<`Kumba> I can't get on hardly any US servers
<`Kumba> "No Authorization" they all say..
<`Kumba> jackasses :P
<Werdna_LB> the servers...or americans in general
* Werdna_LB is obviously a Brit :o)

<Werdna_LB> is that you there, Tom hidden by the ' mark?
<`T> yezz, eets moi
<`Kumba> wrong mark :P
<`Kumba> it's the ` mark :P
<Werdna_LB> in that case, hello Tom!!!
<`T> hello
<Werdna_LB> Kumba, you're just too picky
<`Kumba> not picky, just accurate :P
<Werdna_LB> I think "anal" is the word your looking for
<Werdna_LB> :o)
<`Kumba> nope :P
<`T> >:P
<`Kumba> IRC server will reject any name starting with a '
<`Kumba> it'll allow ` tho :P
* CTXclr is off to check this
<Werdna_LB> damn, got to go now :o( ...before I get bored to death with the little technicalities of IRC
<`T> wah
<CTXclr> true, it rejected it :)

* Miack stoped growing when he was 15
<Miack> damn ciggys
* `Quake stopped growing when he was 4
<Miack> lol
<WildKat> bad ciggys
<`Quake> lol
<Miack> I know but sooo nice to smoke
<Werdna_LB> I stopped growing when I was 16...luckly I was already 6 foot tall
* `Quake never has smoked
<VA_Pel> I stopped just shy of 6 foot...
* WildKat takes all ciggys away in the world and destroys them
<CMArathar> Same thing Quake
<VA_Pel> I'm a good 5'11"
* Miack whimpers
<`Quake> Good on yer Arathar :P
<`Quake> So am I Pel
<`Quake> I 5'11"
<CMArathar> Yeah
<VA_Pel> not a bad height at all
<Miack> you dont know the power of Ciggarettes
* Miack drools
<WildKat> i do too
<`Ace> did u know u can get sick from being stressed?
<`Quake> yes
<WildKat> yes
* Miack is never stressed
* WildKat stays stressed
<Werdna_LB> ARGGH!!! STRESS!!!
<Werdna_LB> PRESURE!!! CAN'T COPE!!!
<`Quake> lol
<Psyko> eh?
<`Quake> BC is killing yer?
<CMArathar> Hmm... I'm 5'10"
<`Ace> I have had stomach and chest pains almost the entire summer, but then today they were so violent i couldn't go to school, the Dr said i was so stresssed that i'm making myself sick
* Miack sits back and watchs LB stress himself to death
<WildKat> poor thing
<`Quake> aw
* Miack swigs on a beer
<Werdna_LB> I want stress so my Doctor makes me have to take time off college to relax
<CMArathar> Hmm... Wait a sec... I must have counted it wrong... *hmm again*
<CMArathar> Can't change it from cms...

<Werdna_LB> damn, EHNET is being a bitch...can't download my masses of fan-mail
<Werdna_LB> ...or spam...whatever
<`Quake> lol
<`Quake> same thing
<Miack> fan-mail LOL

* `Quake kicks Anastasia
* `Quake headbuts Juliet
<`Quake> Don't worry, I just beating up my computers
<Werdna_LB> you call your computer Juliet???
<`Quake> and Anastasia
<`Quake> and Titan
<`Quake> I name them all cos I have a network
* Miack calls his <beep> and <beep>
<`Quake> and its better than calling them PC-1, PC-2
<Miack> wow censors
<`Quake> lol
<`Quake> is that built into your script?
<Werdna_LB> I need talk about names for computers, I'm planning on doing A.I. at Uni...the damn computer will have it's only personality!!!
<VA_Pel> RPI had some cool named computers, but I can;t remember any of them....
<`Quake> lol
* `Quake hugs his 5 computers
<`Quake> I have Juliet, Anastasia, Titan, Omega and Fuzbucket
<Werdna_LB> Quake, you must have big arms to do hug them all
<`Quake> i do
<Werdna_LB> Fuzbucket!!!
<Werdna_LB> what a coincidence....Fuzbucket's my really name!!!
* WildKat has only one computer
<`Quake> considering I have 1 17" and 2 15"'s and 2 14"
* `Quake collects them
<Miack> really

<Ari> Is Ehnet.org down for anyone else?
<`Quake> yes
<`Quake> email and IRC
<Ari> gah
<Werdna_LB> yep Ari...I can't get my mails or upload to my website
<Werdna_LB> sorry..."fan-mail"
<Ari> me neither

<`peer`> anyone know what Levantense (in Spanish) means in English?
<Ari> go to altavista and translate it
<`peer`> I did, it translates back to Levantense
<WildKat> i do
<SAS> yes
<Werdna_LB> no sorry, my knowledge of spanish goes as far as.........nope, nothing
<VA_Pel> maybe it;s a place, or a name
<SAS> it means "stand up"
<SAS> er
<SAS> "get up"
<SAS> a command, speaking to mutliple ppl
<WildKat> yes to get yourself up
<SAS> "levantense, por favor..."
<Werdna_LB> like "will the real Slim Shady please Levantense?"
<SAS> "levante sus manos"
<SAS> no
<WildKat> no
<SAS> that would be "levantete"
<VA_Pel> lol
<SAS> but im not fluent, so *shrug*
<Werdna_LB> I wish I could speak other languages but...bah!
<`Ace> espanol es muy divertido para molestar K :P
<Ari> did you just say you molest K in spanish?

