Wing III

   'Ello mates, and welcome to this week's episode of Crocodile Hunter! I'm your host, Steve, and now it's time for me to run around and play games with life by putting myself in extremely dangerous situations just for your twisted enjoyment!

    Crikie!! This week we're off to the SSSD Sovereign, where I'll be risking my life to show you what happens inside the infamous Wing 3! Now kids, I certainly don't recommend that YOU ever try to do anything like this. Remember, pilots in the Emperor's Hammer are cool to look at, but they don't make good pets ... they belong in the wild. And before you ever try to pet one of the little critters, just remember -- more Rebels lose their lives to members of the EH every year than for any other reason! Wow! This one's so dangerous I won't even be bringing me wife along!
    (*Wacky Grin*)
    Our morning begins here in the Wing III cantina, sometimes called 'pilot country' ... as you can see, I'm more than prepared! My generic dull brown shirt and shorts help me to blend-in to any environment, so these mates don't even know I'm here!
    (*Pilots wave and say things like, "Hi Steve!"*)
    Wow! Have a look at this big fella! Now that thumb is perfect for grasping either a mug of ale OR a joystick! It's a well known fact that Wing 3 pilots have short tempers, so I'll be getting right up in his face with this camera!
    (*LCM Loor : "Hey, get that thing outta my face, will ya?"*)
    Uh oh! Looks like he's sensed my intrusion into his territory! The typical EH pilot HATES it when you jab 'em with a stick ... like this!
    (*Steve is mauled by LCM Loor*)
    We'll be right back after this short commercial break ...
    We interrupt this episode of 'The Crocodile Hunter' to take you LIVE to the Wing III weekly briefing, already in progress ...
    ... and welcome to this week's report! I'm your host, GN Sasquatch. Let's get right down to business, shall we?
Wing III Stats
Aleth - 6
Beth - 9
Gimel - 7
Daleth - 8
Hey - 6
Vav - 0 (Inactive)
Flag Officer - 1
Total: 37 (-2 from last report)
Combat Response Ratings (CRRs)
Aleth - Level 0
Beth - Level 0
Gimel - Level 0
Daleth - Level 0
Hey - Level 0
Vav - Inactive
Position Moves (10.10.00 -- 10.15.00)
- FM/SL Seth Lionheart, Aleth : Promoted to Lieutenant!
- FM/LT Loor, Beth : Promoted to Lieutenant Commander!
- FM/LT Joba, Aleth : Retires from active duty into the TC Reserves
- FM/SL Vixer Malari, Gimel : Pronounced MIA after repeated e-mail difficulties, transferred to the TC Reserves
- FL/LT Osan'gar, Hey : Promoted to Lieutenant Commander!
- CMDR/CM Lavos, Hey : Steps down as CMDR, returns to Beth Squadron
Awards 'n' Stuff
The Palpatine's Crescent (PC) has been awarded to :
- CMDR/CPT Pete Mitchell, Gimel
- WC/GN Sasquatch, Wing III
The Imperial Security Medal (ISM) has been awarded to :
- CMDR/MAJ Sequoh Marden, Beth
The Medal of Tactics with Green Hammer (MoT-gh) has been awarded to :
- FL/CM Cray Mikalen, Beth
Wing III News Headlines
- Here's the latest news on relations between the Emperor's Hammer and the Rebel Squadrons, as reported by WC/LC Inkwolf :
    "I went for a look at the RS messageboard today. It looks like GA Ronin had some peace talks with the Rebels there!  The RS is no longer listed as an enemy club on the allies page, and Ronin himself said that they were no longer banned from the IRC channels!  I also assume it's no longer a crime to write to or belong to the RS.

    It seems part of the misunderstanding is due to the former FC of the RS, who told Ronin he could have the Minos Cluster back, but apparently told his fellow RS members (when they had fits) that it was only a loan.

    It's not totally patched up, yet--there will still be no competitions for a bit, and they are no longer considered an allied club, but it's a good start."
- Aleth is losing pilots left and right! We've gone from having 40+ pilots in the wing to only 37, and three of those were Aleth'ers who transferred to the Reserves. This would be a good time to brush up on our recruiting skills! Remember, everyone who even remotely likes Star Wars is a potential EH pilot.
- LCM Osan'gar has been named as Acting Squadron Commander for Hey in Lavos' place. Hopefully, this won't last long, just until the official CMDR clears the Flight Office ...
- Aleth and Beth squadrons have been undergoing Combat Readiness Testing this week, and the deadline for pilot files is 11:59pm EST tonight! The results of these first rounds of tests will be sent out tomorrow.
- Daleth's CRT begins bright and early tomorrow morning, and will last until Sunday, October 22nd, at 11:59pm EST. All Daleth pilots, be sure to rest up and get ready to fly!
- BSFs have gotten easier to do ... well, at least if you're doing a TIE BSF. Thanks to technological advancements at TC.ORG, any BSF for the TIE platform can be done by simply attaching the pilot file and shipping it off to the Tac Office for approval. This is great, as it truly does save an enormous amount of time. Rest assured, the new system will be adjusted to handle XWA and XvT BSFs shortly.
