<`Tom> LB!!!!!!!
<Werdna_LB> Tom!!!!!!!!
* `Tom jumps at LB
* Werdna_LB moves out of Toms way
* `Tom slaps LB
* Werdna_LB counter-slaps Tom
<`Tom> bah...bad LB
<`Tom> Bad Girl, Very Bad Girl!
<`Tom> :-P
<Werdna_LB> Dumb Gimp, Tom! Very dumb Gimp!
* `Tom grins
<`Tom> LB, you a female?
<Werdna_LB> NO!!!
* `Tom chuckles to himself
* Werdna_LB weeps quietly
* `Tom dances :P
<Werdna_LB> I haven't been in here for a while...has anyone missed me?
* Werdna_LB looks around
* LCM_Dawn throws her hands into the air
<VitCarp> I have.
* `Tom stares at LB
<`Tom> of course I've missed you, I wouldn't have anyone to annoy 'else :P
<VitCarp> :)

<LCM_Dawn> anyone wanna help me find a new home..
<LCM_Dawn> i'll be extra bitchy, but sweet when ya want me
<LCM_Dawn> and I cook and clean
<CPTFalcon> Dawn I need ya..................
<CPTFalcon> to do my homework
<LCM_Dawn> lol
<Werdna_LB> you can share my cardboard box with me, Dawn
* `Tom kicks the Side in, on LB's Box
<Werdna_LB> nooooooo, my home!

<Werdna_LB> damn, e-mail's still not working. I need my fix of witty, yet irritating, replys!
<Miack> LB : you witty HAH
<Werdna_LB> I am the wittiest man in all of wittyland!
<Miack> LOL
<Miack> thats called LYING lb
* CMKhadgar launches 5 Heavy rockets at "Wittyland".
<CMKhadgar> >:)
<Miack> hehe 
<Werdna_LB> you're right, this is one other in Wittyland who is as witty as my wit
* Miack takes Witty land over by force
<CMKhadgar> Miack, watch out for that Heavy Rocket!
<CMKhadgar> *BOOM*
<CMKhadgar> hehe
* Miack sent a clone to deal with it thank god
<Werdna_LB> no, my land will be destroyed by your blunt and crude comebacks, Miack!

<Miack> oh........no 
<Miack> tis LB type person
<Werdna_LB> cool, I get an announcement when I enter the room!
<Werdna_LB> thanks, Miack...sortof
<Miack> Sort of ?
<Miack> its my job to annouce to the TC when you enter a room
<Werdna_LB> well, it wasn't a nice announcement...but a one none the less
<Miack> :)
<Miack> so hows it goin oh editor of Battlecry
* Werdna_LB has a bad cold..."kill me! please, kill me!!!"
<Werdna_LB> :(
* LCM|The_Z kills Werdna_LB
<Werdna_LB> thank you
<Werdna_LB> I believe in euthanasia for bad cases like mine
<LCM|The_Z> your welcome
* Miack never has a cold
<Miack> its true 
* Werdna_LB considers killing Miack
* Miack looks at the empty shell of a pilot
<Werdna_LB> I'm now going to infiltrate a Rebel camp, kiss them all, and win the war
<Miack> Kiss them you MAD ?????
<LCM_Cray> yes, he is.
<Werdna_LB> I'll give them my cold...
<Werdna_LB> ...and they also have to put up with kissing me
* Miack shudders

<T-Wing> ew...its LB
<Werdna_LB> ew...it's "Chicken"-Wing
<T-Wing> Werdna, is that a female name? >:P
<Werdna_LB> "Tom", how long did it take for you to think up that EH name?
<T-Wing> years
<T-Wing> thats why I've only recently joined it, instead of joining it straight away
<Werdna_LB> eh? what do you mean>
<Werdna_LB> > = ?
<NF> Sarcasm, LB. :P
<T-Wing> well, joining when the EH was first "invented"
<Werdna_LB> what is this "sarcasm" thing? you mean he does not always tell the truth as a joke?
<T-Wing> eh? what?
<T-Wing> I'm serious
<NF> Whoa.
<NF> You people are insane.
<Werdna_LB> christ, Tom. You're crap in that case!
<T-Wing> Thanks!
<Werdna_LB> I've typed my name "werdna elbee" into a Google search and found 26 pages. Cool!
*** T-Wing is now known as Tom-XvT
* Tom-XvT thwaps LB for being Famous (sorta :P)
<Werdna_LB> I'm sure there are lots of pages with your name in, "TOM"
<Tom-XvT> well...yeah, but Tom is too Vague
<Werdna_LB> try Gimp-Boy instead
<Tom-XvT> er...no thanks
<Tom-XvT> hmm...Does that "Ask Jeeves" Website tell you if werdna is female?
<Tom-XvT> hm...I'll try it :P
<Werdna_LB> give it a go
<Werdna_LB> remember that it's www.ask.co.uk...
<Tom-XvT> ah...good LB
<Werdna_LB> I put in Askjeeves by mistake and got a porn site instead
* Tom-XvT pats LB on the head
<Tom-XvT> lol
<Tom-XvT> bah...bloody hell, it isn't answering me
<Werdna_LB> I should point out that ask jeeves is crap too...it always changes your question into something it can answer
<Tom-XvT> lol
* Tom-XvT waits patiently for an answer
* Tom-XvT is still waiting
<Werdna_LB> go to http://www.scifaiku.com/tom/misc/recipe.html for a Tom site