<Ari> i know aramaic 
<Ari> im very fluent in hebrew
<SAS> Ari >:P
<SAS> you know aramaic?
<Ari> Yes
<WildKat> didn't get one this morning
<SAS> where did you learn it?
<Ari> the talmud
<VA_Pel> are you a Jesuit by any chance? <G>
<WildKat> so i'll bbl
<Ari> and i have a book with aramaic grammatical rules
<Werdna_LB> I have problems understanding American spelling...never mind a whole new language

<Mairin> Jews are Arabs
<Ace_Pilot> Hmmm
<Mairin> ahem.
<Ace_Pilot> Jews are not Arabs!
<Mairin> Abraham was the first jew was he not?
<Ace_Pilot> I'm not an Arab.
<Ari> you got that mixed up, mairin
<Mairin> And Abraham was an arab
<Mairin> you are so
<Mairin> Jews are Arabs
<SAS> Killin an arab!
<Ari> No Mairin, Abraham was the first to believe in one God
<Werdna_LB> yeah, nice international relations there!
<Mairin> ahem. No, that was Adam and Eve. :P
<Ace_Pilot> No it wasn't Mairin.
<Mairin> was so.
<Ari> Nope nope
<Mairin> or noah
<Mairin> or moses
<Mairin> ahem ahem ahem
<SAS> heh
<Mairin> cough cough cough
<SAS> all those old testament ppl
<SAS> !
<Mairin> Jews are Arabs
<Mairin> sorry
<Ace_Pilot> Abraham was first.
<SAS> heh
<Ace_Pilot> You're saying a religion in a race!
<Mairin> But the very name Hebrew comes from the Arabic `Aeibrieen
<Mairin> No I'm not.
<Ace_Pilot> That's like me saying Christians are white.
<Mairin> I'm stating that the group known as "jews" are Arabs
<Ari> Maybe thats cause arabic took a lot of words from hebrew
<SAS> no
<SAS> christians are jews
<Ace_Pilot> lol
<Ace_Pilot> Chrisitians are Jews+
<SAS> jesus was a jew
<Mairin> excuse me, Jewish Arabs took the words from Arabic
<SAS> hehe
<Mairin> Because guess what!
<Mairin> they're ARABS!
<`Quake> Stop the religion!
<Werdna_LB> I think we should stop talking about religion...that's how wars start
<Ari> werdna, maybe we wanna start wars....Star Wars!
<Ace_Pilot> No, wars start cause people don't talk about religion :P
<SAS> AP - huh? can up please?

