ISD Grey Wolf - Wing XIII



Wing XIII Report

September 17, 2000

In the Sector of G’Rho
A weird and alien spirit life form hovered over the surface of G’Rho.  It was hungery.  What could it find to eat?  Should it stir up some unrest, maybe a civil war and feed upon the hatred of the inhabitants of G’Rho?  Wait! What’s that coming into orbit? Why it’s a human starcraft.  That would make a wonderful meal now.  It would be better to save G’Rho for a future meal.  Extending its senses, it discovered the ISD Van Guard not too many parsecs away.  It sent out a simulated distress call from Grey Wolf.  Ah!  The VanGuard was approaching.  This would be interesting.
Aboard the Grey Wolf

Major Chrusos Ichthys brought the ISD Grey Wolf into a perfect orbit over G’Rho.  Soon the Admiral would be onboard and the GW could resume its mission.  Eventually, Commodore Vice Admiral Cyric did come aboard.  Everyone made ready for departure when their was a call from Engineering.  “Sir, our nuclear reactors have gone into overload. I’ve shut them down.  But without them, we won’t have the power to go into hyperdrive!  And we can’t operate the normal space drive without the power plants either.  That’s not all.  The environmental controls have been contaminated!  They need to be replaced. We won’t live more than 5 days aboard this craft!”

Commodore Cyric thought a moment.  “Ichthys, how far are we from the planet?”

“About two light-days, sir.”

“Engineering!” continued Cyric, “Find a way to clean what you can!  Ichthys, communicate to the planet.  Get them to send rescue vehicles immediately!  We need to evacuate all non-engineering personnel so that the environmental controls can be shut down.”

About then the ISD VanGuard exits hyperspace.  The VG intercepts the transmission to G’Rho.  “Grey Wolf, this is Commodore Blade of the Van Guard.  We’ll be happy to carry as many personnel as required to G’Rho.  We’ll even supply some engineers to assist with your nuclear contamination.”

Commodore Cyric didn’t think he had a choice.  “All Grey Wolf personnel! Prepare to abandon ship.”

Twelve hours later, the GW is mostly empty.

Aboard the VanGuard

Soon after the VanGuard loads the necessary GW personnel and equipment, it takes off into hyperspace to do a mini-hop to G’rho.  Unbeknownst to anyone aboard the VG, the alien has stowed away on the VG.  More nefarious treachery occurs and the VG remains in hyperspace long after it should have dropped out near G’rho.

Major Ender mBind reports to Commodore Blade, “Sir!  The hyperdrive is malfunctioning!  Not only can we not escape hyperspace but we can’t even control where we’re going!  Fortunately, there are no stars, pulsars or charted black holes in front of us.  We will be leaving the galaxy in 3 days!”

Blade calmly replies, “Can an Interdictor intercept us?”

Major mBind checks the current known Imperial ship assignment charts. “No, sir! None in the immediate area that can catch us!”

About then, the intercom whistles.  The Security Officer speaks, “Sir, there’s incidents of fighting taking place all over the ship!  The crew is using anything at hand for weapons! Pipes! Panels, you name it!  Our crew and the GW crew are fighting hand-to-hand all over the ship!  I don’t have enough personnel to stop it.  Half of my crew has actually been participating in the fighting.  The other half is trying to stop the incidents they come to or they are carrying body parts and bodies to sickbay!

The intercom whistles again.  This time the Medical officer speaks, “Sir, you won’t believe what’s happening in the MedLab!  Security is bringing bodies and parts, but these people are recovering – regenerating – at a phenomenal rate!  And when they do recover, they’re grabbing what they can from the MedLab and going back to fight the GW crew.”

Blade interrupts, “Where are most of the GW crew now?  Why has this fighting broken out? Is there a common reason?”

“Commodore, most of the GW crew and their command officers have retreated to Engineering!” replies the Security Officer.

The Med Officer continues, “Reasons? There are no specific reasons!  You name it, the reason has probably become a grudge for some fool.  And me?  What am I to do?  These people are recoveroing so fast, the bacta tanks are dry and the surgical druids are still stowed.  These people are recovering from mortal wounds and walking away in minutes!”

Meanwhile, in Engineering, Doc Woobee had found a large, almost unwieldy hyperspace torque discombobulator and was sitting merrily in a high chair not too far from the main entrance to Engineering.  Whenever some one who was seriously hurt was brought in, Doc Woobee would “bonk” him on the head with the torque discombobulator and shout gleefully, “Be healed!”  Within moments, the patient would arise groggily.  Woobee would point to the tool compartment and the patient would select his next tool to use against the VanGuard’s crew.

