Think Tank

This month, the TIE Corps Think-Tank tackled two issues: Flight Leaders and Competition Trophies.

Flight Leaders

I started the first topic actually. I stated the position of FL should either be given more duties and abilities (such as awarding medals or BSFing) or be removed. I argued that a good CMDR can single-handedly run an entire squadron, FLs are simply glorified FMs, and the only redeeming quality the position has is keeping the chain-of-command. In my defense, I want to say that I think FLs are useful and should stick around. If I didn’t my FLs would revolt against me.

In rebuttal, VA Shawshank pointed out that the position of FL is to give a sense of realism to the TIE Corps: “Militaries are all about structure. Each larger piece is made of smaller pieces.” CM Crix Madine noted that in Spectre, Flight Leaders are typically “commanders-in-training”. MAJ Goatham took a psychological approach in his rebuttal, stating that FLs can guide a new SL, leaving the CMDR to boost the SLs morale. Commanders can delegate squadron activities to FLs, such as website designing, as CPT Jesseb Skyrauch noted. Several said that FL is a mark of distinction within the squadron, awarded to the most active and responsible pilot(s). Flight leaders are also more likely to get CMDR positions than FMs. The overwhelming majority of the Think-tank (okay everyone except me) said that the position of FL was necessary and useful.

VA Shawshank also pointed out that this was not the first time this topic has been discussed by the Think-tank. Thank you, CA:FO.

Competition Trophies

The other topic of debate revolved around a forwarded email from FO/AD Sarriss. In the email, Sarriss suggested that each squadron and wing have a trophy or medal or some sort of award that is won or lost in competition. For instance, if Omicron squadron loses to Eta squadron, Eta “wins” Omicron’s prize. These prizes accumulate and could be displayed on the squad’s website or a new “squadron trophy room”. A couple people had concerns regarding the tracking of these prizes. This proposed system reminded VA Kermee of the DB’s possession system “on a larger scale”. AD Theo reminded us all that there is the Challenge Cup, which has not been used recently, and that VA Jarak Maldon implemented the new BG Ace Pilot League. In this league, each ship and the BG have an “Ace Pilot” Title, which is won or lost by flying. If I remember correctly, we are in the third round of that comp. CPT Werdna Elbee spotted that differences between competitions could confuse this proposed system. My editor also came up with an elaborate competition to determine the best pilot, squadron, and wing in all platforms. Summed up, response to the proposal was slightly negative to positive, though most people who responded negatively just wanted the proposal to more defined and rigid.

That was it for this month. If anyone wants to join in this forum, send an email to Let your voice be heard (or at least tell me to shut up)!!!

Wrote up by CPT Troutrooper