts...". CPT said: "What happened here yesterday?!" Mike answered - "Nothing, we just invited some friends from the other ship...". "Well, you will all clean this mess! Now!". Suddenly Ya-qoob walked out. "aaaah... what happened here?" "Don't you remember?!" - Brucmack was angry. "Ah, yes... Sigma....". "Clean this mess..." - said Brucmack and walked out. Mike asked: "Hey, CMDR! Can sigma pilots come here often?" - CPT Ya-qoob


"Sairians are real"

Few days have passed onboard Grey Wolf since Mike's accident. All Crusader's were waiting for Brucmack's right hand. But Mike has shown no signs of life. He was lying at med lab's bed day after day, night after night, and even doc Woobee was unable to help. He said if Mike won't return to life in next two day, it'll be end and he'll be never back. This sentence shocked all pilots onboard ship. Even Major Vitcarp and Commodore Cyric were sad. They don't wanted too loose one of their best pilots.

    Wiesio was sitting at his bed, thinking. He knew that he can't allow to Mike's death. He remembered first time when he saw this pilot. He's was Cadet onboard Daedalus and Mike was visiting the platform looking for new Crusader members. They met in cantina. Wiesio heard about Crusaders and he wanted to join. Mike looked at his profile and he invited him to squadron. Just like many other hotshots. Diablo, Drako, Jonny. They're all recruited and trained by him. And they all owed him great debt. He had show them how to fly, how to kick rebels, how to avoid cruisers fire and deliver deadly messages. They all wasted hours looking for solution for their own. They he appeared, took them to simulators and shown them. And most important thing was, that he saved their lives during Ghoit Battle. But now it's was only memory. Memory of flying as a wing for great pilots.

    But learned them much more. He was always telling them "Always obey order. Always feel respect for senior officers. Then you'll feel that they care of you. And never leave you wingman in combat. Even for a price of death. " And he never left them. He was attacking cruiser when he saw that his wingmans are overrun by rebels. He broke Brucmack's order, left formation and turned back to help them. And he saved them, almost loosing his position and all medals. Kawolski and Strike, which where commanding this battle wanted to banish him. Only Cyric's intervention saved him.

    But now he was almost dead. Dead because some stupid engeneet not installed special devices in recreation room. Wiesio knew that he need to do something. He couldn't sit here and wait. He got up.

-Diablo, Drako, Tron. I need your help. - he said to his fellas. Diablo wanted to do something too. He was excited with every action.

-What's your plan, buddy? - asked Tron.

-Just follow me. I got the idea how to safe Mike. - expalined Wiesio.

-Tell me. - asked Drako. - Do you really want to search for Sairians? - they all looked at him and then at Wiesio.

-Yes. I know where they're living. Maybe we'll find them.

-We're are we heading? - asked Tron.

-Shol system. To planed Eearth. We'll find them there. - explained Wiesio again.

-But it's deep in rebel territories. What if they'll find us?

-We'll kick their asses. Mike shown us how to fight. Let's pay this debt.

-Allright. So let's go. - said Drako and they all went out. Brucmack saw they leaving but he was too angry to react. So he left they for their own.


    Few minutes have passed and Wiesio, Diablo, Tron and Drako appeared in hangar bay. They're all wearing their flightsuits with Crusader's patches on their arms. All were prepeared for mission.

-Ok. Listen up. We don't have clerance to fly so we'll have to act against rule. If anybody wants to quit, do it now.

-Calm down, man. We all want to help you. Even if we'll have to pay for this. - said Diablo and looked at his friends. - Am i right? - asked.

-Of course. - answered Drako and Tron.

-So let's go. - said Wiesio and they'll all went to their fighters.

-Let's all take GUNs so we won't have any problem with landing on planets. - suggested Drako.

-Agreed. - Wiesio really wanted to fly his Tie Advanced but it was recon not combat.

    After few minutes they're all in fighters.

-Ok, guys. Standard equipment check. - ordered Wiesio. Though Tron had higher rank, they all wanted Wiesio to command. This mission was his invention. - Oxygen control... check - said Wiesio.

-Mission computers... check. - said Diablo.

-Master arms switch... safe. - added Tron.

-Innertial navigation systems... check. - confirmed Drako.

-Allright. We'll be using R44 channel to contact, so switch to it.