- New Hey Squadron message board, courtesy of A-CMDR Osan'gar :
- Hey Squadron 'Bash-a-Rebel' competition continues until October 27th, battle to fly is TC-XWA #9, "Defection of Kusangi". Winner will be awarded an ISM!
- Also, the competion to create a Hey Squadron banner will run until October 31st, with the winner receiving a Palpatine's Crescent!
- The new Wing III E-group opened to mixed reviews by those who love it and those who think it's spam. Either way, good work by CPT Pete Mitchell in taking the inititive and setting it up :
- Wing III Drinking Song started at the W3 message board! :
    Comments from Sniffer the Rabbit, a clapping of hands, and Beth pilots beating Rebs to death with spoons ... it just doesn't get much better than this! Be sure to check out the W3 message board so you don't miss out, and feel free to post while you're there ;-)
Wing III Orders
- Supreme Squadron Series, Round 2 (Trivia) continues! CMDRs, be sure to have those answers for your squad in to me by Oct. 16th ... tomorrow!!!
- Aleth and Beth pilots, you have until 11:59pm EST to get your pilot files in for your CRT!
- Daleth Pilots, get pumped for YOUR CRT!
- Another Sovereign-wide competition is scheduled to run next month ... stay tuned, we'll have another chance to whoop up on all the other Sov wings ;-)
Wing III Quote of the Week
"Ok, Sas - I was just kidding. Of course I'd not let anyone patrol around the Sov while drunk!" -- MAJ Sequoh Marden tries to defend himself ... yeah, sure he wouldn't!
"I've got to check the 'casualities on patrol' list tomorrow for Beth pilots." -- Sequoh isn't helping his argument much
"Uh...Does anyone know what this looks like?" -- LCM Nurel Turr, after being ordered to fly an honor guard formation
"Ok, guys... drinks on me... lets party!! (if it's ok Seq?)" -- LCM Loor has cantina time on his mind after his promotion
"Just remember to buy me apple juice!" -- Sequoh still hasn't caught on about this 'drinking' thing
"Hey Guys!  We got ourselves a new gopher guy!  Hey Seth I could really use a drink right about now!" -- Turr puts the newbie Aleth pilot to work
"Apparently you are a little confused on how the liquor distribution in Wing III works. The newly promoted ALWAYS buys drinks for everyone else. Trust me. I know from personal experiance!" -- CM Jaster Sadista shares some words to live by
- WC/MAJ Fondor of Wing V fame has decided to step down from his position due to RL pressures. Good luck Fondor, we'll miss ya!
- This week's discussion topic : What's the deal with all these Rebels, anyway? Who ARE these people? ( /end Seinfeld)   (good question, but as long as we can fight them , everything's alright! -- Seq)
    Okay, that just about wraps it up for this week. Until next time, amigos ... Fly High and Watch Your Six!
WC/GN Sasquatch / Wing III / SSSD Sovereign
[BSx2] [PCx11] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E] [IWATS-SM-TT-TM-M-IIC-GFX] [GALL]
M-T/A 'Silhouette'
Wing III - Phantoms
"We are your Grim Reaper"

    Greetings one and all, and welcome to the newest edition of the Wing III weekly briefing! Lots to cover this week, so let's get right down to it, shall we?

Wing III Stats
Aleth - 7
Beth - 8
Gimel - 8
Daleth - 8
Hey - 7
Vav - 0 (Inactive)
Flag Officer - 1
Total: 39 (-1 from last report)

Combat Response Ratings (CRRs)
Aleth - Level 0
Beth - Level 0
Gimel - Level 0
Daleth - Level 0
Hey - Level 0
Vav - Inactive
Position Moves (10.03.00 -- 10.10.00)
- FL/LCM Cray Mikalen, Beth : Promoted to Commander!
- FL/LCM Van, Daleth : Promoted to Commander!
- FM/CPT Jahan Kalar, Aleth : Retires to the TC Reserves
- FL/LCM Yun, Aleth : Retires to the TC Reserves
- TRN/CT Seth Lionheart : Promoted to Sub-Lieutenant, assigned to Aleth Squadron!
Awards 'n' Stuff
The Palpatine's Crescent (PC) has been awarded to :
- FL/LCM Nurel Turr, Aleth
- FL/CM Van, Daleth
The Imperial Security Medal (ISM) has been awarded to :
- CMDR/MAJ Sequoh Marden, Beth
- FL/CM Van, Daleth
The Commendation of Loyalty (CoL) has been awarded to :
- FM/CPT Werdna Elbee, Beth
- RSV/CPT Jahan Kalar, TC Reserves
Wing III News Headlines
- Of course, the huge news right now throughout the fleet is the recent break-down of relations between the Emperor's Hammer and our once 'sister' organization, the Rebel Squadrons. The announcement I sent out to you yesterday (pester your CMDR if you didn't recieve it) should cover everything. Simply put, the RS is now an enemy of the fleet, and ALL ties with them have been severed. I'll keep you informed of this disturbing turn of events. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, be sure to visit the EH news page, where you can find a full account of everything that has transpired so far :

 This just in from COM/FA Kramer concerning the situation with the RS :
 "[DO] not ... instigate hostilities.  I for one want to resume OR, the SrS, and all the other fun stuff we used to do with the RS, as I'm sure most of your pilots do as well.  Let's not escalate the enmity that already exists."