<K-Idanian> hey Bubbles!
<Astatine> hey Bubbles
<Bubbles> heya :)
* Bubbles huggles lots of people randomly
<Werdna_LB> it's the randomness of choice that makes us feel special
<K-Idanian> lol
<Bubbles> LOL
<Bubbles> brb - laggy
*** Bubbles has quit IRC (What do you call an underwater secret agent? Bubble-07)
*** `Bubbles has joined #emperor's_hammer
* `Bubbles huggles randomly again
<K-Idanian> oh, no! Bubbles! :)
* `Bubbles giggles evily
<LT_Smug> you missed me!
<Werdna_LB> we'll all be crushed by "huggles"!!!
<LT_Smug> hug me hug me!!!
<LT_Smug> you can add a gles to my name :P
<`Bubbles> that's the idea!!!!
* `Bubbles huggles Smug
<LT_Smug> :) thanke
<`Bubbles> I've corrupted my phyle so they all bounce, now I'm gonna corrupt the rest of hte EH with huggles!
* Howlader pokes Bubbles in the eye
<`Bubbles> eep!
* `Bubbles covers her eye
<`Bubbles> that hurt!!!
<LT_Smug> can't corrupt me, although I won't complain about the hugging :P
<`Bubbles> what'd I do to deserve that?
* Werdna_LB bounces around the room!!!
<`Bubbles> yey!!!!!!!!
<mto> LB!
* `Bubbles bounces too
<LT_Smug> say sorry Howie
<LT_Smug> twasn't very nice
<Werdna_LB> even though I'm not in your phyle, I'll still bounce :o)
*** mto is now known as `Tom
<Howlader> naw
* EL_KIP bounces grudgingly in the corner
<LT_Smug> go on you meanie
<`Bubbles> wheeeee!!!!!
* LT_Smug bounces a bouncing bomb into the corner
<`Bubbles> people bouncing!
* `Tom strokes LB
* `Bubbles is happy again now :)
* `Tom bounces for the fun of it :P
<EL_KIP> aaaa
* EL_KIP is slightly exploded
* LT_Smug bounces ontop of Bubbles *whoops*
<`Bubbles> eeep!
* `Bubbles falls over
* `Bubbles is squished
<Werdna_LB> Tom don't stroke me...my butter's not spread that way
<EL_KIP> lol
<EL_KIP> aaw
* ``Miack strokes LB
<LT_Smug> hey I ain't that heavy
<LT_Smug> 5'9" (and a half) only 'bout 57kg which is a bit under 9 stone
* Werdna_LB feels abused with all the stroking
<Ian-GONE> oh yah
* EL_KIP refuses 2 comment
<Ian-GONE> I'm 2'4" and weigh around 400 kg
<LT_Smug> tis the truth
<`Bubbles> oh, ok
<LT_Smug> Kip knows it
<`Bubbles> so you's quite light then
<`Bubbles> under 9 stone? and 5'9''?
<LT_Smug> yup
* EL_KIP forms an anti-stroking club in the corner
<`Bubbles> ok.....me is about 5'11'' and 11 1/2 stone.....hmmmmm
<LT_Smug> I'm quite slim
<Ian-GONE> whats stone?
<`Bubbles> extra stone for each inch!
<Werdna_LB> I'm bang on 57kg too, Smug...WOW!!! We're like weight twins or something!!!
<LT_Smug> what? balls to that I've seen youir pic :P
<EL_KIP> harsh
<LT_Smug> oh dear god Werdna_LB!
<Ian-GONE> whats a "stone"?
* Darkheart is 110 kg's
<`Tom> I'm about 9 1/2 Stone :P
<EL_KIP> stone = wierd british weight thing
* ``Miack slaps Kip
<Ian-GONE> oh.......
<LT_Smug> no it ain't
<EL_KIP> ow
<Ian-GONE> how many pounds is that?
<`Tom> and er...6'something :P
<LT_Smug> not weird and isn't all british... I think
<EL_KIP> whassat 4?
<LT_Smug> Waaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!
<EL_KIP> Kg is better, and im a brit
<EL_KIP> witty
<Werdna_LB> that WASSSUPPP thing pisses me off now
* EL_KIP hides untill the WASUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPING is over
<``Miack> Wazzzzzzuuuuuuupppppppppppp!!! :P
<`Bubbles> you're not the only one it pisses off Werdna!
<``Miack> must try to stop strokin LB
<`Darkov> now? it pissed me off the first time I heard it 
<`Tom> eh? what?
* `Bubbles agrees with Darkov
<Werdna_LB> so no one actually likes it, but it's still a craze ???
<`Bubbles> apparently so
<`Bubbles> kinda like the Spice Girls
<LT_Smug> Waaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!
<EL_KIP> lol
<`Bubbles> grah
<LT_Smug> hehee
* `Bubbles slaps LT_Smug around a bit with a large trout
<`Kumba> stop it :P
<`Kumba> now :P
<`Tom> oh that
<`Kumba> before I get wazzup on yo asses :P
<`Tom> I kinda like it
<`Bubbles> eeep
<Werdna_LB> Smug, you're like a sheep following a shepard called "Bud"
* EL_KIP comes out of hiding now thats all over
* LT_Smug slaps Bubbles around a bit with a large 'WAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!'
* `Bubbles thwaps Smuggles ;P
<LT_Smug> funny ad
<EL_KIP> lol
* `Tom likes Bud :P
<``Miack> hmmmmm Bud
<`Darkov> not as if Bud is worth drinking either
<Werdna_LB> I'd rather have a Fosters
<``Miack> oh I forgot Darkov dont drink 
<LT_Smug> which Scary Movie copied... stupid people in school think it be the other way
<`Darkov> gee... uneducated kids.....
<``Miack> yes,yes fosters
<`Darkov> Werdna you definitely have no taste then :P