-Acknowledged, commaneder - said all pilot at this same time.

-I'm downloading you false identification codes, so let's hope rebel patrols won't stop us.

-Roger that. - said Diablo.

-3... 2... 1... Let's go. - Wiesio pushed throttle and his fighter moved up and then jumped forward. Tron, Drako and Diablo followed him. After few seconds they're all in cold space. They saw they galaxies, millions, and stars, trillions. Wiesio started sending jump coordinates to his wingmans.

    Meantime at GW's bridge. Vice Admiral Cyric standed up and went to windows. He saw four Gunboats moving away from ship. They're flying in formatiom, used only by Crusader Squadron. And he was sure he didn't assign any tasks for this squad. He turned back and standed near his communications officer.

-Where are those gunboats heading? - asked looking at radad.

-I'm not sure, sir. I'll ask them.


-Imperial Gunboat, confirm your id and destinations. - after few seconds Wiesio said very quickly.

-Unable to confirm. We've got special task. - hearing this Cyric took intercom.

-Attention crusaders. This is your commodore speaking. You don't have authority to leave the ship. Explaing you plans, now!

-Sorry sir. We'll talk later. We have to save Mike. - Wiesio turned of comm and redirected shield generator's energy to engines. - Listen up. Before we'll jump they'll try to stop us using tractor beams. So turn off you shields and all unnecessary systems. Wiesio out. - All pilots did as was said.

-Tractor beams 13,14,15,16. Prepeare to lock down on gunboats. - officers looked at Cyric. - Should i hold them? - asked. Cyric was thinking for few seconds.

-No. Let them pass. Maybe they really found solution. - old man returned to his chair and sitted. He was thinking for next few minutes and suddenly said.

-Gentleman. Find all information about race called "Sairians" and send it all directly to my personal computer.

-Yes, sir. - answered all of crew and started looking for any informations about this race. At the same time, gunboats jumped to hyperspace.


To be continued...

- CM Marcin Szydlowski



It was mid-day when the band of Odin pilots grouped together in the main hangar to bid farewell to LCM DarkAlpha. While it was a sad parting, CM Lockholme watched as the guys, in true tough-guy, macho fashon tried to play it off as if his departure wasn't affecting them. True, he was on his way to an elite squadron and a bright future, but yet his teammates would miss him anyway. They all waved goodbye as he boarded a transport to take him to his new post.


   The group disassembled slowly, some went to fly patrols and others to forage for grog. CM Lockholme remained standing in the hangar, staring at the floor. "It needs scrubbing" she thought. "We need some new SL's to take care of that." Besides that, she was pondering where she would find a replacement for DarkAlpha.


  She stood and thought. Glancing out the hangar, she noticed a TIE Interceptor lining itself up for a nice landing in the hangar.


  "I need a flight leader for flight three...wonder where I will find good replacement for DarkAlpha. I need a pilot who is responsible. Someone with experence, and who's good at motivating their pilots. Someone that works hard...someone..." she trailed off into thought.


  She watched the TIE/I manuover it's way into the hangar. It was strangely adorned with all sorts of expressions of optimistic rhetoric such as "Best Wishes"and "Just Married ". She thought she could see white crepe paper hanging around in the cockpit.


  "Who could I get to....hmmmm...."she broke off as the thought occured to her. "Actually, a pretty darn good idea.." She set her jaw as the pilot landed the craft.


   LCM Zodiak hopped out of the his TIE/I and assisted a girl dresed in all white out and carrying flowers of the cockpit. Lockholme didn't have to wonder too much what had happened on Zodiak's leave.



   Lockholme cleared her throat. "Zodiak, a word, please."


   Zodiak removed his flight helmet and adjusted his ponytail to correct the chance of "hat hair".


  "Yes, m'am?"


  Lockholme offered him her hand to shake. He did the same. She began, "Let me be the first to congratulate you....."


   Upon accepting her hand, he noticed that she had instead handed him a Flight Leader's badge.


 "...upon your new promotion." she concluded and smiled at her sneeky trick.


  Zodiak looked at first shocked, then happy. "Why, thank you...I...."


  "You nothing. Go take care of what you have to now. You have a flight to address in a half an hour. Don't be late."