- The final results from the MegaSov competition have been released :
 Wing IV - 1681
 Wing V - 1424
 Wing II - 787
 Wing III - 611
 Wing I - 364
 Wing VI - 310
 We managed to come in 4th place, which isn't nearly as bad as I had feared ;-)
 Great job by everyone who pitched in to help W3 prove that we are better than Wings I and VI! And Wing II ... we'll get you next time ... >:)
 Congratulations to GN Ricardo and Wing IV, who won with a very impressive performance! Wing VI's WC, LC Joe, has been ordered by FA Kramer to post a message on Wing IV's message board proclaiming their greatness!
 Appropriate medals for the MegaSov comp are being distributed as we speak.
- CPT Jahan Kalar, former Aleth CMDR and Recon Office Dynamo, has retired to the TC Reserves. Aleth Squadron is hereby ordered to escort CPT Kalar to the FRG Phoenix, flying an honor guard formation.
- Since Jahan is retiring from active duty, we will need a new Wing III webmaster ... but wait, don't send in any applications! Why, you ask? Because I intend to build us a new W3 webpage myself! Realistically, I have about 4 hours a week that I could be spending on a W3 website ... and now that Jahan is gone, so is my last excuse to keep sitting on my thumbs! Stay tuned ...
- With the degeneration of relations between the EH and the RS, we will need a new allied club for our CRR Level 5 squadrons to challenge! Why not stop by the EH Allies/Enemies webpage? Check out the status of the RS, and see if any of our current allies seem to be worthy opponents :

 If anyone has ties with any of our other allies, please let me know.
- The first rounds of Combat Readiness Testing have begun! Aleth and Beth Squadrons are currently undergoing the tests, which will last until 11:59pm EST on Sunday, October 15th. Good luck, pilots!
- It appears that Commendations of Loyalty were awarded, but with no announcement to anyone other than a single news post at EH.ORG ... hmmm >:|
 At any rate, congratulations to Beth's CPT Werdna Elbee and (former) Aleth pilot CPT Jahan Kalar! Those CoLs were well-deserved, gentlemen!
- Aleth Squadron decides to keep 'Black Talons' as nickname.
- Aleth IRC meetings started, spear-headed by LCM Mayk Wolverine! Channel will be #Aleth on UnderNet. Proposed time is 18:00 GMT (which is 7:00pm EST, I think), but LCM Wolverine is open to suggestions as to a better time. "Be there or be squared," says Mayk. Sounds painful ;-)
- Don't forget about the existance of the Wing III MB :
    In fact, why don't I just go post something right now ...
- Gimel vs. Hey competition officially ended on October 7th. Pilots were to fly Free-XWA #14 ... oddly enough, I don't remember seeing any results about this posted.
- Wing Commander's Own for September : It's Beth Squadron once again! Can anyone take it away from them? The competition is certainly building during October. Stay tuned ...
Wing III Orders
- Round 2 of the Supreme Squadron Series (SSS) has begun, this time focusing on trivia. Each squadron will have 50 trivia questions to answer. CMDRs may pick and choose the best method to answer as many questions correctly as possible. Deadline is October 17th! CMDRs, full info should be in your inbox by the time you read this. Good luck to all W3 squads! The trivia questions are attached.
- Be sure to E-mail me with suggestions for the new W3 website! What would you like to see???
- Aleth and Beth pilots ... participate in your Combat Readiness Tests!
Wing III Quote of the Week
"Prepare for an invasion of Dalethers and their mighty rabbit!" -- MAJ Daniel Kamprath and the rest of Daleth prepare to take part in the latest promotion parties
Other notable quotes this week :
"Thanks Seq. I will clean your desk with the same hard work and dedication that I use in my other duties. Now, where'd I put my lighter fluid..." -- CM Cray Mikalen adjusts to the new duties that come with his rank
"Also, Turr gets a double chocolate chip cookie for winning first place in the fiction department, and being the highest scoring member of Aleth for the MegaSov." -- Who needs medals when CM Jaster Sadista is handing out cookies?
"...and let them have muffins!...." -- Wing II's MAJ Ford Prefect somehow got on the Aleth mailing list ... and, as everyone expected, he immediatly started talking about muffins ;-)
"MUFFINS?!  I WORKED THAT HARD FOR MUFFINS?!  At least make them chocolate chip muffins." -- LCM Nurel Turr continues the muffin debate
"At any rate, just be sure to check these muffins like you would check Halloween candy. You never know what Ford put in them..." -- Heaven save us from Rebels and overly dangerous muffins ...
"Just when you thought it was safe to eat a standard muffin, they go and ruin something good." -- LCM Turr's final word. I just thought of something ... there was more discussion about muffins this past week then there was about CRT before it started ...