<MiAcK> only A-team ppl can join the A-Team
<CM_Hawk> You Crazy FOO
* MiAcK is the leader dude
<CM_Hawk> il be crazy one please Miack
<MiAcK> ok Hawk
<CM_Hawk> : )
* MiAcK slaps a badge on hawk "Crazy one"
<MiAcK> I need a BA barakus now
* Werdna_LB will be BA Barakus
* MiAcK sticks a Im BA badge on LB
*** Werdna_LB is now known as BABarakus
* MiAcK so far has Hawk as murdock and LB as BA barakus
* CM_Hawk Murdock
*** CM_Hawk is now known as Murdock
<Murdock> B we got get on a plane man
<Murdock> come on do the 'Im not getting on no plane with that Crazy foo 
<Murdock> Damm your a poor BA
<BABarakus> I'm scared of flying...I'm doing this wrong aren't I
<Murdock> yes you are
<BABarakus> sorry, I was just uploading something back there :o/
<Murdock> Im the crazy one and you just shout fool at me all the time
<BABarakus> don't talk to me dat way you crazy foo'!!!
* Murdock cleans his hair with a toothbush
<Murdock> Miack we need the rest Ateam too do this right
<BABarakus> to Murdock: how would you like that toothbrush pushed down your throat, ya damn foo'?
<Murdock> Hey keep this guy away from me , i promise i wont get you to go on plane honest to the dirty fat ice cream in corner of the room
<BABarakus> don't use the "Ice cream" thing on me again!
<Murdock> Calling All A-Team mebers we need you all now
<Murdock> MR-T getting big on me
<Shawshank> by the sounds of his english skills, Murdock could be an avenger pilot
* Shawshank hahas
<BABarakus> I'm BA Barakus, and I like easy listening music, strolls along the beach at sunset, and gardening...foo's
<Murdock> lol
<Murdock> he no foo
<`Dy-gone> BA?
<Murdock> MR T A Team foo
<BABarakus> the star of the 80's...remember dat Rocky film?
<Murdock> Two Rockey films
* Murdock sits down and watchs his A-Teamvideo , i bet you guys havnt got his video :P
<BABarakus> i haven't got the video...I'm saving up to get an A-Team van
<Murdock> I want the Van
<Murdock> that vans cool
<Murdock> Here we go the A- Team intro I LOVE THIS
<BABarakus> I had a toy of the van when I was a kid...
<KDOG> go Mr T.!
<BABarakus> ...which is like a couple of days ago :o)
<BABarakus> just in mental age though
<Murdock> Mexican Slayride the esp i watching
<Murdock> Lots hair Mexs fighting MR-T
<Murdock> i love this
<BABarakus> I wish, I wish, I wish, that the A-Team was back on TV (my TV...British bog-standard channels, so no correcting me)
<Murdock> In 1979 a crack band of Commandos...
* DevinBron thought it was 1972 :P
<LT_Smug> Mr T can't act :P
<Murdock> Im in Brit bog standed that why i got the video
<BABarakus> you saying I can't act, foo'!!!
<Ace_Pilot> My uncle is the one playing the drums in the theme song!
<Murdock> Mr-T doesnt need to ACT FOO
<Murdock> Cool Ace 
<Ace_Pilot> Yep
<BABarakus> I seriously doubt that anyone actually went up to Mr T and said, "you can't act"
<`Murdock> damm computer eatting chesse again
<BABarakus> mmm...cheese
<DevinBron> In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped a maximum security stockade to the LA underground. Still wanted by the goverment, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire The A-Team.
<DevinBron> :P
*** BABarakus is now known as `Homer (note: as in Simpson)
<`Murdock> Cool you got it all
<DevinBron> Excuse any typos, I copied/pasted :P
<`Murdock> theme tune rocks i love it
<`Murdock> whats the MP col bloke name whos after them :p
<`Homer> I remember the A-Team and the 80's, when I had hair and the power plant hadn't made me completely sterile
<`Murdock> lol
<`Homer> no more kids for me...woohoo
* DevinBron has it on mp3 :P
<`Murdock> Whos this Foo BA
*** `Homer is now known as BABarakus
<DevinBron> Dekker
<DevinBron> I think.. :P
<DevinBron> lol
<`Murdock> Yep Linch iss his name
<`Murdock> John Smith or Hand for short the leader
<`Murdock> Han
<BABarakus> I gonna get dat foo' someday!
*** DevinBron is now known as [FaceMan]
<[FaceMan]> :P
<BABarakus> not da boss...but the baddie :o)
<`Murdock> Its Face
<`Murdock> Han the boss
<BABarakus> Face, the man of a thousand disguises...but always looks just like him from Battlestar Galactica
<`Murdock> Starbuck
<[FaceMan]> Its COL Dekker and SGT Linch :P
<`Murdock> We need Han 'Smith'
<`Murdock> Col Linch
<ShadwHawk> "I love it when a plan comes together!"
<`Murdock> im watching it right now : )
<`Murdock> Hehe Shad
<[FaceMan]> Hehe..
<`Murdock> A -Team can chase you just got to love them
<`Murdock> No time for for that Hanable
<`Murdock> Hey Sucker
<BABarakus> no, it's "Han" Moleman from the Simpsons - "Oh dear...I appear to be dying...oh well..."
<[FaceMan]> Man of a thousand disguises, and man with a different girl in each episode..Sometimes 2 :P
<`Murdock> BA got rember youre 'Hey sucker' line
<[FaceMan]> There's a Dekker somewhere in there.. :P
<`Murdock> Cour would make a great Decker
<`Murdock> hes Evil and a sucker :p
<[FaceMan]> Hannibal :P
<`Murdock> wheres is Hannibal anyway
<BABarakus> I'm the perfect Ba Barakus...pasty white, skinny, hates jewellry, has to wear glasses
<BABarakus> :o)

<Smug_GIT> any women here??? Or are they washing their hair?
<Ace_Pilot> What kind of comment is that Smug?
<ShadwHawk> I'm polishing my TIE Interceptor
<`Dy-gone> It's a funny comment. So don't get hung up over it. Sexism is fine in moderation. >:P
<Smug_GIT> be a sexist comment me thinks, Ace_Pilot.
<Smug_GIT> see, Dy-gone has the right idea
<BABarakus> what!!! like Racism is fine as long as you have an army to back you up...no
<Murdock> lol
<Murdock> you tell him BA
<BABarakus> leave the ladies alone foo'
* BABarakus trys to get some brownie points from any girls who are in this channel :o)
<Murdock> : ) i agree with BA
<LT_Smug> bah
<LT_Smug> sexism and rasism are two different things
<Ace_Pilot> Nope
<Ace_Pilot> They're not.
<LT_Smug> racism, even...
<Ace_Pilot> And I'd watch it when you have a female FO.
<BABarakus> look, anything that ends in -ism, is usually bad
<LT_Smug> FO?
<ShadwHawk> they are STILL prejudice against a person who has no choice about the feature in question
<Ace_Pilot> Flight Officer, the head of the TC.
<LT_Smug> I was merly stating a fact
<LT_Smug> don't bother me, not in TC
<LT_Smug> :P

