LCM Alex Foley WEHR Interview

So Alex, tell us a few things about yourself in the EH?

Hmm…Well, my life in the EH began about 6 months ago, when I defected from the Rebel Squadrons. Good move, I think, with the recent policy changes :P I immediately joined the Corporate Division, and 2 months later joined the Tie Corps. Couple of weeks after that, I became IOA, and my interests in WEHR really began.

What is WEHR Radio?

WEHR Radio is the EH’s online radio station, which utilizes a number of Real (i.e. RealPlayer, RealServer) products. Our shows are encoded in stream-able files able to be played anywhere around the globe, without any download.

WEHR Radio is really collections of radio shows, though, that come out sporadically over time. We have different series, such as The Imperial Voice and WEHR Presents, which all focus on the different parts of music today - Rock, Rap, Pop, etc.

Why did you want to become a DJ for WEHR Radio?

I didn’t realize what I was getting into at the time, but I first offered to do a snazzy new page for WEHR (the one still used today). After doing the page, AbsoluteK and Turtle taught me how to make my own shows and sessions, and I began my masterpieces :P

What shows and sessions have you done?

I am the creator of The WEHR Rap and WEHR Presents. The WEHR Rap focuses on Rap, of course. Old Skool to New School, it’s all there. WEHR Presents are different sessions, each focusing on one artist. We have everything from John Williams to Weird Al. We try to include all the artist’s best songs in the final compilation.

As you run WEHR Radio you will be the one to ask, are here going to be any new features to make it better?

I think new features are always the key. I hope to utilize a new feature we have, RealServer, to make streaming easier, by allowing the user’s computer to automatically decide what download rate it should use, and play the music accordingly. Also, we are working with some Sonic Foundry Products (i.e. Sound Forge, Acid, Vegas) to be able to fade songs in and out and mix them better.

Do you have any ideas for features that you have planned yet? What would you personally like to happen to WEHR?

I do have a few new ideas…I are experimenting with new shows, and trying to get everything from everywhere. I am also looking into some of my fellow DJ’s other shows, which focus on Reggae, Samba, etc. Personally, I would like to see 10+ DJs working on shows frequently to make WEHR successful.

How can other members of the EH help out and make sessions for WEHR?

We always encourage people to make WEHR shows. Colonel Devin is a recent recruit, and has some new shows I need to e-mail him about :P But above all, we need NEW members. You can e-mail, with show ideas, previous work, etc., and I’ll try to get back to ya, explaining all you will need to do to set up your own shows and sessions.

Which of the other WEHR DJ’s sessions do you like the most?

FA Kumba’s WEHR Metal spot was really good, as was AbK’s WEHR Presents: Metallica. Some of Devin’s shows sound intriguing :P Can’t wait for those. But I couldn’t pick a favourite.

Do you not get into bother with record companies for playing their tracks and allowing people to listen to them for nothing?

Actually, we are not in violation of Copyright laws (At least I think :P) Since we simply broadcast the shows, and all the CDs we use have actually been bought by us, we act just like a regular radio station. I hope all EH members do realize this, that listening to WEHR is NOT illegal :P

You make WEHR’s Rap sessions? Although I presume that Rap music is your favourite, what other music do you like, and what are your favourite songs of all time?

I definitely like Pop, and Classical compilations, especially by John Williams. My recent favourites would have to be some of Creed’s new songs, and Moby’s song called Flower. All are great songs.

What do you think about getting music from the Internet using MP3’s, and the whole Napster problem?

Although I think that the music companies are blowing this out of proportion, I do see the need for SOME stop in the online music distribution problem. I do use Mp3s from the web, but I always try to buy the CD if I like it. I encourage everyone to do the same.

Do you have any last words before we publish this?


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