"Your immediate superior is your FL, who just resigned :^/" -- CM Sadista tries to explain to the new Aleth SL, Seth Lionheart, why the roster looks so funny ...
"Let's get this party started!!!!!" -- And we will end things with another promo party quote, this time from LCM Turr
- You know, every week I type "Misc." and immediatly have trouble thinking of anything to put here.
- This week's discussion topic : Most stupid names for a Star Destroyer. If you ever served aboard the ISD Cheese, then you should have plenty to talk about.
    Okay, that's it for this week! Until next time ... Fly High and Watch Your Six!
WC/GN Sasquatch / Wing III / SSSD Sovereign
[BSx2] [PCx10] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E] [IWATS-SM-TT-TM-M-IIC-GFX] [GALL]
M-T/A 'Silhouette'
Wing III - Phantoms
"We are your Grim Reaper"

    Well, what a day! Lots of stuff to go over in this report, so get ready for plenty of good ol' fashion reading.
    First issue ... this report is a couple of days late. That's because of some messy RL issues that snatched my e-mail access away from me temporarily. But fear not my brothers ... for I have looked the demon of RL square in the eye, and said, "Get the heck outta my way you big RL demony-looking thing! Don't make you hurt you, sucka!"
    Um ... and then I got my e-mail back. That's mostly, just about, kinda how it actually happened.
    Well then.
    Moving on ...
Wing III Stats
Aleth - 8 (CRR Level 0)
Beth - 8 (CRR Level 0)
Gimel - 8 (CRR Level 0)
Daleth - 8 (CRR Level 0)
Hey - 7 (CRR Level 0)
Vav - 0 (Inactive)
Flag Officer - 1
Total: 40 (+2 from last report!)
Position Moves (9.24.00 -- 10.03.00)
- TRN/CT Psylocke : Promoted to Sub-Lieutenant and assigned to Beth Squad!
- FM/SL Psylocke (Beth) : Promoted to Lieutenant!
- TRN/CT Hexen : Promoted to Sub-Lieutenant and assigned to Gimel Squad!
- FM/LCM Kep Rainer (Aleth) : Retires from active duty into the TC Reserves
- FL/LCM Mayk Wolverine (Aleth) : Steps down to Flight Member
- FM/LCM Nurel Turr (Aleth) : Advanced to Flight Leader!
- WC/COL Sasquatch : Promoted to General
Awards 'n' Stuff
The Order of the Vanguard has been awarded to :
- MAJ Daniel Kamprath
Wing III News Headlines
- Big news this week is the implementation of Combat Readiness Testing, or CRT, which became effective on October 1st. For those of you with no CRT background at all, here is a complete breakdown on 'The Great Experiment' :
[Start CRT]
    Effective October 1st, 2000, the system of Combat Readiness Testing will be started in Wing III. Combat Readiness Testing serves several purposes :
- It gives a comprehensive Combat Response Rating (CRR) to each active squadron in the wing
- Gaining a higher CRR opens up new opportunities for your squad
- CRRs allow you to see how your squad rates in comparison to the other squads in the wing
- Awards will be authorized to be awarded after most Combat Readiness Tests
- CRTs are designed to allow CMDRs to run their squads through 'drills' ... improving skills, squadron pride, competitive spirit, and (hopefully) level of fun
    Combat Readiness Testing was designed to improve activity and spirit throughout the wing. The roots of the CRT system come from the old 'Supremacy Series' rules ... a system designed to allow pilots in the Emperor's Hammer to compete against the pilots of the Rebel Squadrons, our enemy. However, I have made a great many changes to the system to allow it to work for our purposes ... still, I must credit the Supremecy Series for serving as partial inspiration.
Beginning a Combat Readiness Test
    Combat Readiness Testing takes place at the request of the Squadron Commander. When the CMDR feels that his squad is prepared for a CRT, he will e-mail me and request a CRT. In the e-mail, the CMDR will specifiy whether they wish to test using a Free Mission or Battle. More on that later.
    Each squadron receives ONE CRT per calendar month. It is possible to test during the last week of a month, then immediatly test again during the first week of the next month. However, that squad would then have to wait until the NEXT month to request testing again. I highly suggest that CMDRs use a bit of strategy and careful planning when they determine to begin a CRT.
Taking the Combat Readiness Test
    Taking a CRT is easy, but doing well is not as simple. Don't worry, it was designed that way.
    CRT testing begins bright and early on the next Monday morning after you have requested testing for your squad. You will recieve an e-mail from me, in which I will have randomly chosen a Free Mission or Battle (depending on which you requested) for your squadron to fly. The test will last until Sunday night at 11:59pm EST.
    Your objective is simple. Get as many pilots as possible to fly the mission(s) within ONE WEEK. When a pilot completes the mission(s), they should e-mail their pilot file to their CMDR, and CC me. The CMDR will BSF the pilot file, and I will count it towards the squadrons score. The pilot MUST e-mail the pilot file to me. I will not accept pilot files from the CMDR, saying "Oh, he said that I should send this to you". The CMDR can only submit ONE pilot file ... his or her own.
