SSSD Sovereign - Wing III

    Greetings one and all, and welcome to another Wing III Report! I've got big changes in store for the Wing, with the activation of Combat Readiness Testing (CRT) for all squadrons. More on that later ... right now, let's get to the report!

Wing III Stats
Aleth - 8
Beth - 8
Gimel - 6
Daleth - 9
Hey - 6
Vav - 0 (Inactive)
Flag Officer - 1
Total: 38 (No change from last report ... -2 from last week :-/ )
Position Moves (9.04.00 -- 9.16.00)
- TRN/CT Praba : Promoted to Sub-Lieutenant, assigned to Gimel Squadron!
- TRN/CT Dark Angel : Promoted to Sub-Lieutenant, assigned to Daleth Squadron!
- SL Dark Angel, Daleth : Promoted to Lieutenant!
- FL/LCM Quake, Gimel : Accepted invitation to join elite squadron, transferred to Avenger Squad
- FM/LT Roy Brown, Beth : Declared AWOL, removed from rosters
- CMDR/CM Pete Mitchell, Gimel : Promoted to Captain!
- FM/LT Emperor's Shield, Beth : Promoted to Lieutenant Commander!
Awards 'n' Stuff
The Palpatine's Crescent (PC) has been awarded to :
- CPT Pete Mitchell
- LCM Emperor's Shield
The Imperial Security Medal (ISM) has been awarded to :
- LCM Nurel Turr
- MAJ Sequoh Marden
The Commendation of Bravery (CoB) has been awarded to :
- LCM Ranger
Wing III News Headlines
- Of course, the big news throughout the fleet this week was the retirement of High Admiral Kawolski from his position as the Tactical Officer. HA Kawolski was the Flight Officer of the TIE Corps for quite some time before he was the TAC, and earned the gratitude of the fleet by transforming us from the "TIE Corpse" back into an active, fun, cohesive group. His biggest contribution continues to be TIECORPS.ORG, which he will still maintain and improve. Rest assured, just because Kawolski is no longer the TAC does not mean we have seen the last of him.
- Also, Security Officer Rapier retired from his position this week. Rapier isn't as well known as Kawolski ... but since he was in charge of the 'Crime and Punishment' division of the EH, the fact that his name is not mentioned as often must mean that he performed his job very well.
- COM/FA Kramer is on a very brief leave, and will return Monday afternoon. He left me "in charge", which is why the Sov is currently spinning ... don't worry, it only LOOKS like we're out of control. It's actually all part of my master plan ... (I hope)!
- A Gimel Squadron run-on story is currently passing through the ranks, getting revised and added-to by the pilots of Gimel. I've already written my part of the story, which contained a bar fight and a guy getting kicked in the crotch. I'm no Shakespeare ;-)
- Gimel CMDR Pete Mitchell was promoted to Captain!
- Beth's Emperor's Shield was promoted to Lieutenant Commander!
- Gimel suffered a pilot loss recently. LCM Quake, graphics dynamo and good pilot, accepted an invitation to join Avenger Squadron, the elite squad of the ASF. The elite squadrons are always hovering over us, just waiting to sweep down like vultures and pluck away all the good pilots :-/
- Commendations of Loyalty still have not been awarded. These were supposed to go out several weeks ago, and a few high-ranking officers are preparing to make things difficult for the Operations Office. Stay tuned.
- New Daleth message board, courtesy of LT Dark Angel :
- The Wing III multi-catagory competition has ended, with a fairly decent showing, but still not really enough. We had 10 flight submissions, 3 fiction submissions, and 1 graphics submission. The fiction is being judged right now by FA Kramer and the Sov WCs (hmm ... that sounds like the name of a rock band, doesn't it?). Detailed results and awards to be released soon!
