“He’s Talking Nonsense”

by CPT Werdna Elbee

I'm sorry, but I don't have much time to do this section again. Odds are that I have to miss it out of future issues to give me a bit more time getting this newsletter made on time. I think that I can throw together a few things though, so please enjoy my little column.

Top 5 Cool Things This Month

I'm not going to put Star Wars, or the EH, onto this list as it's too obvious. Apart from that though, this is what I have found cool this month.

5. Roswell High. I didn't think that I was going to like this TV series, as it looked like a bad Buffy:TVS rip off but with aliens. I was pleasantly surprised when I found this to be way better than even Buffy. It's more like the X-Files, but with cooler young people and by far less confusing. 

4. Disco Music. There has been quite a few pop songs out recently that have had a disco-style rhythm. I don't know if it's that, the fact I saw Saturday Night Fever recently, seeing Eddie Izzard as a Disco-Boy in Mystery Men, or if I seriously like this music. Actually I think it's because I've been dong impressions of the noises in the songs all week. "BOOOO!!!" "WAKA-WAKA!!!" "OOH-OOH!!!"

3. Prodigy. I know that they are a old dance group, but I gave their album another listen and I loved it. You'll find that the background music to this newsletter is from their song "Smack My Bitch Up."

2. Grand Prix 3 - It may just be GP2 with better/worse graphics, but I still love it. I want to point out how much I hate that Michael Schumacher though!!!

1. DVDS!!! - I love these things sooo much. I seem to get a handful of DVDs every month, and I still can't get enough of them. The strange thing is that I never used to watch much TV or many videos, but I'm hooked on DVDs. My favourite DVD this month would have to be "Three Kings." It's a cool look at the Gulf War and what bastards the world governments were.

Also-rans: TV Series Andromeda, Cartoons like the Simpsons and South Park, SFX Magazine, Alcohol and lots of it.

CPT Werdna Elbee
(Battlecry Editor)