    Negative scores or scores of zero will not be counted. The pilot will be notifed and given another chance if they turn in a pilot file with a negative score or a score of zero. Exceptionally low scores will be frowned upon, but accepted (for the time being).
    However, CRTs will not focus on scores alone, but rather on participation. Your Combat Readiness Rating will be assigned depending on what percentage of your pilots fly the mission with a score higher than zero. The percentage of participating pilots will be calculated with the following formula :
  X              Y
 ----     =     ----
100%          Z%
Where X = Total number of pilots in the squad
Y = Number of pilots who participated
And so, Z = Percentage of pilots who participated
    At the end of the testing period, the CMDR will be e-mailed with a comprehensive report of how the squad did. This report will also contain the squad's Combat Response Rating (CRR). More on CRR follows below.
Combat Response Ratings Over Time
    CRRs depreciate over time. After taking the CRT, your squad is assigned a rating. The CRR is good for 2 months, or until the next time you test. After the two months is up, your CRR will drop one level for each month that your squad fails to re-test. After all, just because you score perfectly in January doesn't mean you deserve to hold on to that high rank 4 months later in May.
    For example, Beth Squadron takes the Combat Readiness Test in October. They score a CRR of Level 4. Here is their CRR for the next few months, assuming they do not re-test :
    November : CRR Level 4
    December : CRR Level 4
    January : CRR Level 3
    February : CRR Level 2
    March : CRR Level 1
    April : CRR Level 0
    Squadrons are REQUIRED to take the Combat Readiness Test AT LEAST TWO times every calendar year. Once for the first half of the year (January -- June), and once for the last half (July -- December). Failure to take the CRT for a time period of 6 months will result in a CRR Level of 0, an unplesent e-mail asking the CMDR why the squadron is so ill-prepared, and a serious consideration of a switch in command to better benefit the pilots of that squad.
    You are required to take the CRT every 6 months, but no more than once a month. You are NOT required to do well. However, hopefully the next section will motivate you to do your best ...
100% Participation : CRR Level 6 : "Perfect" :
99% -- 90% Participation : CRR Level 5 : "Excellent" :
89% -- 80% Participation : CRR Level 4 : "Above Average" :
79% -- 70% Participation : CRR Level 3 : "Good" :
69% -- 60% Participation : CRR Level 2 : "Needs Improvement" :
59% -- 50% Particiaption : CRR Level 1 : "Ewoks in Flight Suits" :
49% -- 40% Participation and below : CRR Level 0 : "Unacceptable" :
* CRR Level 1 -- 4 can be attained by testing with a Free Mission. To reach levels 5 or 6, you MUST test using a full battle.
* "The Sequoh Clause" : For squads with less than 10 pilots, it has been shown to be impossible to attain CRR Level 5. Therefore, any squad with less than 10 pilots, which tests USING A FULL BATTLE, can have their CRR raised from Level 4 to Level 5.
Importance of CRRs :
    CRRs will be reported in the Wing Reports, in the "Wing III Stats" section. They should also be reported in squadron reports. A high CRR is something to be proud of, and should be bragged and boasted about. A low CRR should prompt everyone to try and do better and improve.
    Your squad's CRR rating will be a consideration when choosing the Wing Commander's Own for a given month. However, it is not the only consideration ... all the others still apply. Timeliness with MSEs, good general activity, interesting and prompt squad reports, success in past competitions, etc etc ... only now CRRs will be taken into consideration as well. A squad with a CRR of Level 0 will probably not be the Wing Commander's Own anytime soon.
    Last but certainly not least, your squad's CRR will determine what kind of competitions I will approve for you to take part in. Here is a chart that should explain it all :
Level 0 : "Unacceptable" : Over half the squad is not participating. Improvement is mandatory. You may drill your pilots with competitions between Flights until they advance to AT LEAST CRR Level 1.
Level 1 : "Ewoks in Flight Suits" : Just over half of the pilots are flying. This is still too low, but any improvement will be rewarded. You may now challenge another Wing III squad with an equal or better CRR.
Level 2 : "Needs Improvement" : About 65% participation. Things are getting better. You may now challenge any other XWA squadron in the fleet.
Level 3 : "Good" : 3 out of 4 pilots are participating now ... very nice! A Level 3 or better CRR qualifies your squad to take part in a Wing vs. Wing competition.
Level 4 : "Above Average" : Participation is at 80% or better, very good work! Very few squadrons can reach this benchmark.
Level 5 : "Excellent" : Over 90% of the squad is taking part now ... outstanding work!!! Getting to CRR Level 5 is something to brag about ... be sure to add this to your ID line! If your squad makes it to CRR Level 5, I think you have qualified to compete against a squad from the Rebel Squadrons to help defend the honor of the EH.
Level 6 : "Perfect" : Every single member of the squad managed to participate!!! Other squads only WISH they could perform like this. I would think twice about challenging a squad that has attained CRR Level 6.
    You will note that the different CRRs are based on participation, NOT on scores. Attaining a high CRR level does not guarantee that you will win in a competition ... but it shows everyone just how hard you are trying.