<LT_Smug> hey Bubbles! Wanna see my elephant impression?
<Werdna_LB> Smug, nooooooooo!!!!
* ``Miack sniggers
* LT_Smug sighs
<LT_Smug> hands up who knows this trick then?
<LT_Smug> no one, okay...
<Werdna_LB> it's not that big a trick, Smug...not for you anyway
<LT_Smug> well Bubbles? Wanna see my elephant impression or not?
<LT_Smug> not really a trick... more of a gag...
* Lt_Dengar points out that Miack forgot to wear pants today
* `Darkov thwaps Smug for being a pervert
<LT_Smug> oh!!! was that a subtle hint there Werdna_LB?
<`Darkov> :P
<LT_Smug> not a pervert
<LT_Smug> just 'cause I like looking a naked women doesn't make me a pervert!!!
<LT_Smug> did I say that out loud?
* DeathFyre takes a pair of rusty hedgeclippers and snips off Smug's tiny elephant
<Werdna_LB> stuff the gag...look at the size of this :o)
* `Darkov meant your elephant impression... guess you don't get it
<`Darkov> haha
<Lt_Dengar> Ouch thats going to hurt
<LT_Smug> okay enough with the presumptions 'cause ya are all wrong
* DeathFyre gets a magnifying glass and stares at the piece
<DeathFyre> Not really..wasn't much to remove
<LT_Smug> look who's talking
<Werdna_LB> I think hedgeclippers were too large for the job in hand
<LT_Smug> DeathFyre being a bot and has no genitles
<DeathFyre> I don't have a gender, so nyahhh :P
<M-Away> lol
<LT_Smug> y'all shutup!

<M-THExam> whew!
*** M-THExam is now known as Manesh
<Manesh> I completely BSed that exam :P
<`Quake> wb Manesh
<`Quake> how'd ya do?
<Werdna_LB> BSed??? is that good or bad?
<`Tom> Good I guess
<`Tom> or Manesh just wrote lots of BS on the paper, to confuse the markers :P
<Werdna_LB> ...then he stood up, saluted to the examiner, and then fainted
<Miack> heh
<Werdna_LB> and I didn't steal that from Red Dwarf at all


* Argyle thinks life is not fair..
<`B> If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
<LCM_Wem> life never is ...
<Argyle> lol b
<`Kumba> Life's a bitch, but Death is a cute brunette :P
<Argyle> hehe

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