Just Another Day…

By: RSV/CPT Halcyon/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
when he was...FL-SEO/CPT Halcyon/Praetorian 3-1/DGN Lichtor V

Captain Halcyon, Captain Plif, Admiral Keiran Idanian, Lieutenant Commander Skate and Captain Phoenix Berkana strode through the halls of the Emperor’s Hammer’s flagship, the SSSD Sovereign. They were in a hurry since Fleet Admiral Rapier, the Security Officer of the whole EH, had called them in. Why might he have called them in? These weren’t you run of the mill pilots and officers. These were the members of Team IV of the Sector Rangers. They were the eyes and ears of the Security Officer, but never have they been called in before.

They all walked into the officer together, but as of now they were all Sector Rangers. Their leader, Sector Enforcement Officer Halcyon looked around the office. Now one was around to meet them.

“Helloooooooo. Anybody home!”, yelled out Sector Ranger Skate.

“Quiet! What if he’s in an important meeting”, responded Sector Ranger Plif

“Sorry, still this is quite rude”.

After SR Skate’s little outburst, Admiral Nightflyer, the Command Attaché to the Security Officer, came out of one of the adjoining room.

“Good, I’m glad all of you could make it, especially you Halcyon. Please, would all of you come in s0 we could get started? This is quite important”.

All of Team IV followed AD Nightflyer into the room. He had singled out SEO Halcyon earlier because he came from Praetorian Squadron, stationed aboard the Intelligence Division’s flagship, the DGN Lichtor V. All others were currently stationed aboard the SSSD Sovereign. Inside the room, there was a briefing table with chairs lined up around the perimeter. Nightflyer took the head seat while the other members spread themselves up around the table.

“Once again, thank you all for coming. I know you are all busy with your current assignment, but this isn’t a house call. Rapier won’t be able to make it; he’s tied up right now working out some crucial details. So, onto why you’re here. Effective immediately, you are all on temporary leave for at least a month”.

AD Nightflyer just sat back after giving everybody this startling news, waiting for the outburst. He wasn’t disappointed.

“Wha?!?! Excuse me sir, but what do you mean we’re on leave? I haven’t heard anything about this”, asked Halcyon.

“I don’t mind a vacation, but I have a lot of work that needs to be done right now”, spoke up SR Idanian.

“I don’t mind vacations and all, but I don’t need one right now”, responded SR Phoenix

“Ok people, calm down. This isn’t some vacation I’m giving you. All of you superior officers have been talked to and they have agreed to it. As for the Sector Rangers themselves, I will speak to them later, if you all agree to what I have to say”.

“Ok then Admiral. You have me interested, that’s for sure. We’ll here you out”, spoke Halcyon for the rest of his team.

“Ok guys, what I am about to say can never leave this room. Whether you accept or not, nothing here will be repeated outside these walls. I don’t have to tell you the consequences. As most of you know, our Grand Admiral Ronin is supposed to be the last of the Grand Admiral’s, which is not the case”. This got some pretty shocked news from the rest gathered around. “He has been in contact for some time with another Grand Admiral. This Grand Admiral was out beyond the Outer Rim, in unknown space marking territory for the Empire but has come back to takeover the remnants of the Empire. Ronin is allowing this and this Grand Admiral has asked something of us. He has made the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimera his flagship. He wants to know how loyal his interceptor squadrons are to his rule, and this is where you fit in”.

“Ok hold on one minute, I need time for this”, said SR Idanian. Keiran Idanian was the Command Attaché to GA Ronin, and as such was very surprised to hear all this since it was never mentioned to him. “There is another Grand Admiral, and he will be taking over the Empire. Ok, I have that, though I don’t know why Ronin is letting him do so. Now this Grand Admiral questions the loyalty of his pilots. I have that, but our part in it is…..?”

“I know all of you must be really confused right now, but take your time and listen. This Grand Admiral isn’t just any officer, he's alien. That alone should tell you how good he is, since the Emperor is the one who made him a Grand Admiral. His name is Thrawn. The Chimera has 5 squadrons of Tie Interceptor’s with shields, and a squadron of bombers. He is most concerned about the interceptors because what he will ask of them will be difficult and not in line with normal thinking. He needs their utmost loyalty. He has asked Ronin to pick officers from the EH who could help determine the loyalty of these pilots. Ronin came to us and now we come to you. All of you are pilots, or in your case Keiran, was a pilot. You are each to be inserted into a squadron each and asked to once again be our eyes and ears”.

“Uh huh. So, you’ll just put us each in a squadron, let us do our thing. We find out if they’re loyal or not, and then in about a month or so, we’re extracted. Do I have the meat of it?”, asked Plif.

“That’s basically it”.

“Ok, is there anyone that we’re going to have to report to?”, asked Skate.

“Yes there is…me”. This caused a few more eyes to bulge out a little. “I will become Grand Admiral Thrawn’s personal assistant during this time and every week you will all report back to me. It’s that simple. Though there is danger involved. Even though your job will be to basically spy, you will also be called upon to fight on behalf of the Empire. You are still pilots in that squad and therefore will have to go into battle whenever you squad does. This is the real danger. You’re not likely to get killed by the rest of the officers, but when in battle, anything can happen. Now I have to ask you, do you accept. We have chosen you 5 because of the dedication this whole team has shown. If you don’t, Ronin will probably lean towards the Intelligence Division, so Halcyon here may not be out of it either way. I have to go and do something for a few minutes, but I will be back. Talk it over and give me your decision when I come back”.

Nightflyer walked out of the room, and the Team IV of the Sector Rangers just looked at each other. None of them had ever expected to be called into do anything like this before, especially not when they signed up to be Sector Rangers.

SEO Halcyon looked at each of his team member, “So, what will it be guys? I can’t speak for all of you. This has to be individual”. Plif was the first to speak up, and Halcyon was glad for this. Plif was the SEO before he was, and as such everyone listened to and respected him.

“I’m in, no question. How can you back down from this. We risk our lives everyday for the EH, that’s the same as saying we risk our lives for the Empire. We are still doing our duty, no matter where we are. This Grand Admiral sounds like he could help bring back glory to the Empire, and I want a part of it”.

“I’m in too”, replied Keiran. “Ronin thinks that this is important, and I haven’t seen him wrong in his decisions before”.

“There’s no way I’m going to stay here. This sound like fun, and quite interesting”, was Skate’s reply.

“Well, Yod can keep itself together without me for awhile anyways. I’m in”, was Phoenix’s answer.

Now, all eyes were on Halcyon. He still seemed to be pondering his answer. The rest of the team couldn’t quite believe it. Was there leader actually going to keep away from this?

“What are you guys looking at? Of course I’m going, just wondering what I should take”, replied halcyon with a big smile.

“Funny”, was Plif’s dry remark.

In a matter of moments, Nightflyer came walking back into the room followed by FA Rapier.

“So, have you all made up you minds?”, asked Rapier.

Halcyon stood up and looked directly at FA Rapier with a crooked grin, “Where do we sign up?”

“Haha. Great. I’m glad you have all agreed to this. Nightflyer has told me he already briefed you on the basics of the mission. Thrawn has already sent a shuttle to ferry all of you to his ship. We don’t know where it is, hence the secrecy. If anyone asks, you are all new graduates from the Imperial Academy, despite some of your ages and you all graduated in the same class. This way you can all still hang out together. Also, you can all use your real names. No one, other than in the Eh, know who you are so you don’t have to worry about someone finding you out. The shuttle is waiting and everything you need is aboard. Good luck to you all, now go!”

Team IV, along with AD Nightflyer departed the briefing room and headed towards one of the less-used hangar bays. One only used for special craft. There waiting was your run of the mill shuttle. All six boarded and the shuttle hatch closed and departed the SSSD Sovereign, hitting hyperspace in a hurry. The entire trip was uneventful, though the shuttle did drop out and re-enter hyperspace many times. Finally, the shuttle came out right in front of a Star Destroyer. Without any questions from the big ship, the shuttle came around and flew into the Star Destroyer’s hanger bay. The shuttle landed and the hatch opened, letting out the Sector Rangers and Nightflyer. Once out, they noticed a man in blue skin, with a Grand Admiral’s uniform waiting for them.

“Welcome to the Chimera. I am Grand Admiral Thrawn. This here is Captain Palleon”, indicating the older man to his right. “Nightflyer, you will be working closely with me. We have much to discuss and I would like to begin immediately. The rest of you will be shown to your quarters and there you assignments will be waiting. Good luck to you all”.

With that, the Grand Admiral left the hanger bay with Palleon and Nightflyer. The rest of Team IV were shown to their respective quarters. Unlike on their own ships, they had to share their quarters with another pilot. In each case, this would be their wingman. Each ranger was greeted by their wingman and with that they had entered into their mission.

Over the next week, the rangers were subjected to numerous tests and drills for their squads. Being all newbies, the veterans of the Chimera initiated each new pilot into their ranks. For all of them, flying Tie Interceptors wasn’t exactly their idea of fun either. Each of them were used to top of the line fighters, not outdated ones. Halcyon even used a fighter not found anywhere else in the galaxy, but each of them had to relearn how to fly.

Numerous practice missions were flown over the week. Skates squadron’s primary mission was reconnaissance, so he had practice in inspecting enemy ships while trying to stay away from dozens of turbolasers. Keiran’s and Plif’s squadron were both escort squadrons. They practiced protecting all manner of craft, failing on many occasions. Most of them time they escorted and protected the Tie Bombers on their attack runs. As for Phoenix, his squadron was a superiority squadron. His was a simple mission, destroy all enemy fighter. Though used to a Missile Boat, killing the enemy wasn’t too different and he revelled in it. As for Halcyon, his squad was tasked for solo missions. His squadron was the only one with hyperdrives, and they practiced hit and run attacks on enemy outposts. These missions were similar to those used by the Rebels a few years ago. This was one of Thrawn’s many new innovations to the way the Empire fought.

After a week of intense flying, all pilots were completely exhausted. On the completion of a Wing-wide practice mission, all pilots went back to their quarters to sleep, but on their monitors was a message waiting for them.

To my quarters at 2200. Be careful that you are not seen coming. Out.

Currently it was 2130. They all had half an hour to get washed up and get to Nightflyer’s quarters. It was 2155 when Nightflyer’s first guest arrived.

“Ah, Plif. Good, even early. You the first so have a seat while we wait”.

“Yeah, yeah”, grumbled Plif under his breath, “can’t even get a friggin’ nap in this place”.

“What was that Plif?”

“Nothing, don’t worry about it”.

Plif sat down on the couch. Within the next few minutes, the rest of Team IV arrived. Halcyon was the last one to arrive. Each member took their seats, all looking worn out and completely exhausted.

“Thank you guys for coming on such short notice. I promise not to call meetings without more notice”.

“Also, can you try not to schedule another meeting right after we go through such a huge exercise?”

“Alright Halcyon, but I didn’t have much choice. Thrawn has also been keeping me quite busy. Ok, onto your reports. The faster we go through this, the faster you can all get some rest”.

Skate went first, “Nothing to report. My squad are a great bunch of guys. I would fly with these guys any day. I’m actually having fun here. Its not bad”.

Next was Keiran, “Nothing to report here either. Everything is great. I haven’t flown like this in awhile and am having fun at it. All the guys are great. They all seem to believe in this Thrawn. They have all heard rumours of his accomplishments, and this seems enough to get them by. No complaints here”.

All other reports were on the same wavelength, except for Halcyon’s, “Nothing major to report here either, but most of the members in my squad to seem to be over xenophobic. They respect and acknowledge Thrawn’s leadership, but it doesn’t stop them from giving him numerous nicknames. It doesn’t affect their performance, but it is a little disconcerting”.

“Ok then, thank you all for your reports. Halcyon, just keep an eye on things and report in with any problems. You can all go now. Get some rest”.

They al got up, and left Nightflyer’s quarters, each going to their quarters for some much needed rest. For the next two weeks, they all went through the same routine as the first week. No real battles, just endless training, though some of the later training missions were a little odd. Finally, after all this training, one of those squadrons now had the chance to show their stuff. The lucky on was Halcyon, since this mission required a solo squadron.

“Ok wimps, I have a real mission for you. It seems Thrawn has taken notice of how well we’re kicking the crap out of all the other squadrons so he has given us a mission. There is a small pirate presence around the planet called Myrkyr. Thrawn doesn’t want to show what he’s capable yet so he only needs on squad for this mission. We are to hyperspace in, take out the pirates and get out. At most, there should only be a squadron of old fighters and maybe one or two corvettes. That is the worst-case scenario. We leave at 0800 hours. Dismissed”.

The pilots of Alpha squadron all departed from the briefing room, glad to finally have something to do. The time came up quickly and all Tie Interceptors were primed and ready. The green light was given and all 12 fighter shoot out of the hanger bay, hitting hyperspace. A few hours later, the fighter dropped out of hyperspace, and into hell.

“We have a squad of T’s, Z’s and Y’s coming in. A dreadnaught and 2 corvettes are on the fringe but turning to join. We have a serious screw-up here!”

“That stupid alien was wrong. Ok Alpha, break up and attack. We may be screwed, but we’re taking them down with us”.

Alpha squadron broke off and engaged the enemy. Although being outnumbered 3-1, these weren’t the greatest pilots they were facing. All Alpha pilots were holding there own, but just as half the pirate fighters were gone, the cap ships decided to join in. Even so, Alpha flight kept on fighting. Halcyon was used to these throw-everything-they-have-at-you missions, but even so, his fighter was getting roughed up.

“Leader, I have a problem. I can’t shake him….ahhhhhhh….” Two more pilots were lost until the retreat was given. The remaining 9 interceptors jumped back into hyperspace, making a beeline for the Chimera. The pirate fleet went back to lick their wounds. Only 6 T-Wings remained, while on of the Corvettes had lost all main power and half its backups.

The beat-up Interceptors limped into the hanger bay. Alpha’s commander and most of the pilots jumped out of their cockpits in disgust and headed straight for the cantina. Halcyon managed to get out of his and followed the rest of his squad. He arrived at the cantina to find most of the squad already there, sitting at the back and arguing between themselves. Halcyon overheard “stupid alien”, and “get what’s his”, but as he got closer, the conversation stopped.

Halcyon sat down and decided to say something, “What are we going to do now? We’re down 3 pilots and the Chimera should be going into battle soon”.

“There are other pilots around Halcyon, we’ll be up and running soon. We should all get some rest. All of you get out of here and sleep”.

All of Alpha squad walked out of the cantina and went to their quarters. At the debriefing, Thrawn personally apologized for the error, “I am sorry for your loss. My intelligence was wrong and they have been punished. You all performed above and beyond the call of duty and shall be rewarded. Dismissed”.

Even with this apology, it didn’t seem to please most of the members, and this stayed until the next mission briefing, this time by Nightflyer.

“All of you listen up. The Chimera will be rendezvousing with the SSSD Sovereign of the Emperor’s Hammer. Grand Admiral Thrawn will be taking a shuttle and board the Sovereign. Our entire wing, and one wing from the Sovereign will be escorts for this meeting. Get to your fighters; we will be coming out of hyperspace very soon. Dismissed.

As all the pilots got up to leave, Halcyon called over the embers of Team IV. “We don’t have much time and don’t question me, but I’m worried about my squad. Change all of your transponders to show my squad, except for me, as enemies. I may be paranoid, but just in case. Now lets go before we’re late”.

Though this confused the others, they all went and boarded their fighter. A few minutes later, the Chimera came out of hyperspace in front of the Sovereign. “Fighters, you are clear to go. Alpha squad, the Grand Admiral has asked you to be his personal escorts. Good luck, this is all routine”.

Chimera’s fighters poured out of the hanger bay with the Grand Admiral’s shuttle right behind. Alpha flight formed up around the shuttle providing a honour guard for the GA. On the other side, a wing from the Sovereign also came out of the hanger bay to join the other fighters. Halcyon looked through his transponder to see which wing this was. To his surprise, this was his old wing, Wing IV. Nothing better than having some old friends involved.

Just as the shuttle veered to head towards the Sovereign, the shit hit the proverbial fan.

“Alpha squad, break off and attack”. Halcyon’s flight turned and made a dive towards him while all the other fighters turned to fire on the shuttle.

“Damn, damn, damn! Team IV, you know what to do. Take out those fighters taking on the shuttle. I’ll take care of myself”. Four Interceptors broke off and headed straight for Alpha squad. The shuttle had lost most of its shield, and was bleeding from its side before the fighters showed up.

“Ricardo, this is Halcyon. 3 fighters are chasing me here and the shuttle is being attacked. Can I get some help here?” With that, wing IV joined in on the action. The rest of the Chimera’s fighters were still in shock and confusion. They didn’t know which way to turn, but with the help of Wing IV, the shuttle was saved…but barely. Some of Alpha squad was disable, but most were blown out of the sky. Halcyon’s fighter was on its last breath before it all ended.

Team IV, came Grand Admiral Ronin’s voice over the intercom, welcome home. You’ve done your job now come home.

The 5 fighters formed up and followed Wing IV to the Sovereign while the rest of the Chimera was still in complete shock. Just another day…

By: RSV/CPT Halcyon/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
when he was...FL-SEO/CPT Halcyon/Praetorian 3-1/DGN Lichtor V