Rewards :
    At the end of testing, each CMDR will have the OPTION to distribute certain rewards, depending on the squad's level of Combat Readiness.
Level 0 : Are you kidding? No rewards for the lowest level. That's like ejecting just because you feel sorry for the Rebels!
Level 1 : Still no reward. Level 1 should be ridicoulously easy to attain.
Level 2 : The CMDR may award an Imperial Security Medal to the pilot he thinks performed the best during testing.
Level 3 : This is the level that all squads should try to stay above. The CMDR may award an ISM to the pilot who performed best.
Level 4 : Now we're talking. The CMDR automatically recieves an ISM for keeping his squad in such great shape. He may also award an additional ISM, once again to the pilot he feels helped the most during testing.
Level 5 : Probably the best that can be achived!!! The CMDR automatically recieves a Palpatine's Crescent, and has the option of recommending another of his pilots to recieve an additional PC.
Level 6 : You'll find out when you get there ...
    These rewards are subject to change in the future, and are in place for 'motivational purposes' at present. The real awards will come from winning a competition ... but to qualify for the highest-rewarding competitions, you must first have the appropriate CRR ...
[End CRT]
    The CRT system has been heavily discussed now for quite some time by the CMDRs of Wing III and myself ... now we can see if all the time spent in discussion was really worth it. Aleth Squadron is scheduled to take the very first CRT ever, beginning this upcoming Monday and running throughout next week.
- I think just about everyone has given up on the Commendation's of Loyalty by now. Here we are in October, and they were supposed to be awarded ... when? The end of August?
- The MegaSov competition is offically over! Remember, it was based on how many FCHG points we earned during the month of September. Well, we didn't win, but we also didn't do too shabby! I've sent out detailed reports to your CMDR ... here is the brief points summary :
Beth : 227 pts. (37% of total)
Daleth : 138 pts. (23% of total)
Gimel : 127 pts. (21% of total)
Aleth : 76 pts. (12% of total)
Hey : 37 pts. (6% of total)
Flag Officer : 6 pts. (1% of total)
    If you do the math, you will notice that we ended up with 611 points ... nicely done, people! At least I won't get the jester's hat ;-)
    Congratulations to CPT Pete Mitchell, who managed to gain more than 100 points, and the Palpatine's Crescent that comes with that!
- Results have FINALLY been posted for the Wing III Multi-Catagory Competition that ran from mid-August to mid-September ... the judges have voted, and here's how things turned out :
Division One - TIE Fighter Flight (XWA, using LCM Herman's "The Duel" Free Mission)
FL/LCM Van (Daleth) : 4,044 pts. [Palpatine's Crescent]
CMDR/MAJ Sequoh Marden (Beth) : 3,242 pts. [Imperial Security Medal]
WC/GN Sasquatch : 2,589 pts.
FL/LCM Cal Sinis (Beth) : 2,531 pts.
FM/LCM Emperor's Shield (Beth) : 1,462 pts.
CMDR/MAJ Daniel Kamprath (Daleth) : 1,423 pts.
CMDR/CPT Pete Mitchell (Gimel) : 1,367 pts.
FL/LCM Yun (Aleth) : 885 pts.
FM/LCM Quake (Gimel, formerly) : 842 pts.
FM/CPT Werdna Elbee (Beth) : 316 pts.
Division Two - Fiction
FL/LCM Nurel Turr (Aleth) / "The Outsiders" : 1st Place [Palpatine's Crescent]
FL/LCM Van (Daleth) / "ISD Revenge" : 2nd Place [Imperial Security Medal]
FM/LT Loor (Beth) / "First Contact" : 3rd Place
Division Three - Graphics
FM/LCM Quake (Gimel, formerly) / "SovCity.JPG" : 1st (and only) Place [Palpatine's Crescent]
    Congratulations to all of our medal winners! Fiction and graphics entries are attached.
- The Gimel vs. Hey compeition has started! All Gimel and Hey pilots are to fly Free-XWA #14 to uphold the honor of their squad. Since this competition officially began in September, it will not be affected by CRT guidelines. The contest ends on October 7th, so all pilots involved should get flying!
- We had two squads participate in the Supreme Squadron Series fiction contest, Beth and Daleth. You will find their entries attached for your reading pleasure. Be sure to check out Daleth's 'Sniffer', which explains the entire story of how they ended up with a rabbit for a mascot (did you guys know that FA Kramer's scorpions are scared of rabbits?). Also, don't miss Beth's "All Doth Perish but the Dark Side," by LCM Cray Mikalen.
- New Aleth Squadron mailing list, courtesy of CMDR Jaster Sadista :
- Beth's LCM Cray Mikalen continues his excellent work maintaining the Wing III Uniform Archive! Be sure to stop by and admire his handiwork :
- Aleth Squadron considering possible squadron nickname change, from 'Black Talons' to 'Dark Talons' ... Aleth'ers are encouraged to make their opinion known to CM Sadista, who has authority over such things ...
- Hey Squadron's LT Osan'gar reminds us all ... Wing III has a message board!!! Let's all try to use it a bit more :
- Hey Squadron CMDR Lavos will be stepping down from his post due to RL pressures that prevent him from having enough time to devote to the position. Stay tuned, his replacement will be announced soon ...