During one of the forays into the VanGuard-held upper decks, Raven Lockholme was captured and being taken away.  Captain Brucmack happened to look up and see the spirit entity glowing bright red.  He pointed it out to Captain Brakka.  Raven Arestar, Azazel and Deamon were too busy fighting to be distracted by Brakka and Brucmack.  Not too much later, Brucmack and Brakka reported Lockholme’s abduction and the glowing energy creature to Commodore Cyric and Major Ichthys.

Ichthys was the first to formulate a plan!  “I say we charge the bridge! We have the people and the tools. The GW crew is virtually unharmed.  We can re-capture her and steal their bridge!”

Cyric was more level-headed.  “A creature who feeds on hatred?  Can such a creature affect a hyperdrive? Or a nuclear power plant?  This creature is like a rodent! Ichthys, you don’t feed a rat, you starve it out!  Don’t you have rats where you came from?”

Cyric then gets on the intercom.  “Blade, I want to talk a truce! Give me my Commander back and I will help you regain control of your ship!  Meet me in the cafeteria in an hour!”

The COMs, WCs and CMDRs and a few other people meeting in the cafeteria at the appointed time.  Commodore Blade begins, “What is this? How do you know how to get us out of this mess?  Why should I release your Commander to you?”

Commodore Cyric replies with a bit of heat in his voice, “Where do you think I have been the past tow day? I have been in YOUR engine rooms and I know what can and can not be fixed.  Are you saying I’m…”

Captain Brucmack sees something floating through the wall.  He nudges Ichthys.  Ichthys interjects, “Sirs! Look up there!” He points.

Cyric continues with a different, slightly forced but much lighter tone.  “There is the reason we almost came to blows.  There is the reason your hyperdrive is malfunctioning.  There is why the GW power plant went critical!  It’s forcing us to fight! It’s feeding upon us!” Cyric claps his hands gleefully at his remarkable deductions.  He address the creature, “You’re through here.  We don’t need your kind here!  You can’t control us anymore.  We know about you and your tricks.  So OUT!  Go away! We don’t want you here anymore!” Cyric claps Blade between the shoulder blades.  “Get out!”

Blade continues with a slightly forced laugh.  “Out, I say!  We don’t need your help to fight the Grey Wolf!  Out, lout!”

The energy creature drifts out of the ship, currently sated.  Working together, the crews of the Vanguard and the Grey Wolf repair the hyperdrive and return to the Grey Wolf.  Two days later, the Grey Wolf is also repaired.  Within 4 days, every one and every thing is back in their rightful place.  Both the GW and the VG go on to their next missions.

The creature drifts lazily in the solar wind away from a nearby star.  Soon enough, it will find another human settlement and stir up more excitement J


TC, ASF and Wing News

·        ·        Current WingXIII Combat Ranks: (Bold indicates changes – I don’t think any LoCs have been award this week :P)

o       Top Ace 1st

§         [422] CPT Brucmack/Crusader

o       Ace 3rd

§         [167] CM Raven Arestar/Vortex

o       Veteran 4th

§          [79] MAJ Chrusos Ichthys

o       Officer 1st

§          [66] CM Raxis Krieger/Odin

o       Officer 2nd

§         [56] CM Marcin Szydlowski/Crusader

§         [51] LCM DarkAlpha/Odin

o       Officer 4th

§          [30] LCM Xera Verr/Phoenix

o       Marksman 1st

§          [26] LCM Azrael/Valkyrie

o       Marksman 2nd

§         [21] LT DrDiablo/Crusader

o       Marksman 3rd

§         [19] CM SCUD/Tartarus

§         [17] CM Azazel/Vortex

§         [17] LT Wiesio/Crusader

§         [16] VA Cyric

o       Marksman 4th

§          [14] LT Jonny Sawicki/Crusader

§          [13] CM Deamon/Phoenix

§         [10] LC Tethys/Odin

o       Certified

§          [9] CPT Brakka/Valkyrie

§         [7] LT Hev Randrowan/Odin

§          [6] LCM Tron/Crusader

§          [6] LC Woobee/Odin

o       Trainee

§         [4] LT Alex Foley/Crusader

§         [4] LT CMR Brown/Pheonix

§         [2] CM Andrew/Phoenix

§         [2] LT Garet Jax/Vortex

§         [2] LCM Raven Lockholme/Odin

§         [1] CM Achim Schwarick/Vortex

§         [1] LCM Dark Archon/Odin

§          [1] CM Ghost Rezdar/Valkyrie

§          [1] CM Phoenix/Tartarus

§          [1] LCM Trashman/Valkyrie


Ship’s Doc Report!

