Werdna Elbee was on his way to find his missing friend, Lavos. Lavos lived in a huge tower block that was on the outskirts of the capital. I took a speeder about 10mins to get there from the centre of the main city of Aurora. It may have been inconvenient to live there, but at least it was cheap…and that’s all that Lavos could afford.

Hopefully, it was just that inconvenience that made Lavos not turn up for duty on the SSSD Sovereign, otherwise Lavos was in deep trouble. No one, NO ONE, doesn’t turn up for duty unless they wanted to be shot at dawn.

Werdna was using a public speeder to get to the home of Lavos. He hated using public transport. For some reason, Werdna always got nutters sitting next to him, going on about how they were really the Emperor in disguise and that they had no-existent Jedi powers. Nutters are the only things worse than Rebels in the galaxy…because you just can’t shoot them for fun.

Luckily, Werdna did have some fruitcake sitting next to him on this trip. The speeder was fairly empty as few people lived on the outskirts of the city, and there were only two other people onboard.

Eventually, the speeder got to its destination. This region of Aurora was a dump and Werdna hated it there. The litter on the streets were being picked up by the wind blowing through the narrow streets, and there were no people wandering around apart from two stormtroopers protecting the area. It was the complete opposite to the clean, vibrant streets near the planet’s main buildings.

Werdna got off the speeder and walked away in the direction of Lavos’s home.


Ravnos Nottingham ran towards the bar as fast as he could. He was already late to meet Werdna, and Ravnos knew that he couldn’t trust Tom to pass a message on…especially if there was drink on the go!!!

The bar came into sight as Ravnos turned the last corner. The purple neon lighting of the bars name was flickering on an off, almost to the beat of Ravnos’s feet as he closed in on the bar. He had to stop himself crashing into the door by putting his hands out to the wall to slow down, as well as cushion the blow.

After taking a short while to get his breath back, Ravnos walked into the bar. Some slight music was coming from inside the bar, and got louder as Ravnos continued in. Ravnos looked around to see if he could find either Werdna or Tom.

“RAVVY!!! OVER HERE!!!” burst out a voice.

Tom was over at the bar, with a small glass in his hand and a huge smile on his face. “You’ve just missed Werdna, he left 10 minutes ago.”

“Didn’t you tell him I was going to be late, Tom?” asked Ravnos has he slowly walked over to talk to Tom, “Or did you just forget after your seventh drink?”

“Hey, don’t blame me…blame Werdna. I told him everything, but he still had to take off somewhere.” Tom tried to explain, “Which reminds me, we have to meet him at his ship when he returns so we can go to some casino planet.”


by CPT Werdna Elbee

next part...next month