- Newsletter #68 has been released to the fleet :
- And lastly, a strange thing happened to me this week on my way to the briefing room ... it turns out I got promoted to General ;-)
SOOOOoooo ... who am I to break tradition? Since I am the newly promoted, drinks are officially on me! But let's finish the rest of the report before we run off to the cantina, shall we?
Wing III Orders
    Well, with the ending of both the MegaSov comp and the Sovereign Squadron League, I'm hard-pressed to come up with any orders that can apply to the entire wing. CMDRs, I suggest you use this "free time" to busy yourselves with CRTs. Everyone else ... go fly FREE-TIE 121 ... just because I said so ;-)
    COM/FA Kramer is planning another Sovereign-wide competition for next month, which will once again put all the wings against each other ... more news on this as it becomes available!
Wing III Quote of the Week
 "We have spoon issues." -- LCM Cray Mikalen warns new guy Jaster why Beth pilots love silverware so much when they're drunk
Other notable quotes this week :
"Well, COL Sas gave me work to do (what nerve), so I better get started. <*sigh*>" -- CM Jaster Sadista moves into Wing III, his new home
"Urg. I have to spend money on all of you? I have a better idea.
::Sadista buys one beer::
Share it." -- Jaster thinks he has found a way around 'The System' of being forced to buy drinks after being promoted ... but ...
"Request permission to shoot the new CMDR for this gross violation of Wing III protocol!" -- ... you have to get up PRETTY early in the morning to seperate Cray Mikalen from his free drinks
"DOH! OK, OK, you can all have your own drink. But make them cheap ones. Are there any 'managers specials'?" -- Jaster gives in to the Dark Side of drink buying
"I sometimes think my computer spends more time open on the floor of my workshop than under my desk, and has more Radio Shack than Microsoft in it." -- Former Aleth CMDR Jahan Kalar vents ... well, less Microsoft can only be a GOOD thing
"I was very warmly welcomed by the CMDRs of the Wing (for the most part. There was that "being shot at point blank range" thing. Don't ask)." -- What does Jaster expect after trying to cheat us out of our free drinks?
- Congratulations go out to Wing II WC Inkwolf, who was recently promoted to Lieutenant Colonel! Congrats, Inky!
- Fencing is cool ... and a good way to throw-off your opponent is to randomly throw out Star Wars quotes as you duel. Trust me, it works ;-)
    Okay, that's gonna wrap it up for this report. And now I think it's time we all retire to the cantina, for drinks and snacks courtesy of yours truly! And let's make some noise!!!
    If all goes according to plan, next report should be Saturday or Sunday. Until then ... Fly High and Watch Your Six!
WC/GN Sasquatch / Wing III / SSSD Sovereign
[BSx2] [PCx10] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E] [IWATS-SM-TT-TM-M-IIC-GFX] [GALL]
M-T/A 'Silhouette'
Wing III - Phantoms
"We are your Grim Reaper"

    Greetings one and all, welcome to this week's Wing III Report! Take a seat and we can begin.
    (*Several W3 pilots actually pick up their seats*)
    ... ... ... That's NOT what I meant.
Wing III Stats
Aleth - 8
Beth - 7
Gimel - 7
Daleth - 8
Hey - 7
Vav - 0 (Inactive)
Flag Officer - 1
Total: 38 (No change from last week)
Position Moves (9.16.00 -- 9.24.00)
- TRN/CT Vixer Malari : Promoted to Sub-Lieutenant, assigned to Gimel Squadron!
- TRN/CT Dan Jenkins : Promtoed to Sub-Lieutenant, assigned to Hey Squadron!
- FM/LT Betabeton, Hey : Removed from the rosters due to numerous CoC violations; suspected of being a clone of a banned EH member
- FM/LT Dark Angel, Daleth : Retires to the TC Reserves
Awards 'n' Stuff
    No awards this week!
Wing III News Headlines
- Kind of a slow week for us, which is probably not such a good thing when you consider that the MegaSov competition will be ending soon. Still, we have quite a few things to discuss ...
- New Daleth Squad message board, courtesy of the recently-retired LT Dark Angel :
- Attention XWA mission creators! A brand new IWATS course on XWA mission creation using ALliED (both registered and unregistered) has been posted by TAC/AD Striker :
- Commendations of Loyalty STILL have not been awarded. I know, I know. Hopefully these will be out before it's time to award the next round of CoLs.
- The Summer Free TIE Challenge, created and maintained by GN Ricardo, has come to an end! The Challenge was to fly most of the available FREE-TIE missions out there (95% I think ... not entirely sure. Anyway, it was a lot!). Here are the pilots who managed to complete the competition :
WC/GN Wolly/Wing I
COL Gallows/Omega
LC Reaper/Kaph
CPT David/Lamed
CPT Ixion/Nun
CPT Janich/Omega
CPT Jonathan/Yod
CPT Pete Mitchell/Gimel
LCM Alexandr III Biges/Nun
LCM Astarosta/Kappa
LCM Carl Lost/Theta
LCM Tim/Zeta
LT Bonzo/Tav
LT Jaster Sadista/Rho
LT Uriel K'rrden/Rho
LT VBerhends/Nun
LT Xavier Sienar/Nun
    Congratulations to CPT Pete Mitchell! He was the only pilot from Wing III who even attempted the competition (to my knowledge), and he went all the way! Not too shabby, if you consider we are XWA based. Pete recieved a Palpatine's Crescent for his efforts.