None at this time. L I’ll forward the Doc’s report when I get it.


Glimpses from around the ship!


An incoming shuttle approached the ISD Grey Wolf. CM Azazel leaved his ship and the Squadron saluted. Major Vitcarp stood at the front of the Squadron next to CM Achim. But before one of them could say a word the ship status changed to red alert.  "Here is VA Cyric. The Grey Wolf is under attack by Rebel ships. All pilots to the Fighters. "Welcome back Az. Friends of you?" Achim asked.  "No, but they will pay for disturbing my "Welcome party"". After a few minutes all Vortex pilots were out in space." Only 2 Frigates with 1 Y-Wing Squadron, 2 X-Wing Squadrons, and 1 A-Wing Squadron." First concentrate your attack on the Y-Wings. They are armed with Heavy Rockets." Vitcarp called. 1 X-Wing Squadron changed their course to intercept the Vortex Squadron while the A-Wing Squadron was attacked by Crusader Squdron. Valkyrie Squadron attacked the first Frigate while Tartarus attacked the second. At last Phoenix Squadron started and assisted Crusader Squadron. It was a short battle and after 20 min the Rebel Fleet tried to escape.  But it was to late. Only 3 A-Wings and 5 X-Wings escaped. Both Frigates were destroyed. Another victory for the Empire and CM Achim last victory as Vortex CMDR.  



As Deamon paces in his room wondering what Is going on around him, he realizes that he owes an appology to his Squadron, the Com, WC, and Mostly to Hev. For you see Deamon did not properly say G-By to Hev, when he stepped down as FL of flight three. ( This is in thanks to Con who so eloquently pointed this out to me in his FL Report. Which will be published in full at the end of this report.) Hev, may the Dark side make you strong and may you be a strong right arm for the Squadron you joined. (Which we here in Phoenix well know)



CPT Brucmack walked through the corridor of the barracks. He looked at the Flight 3 cabin. He heard some shouts. "Mike, I'm telling you, my TV will stand HERE!" "No, no, no mr. CPT, it won't!". Brucmack walked into the cabin: "How do you like your new Flight" - he asked Ya-qoob. Ya-qoob stopped quarreling with Mike and answered: "It would be nice, but some STUPID CM doesn't allow me to keep my TV on the desk" Mike's face turned red: "I'm stupid?! I will kill you, you little.." "Mike, cool down" - Brucmack tried to calm Mike down, because he was dangerously close to Ya-qoob. "Let Ya-qoob keep his damn TV where he wants, OK, CM Marcin?" - CMDR continued. "NO!!! he was the CMDR and I had to suffer, now I'm his FL!" "Not for long!!!" - answered Ya-qoob. Brucmack looked at his pilots and walked out. As he was walking he heard a big explosion and words of Ya-qoob "My TV, my big screen TV!!!" Then he saw Mike running away from laser shots...


The CMDR continued to Flight 2 cabin. He walked to Tron. "What are you doing, LCM?" "I've just returned from patrol, here are my reports" He gave the CMDR a big bag of forms. Brucmack carried it to his cabin, where he saw LCM Demon. "Hello <ufff> Sin. Cold you <ahhh> give me a hand with this bag?" "no problem" - anserwed Demon. I just brough you some reports". "This is a hard job" - thought CPT Brucmack.


"Ah, Flight 1" - Brucmack walked into the cabin. LCM DrDiablo was sitting on a throne, surrounded by some SLs from the ship. "...and that's how I became COM's protector." - he finished his story. "Diablo, hopefully this award isn't that important to you" - Brucmack asked. "No, of course not" "Then give it back, there was a mistake" - Brucmack continued. Diablo just shouted something and run away screaming "I won't give it back!!!". CPT laughed "Oh, I made a good one". He walked out and opened the doors to CMDR's cabin. Mike was sitting on his bed. "What are you doing here?!" - Brucmack was sursprised. "I'm waiting until Ya-qoob's ammo will run out. Then I will..." - Mike laughed. "Mike, lasers don't have any ammo" - said Brucmack. Mike stopped laughing.

- CPT Ya-qoob



It is with a heavy heart that I write this squadron report this week. In ways I have become unfit to be a squadron commander because of real life circumstances including school, social life, and paintball. Unfortunatly I do not have time for all the responsabilities that a commander has. I am extremely sorry for letting you all down, but i'm afraid that there is nothing that I could have done about this seeing as how I have no control over most of these problems. I leave you with this; I will not be fully leaving the TIE Corps. I will be changing to a FM position in Odin. If youre interested in taking my place and helping Odin grow more, Submit copies of your applications to VitCarp and Cyric. It has been a true honor to be your Commander for nearly two months but I feel instead of dragging down Odin because of my own problems, I should pass the torch onto the next person in line. <SALUTE>



A Tyderian shuttle comes out of Hyperspace next to ISD Grey Wolf. A voice sounds on the intercom, Shuttle IP=493-DSF Acknowledge and identify yourself. This is Leiutenant Drendon of the PLT Daedalus, we have new cadets for you. CT Phoenix and CT Drendon, please send representatives to meet them. Got it, this is LT Schitzo enter Docking bay 3 over and out. A burst of static indicates that the transmission is over. LT Drendon thought to himself they don't know what they are getting into, well time to signal the fleet. A tight transmission beam is sent out into the asteroids. A dark figure raises from the captain bridge of an Imperial Class stardestroyer. "We have them cornered, forces attack as soon as their shields are down." Meanwhile back at the Grey Wolf a shuttle docks in Docking bay 3. 6 dark figures leave it and deploy in defensive position. A form in a green uniform comes off the shuttle and aims a warhead launcher at the Control Bridge of the ISD Grey Wolf. Time to die impies. Muahahah. Suddenly storm troopers fill the hallways. The intruders take out their light sabers and massacre them. Suddenly a door opens behind them, a smoke bomb is thrown into the hall which explodes instantly. 3 Figures with lightsabers enter the room, suddenly the enemy can't see them. Then 4 of them die w/o knowing what hit them. The other two run away but are shot by the remaining storm troopers. The greenman turns on his intercome and issues attack orders. Out of the asteroid field 2 ISDs, 3 CRSs and lots of fighters enter the battle. A figure steps in front of the man, "Call them off" he says, no way. You want me as a prisoner, you don't want me dead. Thats what you think. The man rises his lightsaber and a crushing blow takes the man't head off. Clean up this mess he says, before leaving the hall. This is Raven to VitCarp mission accomplished infiltrators are dead. "Great came a voice over the intercom". "Now get to your ship and help us take those CRSs out" "Yes Sir" 30 seconds later Maj Vitcarp saw the hot trail of the Grey Wolf's fighters streaking at the enemy. They are Jamming their communications I wonder why?!? A young LT comes to VitCarp sir something big is coming this way. Bigger then an ISD. I count one SSD Class signature, and 4 FRG class signatures, they are going for us!!! Launch any remaining fighters. What do we have with us at the moment? We have 4 TI class starfighters in top condition. 4 TA in mediocre condition, 4 Gun Boats, and 3 Escort Class Shuttles. Ok order all of the personnel to prep. Get out best pilots in those ships, I'll pilot my TA. VA Cyric will take care of the gunners. Get moving. Also I want heavy bombs at every ship. Your job is to drop them off at the SSDs Bridge so it'd go out. Sir, Sir!! Came a voice of the panicked LT, Phoenix never left, their docking bay was jammed but they fixed it now, they are launching. A huge shadow came out of hyperspace, it was the SSD Lusankya. The second it arrived 60 Heavy bombs hit its Bridge, which evaporated instantly, the controls were broken so it rammed the FRG Nemesis, after that FRG Freedom, and after that FRG Tamper. Exploding each of them, the Captains of the other Frigates were smart so they entered hyperspace. The SSD was down, all lasers were jammed, so were the docking bays, so the Commodore did the only smart choice, After going into his pants he ordered, to enter hyperspace. Meanwhile at the battlefield, the 3 ISDs were reduced to One and the 2 CRSs were separated. The fighter defense went down 25%, while the Grey Wolf forces lost only 22 fighters. With all but 5 pilots ejecting. The victory was clear so the ISD entered hyperspace, and so did the other CRS. Then ISD Grey Wolf came into range, half the enemy pilots saw the flash, then they evaporated into hot dust as the ISD Grey Wolf opened fire. The other half surrendered, but they performed the biggest war crime ever, attacking Grey Wolf without prior consent, and acknoledging they were goners, so the ISD Grey Wolf massacred them. As soon as the GW fighters entered hangar, ISD Grey Wolf hypered after the SSD, a weapon of such destruction has no right in the hands of an enemy.



IN CMDR Brakka's Office


CPT Brakka sat at his desk filling out all the flight reports his squadron had sent him. He put his feet on his desk after hours of filling report after report. He relaxed by sipping a cool glass or orange juice. It was time for his evening meal. He ate something that looked like cardboard, it tasted like it too, so he pushed the tray away and decided to tidy up his office a bit. The room was spotless so he sat back in his chair and read a book before he went for some flight practice.
    A loud knock on the door made Brakka look up, Commander Darwin Matir entered to room snapped to attention and Saluted CPT Brakka. "Welcome back to Valkyrie CM, I trust you know your way around?"
    "I sure do" Darwin answered as he looked around his old office, " I like what you have done with the place" Darwin said as he noticed Brakka's very large new leather reclining chair.
    Darwin handed Brakka his transferred order, "Everything seems to be in order" Brakka said.
Darwin gave a smart salute, Brakka returned the gesture. Darwin left the room



That’s all for now. 

Keep flying!  We love to fly and soon! The whole of TC will know it!


WC/MAJ Chrusos Ichthys/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
BSx2/PCx4/ISMx8/MoI/MoT-gh/LoC-ISx53 [CNTR] {IWATS-SM/2-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-XTT-XTM-GFX}
GRD Chrusos Ichthys (Sith)/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum



Wing XIII Report

September 11, 2000

On the Bridge of the Grey Wolf

The ISD-II Grey Wolf was on routine patrol in the Lenhas sector, which was near the Rion sector – just in case the Intrepid got into too much trouble chasing Rebels there.  And the Grey Wolf was doing well hunting Rebels.  Many patrol sorties were being flown.  Rebel aces were being hunted down and brought to justice.  Even news of the exploits of the GW was bringing recruits into the Empire in droves.

The Commodore Vice Admiral Cyric was in a panic.  “Major Ichthys, this ship is moving too slow.  Our pilots are getting lazy.  I never see them or hear from them.  They must be hiding out in the rec room and in their quarters.  Get them flying, Major.  If they’re going to spend so much time aboard ship, get them painting the corridors!  Make it so, Ichthys!   …What kind of name is that - Ichthys?  ICK! This name of yours has to go!”

“Sir!” replies the Major. “Ichthys is better than my childhood name of Skywalker!”

“Skywalker! Don’t be vitriolic! You don’t have time to talk back.  Eh! Skywalker, indeed.”

At that point in time, a garbled voice came over the intercom.  “Sir, adsfh sh asdfhiowe Radar, Sir!”

VA Cyric and MAJ Ichthys move to the Mr. Radar Station.  Fortunately, this time VA Cyric did NOT mistake the Mr. Coffee Concession Dispenser for the Radar Station.  Cyric addresses the radar operator.  “Officer, what were you saying?”

The officer speaks into the microphone again.  “Sir, adsfh sh as…”

VA Cyric slaps the microphone out the radar operator’s hand.  “Care to repeat that, mister? We’re right here!”

The officer began again. “Sir, adsfh sh as…”

VA Cyric loudly interrupts as he sweeps the contents of the radar operator’s desktop onto the floor, “You idiot!  Speak normally!  What’s your name, officer?”

“Commander Deamon Skywalker, sir!  It’s my shift to man Radar.”

VA Cyric steps back and steps on some of the former contents of Deamon Skywalker’s desk.  The crunching coming from under his feet almost topples VA Cyric to the floor.  Cyric signals a nearby technician.  “Clean this mess up!  What’s your name?”

“Lieutenant Comrade Brown Skywalker, sir.”

“What’s this? Am I surrounded by Skywalkers?  Will every Skywalker present please stand up?”  The entire bridge crew stands.  “What is this? I knew it!  I am surrounded by Skywalkers!  N-N-Never mind that now! Get back to work!  Now, Commander Deamon Skywalker, where were we?”

“Sir, you know on radar you get the sweeps, the bleeps and the creeps?”  CM Deamon imitates those sounds.  VA Cyric turn to the Major and whispers, “Is this man nuts?”  Deamon continues, “Sir, they ain’t there!”  Right about then, yellow goo flowed out from behind the radar screens.  VA Cyric put his finger in the goo and tasted it.  “Lemon Marmalade!  There’s only one ship that would send us a lemon! The Intrepid!  They’re in trouble!  Major! Take this ship to the Intrepid’s rescue.  I’m going on vacation.  Rendezvous with me at …” VA Cyric looks at the map.  “G’rho in 4 days!”  VA Cyric then headed to the shuttle bay.

Major Ichthys ordered all fighters to immediately return from their patrols.  Within 30 minutes, all had done so.  Captain D. Brakka came to the bridge to assist and advise Major Ichthys.  “All hands, prepare for hyperspace.  Set course to rendezvous with the Intrepid.  Enter hyperspace on my mark!  3. 2. 1. Mark!”

The familiar star stripes appeared in viewports and viewscreens.  Not long after the GW entered hyperspace, a large ship moving at incredible speed and leaving a cross-striped wake passed them.  “CPT Brakka! What’s the ID of that ship?” shouted the Major.

Brakka replied, “It’s the ISD Colossus, sir! They’re also heading toward the Intrepid!”

Major Ichthys was taking lessons from VA Cyric.  “Well, what are we on? Can’t this thing go any faster? What are we on - a cuisenaire?”

CPT D. Brakka again replied, “Sir, we can go to ludicrous speed.  But we’ve never gone that fast, sir!  I don’t think the ship can take it!”

“Something is definitely fishy about you, Captain D.  Prepare for ludicrous speed!”

“Don’t you think you better strap in, sir?” Brakka asked.

“Buckle this!” Louder now. “Engage ludicrous speed NOW!”  The ISD Grey Wolf lurched to ludicrous speed.  The star-stripes twisted into an unfamiliar pattern.  CPT D. Brakka mutters, “My gawd! We’ve gone to plaid!”

At ludicrous speed, it didn’t take long to pass the Colossus.  It didn’t take long to pass the Intrepid either.  Ichthys was hanging on to the rail and being swept back by the inertia of ludicrous speed.  Ichthys was also far too busy hanging on for dear life to notice that everyone else had strapped in.

“Stop! We passed them! Stop this crate!” Ichthys cried.

“We can’t, sir.  It’s never been done!”  CPT Brakka pleaded.

“Shrimp and chicken,” said Ichthys. “That’s what you are, CPT D.”

CPT D. Brakka hit the emergency stop button.  Ichthys flew forward through the air and crashed into a forward control panel.  Fish were certainly swimming before his eyes as he said, “Did we stop? Good! Smoke’m if you got ‘em!” just before he fainted.


TC, ASF and Wing News

·         FC's Own chosen
23:47 - HA Kawolski []
Sector Admiral Compton has made his decision for which ship gets the Fleet Commander's Own banner.

And the congratulations go to the Imperial Star Destroyer Colossus

This event also marks a milestone as the first time in the history of the Emperor's Hammer (that I know of anyway) the FC's Own was not awarded to the current flagship of the Emperor's Hammer

·        ·        Current WingXIII Combat Ranks: (Bold indicates changes – I don’t think any LoCs have been award this week :P)

o       Top Ace 1st

§         [418] CPT Brucmack/Crusader

o       Ace 3rd

§         [160] CM Raven Arestar/Vortex

o       Officer 1st

§          [69] MAJ Chrusos Ichthys

§          [64] CM Raxis Krieger/Odin

o       Officer 3rd

§          [49] LCM DarkAlpha/Odin

§          [42] CM Marcin Szydlowski/Crusader

o       Officer 4th

§          [30] LCM Xera Verr/Phoenix

o       Marksman 2nd

§          [23] LCM Azrael/Valkyrie

o       Marksman 3rd

§          [19] CM SCUD/Tartarus

§          [18] LT DrDiablo/Crusader

§          [16] CM Azazel/Vortex

§          [15] VA Cyric

o       Marksman 4th

§          [14] LT Wiesio/Crusader

§          [11] LT Jonny Sawicki/Crusader

§          [10] CM Deamon/Phoenix

o       Certified

§         [9] LC Tethys/Odin

§          [7] CPT Brakka/Valkyrie

§          [6] LCM Tron/Crusader

§          [6] LC Woobee/Odin

o       Trainee

§          [4] LT Alex Foley/Crusader

§          [4] LT CMR Brown/Pheonix

§          [4] LT Hev Randrowan/Odin

§          [2] CM Andrew/Phoenix

§          [2] LT Garet Jax/Vortex

§          [2] LCM Raven Lockholme/Odin

§          [1] LCM Dark Archon/Odin

§          [1] CM Ghost Rezdar/Valkyrie

§          [1] CM Phoenix/Tartarus

§          [1] LCM Trashman/Valkyrie


Ship’s Doc Report!

None at this time. L I’ll forward the Doc’s report when I get it.


Glimpses from around the ship!

Crusader Squadron Weekly  Report #11

OK, this is REALLY my last report as a CMDR of Crusader (for now at least - diabolic laugh). CPT Brucmack will take over the squadron on Sunday. This is official. What did the Crusader achieved during this summer? WC's Own and COM's Protector for August and September tell the whole story. But what's more important - EVERY member of the squadron was active. Everyone was flying, designing missions, graphics, writing stories etc.. You even made me fly some missions, and that's really something hard:). There was many promotions and medals in the squadron - all deserved. I guess that Brucmack will find a completely new squadron, a better one. I'm not writing this to show how good CMDR I was (because I wasn't - many things could be better), I'm writing this, so you will all know how good you are. And it isn't just the great pilots that make our squadron great. It's the team spirit, too. When the squad needed citations, everyone was flying, even those who don't like it...


And remember, the Crusader may not be the best, but its pilots – are


In Valkyrie Squadron Barracks


It had been a hard week of inspections and combat patrols. CPT Brakka decided that his squadron disserved a few hours of relaxation so he had invited them Bar for a quiet drink.

    The entire squadron gathered around a large table sipping a cold orange juice :P (what where you expecting?) The sound of friendly chat filled the air. The squadron decided to play a game a cards. Azrael took out a deck of cards. They where the Imperial novelty souvenir card with pictures of Storm troopers and tie fighters on the back.

    "I'm dealing shouted Trashman" as she put on her flashing card dealing hat. An hour past, it was the final games. Rezdar, Hawkeye and azrael all had taken their last cards it was time to see what they had. Rezdar and Hawkeye placed their cards on the table they both had good hands. "Oh well, I guess that doesn't beat my 5 storm troopers!!!"  shouted Azrael.

    "Oh well seems that you win again az.... What the??? there isn't 5 storm troopers in a deck!!" Rezdar exclaimed

    "Of course there is" Azrael said as he reached for his winnings. As he lent over a pack of cards (the same as where being played with, fell out of his uniform sleeve. "oops" Azrael cried.

    At this moment Trashman quickly changed his had to her flashing police hat complete with siren.

    "Lets get him" Keiran Halacyon shouted. Hawkeye and Picard agreed and gave chase, followed by Rezdar and the flashing lights of Trashman.


Later on....


Azrael had gone into hiding so Brakka gave the rest of the squadron some tasks to do. Brakka was in his office, Trashman again was fixing the lighting in the Flight 2 Barracks, wisely Brakka had stayed well clear of these actions.

    LCM Picard was in his cabin fixing the squadron site. He was working hard on it. The lights flickered "Yikes I better save it" Picard said to himself.

    Trashman once again had managed to shut the power of the Grey Wolf down once again. MAJ Chrusos Ichthys knocked on Trashmans door to find out why he had nearly been electrocuted by his toaster when he was making Breakfast.

    The WC was angry, so when there was no response he kicked the door down and entered Trashmans cabin. He was just in time so see Trashman disappear though the air vent on the roof of her cabin

    Chrusos Ichthys decided to play a joke on Trashman so he turned the ships air conditioning to "Artic" setting.

    Rezdar Walked down the Valkyrie corridor to see a giant ice cube called Trashman falling through the ceiling, they pushed him into the boiler room to thaw.

    Later on Picard was doing his inspection of the Flight 2 Barracks, he found lying on the floor a dazed Trashman. When Picard looked in Trashmans cabin he found out why...... The cleaners had been....




That’s all for now. 

Keep flying!  We love to fly and soon! The whole of TC will know it!


WC/MAJ Chrusos Ichthys/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
BSx2/PCx4/ISMx8/MoI/MoT-gh/LoC-ISx53 [CNTR] {IWATS-SM/2-M/1/2-IIC/1/2/3-XTT-XTM-GFX}
GRD Chrusos Ichthys (Sith)/House Tridens of Clan Tarentum