 First small crisis of the week resolved. :-)



LT Shitzo was walking down the corridor between the tavern and his quarters suddenly an C-3PO unit comes in front of him and rips his LT Badge offs and runs away. LT Shitzo takes out a blaster and runs after the crazy droid. Coming out of a sharp turn LT Shtizo slides and rams the bulkheads. He cries out in pain, but continues his pursuit. The droid comes out of a turn and closes the door then runs on. LT Shitzo arrives 3 seconds later. There are 3 controls. | | |  LT Shitzo chooses the first control + | | Nothing happens. He presses the 2nd control + | + Nothing happens, he presses the final control +++ 300 meters away SL Zeus stands in his room. Then he notices that the room is spinning. WCs office, sir Tartarus 2-2 bulkhead was just ejected into space, WC VitCarp takes note and continues flying the simulator. Back to LT Shitzo He turns of the 2nd control + | + The door opens. The young Lieutenant comes into the mess hall, and sees the sign, LT Shitzo you are now a LCM, Congrats, The LT sees the droid near his CMDR. A small 3x3 incinrator droid arrives. CMDR Raven takes the LT Badge and throws it into the incinerator, a puff of smoke and the badge is no more. After that CMDR Raven gives [_]Shitzo a quarter, "See that dispenser, There is a Snack Bar, a Soda Machine, and a Promotion Machine, choose your pleasure :) . Shitzo comes and sees that the Snack Bar doesn't have his favourite Candy, then notices that the Soda Machine only carries Raven class Seltzer so the choice was immenent. Shitzo deposits his quarter and makes his selection, but the machine goes halfway then stops, with no promo coming through. Shitzo calls on the help of Tartarus Squadron which helps Shitzo rock the machine, eventually the LCM Badge pops out. LCM Shitzo attaches the badge to his Uniform and goes to Celebrate.



"This is Valkyrie 1, all fighters report in," Captain Brakka said over the ComLink. "Flight I is ready and standing by," Picard said. "Flight II awaiting orders," Matir responded. After the Flights reported in, Brakka quickly gave his men their instructions, "Okay, listen up everyone, this is a quick hit and run, as soon as you come out of the Grey Wolf, head for the weapons platform and hit it with everything you’ve got, then head home."

"Copy, Valkyrie leader," Matir and Picard said, almost simultaneously. Valkyrie Squadron waited anxiously for the go ahead to launch, and eventually it came, "Valkyrie Squadron, this is control, you are clear for launch." Shortly after they were given the go ahead, Valkyrie Squadron launched from the Grey Wolf and hastily made their way towards the platform." "No Rebels? What a disappointment," Matir noted. "I don’t like it at all," Brakka said in response. The pilots’ slowly made their way towards the platform, arming their rockets. "Almost there," Matir said.

Suddenly the Squadron noticed X-Wing fighters launching from the platform. "It’s a trap!" Brakka said, "All fighters arm lasers and get into attack formation!" Valkyrie Squadron got into attack formation just as the X-Wings came within firing range, the X-Wings were taken by surprise when the bombers and assault gunboats got into formation and fired at them. Valkyrie Squadron quickly turned about to meet the incoming X-Wings. The X-Wings fired on Valkyrie Squadron and then veered off towards the Grey Wolf. "They’re heading for the Grey Wolf! All fighters move to support!" Valkyrie Squadron fired at the X-Wings, and managed to do enough damage to get the attention of the X-Wings. Two of the X-Wings did an upward loop and ended up to the rear of Picard and Matir. Brakka quickly turned around to support Picard and a fight ensued. "I can’t shake ‘em!" Matir said. "I’m coming!" Keirian said. The X-Wing steadily gained on Matir and started firing laser bursts, just as it seemed that the X-Wing had Matir, a TIE Interceptor came and blasted the X-Wing in half with a quad laser burst. Valkyrie Squadron finished off the remaining X-Wings and headed home. Brakka glanced at his screen and noticed that the TIE Interceptor that had saved Brakka was "T/I Excalibur". "Report in, TIE Intrerceptor Excalibur," Brakka said. "Commander Khadgar reporting for duty, sir." "Pleasure to have you with us, Commander." Brakka responded. 


That’s all for now. 

Keep flying!  We love to fly and soon! The whole of TC will know it!


