Cold Fire - LT Fenn Logan

Not only is there a great piece of writing here, but also a XvT extra mission to finish it off. So if you want something to read AND play, have a look here.

"Old Friends" Part IV - by CPT Werdna Elbee

Continued on from last month, this is my long running serial story which will also be continued even more next month. In a few months time, I will be publishing this as a mini novel too...but can you really wait that long to find out what happens ???

Around Every Silver Lining There's a Big, Nasty, Hungry Rancor - LT Rana Grande

This was ALMOST the winner of the Writing Contest this month but narrowly missed out. There was little to choose from this story and the winning entry, and while the same on writing skill, I only just preferred the direction that the other story was heading in. It's still a great story and you can see right here how "The Secret" storyline nearly turned out (It was an entry for pt5).

Illegal Narcotics Seized - by LT Lev Gammitt

This story has drink, drugs and violence. Nope, it's not the latest Tarantino film but Lev's latest story. Actually, it's not really that bad, but the story does include all of the above.

“These orders came from Adrenaline, damn it!” - by LCM Gunman

An Immortal Tale. Well, an ISD Immortal tale anyway. I rate Wing XI as one of the best wings in the fleet (just after Wing III) and the action in this story explains why that is.

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