- The Wing V Run-on story started by WC Fondor seems to have traveled all over the Sov ... be sure to check it out, you will find it attached. Only three chapters to my knowledge, and all of them by WCs so far! Take a look, it's pretty funny ;-)
- LCM Van and LCM Herman from Daleth Squadron have developed a rule-set they call "Operation : Oblivion" for the possible Wing III tactical warfare competition. You'll find the 'Oblivion' rules atatched. Meanwhile, MAJ Sequoh Marden continues his work with "Operation : BlackHawk" in Beth Squadron. I believe they are all working together now, which means things are looking even brighter for this upcoming competition.
- CMDR/CPT Jahan Kalar has resigned from his post in the Recon Office due to increasing activity in the dreaded Real Life (RL). Every year, RL claims more victims than any other reason for stepping down within the EH. And unfortunatly, Jahan has also decided to leave his position as Aleth CMDR :
    I have not come to this decision lightly, it has been the product of several hours of thought and reflection.  This decision has been made because of time problems arising from starting school again.  I am a senior this year, and the classes I took are not the easiest.  Needless to say, I really don't have much time for the EH anymore.
    Jahan plans to step down to a FM position within Aleth, and has already recommended an officer to replace himself. He will continue to fulfill his duties as Aleth CMDR until his successor can be found, which should be sometime early this week.
- Most of my time this week has been spent planning out a new policy for our wing, which I call Combat Readiness Testing, or CRT. Taking a CRT results in your squadron being assigned a Combat Response Rating, or CRR. CRRs vary from Level 6 ("Perfect") to Level 0 ("Unacceptable"). Rewards are in order for attaining high-end CRR ranks. But most importantly, CRRs would dictate what type of competition your squad is able to take part in ... anything from Flight vs. Flight (Intra-squad) to full-blown challenges against the Rebel Squadrons, our sister organization and mortal enemy. I would like to impliment the system by October 1st, but nothing will be official until I have more time to talk things over with the Powers that Be. Since FA Kramer won't return until Monday, we will have to wait for a while. At any rate, you will be hearing more about this in the future.
Wing III Orders
- Participate in the MegaSov Competition! Remember that the deadline to fly is the end of September. Rules are simple : fly battles and earn FCHG points!!! Any battle, any mission, just fly! The winning wing will be able to award a Bronze Star of the Empire to the pilot who contributed most, plus other rewards. Also, earning 100 FCHG points will automatically earn you a Palpatine's Crescent, reguardless of whether we win or not. So everyone get to their cockpits!!!
- Communicate! E-mail someone in the wing right after you finish reading this report.
- Take pride! Be sure to mention in that e-mail that your squad is the best in the wing. This works best when e-mailing your own squad ;-)
- More specific orders will follow from your CMDR ... for instance, Gimel pilots should be ready to add to the Gimel Run-On story, etc.
Wing III Quote of the Week
"What do you mean?  Hey you stay out of this, NO YOU, no you.  I'm busy, can't you see?  I DON'T CARE!, shut up." -- Aleth's LCM Nurel Turr tries to argue with all the voices in his head
Other notable quotes this week :
"How . . . how DARE he?!?  Sentence him to one month Sewage Duty!!!!!!" -- COM/FA Kramer has no pity for Wing VI's WC Joe, following a joke about the Minnesota Twins
"The power of command is intoxicating!  (Either that or it's all the drinks I've had.)  HA HA HA!" -- LCM Turr during his time as Aleth A-CMDR
"It's probably a little of both ... but how many drinks have you had, anyway?" -- My reply to the above ... necessary to understand this next one ...
"Total or that day?" -- LCM Turr again ... spoken like a true Aleth-er
"Ya know, it's funny, but the Sovereign is home to me . . . Don't blow it up!!!" -- FA Kramer has complete confidence in me
- SpongeBob SquarePants ... annoying cartoon character or vast government conspiracy? You be the judge ...
Okay, that does it for this week. Until next time ... Fly high and watch your six!!!
WC/COL Sasquatch / Wing III / SSSD Sovereign
[BSx2] [PCx10] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E] [IWATS-SM-TT-TM-M-IIC-GFX] [GALL]
M-T/A 'Silhouette'
Wing III - Phantoms
"We are your Grim Reaper"