WC/MAJ Chrusos Ichthys/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx8/MoI/MoT-1rh1gh/LoC-PSx85/CoS/CoL/CoB [LGNR] {IWATS-SM/2-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-XTT-XTM-GFX}
GRD Chrusos Ichthys (Sith)/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum

September 25, 2000

In the Rion Sector

The Security Officer of the Rion Space Control Ship ValGorladden was quite agitated.  He found the ship’s Captain.  “Sir!  We picked up a garbled transmission from an approaching Emperor’s Hammer ship.  While it appears to be a lone ISD, this is the message I intercepted from the Imperial High Command for the ISD Grey Wolf:

For Your Eyes Only

“To: ISD Grey Wolf, COM VA Cyric,

“Investigate the Rion sector.  Determine military defense strength and locations of defenses. Use the <number><name><domestic farm animal><adjective>, if necessary.  Survive and report back.  Your mission must succeed at all costs.”

The Security Officer became shrill, “Sir! What is a <number><name><domestic farm animal><adjective>?”

The Captain of the ValGorladden picked up the communication from the Security Officer and looked at it with almost scientific detachment.  After moment, he spoke, “Is it a code name for an Imperial secret weapon?  It seems a very unusual format.  Almost too simple to be a code and yet…”

“No, Sir! Most EH code names are acronyms, sometimes with numbers attached.  This transmission MUST be garbled.  This code name makes no sense!”

The Captain remained calm, “The rest of the message is clear enough.  Even this name is clear.  I wouldn’t say this transmission is garbled.  Analyze the name.”

The Security Officer calmed down before the Captain’s icy demeanor.  “Aye, sir.  We could understand it better if the garble didn’t have both a name and a domestic farm animal.  Remove the domestic farm animal and we would have “Three Bobs Mean” or “Three Wills Tough”.  Take out the name and re-insert the farm animal and we would have “Three Dogs Vicious” or “Three Sheep Surly”.  But “Three Sam Sheep Surly” makes no sense!”

At that moment, the ISD Grey Wolf came into sensor range of the Rion Space Control Ship ValGorladden and its escorts. Wanting to deter this obvious threat to Rion political security, the Captain ordered a full out assault.  On board the Grey Wolf, Commodore Cyric saw the oncoming attack wave and ordered retaliation.  Wing Commander Chrusos Ichthys assigned the three squadrons led by CM Deamon, CPT Brucmack and CM Raven Arestar to clear the way.  How unfortunate that the officers of the ValGorladden had not heard the legendary myth of the “Three Billy Goats Gruff”.


TC, ASF and Wing News

·         Battlecry competition
19:53 - COL Sauron []
The Battlecry competition has started once again, with three new missions designed by yours truly. I would like to encourage everyone to fly the missions, as they are a great way to get individual participation. As a way of a reminder, the entire TIE Corps is invited to participate, not just the Battle-Group. Just to whet your whistle, the top medal you can get is a Silver Star! More details about the competition can be read at:


o        All three platforms, TIE, XWA and XvT can be played and entered.

o        I would like to see as much participation as possible.  Pilots, please CC me when you submit your plt files.

·        Current WingXIII Combat Ranks: (Bold indicates changes)

o       Top Ace 1st

§         [451] CPT Brucmack/Crusader

o       Ace 3rd

§         [168] CM Raven Arestar/Tartarus

o       Veteran 3rd

§         [85] MAJ Chrusos Ichthys

o       Officer 1st

§         [69] CM Marcin Szydlowski/Crusader

§         [66] CM Raxis Krieger/Odin

o       Officer 4th

§         [31] CM Darwin Matir

§         [30] LCM Xera Verr/Phoenix

o       Marksman 1st

§         [26] LCM Azrael/Valkyrie

o       Marksman 2nd

§         [21] LT DrDiablo/Crusader

o       Marksman 3rd

§         [19] CM SCUD/Tartarus

§         [18] CM Azazel/Vortex

§         [18] LT MadDog/Tartarus

§         [17] LT Wiesio/Crusader

§         [16] VA Cyric

§         [16] CM Deamon/Phoenix

o       Marksman 4th

§         [14] LT Jonny Sawicki/Crusader

§         [12] CPT Brakka/Valkyrie

§         [10] LC Tethys/Odin

o       Certified

§         [9] CM Khadgar/Valkyrie

§         [8] CM CrazyR2/Vortex

§         [8] LT Hev Randrowan/Odin

§         [6] LCM Tron/Crusader

§         [6] LC Woobee/Odin

o       Trainee

§         [4] LT Alex Foley/Crusader

§         [4] LT CMR Brown/Pheonix

§         [4] LCM Raven Lockholme/Odin

§         [3] Renos Louca/Vortex

§         [2] LT Garet Jax/Vortex

§         [1] CM Achim Schwarick/Vortex

§         [1] LCM Dark Archon/Odin

§         [1] CM Ghost Rezdar/Valkyrie

§         [1] CM Phoenix/Tartarus

§         [1] LCM Trashman/Valkyrie

§         [1] LCM Zodiak/Odin


Ship’s Doc Report!

None at this time. L I’ll forward the Doc’s report when I get it.


Glimpses from around the ship!


   CMDR Azazel walks into his old office to find it sparkling clean " ahh CM Achim you got the cleaner droids in on time i see?", CM Achim smiles broadly at such recognition, " yes sir ". Az smiles and look's out of the window into deep space, " oh well Achim, back to work i see .....let's see how this lot do together ". At that they head for a grog or 10.....


Deamon paced his office deep in thought when CMR Brown burst into his office with more Flight Chips. Talking excitedly, "Sir I Found my keys to my Tie Interceptor. I have been flying again and all is well in my neck of the woods!!!" CM Deamon, takes Brown by the arm and leads him to his private Bar. "Grog LT.?"


CPT Brucmack was sleeping in his quarters, when suddenly a big explosion woke him up. "Rebels" - thought Brucmack and dressed quickly. He run out of his quarters, and saw smoke from the hangar entrance. LCM Tron, Diablo, LT Alex and Demon were already standing at the corridor. "Pilots! What happened" - CPT shout. Mike walked out of the hangar, laughing "hahaha - Ya-qoob's T/A exploded". "What?!!" - Brucmack was surprised. Then LT Wiesio and LT Jonny run out of the room. Ya-qoob walked out last. He was angry "How could I know that this damned nuclear reactor will melt?! Who did this stupid craft!" Brucmack asked: "Ya-qoob, what exactly did you do?". "I wanted to install new engine to my T/A, but it looks like there's something wrong with it..." "Where did you get this engine" - Brucmack asked. "He bought it on Mos Eisley, from some big furry guy - Mike was laughing. "He said it's OK!!" - Ya-qoob looked angry. "Ok, people, ther's nothing to see, get back to your cabin" - Brucmack ordered Diablo, Tron and Demon to get back to their rooms. "OK, Ya-qoob, you will clean this mess. Mike you will help him". "WHAT?! I didn't do anything" - MIke stopped laughing. "that's an order". - said Brucmack and returned to his cabin. Then he heard a silent knock on the doors. "Yes?" Ya-qoob walked in: Ummm... about that reactor meltdown..." "yes?" - Brucmack asked. "Well, the Grey Wolf will explode in 5 minutes. Do I have to say it to WC?"

Crusader Flight 3

As you can remeber Grey Wolf was passing gravitation field. All people ware is their cabins or on the bridge where gravitation was normal caused by special equipment usage. Only one person has been out of safe places when gravitation works. Now i'll tell you what happened.

    When Imperiam Star Destroyer left gravitation field all pilots heard Vitcarps voice.

-This is your wing commander speaking. We just passed weird gravitation field. You can now return back to your normal duties. Vortex pilots report to brieefing at 12:30. That's all. Vitcarp out. - everything retutned to normal. Wiesio standed up from his bed and told to Diablo and Tron.

-Hey huys. Let's look for Mike. He owe me one poker match.

-Allright. - said Tron. Diablo shaked his head and they all went out.


    Meantime at bridge. Cyric and Vitcarp ware checking damaged caused by high gravitation.

-What is or status, Lieutenant? - said Vice Admiral to communications offices sitting next to him.

-Sir. I got all section report. We have no great damages. Everything works ok. Some mess in kitches but everythink seems to be allright. - explained young man.

-Good. But what about our crew. Any casualties or wouned crew members. - added Vitcarp. Young Lieutenant looked at him and aswered.

-No, sir. Every crew member is ok. - Cyric staned up, walked around and took him place at his bridge chair. Vit staned next to him.