- A competition between Gimel and Hey squadrons is currently in the works ... details are being hammered-out by CMDRs Pete Mitchell and Lavos.
- Hey Squad website under construction ... please pardon CM Lavos' dust :
- A fresh chapter of the 'New Adventures of Gimel Squadron' has been written by LCM Treb Helfest! The plot thickens as our heroes discover that they are searching for an ancient behemoth ... !
- Results for the Wing III multi-catagory competition are still pending ... I'm waiting on the judging of the fiction catagory to be concluded. So far, only 2 out of 6 judges have reported in with their preferences. Since I really need to get this squared away and get the necessary medals handed out, I'm afraid that September 30th will be the deadline for judging.
- The newest issue of BattleCry has been released by our own CPT Werdna Elbee ... be sure to check it out :
- Lots of new Squadron Citations, most notably for Beth and Daleth squadrons! Beth even managed to double their SC's from 5 to 10 over the last week!
- Wing III Combat Readiness Testing (CRT) will be implemented on October 1st as planned. Right now, it is being discussed by the Wing III command staff and myself. We're getting all the bugs worked out, including one nasty little unforseen difficulty that would have made CRR level 5 impossible to reach unless your squad has 10 pilots or more. I am confident that with this many people looking it over, the CRT system will be started up rather painlessly at the end of the month. All W3 CMDRs have the necessary info for any of you who are curious, and I'll be making the 'official' announcement, along with a complete breakdown of the rules and regulations, in next week's report.
Wing III Orders
- Fly ANY battle or mission to help Wing III compete in the MegaSov competition!!! TIE Corps missions ... Infiltrator Wing missions ... Dark Brotherhood missions ... oh my! If it will gain you FCHG points, then go do it! Remember that earning 100+ points will automatically earn you a Palpatine's Crescent!
- Combat Run #14 of the Sovereign Squadron League (for pilots who own TIE CD / 95) has been announced. This will be the very last CR before the playoffs begin. Battle to fly is TC-TIE 156, 'EH Wrestling Extravaganza', which is an enjoyable battle even if you don't like wrestling. Deadline is October 2nd, so CMDRs take note. You will find the battle attached ... why not kill two birds with one stone -- fly this battle for the SovSL and earn us some MegaSov points all at the same time! It's a win/win situation!
- The Supreme Squadron Series has been started by LC Ace Pilot to find the "best squadron in the TIE Corps". The first round is fiction ... 200 words or more, any theme or plot you wish. Submit to your CMDR ... CMDRs should have a report for their squad (even if there is no participation) in to me by September 29th at the latest. More detailed info has been sent to your CMDR, who can answer any questions you might have.
- Fly! Communiate! Kill Rebs! Do stuff! Have fun!
Wing III Quote of the Week
"Ok, why should we use our own supply of drinks? We can all go CPT Pete's promotion party!" -- MAJ Sequoh Marden explains why we get so happy about promotions around here
Other notable quotes this week :
"Duty?! What are you talking about??  -- Anyway, just kidding!" -- Yeah, sure he is ... MAJ Marden AFTER he had attended CPT Pete's promotion party ;-)
"Damn't, Twinkie boy, give our WC LC!" -- Wing II's infamous CPT Psyko demonstrates the wrong way to make a request of the Commodore
"Ah yes, the ever vociferous Psyko.  I believe you had some interest in my Death Scorpions?  I rarely bring them out, as they're so volatile, but in your case I'm more than happy to.  Watch out behind you, Psyko, you never know when they're going to pounce." -- COM/FA Kramer releases the hounds ... erm, scorpions.
"Mom, Ford should have listened to you and become a used alluvial damper salesman. But nooooooo...have to go join the Fleet, he said....have to go fly and serve the Empire, he said...have to go have rollicking adventures all over the galaxy and have excitement, fun and really hoopy things. Bah. Mothers, don't let your children grow up to be pilots." -- Acting Wing II WC, MAJ Ford Prefect, shortly after the Death Scorpions flooded his wing looking for CPT Psyko
"Yeah - we've already lost a lot of pilots to this mortal enemy......" -- MAJ Sequoh Marden, speaking of the dreaded Real Life
- Help support Lord Vader in his bid for the U.S. presidency :
    Okay boys and girls, that does it for this week! Until we meet again ... Fly High and Watch Your Six!
WC/COL Sasquatch / Wing III / SSSD Sovereign
[BSx2] [PCx10] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E] [IWATS-SM-TT-TM-M-IIC-GFX] [GALL]
M-T/A 'Silhouette'
Wing III - Phantoms
"We are your Grim Reaper"