<Werdna_LB> hello people!
*** AD-Slage has joined #Emperor's_Hammer
<Ace_Pilot> heya
<LT_Argyle> heya werdna..
<LT_Argyle> lo
* Werdna_LB is very pleased to be here today :o)
<Werdna_LB> how are you everyone?
<LT_Argyle> you ok Werdna..
<Werdna_LB> yep, I'm great
<Werdna_LB> ...as in feeling great...not in the "I'm so wonderful" great

<`Quake> aw crap.. me PC is living in the future again
<Werdna_LB> the Robbie Williams concert on BBC Radio 1 has started..."LET ME...ENTERTAIN YOU!!!"
<Stall> jumped a 100 years or something? mine used to do that
<Werdna_LB> yeah, I woke up one morning to find my computer has went into the future...it had a Voodoo 75 graphics card in it
* Werdna_LB dances like a fool to the music on the radio
<`Quake> lol
<`Quake> no, my PC is sending emails tommorow
<`Quake> but sent today
<Ricaud> -steve Werdna_LB
<Werdna_LB> quick Quake, kill the computer before it gains a futurist Artificial Intelligence..."I can't do that, Dave"
* EHNet winces as Steve the Cricket Bat attacks Werdna_LB.
<`Quake> lol
* Werdna_LB crumples in a heap after being "-steve-d"
<ElCoursca> -fore Ricaud nuts
* EHNet applauds as ElCoursca hits a golf ball straight into Ricaud's nuts.

<Ricaud> Hrm ... a JK clan claiming to "Serve the Will of God" and calling themselves the "Army of the Lord", quoting the New Testament throughout their web site ... now I really have seen it all. :P
<Darkheart> lol
<ElCoursca> lol
<ElCoursca> Ricaud: They need Stone Cour 3:16 to beat the hell outta them. :P
* CM_Miack waves at Ricaud
<CM_Miack> Howdy Ric
* Ricaud stares at Miack. :P
* CM_Miack looks away in shame
<CM_Miack> Im Sorry !!
* CM_Miack crawls along the ground whine like a dog
* CM_Miack gives Ricaud a present
<Mairin> doesn't he have enough sheep already, Miack? :P
<CM_Miack> Doh ! oh yeah
* Werdna_LB sings "maybe I'm crazy...maybe I'm lazy...baby, AMAZE ME!!!"
<CM_Miack> he isnt even alive he's dead
<CM_Miack> lol

<CM_Miack> nooooo
<Werdna_LB> what's wrong Miack? just found out who your father is?
<CM_Miack> no
* CM_Miack already knows its the milkman
<Werdna_LB> that's why you have strong bones
<CM_Miack> yup
<Werdna_LB> I'm the postman's kid...I always come on time
* CM_Miack gets some cardboard cut-outs of himself and puts them around the room
<CM_Miack> now you will never forget what I look like
* CMDR_Ast knows that his father was a bull
<CMDR_Ast> so i have VERY strong bones

* CMDR_Ast plays old macdonald-anon Stereo
<CMDR_Ast> on his mouth organ
<CMDR_Ast> not
<Werdna_LB> I've just swopped the ringer on my sisters mobile phone to "old macdonald" :o)
<CM_Miack> thats lame
<CMDR_Ast> gawd

* Werdna_LB sings some more "we got stars directing our fate...and we're praying it's not too late...coz we know we're falling from grace...Millennium!"
* Werdna_LB dances along too
* `T kills LB
* Werdna_LB kills 'T back
* Jourdain says u cant dance when ur dead
* `T breaks LB's Legs
* Werdna_LB is dead AND dancing
* `T pokes LB
* Werdna_LB sings "pimpin' ain't easy...most of them fleece me...every night..."
* Werdna_LB continues "pimpin' ain't easy...but if you're selling it...it's alright!!!"

<Werdna_LB> cool, do you all kick each other and stuff?
<AlexFoley> Werdna - Yep
<AlexFoley> Lots of fun :)

<Werdna_LB> from the MI:2 song by Limp Bizkit: "I know why you wanna hate me!...I know why you wanna hate me!............coz I'm a gimp"
<`T> lol

<Werdna_LB> at last, my work is done...I can talk proper now...
<Werdna_LB> ...so what do you all wanna talk about?
<`T> what "work"?
<Flelm> Work?
<Werdna_LB> you know...stuff
<CMDR_Ast> work
<CMDR_Ast> scarey
* CMDR_Ast runs off
<Ford> Heh
<`T> "Stuff"...You've lost me now
<Werdna_LB> I just had some e-mails and things to do...that's all

* Flelm thinks of a way to get Satai some excitement. :P
<Werdna_LB> hehe...sorry, just my dirty mind at work back at that last line
* Bubbs giggles
<Ford> lol :P
<Flelm> Not a problem. :P
<Werdna_LB> "Carry On" films has destroyed my innocent mind :(
<Satai> Lemme hear your ideas Flelm.... :)
<Ford> ew :P
* Ford prays they don't involve sheep, cows, llamas or Boy George.

<Werdna_LB> what kind of football...soccer or some other crap?
<^^VA_WW^^> Andrew, i'm from America, what other kind of football is there?
<`T> other crap LB
<VA_Slade> Soccer!
<VA_Slade> heh
<Werdna_LB> Yankee footballs just rugby with padding...wimps!
<^^VA_WW^^> no, i'm a Wide Reciever and Inside Linebacker
<VA_Slade> It's alot slower and about 200 extra lbs per player too.
<`Ace> rugby and american football are quite a bit different
* Ford chuckles
<^^VA_WW^^> sorry if we're too intellegent to not wanna lose teeth, break bones, and just get injured badly, as often as you brits are
<Werdna_LB> yeah, rugby's just different enough to be reasonably good
<Flelm> WW: Wide Reciever? Did you use to be a Tight End? :P Sorry guys, but I had to...
<^^VA_WW^^> what's that supposed to mean, Flelm?
<Flelm> Nothing... nothing at all.
<Ford> Good one, Flelm. :P
<AD-Slage> LOL
* Ford actually hadn't heard that one before ;P
* Ford chuckles again/.

<Werdna_LB> I think I may go watch a film now ("movie" if you're american)
<`Quake> lol
<Ricaud> Motion picture, foo. :P
<M-Shower> heh
<`Quake> flick
<M-Shower> we americans call them film
<Ford> heh
* Ford hacks off one of Ricaud's limbs.
<M-Shower> I took a film class last year
<LT_Devon> Cinem? =P
<`Quake> M, he was joking??!!
<M-Shower> ah
<VA_Slade> No.. I say "let's go watch a movie"
<LT_Devon> Cinema? =P
<M-Shower> I'm just saying
<Werdna_LB> who was joking?
<Werdna_LB> :o)
<Ford> No, we Americans say "Let's watch a bunch of women prancing about wearing next-to-nothing, speaking unintelligble nonsense, with very gross and lame stunts, lots of expensive special effects that are supposed to replace a storyline"
<M-Lunch> yeah!
<M-Lunch> :P
<Werdna_LB> help me decide...Star Trek:Insurrection or James Bond: Goldfinger
<Flelm> What's that? Professional wrestling? :P
<Ford> Add in senseless violence isntead of special effects and yes, Flelm :P
<AD-Slage> More like intelligent, Andrew Eeble.
<Ford> Insurrection kinda sucked.
<`Ace> GoldFiiiiiiiiinger!
<M-Lunch> Goldfinger
* Ford has yet to see Goldfinger.
<Werdna_LB> it's Keeble actually, XWA wouldn't let me add that letter in my name
<Flelm> Goldfinger.
<M-Lunch> Goldfinger....he's the man....the man with the Midas touch!
<M-Lunch> :p
<CPTCalvin> ...
<Werdna_LB> that seems to be decided then...goldfinger it is!
<Werdna_LB> well, goodbye everyone...if you're lucky I may be back tomorrow :o)
<`Quake> yay! :P
<Werdna_LB> actually, just a few more minutes because my e-mails have just screwed up :(
<Ford> Heh
<Werdna_LB> damn Hotmail!
* Ford needs to get off to build a shelf and watch B5: In the Beginning
<Flelm> Babylon 5? :P Bleh.
<Ricaud> Watch Crusade. It's much better. :P
<Werdna_LB> you can have more fun with a carrot than watching Crusade.........really!
<Ford> B5 > Ford > Crusade > Flelmypies > New Kids on the Block > Marie Osmond > Ricaud
<Satai> Eyh! B5: ITB is great!
<Faethor> i go now
<Werdna_LB> go do you...bye
<`T> ...
<Flelm> What the hell was that? The six degrees of Ric? :P

* Werdna_LB is deciding his entire future right now (choosing University)
* MAJ_Ford makes some racket to disrupt his concentration
<Lander> Werdna:choose Stafford
<Stalker5> Werdna_LB, your in clearing too?
<Stalker5> or deciding for next year?
<CPTCalvin> Calvin College :P
<Werdna_LB> next year
<Werdna_LB> ...I may go to IWATS :o)
<`T> Stafford!
<Stalker5> cool
<MAJ_Ford> Werdna..
<Lander> My friend needed 14 points for Teeside. He got 6 and they let him in.
<MAJ_Ford> Move to the U.S. and go to Rodgers State University. :P
<Werdna_LB> I may be going to Teeside, to learn how to make computer games
<CPTCalvin> Go to Calvin College, I think it was voted the first or second most "stone-cold" college in the U.S. :P
<Lander> I'm going to stafford this year
<Ace_Pilot> Stupid college!
<Ace_Pilot> Stupid SATs!
<Lander> cuase it's cool
<`T> Yeah, Stafford is ok I s'pose
<Werdna_LB> I'm trying to limit my Universities to the UK...sorry
* CPTCalvin was joking :P
<CPTCalvin> Ace: yes
<Ace_Pilot> k
<`T> er...no, But still the closer to me it is, the better the universities get :P
<Lander> I had teeside on my list of 6
<Stalker5> Anyone going to Hull?
<Lander> But I visited Teeside and it sucked
<Manesh> who wants to go to college?
<Lander> The Uni was ok. but I didn't like the local area
<Manesh> go to College Park, so you can meet me :P
<`T> yeah, they Speak, Newcastle-ish there :P
<Ace_Pilot> Ewww
<Ace_Pilot> I think I might wanna go to Columbia
<MAJ_Ford> Rodgers State = A local community college where only people over 45 who want to get some pitiful degree go :P
<Ace_Pilot> or Stanford
<Lander> and it was a 4 hour drive
<Ace_Pilot> Either way I'm happy.
<LT_ARGYLE> I do.. but i already graduated at it.
<MAJ_Ford> Ace...
<MAJ_Ford> Go to St. Johns in New Mexico. :P
* `T pokes LB
<Lander> I screwed up my a levs and have to do a HND now.
<Werdna_LB> Teeside don't speak "Newcastle-ish"...they're more Yorkshire really
<Ace_Pilot> St. Johns eh?
<Ace_Pilot> Nah
<Stalker5> Lander, same here :P
<Ace_Pilot> I need a good college :)
* Werdna_LB tells Tom to stop pokeing him in the "special spot"
<Stalker5> Actually... mines a Foundation course I think
<MAJ_Ford> For the shock value, Ace...
<Lander> stalker: where you going?
<Stalker5> I think I'm gonna Accept Hull
<Ace_Pilot> nah
<MAJ_Ford> "Mom, Dad, I'm gay and I'm going to St. Johns at New Mexico where they have no grades." :P
<Stalker5> either Hull or Liverpool
<Manesh> they don't have grades?
<Manesh> what's this?
<`T> gah...yorkshire-ish
<MAJ_Ford> They have no grades.
<Manesh> that's awesome!
<MAJ_Ford> You have to get a 'passed' rating on, like, three out of five of your courses to pass.
<Manesh> geez
<Manesh> that's awesome!
<MAJ_Ford> It has the largest homosexual student body in the U.S., too :P
<Manesh> gah
<Manesh> that doesn't help me :P
* MAJ_Ford doubts Manesh chances of getting a girl there... :P
<MAJ_Ford> Melon!
<Manesh> damn
<Ace_Pilot> Well anyway, Columbia sounds good.
<`T> heh
<M`> frod
<CPTMinkus> Don't go to College! Take some badly paid job instead >:P
<Ace_Pilot> Hmmm, nah.
<MindB_eat> heheh
<Ace_Pilot> Stanford is good too cause I can learn and get a tan.
* MindB_eat does both
<`T> yeah, McDonalds are crying out for unqualified Grease Slave
<`T> s
<Werdna_LB> yeah, I'm just going to work in McDonalds
<MindB_eat> i did those types of jobs b4
<MindB_eat> but got tired of the BS of it all
* MAJ_Ford could become a secretary if he wanted to right now... :P
<Ace_Pilot> I can't wait to be a Business Manager :)
<MindB_eat> getting no respect, shouting, working your ass off - no money
<MAJ_Ford> IRC pays off...
<MindB_eat> i now work for an architecture firm... a lot better
<Werdna_LB> it will be a simple life, and i won't have much money, but I think I would be happy making Burgers for McDonalds the rest of my natural life
<Manesh> I know it's sometime this month
<CPTMinkus> Funny... I put you down as a person with a positive IQ Werdna ;-)
<Werdna_LB> I do have a positive IQ, in fact my IQ is...
* Werdna_LB thinks
* Werdna_LB counts on his fingers
* Werdna_LB thinks some more
* Werdna_LB always has trouble with numbers with more than 1 digit..."erm, my IQ is more than 10"
<Ace_Pilot> This is a public service announcement, everyone needs to join the Senate cause it rocks...db.ehsenate.org...that is all
<Lander> Join the HF!
<Werdna_LB> got nothing to do!!! Then join the HF...you're activity won't change but at least your ID Line is longer!!!

<`Dingo> I know immature cause girls call me that all the time :P
<LT_ARGYLE> hehe
<Manesh> girls don't call me anything :P
<Manesh> that's what the problem is
<Manesh> :P
<LT_ARGYLE> well if you take hold of their breast and say "Honk honk"..
<LT_ARGYLE> well yeah..
<Manesh> gah
<`Kumba> lol
<Werdna_LB> I knew I was doing something wrong, argyle!
<LT_ARGYLE> lol werdna..

* LT_ARGYLE has watched to much married with children..
<Werdna_LB> I watched to much "married with children"...roughly five minutes of it
<`Dingo> Married with children is good cause Kelly is a hottie :P
* LT_ARGYLE likes "married with children.. " very much.. Mmm maybe a bit too much..
<Werdna_LB> argyle, if you like the show at all, then you like it too much

<`Kumba> MPAA just wants to enforce that electronics makers of newer VCR's and HDTV's have these copy protection mechanisms built in
<`Kumba> FCC was hoping it wouldn't have to intervene, and that the MPAA and electronics guys would wori it out
<`Kumba> so the FCC is accepting public input on the matter and will issue a ruling around Sep 14th
<`Dingo> Will they stop there? How about new computers with Mp3 or warez protection built in
<Manesh> the line must be drawn HERE! :P
<Werdna_LB> do you honestly think that anything could be Warez proof?
<`Kumba> as one Slashdot commenter went onto say, the TVs need to be built with MiB flasher thingies that flash at the end of each show, so that you cannot go and tell your best buddy what just happened, cause then your committing piracy :P
<`Dingo> Next they will say we can't view freaky animal porn on the net! Do you want to live in a world like that
<Manesh> heheh
<Manesh> that's just freaky
<MAJ_Ford> Dingo: Yes ;P
<Werdna_LB> Christ, no animal porn!!!
<`Dingo> everyone support http://www.squirrelsex.com/
<Manesh> gah
<Werdna_LB> it may drive people to actually do the act
<Manesh> gah
* Werdna_LB throws up
<LT_ARGYLE> hehe
<MAJ_Ford> Dingo: No :P
<`Dingo> btw, squirrelsex.com is a real aite :P
* MAJ_Ford writes his congressman to prohibit animal porn on the net :P
<`Sauron> :P
<`Sauron> yes Ford
* T-Dead likes Cake
* MAJ_Ford wants some cake.
<MAJ_Ford> mmm...chocolate cake...
<`Dingo> What kind of sick person doesn't like animal porn
<`Dingo> damn christians
* MAJ_Ford smacks Dingo upside the head with his Bible.
<Werdna_LB> mmm...cannabis cake...
<`Kumba> if you want animal porn, watch the Discovery Channel :P
* T-Dead petitions the Government to make him some cake
* MAJ_Ford sells his vote for a chocolate cake.
* Werdna_LB sells his soul for a chocolate cake
*** Lander is now known as LandAway
<LT_ARGYLE> why is that LB?
<T-Dead> bah...
* T-Dead gets his bible out too
<`Dingo> the animals on the discovery channel are kinda fast :P
<LT_ARGYLE> hehe
<Werdna_LB> I have to sell my soul, because I can't vote and thus can't sell it
* T-Dead sells LB for a Chocalate Cake
* Werdna_LB doesn't have a Bible
* Werdna_LB sells his body for chocolate cake
<`Dingo> oooo...bady check out these squirrels
* `Psyko thinks Dingo is having a sexuality crisis
* Werdna_LB thinks Dingo is having a sanity crisis
<`Psyko> Werdna_LB, one must be sane to have one of those
<`Kumba> his doll musta popped :P
<Werdna_LB> I'm not nuts...I used sanity towels to keep my brain normal :o)
<`Dingo> ah, all the library computers with squirrelsex.com loaded up on this :P
<T-Dead> what? Squirelsex.com?

<Werdna_LB> if I do a computing course at Durham it's likely I could get a job either with Microsoft or BT...how much would I be hated if I done that?
<`Dingo> bt?
<`Psyko> BT?
<Werdna_LB> British Telecom
<`Psyko> BAH
<`Psyko> BRITISH, BAH!
<Werdna_LB> ...the bane of UK internet users
<`Kumba> get niether :P
<`Dingo> I won't hate you too much if you hook me up with the windows code :P
<Werdna_LB> "hook you up"...what, you wanna date with Windows?
<LCM_Aeron> I won't hate you if I never get a bill from them!
<T-Dead> well, if you got a job at BT, I'd certainly hate you
<T-Dead> I haven't really had much problems with Microsoft
<`Dingo> yes Werdna, my perversion doesn't stop at squirells :P

*** T-Dead is now known as `Tom
<Werdna_LB> Tom has returned from the dead!!!
<Werdna_LB> arghh!!!
* Faethor fondles Tom's mullet
<`Sauron> ...
<Faethor> I still want a pic of that, big boy
<`Psyko> pray tell...what do be a mullet?
<Werdna_LB> "fondles"...that's a cool word :o)
<`Tom> damn right I have, foo'
<`Dingo> uhhhhh...
<Faethor> A mullet?
<Faethor> Hockey hair
<`Tom> bah...you bit it off
<Faethor> Camaro Hair
* `Dingo hopes a mullet isn't what he thinks it is
<Faethor> Short hair in the front and sides
<Faethor> Long hair in the back
<Faethor> www.mulletsgalore.com
<`Psyko> oh, that's gay :P
<Faethor> Enjoy.
<Werdna_LB> think early Kevin Cosner, Psyko
<Faethor> A mullet is a beautiful and wonderous thing
<`Tom> a Mullet be a great 1980's Haircut
<Faethor> There are many many types