-So. This gravitation field infuence caused no damages. Very good. - said Cyric.

-I got weird feeling that it's not true. I feel like someone was in influence of this field.

-Well. Calm down. We'll see.


-Explosion in recreation section. It's gym. - shouted one of bridge crew members.

-Yellow alert! - orded Cyric without thinking - Stormtroopers secure those section and all corridord leading to it. Vit, go and see what happened.

-All right. - said Vitcarp and went to turbolift. Two stormtroopes followed him.


    Meantime Wiesio, Diablo and Tron closed to gym. They knew that Mike is here. Then they saw explosion. They started to run and they stoped few metres away. Then they saw stormtroopers. Seargant leading troopes talked to them.

-What happened here? - he asked.

-I don't know. We saw explosion but we can't proceed inside because of this smoke. I think one of our pilots is in there.

    Then human exited from smoke. He had yellow hair, huge pulsing muscel and he was covered in his own blood. But they saw another weird him. He was covered by yellow, weaving field. They never saw anything like this.

-Blast him. - ordered Seargant without thinking. - It's alien crature. - Few stoormtrooper took their blasters and started firing to unknown creature. But their fire caused now damges to creature.

-Our blasted can't do anythig to him. Give me granade launches. - when he was loading granades to laucher Vitcarp appeared.

-Hold you fire. What the hell are you doing. - he stared heading to creature.

-Don't do this sir. He can be dangerous. - Vitcarp turned him head.

-Don't be stupid. It's one of our pilots. We must help him. - when he was closing to human, he falled to ground. He's hair color turned to normal and yellow field dissappeared. Then they saw it's CM Mike.

-Oh my! What happened to him - shouted Diablo.

-Call for Woobie. We need to help Mike. - ordered Vitcarp. - And call of the strotroopers. Situation is normal. - Tron didn't think to long and grabbed communication device. He called frod ship doctor, Lieutenant Colonel Woobie. He appeared in few second and took pilot to his laboratory.


    Few hours later. Most of Grey Wolf pilots were waiting near med lab. They all wanted to know what happened to Mike. They saw his body through the glass of window. He wasn't moving and he's biological processed were controled by machines and computers. Then Woobie appeared in doors of his lab. All pilots standed up.

-So what's up with Mike, doc. - asked Wiesio.

-Will he survive? - added Brucmack. Many other questions were asked.

-Calm down people and let him talk. - ordered Vice Admiral Cyric. He was curious what will doc say. Woobbie was quiet for few seconds and then started to talk.

-I must sure did Mike survive. I'm not sure what happened to him and how to help. I see this kind of situation first time in my life.

-Agh. Tell us something more. - said Vitcarp.

-Yeah. Be more specific. - told Wiesio.

-Ok. I'll tell you all i know. Mike is not human, anymore. He'll look like we, he'll be similar to us, but he's DNA and molecular structure changed. I don't know how this happed, and i'm sure only one thing. He's has mutated and we can't return him back to normal. What is weird? Now him body can accumulate energy. All i know that he's body energy level is 10 times higher. But the worst thing is. He's 100 times stronger. - all of pilots looked at Woobie like at crazy guy. Rezdar told to Azazel.

-Hey Az. Can you tell me 100 credits. I owe it for Mike. I better get him back them as soon as possible.

-So what's next doc? - asked Vit.

-We'll wait and we'll see. It's all we can do. I hope his mind won't change.

-Hey. I red about those race. They were called Saiants. They could accumulate energy. They looked like humans but they were much stronged. They're all looking for 7 Dragon's Diamonds or sth like this. - explained Tron. Wiesio laughed.

-Don't be stupid, pal. It's fiction for small kids we saw in TV.

-Ahh. You're right. I forgot.

    Cyric standed up.

-Allright pilots. Return back to your duties. I'll keep you inform about any news in Mike's case. - all pilots were leaving corridor. Cyric looked at Vitcarp.

-Azazel!!! Come here!!! You supposed to be at mission!!! What the heck are you doing here!!!

-Oh crap. - said Azazel to Rezdar and turned back to expalin everything. Woobie left corridor and returned back to his med lab. He's was excited. This case was really weird. He needed to talk with Sovereing's Doc.


