
Pilots of the Emperor's Hammer...

It must be repeated that the more work you do for yourselves as officers of the Emperor's Hammer the quicker things get done for you by the Flight Office. Get your communications together before requesting transfers and make your case for promotions above your promotional authority...time is not evidence of proven leadership. The Fleet Systems Engineer has continued to make everyone's life easier with improvements to the administration of the roster, but you have the power to make it better still.

Numbers were moved around a bit this week, but they remain strong and Daedalus saw the greatest jump this week, adding 15 new cadets...Tornado squadron is being sent on a long-range recon mission for safety reasons.

The Sovereign added several news pilots this week as the fleet awaits the report on the final, regular season, standings of the Sovereign league.

The Battlegroups dropped a number of pilots this week, but there are rumours of several pilots returning from the reserves. On the Colossus, Oldie stepped down as Wing Commander and is resting in the reserves as rl takes its toll. Applications are being taken by VA Ari and a replacement will be named soon.

The ASF lost another couple of pilots this week, but as they finish their current operations, expect more opportunities for recruiting in the many on-line multi-player "zones."

The shine and smell of newness continues on the Avenger, but more pilots this week are working to give the ship a more human touch. As the growth continues, new squadrons will need to be opened and that means more command opportunities.

The Naval Corps gained another crewman this week. nothing new on their message boards to report as the wargames must be taking much of their energy.

The elites are all up to full strength, but for Tau which holds steady at 10. It should be noted that Praetorian hit 100 citations and everyone should congratulate them on an amazing statistic.

As already indicated, the Daedalus added 15 new cadets. Training is going well and these cadets are eager to chose their new them out and give them your best line...what's the worst that can happen, "no" or a drink in your face?

All in all...the fleet is strong and well. as always....act like an officer and have fun!!!


FO-TCCOM/AD Sarriss/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign (Hussar)

-=** Professor of Graphics **=- CA:FO/VA Shawshank/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign
GS/ISM/MoI/MoT-1rh-1gh/LoCx2/CoS/OV-5E [DRAG]

CA:FO-Legal/AD Theodore/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign