Writing Contest: The Secret

What is "The Secret"?

I'm building a huge storyline, and I need your help!!! I was going to write this storyline a long time ago, but I didn't have the time. In fact, I still don't have the time and that's where you are going to come in.

Every month, you lot will write the next part of the story. Eventually, it should get to the point where the story is so long and interesting that we will have a novel on our hands and will be published to the entire EH.

What's in it for me?

If you write a winning entry to this contest, then your part of the story will be added to the plot. This will allow you to change the plotline the way you think that it should develop, put your name down as one of the writers of the novel, and make you look dead good to readers of Battlecry!!!

Also, if you write a winning entry to the competition, then you will earn a merit award for it (I don't know what yet, it really depends upon how good your writing is). Every entry will also be published, but not as an official part of the story.

The Secret
Information on Characters, Ships, Places, etc

Here you will be able to get masses of information on everything in this storyline to help you with your writing. A warning though, you should read the story first, as this will contain spoilers.

The Secret
(Past chapters)
Part 1 Escape From Your Own - by CPT Werdna Elbee
Part 2 Emon's Meeting With Freedom - by CM Troutrooper (Winner Sept 2000)
Part 3 The Grey Box - by CPT Werdna Elbee
Part 4 To Live Again And Then Some - by CM Troutrooper (Winner Oct 2000)
The Secret
The Commander With No Name - by CPT Beef

The Winner of December 2000. This chapter adds quite a few more twists and turns to the story, and it keeps you reading to find out where the next twist will come.

The Secret
(pt6)is up to you

You will have to read here for details on the rules for writing the next part.