To be continued....    Next part. "Sairians are real"


   "Coffee...I need...yeah..." CM Raven Lockholme stopped midsentance while staring at the piles of paperwork on her desk. She'd been up a bit too long, and need the solice of caffine to open her eyes once more. She rose and went in serch of the most beloved substance.


    Her first thought had been to go to the Officer's Lounge, but she'd been  terribly popular, especially since she'd spent the last week buying her comrades drinks. So then she thought of wondering around until she found someone that had coffee.


   The first person she ran into was LCM DarkAlpha. But he didn't have coffee, he just had some news he was excited about. She walked on. She saw Raxis Kreiger, surely he would have some coffee...but he was reading. In fact, he'd been doing alot of that academic stuff lately.


   Then she ran into Woobee, who was noticably perky and actually awake. Surely he must have coffee. In fact, he did. He was holding a cup of fresh-brewed, ambrosia-like Starbucks-created bliss.


   "Coffee!" she proclaimed.


   Woobee didn't know what hit him. All he saw was the wall, then the corner, then his coffee was gone. He was just glad that he escaped unscathed.


    Lockholme took the coffe back to her quarters and drank it and had a half of a stale doughnut. All was right with the umm...universe


After the initial attack by members of Omega Strike Force the command staff of ISD Grey Wolf has decided to think whether to wait for reinforcements or go on and attack the enemy. The command staff voted to attack themselves. But first we need to find the enemy. For that job Tartarus Squadron was sent out. They weren't the best choice because of no hyperdrives on their ships but the COM Ordered the hyperdrive and shield system to be added to each ship.

[3 days passed]

Cato territory incoming transmission:

This is LT Shitzo Sector 1-3-7-89 clear, moving on to sector 1-3-7-90

The rest of the squad reported in as well.

Another transmission came in and the commofficer prepared to take the routine information.

This is LT Figaro Sector 1-6-5-43 clear moving on to sector 1-6-5-44.

Suddenly an outburst came out "No!!!!!" and the officer saw that Figaro's ship went off the screen.

The officer instantly pressed the red alert button, which some fool painted green.


A number of multiple explosions erupted on the screen.

The Instant That Phrase was spoken dozens, hundreds, thousands of explosions erupted 5 clicks away from Grey Wolf.

Incoming Report: CM Scud: Sir this are very tiny fighters, thousands of them, but they don't have the brains, they are worse then AI.

VitCarp replied, then start killing them :)

Yes Sir.

The enemy was small but agile. There were just too many of them. Then their mothership arrived it was the size of the Sov Class SSD, we were in over our head when Tartarus squadron launched Flight II Tie Bombers. Which were modified with a special "Raven" class torpedo. To make a Raven class torpedo take a Commanding officer preferebbly named Raven :) encase the officer into a torpedo, always provide life support, then use a Tie Bomber to Launch this warhead into the bridge of an opposing warship, after that the fun starts, the commanding officer exits his craft comes onto the bridge and gives out orders for everyone to selfdestruct, after that the Commanding officer leaves. The Tie Bombers made a successful run and soon the enemy was in destroyed.

Once the crew began to celebrate another Sixty warships entered the area.....

To be continued...


.....Cyric was casually sitting at the bridge watching the new mass of recruits making their way to the Grey Wolf in a convoy of transports. The reputation of the Grey Wolf was gradually lengthining throughout the galaxy and would soon earn the right to be called the greatest capital ship in the Agressor Strike Fleet. These new recruits themselves had specifically requested to come aboard the Grey Wolf and this made Cyric all the more proud at how well his hard work had paid off to make the Grey Wolf a force to known and feared of. A grin of great satisfaction spread itself across Cyric's and gods could only know what new set of objectives he was concocting in his mind.
Earlier in the day Cyric had specifically sent WC VitCarp to lead a task force to wipe out a rebel fleet which had doggedly harrassed the Grey Wolf and reported to be doing a vast number of recon work on the activity concerning the Grey Wolf. To assure victory and the prevention of any escape VitCarp had taken squadrons Crusader, Vortex and Pheonix.
Odin squadron had been assigned to patrol the neighbouring system and was not due back for another 2 hours.
"Permission for recruit convoy to board the Grey Wolf", was the voice of a pilot flying one of the transports being heard over the COM. Cyric signalled to the communications officer to give permission.
Cyric was about to walk out of the bridge to this office when the radar officer called out, "Sir, are we expecting anyone else to arrive after the transports?". Cyric gave a preplexed look and replied no whilst heading towards the radar officer and his screen. There it was, 2 star ships dropping out of hyperspace 15 clicks away from the transports. They bore the isignia of the rebellion and a squadron patch Cyric had never seen before. It was the head of a saber tooth tiger. They were also flying a type of fighter Cyric had never seen before. Of course it didn't matter what type of ship they were flying, they were rebels and must be stopped.....
CPT Brakka and his fellow pilots of Valkyrie were enjoying a game of cards in the common room which Azrael had been rejected to play as he had grown a reputation to cheat a little. Immediately the alarm siren was blarring away and the voice of Cyric was heard over the loud speaker dictating that Valkyrie were to man the T/F's as that was only fighter type left in the Grey Wolf that day and to intercept unknown rebel craft heading for an interception point of the new recruit's transports. Brakka and his boys wasted no time in gettign down to the hanger bay after getting on their flight suits and flying out the hanger on full throttle. Cyric watched as Valkyrie squadron headed out to this new threat and got a message sent out to Odin squadron to get back to the Grey Wolf ASAP.
Cyric was very concerned, where in the galaxy were the rebels able to construct a new fighter, let alone have the funds to mass such an operation. There had to be another reason as to how but right now that was of no concern. Cyric took note of this new fighter and had it's scopes recorded in the database for later analysis.
Brakka and his crew were closing the gap between them and the two fighters but knew that they could not save the transports as advanced torpedo's were already fired on their position. All that Brakka could hear were the screams of the new recruits as their transports broke up after being hit by torpedo's. The gap was almost closed bewteen Brakka and the fighters. 2 versus 8, this was going to be finshed quickly. To Valkyrie's surprise lasers were already being fired on their position at a distance of 1.6 clicks away. LT Keirian's ship was struck and he had to eject before his fighter was broken up anymore. "Watch your butts out there!", was the loud call Brakka called to his pilots. "Evasive maunvere's, evasive manuvere's". Each pilot instinctively responded to their CMDR's order. The gap bewteen them and the rebel fighters was closed so quickly that Brakka estimated their speed to be at least 140. No rebel ship could do that before unless they tranferred power to their engines. "I can't get him off my tail, somebody get this guy off of me" was the plea from CM Ghost Rezdar. Brakka knew that as soon as he dropped on this fighter's tail, his partner would be on his but Brakka was a CMDR and would protect his pilots at any cost. Inverting himself whilst dropping the throttle to 66% and rolling to his left, Brakka lands on the tail of the enemy pilot and blasts his cannons away. To his surprise he struck nothing as the fighter pulled a huge turn that no rebel righter could do at those speeds. These new fighters were good and becoming irritating to Brakka. But obviously the pilots were not as good as the craft they were flying because as the pilot pulled his trun away from Brakka he landed in fron of LCM Picard and LCM Trashman who each let their cannons go, ripping the crafts shields and hull before he could do anything else.
Brakka's voice yelled over the COM for help, "I can't shake this guy". Ghost, Picard, Trashman and LT Hawk Eye all zero'ed in to help their CMDR out but it looked as if they were not going to be able to save them in time when coming in at full throttle with cannon power diverted to engines was LCM Azrael's T/F. With sheer driven courage Azrael rammed his T/F into the wing of the enemy fighter and thus crippling the fighter and breaking up Azrael's craft....
CPT Brakka watched as Azrael's beaten up body floated in the Bacta tank, while he was slowing being repaired. It was a very stupid move that Azrael had done but at the same time he saved his life and would never forget that. As for these new fighters the rebellion had, well the crippled fighter was brought in and Cyric had intel working around the clock as to its origin and capabilities. As for the pilot well he obviously thought that to be caught by the Empire was worse than death and subsequently had committed suicide while still in his cockpit.



That’s all for now. 

Keep flying!  We love to fly and soon! The whole of TC will know it!


WC/MAJ Chrusos Ichthys/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
BSx2/PCx4/ISMx8/MoI/MoT-gh/LoC-ISx53 [CNTR] {IWATS-SM/2-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-XTT-XTM-GFX}
GRD Chrusos Ichthys (Sith)/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum