<COLRicaud> That'll teach your pilots to mess with Sword, Ford. :P
* Ford borrows Sword to circumcise some SLs.
<RA_Klick> hehe
* Werdna_LB crosses his legs thinking about that
<Ford> Zekk, feel lucky you're not an SL yet >:P
<COLRicaud> Zekk?
<Ford> Zekk's joining Psi >:P
<COLRicaud> Ah.
<COLRicaud> Who's next to join Psi? Dingo? :P
<Ford> No...we're full after Zekk joins :P
<Zekkie> Blow me, Ric :P
<Ford> Miack >:P
<Zekkie> BastardBrit :P
<COLRicaud> Christ, Psi's really scraping the bottom of the barrel for pilots, isn't it? :P
<COLRicaud> I mean, Zekk? :P
<Ford> Yep.
<Ford> btw, Ricaud, you should get your recruitment letter in a few.
<Zekkie> Quiet, BastardBrit :P
<Miack> what I dont this time ?
<Miack> FORD >:|
<Ford> Miack: Dunno.
<Ford> It seemed like the right thing to say :P
<COLRicaud> Allowing Zekk into your squadron is like allowing Satan's genital-masseur into your squadron. :P
<Zekkie> Quiet, BastardBrit :P
<Werdna_LB> losers can't be choosers...heheh that rhymes :o)
<COLRicaud> LOL Werdna
<Miack> hehe
<Ford> Not at all, Ricaud
<Ford> You're in Sword, aren't you?
*** Zekkie is now known as Z-Fiction
<COLRicaud> Err ... no.
<COLRicaud> I'm in that ... other squadron. :P
<Miack> hey less of the bastard Zek you gimp
* Miack is in AYLIN
<Werdna_LB> be the best...join the Beth
<Werdna_LB> that doesn't rhyme...it's more of a lisp of Best
* Miack leers at Werdna
<COLRicaud> Feeling bored? Join Sword! :P
<Miack> lol
<Ford> Free goat on entrance :P
<Werdna_LB> feeling bored? you will be if you join Sword
<LC_M> nothing new? join Mu :)
<Ford> Nothing new? Join Psi, foo'! :P
<Miack> want to be amazing join Aylin
<LC_M> lol
<Miack> :)
<Sadista> Want to kill a foe? Join RHO!
<Ford> Want to be a simp? Join Sword and that Ricaud gimp
<Miack> lol
<COLRicaud> Want to get whored? Sign up with Ford!
<`Pri> heh
<Ford> Heh
<LC_M> what to be a gimp, join Sword and be Ricaud's Pimp
<`Pri> heh
<Donitz> Want to eat an orange? Well... uh... crap.
<Miack> lol
<Ford> sporange, Donitz.
<Ford> It's a word :P
<Donitz> mmm, sporez
<Werdna_LB> does ANYTHING rhyme with orange? ANYTHING?
<Ford> Sporange, Wrdna.
<COLRicaud> Brain capacity of a doll? Join the Col! :P
<Ford> Heh
<Miack> hehe
<TD_food> You need Danger? Join Ranger :P 
* Miack makes the nosie from family fortunes
<Z-Fiction> Yer all freaks :P
<COLRicaud> Gonna join the Sovereign? It ain't worth botherin'. :P
<Werdna_LB> if you see a ship hovering...that will be the Sovereign
<Ford> Colon weighing you down heavily? Join Psi and you'll be feeling fine at reveilly :P
* Miack leers at Ricaud
<Ford> Brain the size of froot loops? Join the Battlegroups!
<COLRicaud> God we're bored, aren't we? :P
<LC_Mor> Want a free Hammock? Join Samekh!
<Werdna_LB> lol
<LC_M> samekh, i was there long ago, when Jesseb was a LT :)
<LC_Mor> why did i choose a squadron that was difficult to rhyme with?
<Ford> Heh
<Ford> What squad, Mordann? :P
* Miack has a sqaudron that dont rhym with anything
<LC_M> Samekh, Wing V
<Ford> Ah. :P
<Ford> Aylin...Aylin..
<Miack> hey it better not be crap
<Werdna_LB> if you going to be bailing...run away with Aylin
<COLRicaud> Want to fly in a pretty pink dress? Sign up with Kess!
<Miack> hehe
<FloR^> Sovereign Wing !
<FloR^> 1
<FloR^> General Wolly is waiting for u
<Ford> Ew.
* Miack looks around
* Ford makes note to star far, far away from Wing I's barracks..
<Miack> lol
<COLRicaud> Are you an ugly slapper? You're welcome in Kappa!
<Ford> Was your last girlfriend a goat named Bess? Join up with Tornado and Kess!
<COLRicaud> LOL
<Miack> hehe
<Ford> Er, that one can be modified..
<Ford> Was your last girlfriend a goat named Bess? Join up with Tornado and good ol' Uncle Kess!
<Miack> yeah
<LC_Mor> Miack, which squadron?
<COLRicaud> Dirty pea-brained unwanted 'ho? That'll be Rho!
<Sadista> GAH!
* Sadista attacks Ricaud
<Miack> lol
<Ford> Bacon and grease! Bacon and grease! We are the Rel's military police!
* Sadista is a FL in Rho...
<LC_Mor> Don't want to take a career nose-dive? Join Wing V
<COLRicaud> Drink out of a bin? You'll be happy in Sin!
<Miack> gooooo Ricaud
<Z-Fiction> Okay people
<Ford> Have a strange attraction to barnyard hens? Enlist with Wing X!
<Z-Fiction> Enough :P
<COLRicaud> Silence, Zekkperson. :P
<Z-Fiction> Never, BastardBrit :P
* Ford notes he's saving this log :P
<LC_Mor> Can anyone think of anything that rhymes with Jesseb?
<COLRicaud> No. :P
<Werdna_LB> what about the name Deb?
<Donitz> Eb. Like eb and flow :P
<Donitz> err, ebb :P
<Donitz> whatever :P
<Donitz> bah! This is all your fault.
<Miack> lol

* COLRicaud would like to point out that they're still cleaning up the mess after he let Ford be Acting BGCOM for a few minutes last year. :P
* Ford notes that you let Ford be acting BGCOM :P
<COLRicaud> Do you actually put that in applications? :P
<Miack> few minutes lol what did he do ric ?
<Ford> Ricaud: Yes :P
<COLRicaud> LOL
<Ford> Ford's three hours, thirty minutes and thirty seconds of commanding the BG :P
<COLRicaud> Yes. I still have nightmares, Ford. :P
<COLRicaud> So does Jarak. And CoFo. And Marc. :P
* Ford almost got rid of Wing X :P
<Miack> did they have to arrest him to get him away from toatall killing the BG off
<Ford> Had topic, kicking and banning power for a while :P
<Ford> Miack: No.
* Ford got his orders ignored and banned from the channel :P
<Miack> lol
<Sarriss> hehe
<Ford> Not before going on a kicking rampage and ordering Wing X to plaster themselves outside the nearest available airlock :P
<Werdna_LB> power in the wrong hands...I hope that happens to me some day
<Miack> me too
<Ford> Ah, it was euphoric, Werdna :P
<Kaneda> lol
<Miack> that kind of power would be awesome

<COLRicaud> No other unit wants you? Then join Wing II! :P
<Werdna_LB> have you been thinking of that for the past half hour, or do you just have lag, Ric?
<Ford> KNowing how fast Ric thinks..
<Ford> The former, Werdna :P
<COLRicaud> No, I've been working on it for the past half hour, and waiting for the right moment for Inky to hear it.
<Inkwolf> Grrrr....Inkwolf would take revenge, but she's still snickering over the story Ricaud told her yesterday
<Ford> Take of your shirt and get a public indecency fine? Join Wing IX!
<COLRicaud> Bah, everyone's heard that story, so don't even think you can blackmail me with it.
<Ford> What story? :P
<Inkwolf> :P
<RA_Klick> which story!
<Ford> * off
<Donitz> Ooo, fresh blackmail
<RA_Klick> tell me! tell me! please!
<COLRicaud> I'm sure Inky will end up putting it in a Wing II report. :P
* Ford doubts it's fresh, if it has Ricaud in it :P
<Inkwolf> I met two people yesterday who hadn't heard it yet. :P
<COLRicaud> Curse you, vile woman. :P
<AD_Theo> doesn't blackmail require shae....that won't work on Ric 
<AD_Theo> shame even
<RA_Klick> Inkolf- please tell me!
<Ford> Was it your contest with Joker to come up with the nastiest terms for wanking?
<Donitz> mmm, shame
<Sadista> Inky, is it the story you told me yesterday? :^P
<COLRicaud> Joker?
<RA_Klick> hehe
<Inkwolf> I'd LOVE to put it in the report, but I have innicent young mimors in my wing. :P
<Ford> Who was it with, if not Joker?
* Sarriss orders Inkwolf to tell the Channel
<COLRicaud> Slicer/Ice.
<Ford> Oh, yeah.
<RA_Klick> tell us!
<Inkwolf> But Ricaud tell it so much better than I do. :P
* Ford needs to bug Astin for that log again..
<COLRicaud> I'll tell it some time when the channel goes utterly dead and I'm a little bit drunk. :P
<Donitz> in other words, you'll tell us now? :P
* GOD_Miack hands ric some drink
<COLRicaud> No, we have a meeting to look forward to now. :P
<Ford> Hey, Dren.
<Werdna_LB> everyone die!!! quick!!!
<COLRicaud> I mean ... the story's only funny because I tell it well. :P
<COLRicaud> To sum it up: I made a pass at Ronin.
<RA_Klick> haha
<COLRicaud> And he didn't react well. :P
* Miack looks ar ricaud
<Ford> Ah.
<CPT_Halc> lol
<Ford> So that's why you 'resigned' as PREX :P
<RA_Klick> go on...
<COLRicaud> Infact, he kicked me out of the Fleet for it. And every body in the Fleet I knew. :P
<Werdna_LB> yeah...it's the way you tell it ric...definately
* COLRicaud shrugs.
<COLRicaud> The guy's obviously raving a homophobe. :P
<COLRicaud> Err, a raving homophobe rather ... :P
<COLRicaud> I'm not quite sure what "raving a homophobe" is. :P
<Ford> raving a homophobe? :P
<Sarriss> hehe
<Miack> whos a Homo ?
<Ford> Well...with enough disgusting imagination... :P
* AD_Theo puts down his dictionary...looking up raving as a verb
<Ford> rave...
* COLRicaud thinks Ford beat him to that mental image.
<Donitz> Its quite similar to barking mad, Theocracy :P
<Ford> Or a rave...
<COLRicaud> I can see the Domain News item now ...
<Donitz> or a black bird
<Richlet> I don't think people's sexual preferences and opins on such belong in here
<COLRicaud> "GA Ronin Raves Homophobe ... !" :P
<COLRicaud> LOL
<Donitz> I agree Richlet, people shouldn't have opinions, we're all shocked and horrified
<Richlet> make an "Ihategays" channel or something and take it elsewhere
<COLRicaud> Somebody has an opinion in here? :P
<Ford> Nooo!
<COLRicaud> That's shocking! Politically incorrect! :P
<Ford> You must all be part of the faceless machine!
* Miack looks up
<Richlet> opins are fine Donuts, but alienating people based on bias is wrong
* Ford begins the hunt.
<Donitz> I disagree with your interogatory statement Ricaud, and would like you to attach an excessive number of exclamation points to all further queries :P
<Sarriss> hehe
* Ford wasn't aware that anyone was expressing an opinion, Richlet.
<COLRicaud> Anybody with a self-formed opinion is obviously a great big fast fascist neo-Nazi. :P
<Richlet> I suppose I can use racial slurs in here too
<Ford> In fact, looking over the conversation, no one was making a comment about sexual preference.
<Donitz> and if its a crime to steal a trillion dollars from the government, well I'm guilty... and if its a crime to bribe a jury, well I'll soon be guilty of that too
<COLRicaud> You can use racial slurs if referring to Americans, French, Canadians, or Brits. :p
<Ford> Not in the form of their personal opinion, however.
<Ford> Can we make racial slurs against caucasians?
* Miack is a Brit
<Donitz> Hell no, cracker
<COLRicaud> LOL
<Werdna_LB> so racism is bad...but not Xenophobia?
* Ford wasn't talking to you, honky.
<COLRicaud> Shaddap, snowflake. :P

<COM_Ari> am i having deja vu? :P
<Werdna_LB> didn't you just say that?

* Hungovr21 went from a PeniumI 133 w/ 24 Megs RAM to a P2 350 w/192 Megs... Whew!
<Flelm> *cough* Nerd talk? :P
<RA_Adren> nerd alert
* Werdna_LB has a googleplex-converter with super-dooper boosters
<Ford> Tibs: Way to go :P
* Ford wants 192 megs of RAM... :P
* Ford consoles himself with his 64//// :(
<`T> haw haw
<Hungovr21> I had that till I bought another 128... ;>
* `T strokes his lovely 128

* CTXclr has a sudden urge to watch "The A-Team" :)
<Brakka> lol
<Werdna_LB> don't start us off on the A-Team, mate :o)
<CTXclr> hey, it was a good show :P
<Werdna_LB> yes, but everyone does immpressions of Mr T
<Werdna_LB> ...foo'

<AD_Pri> hey Werdna.
<`T> hey LB
<Werdna_LB> hey everyone
<Adrenalin> hey Werdna
<VarZoraan> Werdna!!!!
<Werdna_LB> this room is just like the comedy Cheers...everyone knows my name :o)
<AD_Pri> heh
<Ricaud> That's because it's written infront of everything you say. :P
<Ricaud> People in RL don't go around wearing big badges with their name on. :P
<Werdna_LB> I do
<Werdna_LB> so do a lot of people who work in shops
* Adrenalin wears a name tag:P
* LC|Oldsta does too... works in a hospital :P
* CPTMinkus wears a name tag. It called a crapp Saturday job where some rich company exploits me bye working me for 8 hours, and paying me nothing >:P
* `T has his name tattoed on his head, backwards, so he can remember what his name is in the morning
* LC|Oldsta laughs

<Donitz> BT Internet people are notoriously lagalicious on transatlantic connections :P
* Ricaud huggles BritLag, and all the many LoCs it has given him. :P
<`T> >:P
<Donitz> I'm not sure I've ever found one of them who had less than 3% packetloss :P
* `T stokes his Laggy BT Internet Connection
* Donitz can overcome the lag, fwah :P
<Ricaud> If it weren't for good 'ol BT Internet and severe XWA lag, I'd probably have about 60 less LoCs. :P
* Donitz has a T1 connection but a firewall so he can't play from work
* Werdna_LB has Britlag too...although I'm also crap at XWA so it balances out
<`T> heh
<Donitz> Why the hell do Brits lag so much? Are all of their connections going out of the country going to satellites or something?
<Donitz> Don't they have even a single hard line out to France or something?
<Ricaud> Donitz: because the big bad British Telecom monopoly basically runs the entire telephone infrastructure on pieces of string with empty cups on either end. :P
<CPTMinkus> Or Bluetack... depending on where you live.
<Ricaud> Thus, it's hard to get much bandwidth out of the string. :P
<`T> and we have Special "Lag Buttons" on Our computers, and we press them whenever we start losing
<Donitz> They need to upgrade to high bandwidth string :P
<Werdna_LB> I tilt the line so the signals run faster
<Ricaud> High bandwidth string ... too costly, they say. :P
<Ricaud> LOL LB
<LC|Oldsta> :) classic... :))
<Donitz> "And at night, if you listen real close, you can hear the packets trapped in the phone line, screaming to get out."
<Ricaud> I phoned up BT to ask when they'd be making ADSL available in my area ... the tone of the guy on the other end was basically, "When hell freezes over, hill man." :P
<LC|Oldsta> LOL
<Werdna_LB> you can only get high-bandwidth string in a few places too...like London Village
<Ricaud> London Village, isn't that just off some bypass in the south? :P

<LC|Oldsta> richard Blackwood rules...
<Werdna_LB> RB's crap!!!
<Ricaud> Richard Blackwood just wants to be a British Will Smith, and comes off looking like a prick. :P
<Werdna_LB> he can't even Rap well
<`T> heh
<Werdna_LB> I doubt he could rap a christmas present, to be honest
<Ricaud> Just because his mummy thinks he's "cool", and reckons he's the man. :P
<LC|Oldsta> well that's killed the british RnB movement.. :P
<CPTCalvin> The proper verb for presents is "wrap."
<Werdna_LB> he just goes, "one-two, one too, I iz RB"
<Ricaud> It was a phoenetic gag, Calv. :P
<Werdna_LB> really, I'M DA MAN, not Richard Blackwood
* LC|Oldsta laughs
* `T smacks LB
<Werdna_LB> what's so funny?
<Ricaud> No, I'm da man. My mummy sez so. :P
<Ricaud> </RB> :P
* Werdna_LB sings "Who Da Man, Baby?"
* Werdna_LB continues "We love you LB, watch you every day in IRC"
<Ricaud> LOL
<LC|Oldsta> also works for me too....
<LC|Oldsta> and it's been done ages ago LB
* Ricaud is the man, and rules all yo bitchasses, and y'all know it </RB> :P
* `T pokes Ric
* Ricaud whacks Tom across the back of the head with Steve
* `T bows down to Ric, and pleads for his forgiveness
* Ricaud forgives and blesses Tom.
<LC|Oldsta> LOL
* Werdna_LB amazes everyone with his freestyle rappin'..."One-Two, One-Two, I iz LB"
<CPTCalvin> That's incredible, Werdna.
* `T feels Great (apart from the hole in his head, which is rapidly losing blood)
<Werdna_LB> see, I'm just as good as RB
<CPTCalvin> Actually, Werdna just outdid our school choir without doing any actual singing :P
<abk-CS> heh
* LC|Oldsta laughs
<`T> I iz better Foo'
<`T> coz' I Iz da man

<MindB_ndr> where is wing12?
<`T> over there
* `T points
<AD-Slage> There's no Wing 12.
<MindB_ndr> why not?
<AD-Slage> Actually, it's the ISD Pred.
<CPTCalvin> Isn't Wing XII mothballed?
<MindB_ndr> they really messed up?
<MindB_ndr> wild orgies every night etc...
<`T> heh
<MindB_ndr> whole wing courtmarshalled and shipped off to kessel
<Werdna_LB> cool, if it reopens, I'll be there
<MindB_ndr> get reqruiting:)
<`T> lol
<CPTCalvin> I kinda think that ISD Warrior would be opened before the others, because it actually has its squadrons named and stuff :P
<MindB_ndr> heheh
<CPTCalvin> I think ISD Predator has their squadrons named too, but last I checked the names were pretty dumb :P
<MindB_ndr> werdna - find 72 pilots and i bet you can be the com of the pred:)
<Werdna_LB> who wants to help me become a COM...I mean join the pred?
<MindB_ndr> from outside the EH, werd
<MindB_ndr> they're not going to reopen anything if the rest stays empty:P
<Werdna_LB> if anyone wants to help me...DCC me instead
<Werdna_LB> heh heh heh

* Astatine slaps SureFire around a bit with a large trout
* SureFire slaps Astatine around a bit with a large trout
<`Quake> he dosen't ban you anymore for sayinh Surefired
<`Kawolski> He doesn't ban you anymore when you say Surefried either.
<Ramos> really?
<Ramos> surefried
*** SureFire sets mode: +b *!*Chiller@AC862E84.ipt.aol.com
*** Ramos was kicked by SureFire (Don't call me that!)
<`Kawolski> oops..sorry Ramos
<`Kawolski> >:P
<Ford-AFK> lol.
<Cato> lol
<`Quake> lol
<LCM_Wem> lol
<Cato> my god
<AD_Pri> lol
<Ford-AFK> that was great, K :P
<Cato> he fell for that
<`Quake> haha
<`Quake> K, nice one
<`Quake> I tried to do it :P
<AD_Pri> you could just see that coming :P

* Werdna_LB will be right back...but now a word from our sponsor, "Kitty-Fresh!!!"
* LCM_Seth walks out in a suite
<LCM_Seth> does your cat stink up the place
<LCM_Seth> are you worried you may have to through him out the air lock
<LCM_Seth> well use kitty fresh and all the oders will be gone
<Werdna_LB> back!
<VarZoraan> run!
* LCM_Seth ducks as people throw tomatoes at the stage
* Werdna_LB parachutes onto the stage that Seth was on...in a white jumpsuit and big sunglasses
* LCM_Seth hides behind Werdna to escape the tomatoes
* LCM_Seth watches as the front of werdna suite turns red
<Werdna_LB> damn, tomato never comes out!
<Werdna_LB> actually, tomato did "come out" once..."Mam, Dad, I have something to tell you..."

<Ford> break it down, kiddles.
<Werdna_LB> break what down? :o/
<Ford> Geez, Werdna.
<`Tom> the Government and stuff
<Ford> You're so unhip it's a wonder yer bums don't fall off :P
<`Tom> ...
<Werdna_LB> WHAT??? I'm hip...I'm with it...
<`Tom> I'm hip to the Groooooove, Daddio
<Werdna_LB> I must be hip, coz I iz da man!
<`Tom> Gah...I Iz bein' da man, foo!
<Ricaud> Boyakasha.
<Werdna_LB> Selecta!
<Ricaud> You're about as hip as Richard Blackwood, Werdna. Ie. not very. :P
<Ricaud> Or at least, only in your own mind. :P
<`Tom> heh
<Ricaud> Ramos is the man and we all know it. :P
<Werdna_LB> One-Two, One-Two, I iz Richard Blackwood pretending to be Will Smith
<`Tom> lol
<TopDawg> Ramos is the (wo)man, yeah. :P
* Ricaud listens to Speed Garage, thus must be hip. :P
<Ricaud> Speed Jungle Acid Garage. :P
* `Tom iz just da hippiest groove-meister around >:-)

* `T smacks LB with a half-baked loaf of bread
* Werdna_LB throws bread buns at Tom
* `T throws some milk over LB
* Werdna_LB hits Tom with a box of Cornflakes
* `T pours petrol over LB
* `T throws a match at LB
* Werdna_LB asks where Tom got the petrol from
<`T> er...
<`T> I Stole it of course
<Werdna_LB> I've been taking petrol from other peoples cars and selling it on :o)
* `T stole the petrol out of all the cars in "Da Hood"
<Werdna_LB> where's your "hood" again?
<`T> gah...you doesn't know where da hood is?
* `T iz da man
* Werdna_LB is da man...and not that gimp Tom
<Ricaud> My "Sex for Petrol" scheme only got me half a litre. :P
<Ricaud> Damn. :P
<`T> ...
<`T> erm..."Sex for Petrol"?????
<MAJMinkus> That was a pricless nugget of information I keep with me forever.
<MAJMinkus> *I'll
<Werdna_LB> will pimping always be our savour in such crisises???
<Werdna_LB> (spelt that wrong didn't I)
<`T> no, coz I iz da man, dats why!
* `T smacks LB with his Advanced English knowledge
<Werdna_LB> I'm so crap at English...which is why I'm editor of Battlecry :o)
<`T> yeah, Thats what I thought :P
* `T knows how to write "sentence's"!!!
<Mareek> yay
<`T> and par...pa...para-thingy's
<Werdna_LB> does sentences have a ' in it?
<Werdna_LB> paratroopers?
<`T> probably not
<`T> yeah, paratroopers
<`Kawolski> paracharts
<`T> I can write paratroopers, me
<`T> gah...you should all learn to write english properly, Like what I does >:)
<Werdna_LB> paratroopers just seem to fall into place when you're writing something
<Werdna_LB> me England more good than you!
<Mareek_> hmm FN para (5 ,1)
<`T> no, me inglund beet
<Werdna_LB> asdfiasdfug...so there!
<`T> ...
* `T is lost for words
<Werdna_LB> that's because your so good at English
<`T> er..ok
<Werdna_LB> I'm never lost for words I just go on forever...
<Werdna_LB> ...and ever...
<Werdna_LB> ...and ever...
<`T> I've noticed
* Werdna_LB goes on forever...infinity!!!
* `T gnaws on his bread
* Werdna_LB gnaws his monitor

<`T> yes, my master plan is being successful, muhaa ha ha
* `T laffs evilly
* VA_Mike arches an eyebrow
<Werdna_LB> what master plan?
<`T> er...I didn't get that far
<`T> I'll think of something that'll pass for a plan, sometime or other
<Werdna_LB> good luck
<`T> shush mortal
* `T thinks
<Werdna_LB> this is going to take a while...
* `T stares at LB
<Werdna_LB> I told you not to do that again, the room gets smoky off your brain working overtime
<VA_Mike> Y'know, this really sucks if so many.. good people resign.
<Werdna_LB> ah, but if they are good people then surely what they are doing is good!
* Werdna_LB uses twisted logic
<VA_Mike> YES! Let's all resign!
<`T> yeah, then I'll get a high ranking position
<`T> and rule the world
<`T> muhaa ha ha (/Evil Laugh)
<Werdna_LB> what are you going to do inbetween now, and being high ranking, Tom?
<VA_Mike> On the other hand....
* VA_Mike looks at T
<`T> er...I dunno, sit about
<Werdna_LB> ah, the "world will come to me" tactic
<`T> I'll just sit here, waiting....intermidibly waiting......
<`T> and then.....
<Werdna_LB> you'll wait some more
* `T hasn't thought that far ahead
<Werdna_LB> I have a plan for ruling the world!
<`T> oh oh, tell me
<VA_Mike> And me and the SO, too.
<Werdna_LB> First, I will have all the petrol refinaries blocked so petrol can't be transported to the stations...
<`T> no, don't tell them, they'll foil it
<Werdna_LB> ...and then I will hold everyone ransom
<`T> er....great.....plan
<Werdna_LB> muhahahaha
<`T> I can see that you've put the first part into action already
<LCM|The_Z> hey all
<Werdna_LB> First Britain...then the WORLD!!!

<`Quake> yay! passed my PHP IWATS :P
<Werdna_LB> congrats, Quake
<`Quake> heh
* LCM_Seth starts to chant Quake over and over till he realizes that no one else is doing it
<`Quake> heh
* Werdna_LB chants Quake too...and doesn't care that no one else is joining in
<Werdna_LB> Quake - Quake - Quake - Quake
* LCM_Seth goes along with werdna
<LCM_Seth> Quake - Quake - Quake - Quake - Quake - Quake
<LCM_Seth> Quake - Quake - Quake - Quake - Quake - Quake
<LCM_Seth> Quake - Quake - Quake - Quake - Quake - Quake
<LCM_Seth> Quake - Quake - Quake - Quake - Quake - Quake
<`Quake> hehe
<Werdna_LB> whoo!!! yeah!!! Quake's da man!!!
<`Quake> heh
<Werdna_LB> anyway...

<Werdna_LB> wb Thomas
<`T> thanks, Mrs. LB
<Werdna_LB> that's MR. Mrs. LB to you, Tom-Boy
<`T> LB, you Female?
<Werdna_LB> NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
<`T> oh, I thought you were, Your First name is female though, isn't it?
<VA_Mike> Huh? Werdna is female?
<Werdna_LB> no!
<VA_Mike> NEat.
<VA_Mike> So, it's Mrs or Ms?
<Werdna_LB> damnit...shut up!
<`T> Mrs. LB, the Widow
<VA_Mike> :)
<`T> She looks like a Sea-Pony
<Werdna_LB> I'm called Andrew really, and I think it's greek or latin for manly
<`T> er...
<`T> manly??!?!?!?

<`Ast> any TCers under WC in here?
<`Ast> anyone under WC please stand up
<Vengeance> Join the Infiltrator Wing today
* Werdna_LB stands up
<`Ast> hooray
* WC_Figaro sits down
<`Ast> veng, start on manly andrew there :P
<Vengeance> heheh
<`Ast> not u fig, i know u :P
<Vengeance> AHHHH!!!!!! FORMALITY!!!!!
* Vengeance hides
* `Ast runs too
<WC_Figaro> Hey Vit, hows it going?
<Vengeance> Werdna, your in the IW right?
<Werdna_LB> yep
<WC_Figaro> well done :P
<`Ast> damnation
<VitCarp> Figaro, it's haging together
<Vengeance> thought so
<WC_Figaro> Vit: Kewl
<`Ast> the one person owning up to being under WC is already in
<Vengeance> join.infiltrator.org
<Ricaud> Recruitment. Hmmm ... kick-ban worthy. :P
<WC_Figaro> Brakka: U wanna Join the IW?
<Vengeance> it is??
<Ricaud> I'd ask for ops to do the honours myself, but ... all the ops are asleep, so you can carry on. :P
<WC_Figaro> Danke :)
<Werdna_LB> join the IW...it's just like the TC, only smaller!
<WC_Figaro> we will
<Vengeance> thanx Ric
<WC_Figaro> Brakka: U wanna Join the IW?
<`Ast> and better :P
<WC_Figaro> damn right it is
<`Ast> i think i tried Brakka yesterday :P
<`Ast> im not sure
<WC_Figaro> come on guys someone must wanna join the IW....
<Vengeance> o no!!
<WC_Figaro> o god
<VitCarp> Ricaud, the honor is yours
* Vengeance hides
<WC_Figaro> 'tis bad news
<Werdna_LB> Tom, shut up!
<VA_Mike> Hey. The IW is okay.
<Vengeance> 'tis Figgy
<`T> go Ric!
<VA_Mike> They have cool E-Wings!
* LCM|The_Z ducks
<Ricaud> Damnit, that's too late ... I'm about to go and play Counter-Strike now, I can't be bothered to kick the IWers. :P
<`T> Bah...give me ops then
<WC_Figaro> Danke
<`T> I'll kick them
<WC_Figaro> Shut it T
*** Ricaud sets mode: +o `T
<Ricaud> :P
<`T> ...
<Ricaud> You asked for ops. :P
<Vengeance> NO!
* LCM|The_Z watches a kickban fly through the air
*** `T sets mode: -o `T
* Werdna_LB waves his IW butt at Tom for a kicking..."go on then!"
<Ricaud> Coward. :P
<`T> gah..I can't be trusted
* `T would probably be Killed for it
<Vengeance> join.infiltrator.org
<Ricaud> Nah, I only kick-ban one person from here. :P
<Vengeance> whioops
<WC_Figaro> DUH
<Vengeance> join.infiltratorwing.org
<`T> go.away.org

*** AD_Theo has joined #TIECorps
<`T> hey Theo
<AD_Theo> hey
* VA_Ari salutes Theo
* AD_Theo salutes
<Werdna_LB> it's Theodore!!!...mainly famed for being in the famous band, the Chipmunks!
<AD_Theo> don't forget Beaver Cleaver :p
<abk> heh
* `T steals Theodore's Green...Thingy...that he always wore
<Werdna_LB> it was sad when the band fell from the heady-heights of stardom after Alvin's drug problem
<AD_Theo> mu mu...sweater ?
<AD_Theo> it was that bitch gopher actually
<`T> eh?
<Werdna_LB> ...then Simon was caught with kiddy porn on his computer and sent to jail
<`T> he...he...he did?
* `T will never look at Simon again
<AD_Theo> yeah...but we all saw that coming...we actually had another "Simon" for a while...people didn't like it
<Werdna_LB> there was also animal porn, but apparently that was okay as he was an animal himself
<AD_Theo> ...or so the hampsters said
* `T hated the Chipmunks
<Werdna_LB> now our Theo is in the EH and still battling his weight problem
<`T> and their crappy songs too
<AD_Theo> but what really got us was Alvin's voice changing
<`T> gah...that happened billions of times
<Werdna_LB> Hanson had the same problem
<`T> heh
<AD_Theo> copy-humans :p
<`T> that...Dave-guy (I think it was Dave anyway) he was a bit weird too
<`T> I mean, adopting Some talking Chipmunks?!?!??!, WTF is that?
<Werdna_LB> for a start, he talked to animals for god sake :o)

<VA_Slade> Come on..
<VA_Slade> ..say it with me!
* `T stares at Slade
<VA_Slade> Or you can say... "AVENGER HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
<VA_Slade> Avenger is his eagle.
<LCM|The_Z> hey all
* `T thinks back
<`T> Wait a bit, I think I can remember seeing some repeats of it somewhere
<Werdna_LB> who the hell is Bird Man?
<VA_Slade> Who the hell is bird manyou ask?
<VA_Slade> Why!
<`T> was it a really badly Drawn cartoon?
<VA_Slade> Just the Hana barbera rip off of Superman and a clone of Spaceghost!
<VA_Slade> Yes it was.
<Werdna_LB> like how Scooby doo was obviously a rip off of Ghost Rider
<VA_Slade> ...poorly anamated.
<VA_Slade> Rip off of Ghost RideR?
<`T> like the old Spiderman Cartoons?
<VA_Slade> I don't remember Ghost Rider, going around in a van, with abunch of teens, solving mysteries.
<VA_Slade> Worse than Spiderman.
<`T> Ghost Rider, That Sucked (I think)
<Werdna_LB> well, not the ones you read
<VA_Slade> This was Hanna Barberra!
<VA_Slade> Almost as cool as the galactic trio!
<`T> Yeah, I mean the Same sort of Drawn Cartoon
<VA_Slade> Oh you mean that late sixties impressionist art called...
<VA_Slade> ...crap?
<`T> yeah
<Werdna_LB> that style made a comeback lately in "modern art"

* Ricaud cries as BTinternet melts his download speed down to 250 bytes/sec. :P
<Ricaud> Buggeration, it's going to take 1hr 30mins to download a 100KB file now. :P
<AD_Pri> hehe
<AD_Pri> gotta love BT :P
<`T> Well, disconnect and Reconnect again
<Werdna_LB> no you don't, Pri. No you don't!
<AD_Pri> I know, I know...I don't really :P
<Ricaud> I was lucky I managed to get through and connect the first time, I don't want to risk it again. :P
<`T> I love BT, its giving me really good download speeds
<Ricaud> I'm on one of those crappy 62.7 ip ranges. :P
<Ricaud> Gah, fuck.
*** Ricaud has quit IRC (Leaving)
<`T> heh, I'm on a 62.7, But I'm still getting a good Connection >:P
<Werdna_LB> it's a good job he left, as he would have been banned with that last line
* `T has been warped by that comment
<Werdna_LB> Ricaud has warped my fragile little mind!
<`T> >:P
<AD_Pri> heh
<CPTMerlin> he took his time getting round to you :P
<`T> well...he's warped it more so
*** Ricaud has joined #tiecorps
<AD_Pri> wb
* Werdna_LB can feel the effects of Ricaud's warping of his mind..."i'm going to kill some grannies...I know, I'll become a doctor!!!"
<VA_Jarak> It is Ricaud
* `T smacks Ric
<Ricaud> 3.20kb/sec ... it'll have to do. :P
*** Ricaud is now known as Ric-away
<VA_Jarak> Ric gets here and then leaves.. how nice
<CPTMerlin> werdna, why not kill grannies and in your spare time blockade fule depots?
<CPTMerlin> *fuel
<Werdna_LB> well, the blockading takes up too much time, Merlin
<`T> coz, He'd be the only one Blockading them
<CPTMerlin> he'd just have to get a really big truck
<`T> although he could convince the Rest of the Geordies to come, by stating that its illegal
<`T> :P
<Werdna_LB> the north-east blockaders were the last to stop I think...we get into it too much
<CPTMerlin> watch it, we turn nasty if provoked :P

<Fondor> BTW Ric could you stop calling me Fondwhore
<Fondor> Fonwhore sounds so much better
<Ricaud> No, it's Fondwhore. :P
* `Ace thinks the d sounds better accually
<Fondor> bah fine
<Miack> whats your stupid crappy altered nick then Ric ?
<Ricaud> Ricslut. :P
<Miack> oh right 
* Miack can't be called anything >:)
<Miack> :P
<Fondor> New policy: You can only call me Fondwhore if you have a higher rank and or are wittier than me
* Ricaud reaches both requirements. :P
<Miack> lol
<Werdna_LB> for me you just have to stick anything before _LB :o/
<Jedgar> what si your rank?
<Fondor> WC/MAJ
* Miack is a Trainee at whit
<Miack> *witt
<Jedgar> greater than or equal to?
<CM|KS> how witty are oyou?
<Ricaud> Wit. :P
<Miack> sorry :(
<Fondor> greater than, I would say pretty witty :P
<Ricaud> Miack's has such a poor wit he can't even spell it properly. :P
<Miack> lol
<CM|KS> I am fairly witty too Fondwhore
<Fondor> lol
* Miack crys
<VitCarp> Fondor = the epitomy of witless
<Fondor> Ford can call me Fondwhore
<Jedgar> i mean does my rank have to be greater or can it be equal?
<Jedgar> shoot...someone promote me to LC for a sec

<Jedgar> Sword Squadron!
<Ricaud> Sword Squadron! Boo-yah! </no bias whatsoever> :P
<Miack> WOW lets have a clap for Jedgar 
* Jedgar kicks Miack in the junks
<Ricaud> You wish you'd served in Sword Squadron at some point in your career, Miack. :P
<Miack> BOOO Sword </bias God damn it>
<Jedgar> like...2 years ago i was in sword
* Fondor may grade his own wings fiction for the Supreme Squadron series but he is not biased
<Miack> why Ric ?
<Ricaud> Because Sword Squadron just rocks goddamned big brass bells, Miack. :P
* Miack laughs
<Ricaud> Sword Squadron - TIE Corps Retirement Home :P
<Miack> Alyin Rocks Rusty iron bells :(
<Ramos> hehe
<Werdna_LB> Sword must bow down to the sweet goodness of Beth Squadron
<Ramos> no
<Ramos> tornado
<Jedgar> Praetorian!
<Fondor> Wing V rocks the huge shiny steel bells
* Miack looks at Ramos
<Ricaud> You mean Sword Squadron must urinate over the sweet goodness of Beth Squadron. :P
<Miack> LOL
<Miack> Aylin in turn Urinates over Sword
<MAJ_Ford> P5i 0wn5 j00 :P
<Ricaud> I don't think so. :P
<Werdna_LB> well, I suppose we do take the piss of you
* Fondor urinates over Wing V
<Fondor> er Wing X
<Fondor> !! sorry
<Miack> Actually its doesnt sorry Ric 
<Ricaud> You fancy a competition against Sword, Miack? I could get in touch with COL Sauron and arrange it. :P
<Jedgar> Go Praetorian/Omega/Rho/Sword (i have to give shout-outs to my past squads)
<VA_Jarak> Miack- Nah, I don't think so
<Miack> one of my pilots is active Ric 
<Fondor> Miack: take the challenge !
<Ricaud> Whooooo. :P
* Miack thinks
<Ricaud> 10 of Sword's pilots are active. :P
<Miack> yeah 
<Ricaud> Well, if you want to include Martelus. :P
<Fondor> I should sic Sadhe squadron on Swords arses
<Ricaud> Sort of.
<Miack> Vs me and one of my pilots
<Ricaud> Sadhe Squadron? They fancy taking on Sword? One char-grilled Sovereign lamer squadron coming right up! 

<Kessler> <VA_Jarak> Can I be one of your people of the week?
<Kessler> <Kessler> Well, you have to do one of two things to get nominated....
<Kessler> <Kessler> Either do something REALLY dumb...
<Kessler> <Kessler> Or kiss some ass...
<Kessler> <Kessler> Which would you prefer? :P
<Kessler> <VA_Jarak> Well I don't like dumb things, so the other one :)
<Kessler> * Kessler bends over and drops his pants. Pucker up, big boy ;)
<Kessler> <VA_Jarak> OH Kessler, you are the greatest ever!
<Kessler> <Kessler> Not a bad start... keep going.
<Kessler> <VA_Jarak> Your so great, I'm an ass
<Kessler> <VA_Jarak> ...you were the most kick-ass FO ever
<Kessler> <VA_Jarak> You were a great BGCOM, I'll never be as good as you.
<Kessler> <Kessler> Did I mention I was logging this?
<Ricaud> ROFLMAO
<Ricaud> You're cruel. :P
<Kessler> Muahahahaaaaa
<Ford-Eat> roflol!
<CPT_Toran> rofl
<Ford-Eat> Very nice, Kess :P
* `T thinks that was made up
<Kessler> Well, he DID say he wanted to be one of my "people of the week". It's just his fault he didn't specify :P
* Ricaud can almost hear the cries of "Who's yo daddy!?" and the sound of flesh being slapped. :P
<Werdna_LB> Ric, that's only because you getting that done to yourself now
<Ricaud> Oh yeah. :P
<Ricaud> No, wait ... must be next door. :P
<Ricaud> If I were getting some, I wouldn't be talking to you no-lives on IRC. :P
<Kessler> Ric - you live in The Lakes. Next door is twelve miles away. You're not fooling anyone
* `T beats Ric
<Ricaud> I live in a town, bumface. :P
<`T> with a population of what?, 1?
<MAJMinkus> Yes.. a whole 3 Houses within 500 yards of each other! >:P
<Werdna_LB> having another house at the end of a long, winding road doesn't count as a town
<Ricaud> That's a hamlet, technically, silly. :P
<Kessler> Two huts and a sheep pen? Is that what qualifies as a town up your way? :P
<TopDawg`> lol
<Ricaud> I hate you guys. I hate you so very, very much.
<Kessler> Awww, thanks :)

* Werdna_LB is off...he has to complete an issue of Battlecry in a day!
<MAJ_Ford> Good luck on finishing Werdna LB Monthly. :P
<CPTCalvin> heh
<Werdna_LB> it wouldn't be LB Monthly if you lazy sods done anything for it
* MAJ_Ford is a lazy sod! yay! :P