* `Dingo has a marine hair cut
<`Dingo> almost none of the sides
<`Dingo> and some on the top
<Faethor> I have a buzzed head now
* `Psyko just goes for buzzes

* Werdna_LB is looking for a summer job as a games tester...anyone have any offers???
* CM_Miack wants that job
<`Dingo> uh, I have some old basic games you can test :P
* CM_Miack has......TIE yes you can test that if you want
<`Dingo> my favorite is my number guessing game with graphics

<Werdna_LB> does anyone know of any sites that have wesite links to computer game developers in the UK?
<Werdna_LB> *website
<`T> er...Eidos :P
<Astatine`> phone book.
<Werdna_LB> yeah, I haven't got around the the phone book yet (whoops :o)
<Royal> gamespot uk
<Astatine`> you know..
<Astatine`> that think book thing.
<Astatine`> with numbers and words in it.
<Astatine`> it can be very useful.
<`T> and its yellow, like the pretty flowers
<Astatine`> assuming your generation can still use a book.
<LCM_Wem> THAT is a phone book?!? :)
<Werdna_LB> I thought it was a doorstop, that's why it's on the doormat ???
<CMDR_Ast> hehe
<Werdna_LB> thanks for the help, I'll try all of them
<CMDR_Ast> I thought it was a free flirelighter packet
<CMDR_Ast> all those nice thin pages
<Astatine`> yes, yes, you're all very witty.
<`T> thanks
<CMDR_Ast> thats a first for me :P

* Werdna_LB juggles three ISDs for a laugh
* `T smacks LB
* Werdna_LB punches T`
* CMDR_Ast catches the ISDs before they hit the floor
<Werdna_LB> mind you don't catch the sharp end of the ship
<`T> gah...speel moi name roight
* `T Smacks BL
* CMDR_Ast catches the sharp end
<CMDR_Ast> owwwww
<Werdna_LB> you know what problems I have with names that only have one letter, Tom
<`T> eh?
<`T> I know nuffin
<Werdna_LB> who's nuffin and how do you know them?
* CMDR_Ast thinks that FRTs are easier to juggle, nice a regular shape, no pointy bits
<`T> gah...you don't know Nuffin, god, you should get out more

<`Dingo> hehe, AOL is doing a poll about medical marijuana
<`Dingo> mmmmmmmm...medical marijuana
<`Dingo> "Hold it chief, maybe it's medical" "OH! Yeah, without it, I could uh, go even blinder" -Simpsons
<CMDR_Ast> i need it, or my brain starts to work normally. and then i start to plot to take over the world....
<AD-Slage> God damn.. 

<`Dingo> when I conquer the US, spears all be my sex slave
<`Dingo> unless I find someone hotter
<`T> lol
<CPTFalcon> lol dingo
* WildKat needs sex slave
<Cato> heh
<Cato> see
<`Dingo> maybe then I could have 2 sex slaves
<Cato> Aguilera and Spears should have made out
<`Boromir`> lol
<Cato> that would have made the VMA worthwhile
<AD-Slage> WK, mail news@tiecorps.org and post a message about it. :P
<Ricaud> Dingo, you already have 2 sex slaves ... your left and right hands, respectively. :P
<`T> lol
<CMDR_Ast> hahahaha
<`Boromir`> hah
<CPTFalcon> heh
<AD-Slage> Respectively? :P
<`Dingo> hmmmm...
<WildKat> like any of you that are old enough would care Slage:P
<Werdna_LB> if I wasn't already a sex slave I could be available (damn that contract I signed)
<Cato> im a sex slave
<CMDR_Ast> hmm
<Cato> to my hands
<AD-Slage> How old are you looking for? Senior citizens? :P
<WildKat> married LB?
* `T smacks LB's Monkey Arse
<Cato> whenever they want it, i have to give it to them >:P
* WildKat posted a singles ad on www.socialnet.com :P
* CPTCalvin sighs.
<WildKat> 22-30
<AD-Slage> 22-30?
* `T pokes Calvin
<AD-Slage> Hm.
* CPTFalcon inches over to WK and then relizes he's only a Freshman and backs away LOL! j/k :)
<AD-Slage> I think Ric fits that. :P
<Werdna_LB> I have to go...my boss is calling for his bitch once more

* `T smacks LB
* Werdna_LB smacks Tom even harder
* `T counter-smacks Loser Boy
* Werdna_LB thinks a MOD should be made of "Counter-Smack"

* Werdna_LB is starting to loose whatever English skills he once had
* `T learned some great english skills today, like sentence Structure :)
* `T still. hasn't mastered. the Full-stops. part though.
* Werdna_LB had maths today..."I can almost count up to three!!!"
* Werdna_LB had maths today..."I can almost count up to three!!!"
<LT_Argyle> lol
<Werdna_LB> lol, Tom
* `T stares at LB with Awe
<`T> 3, you say
<`T> how far into the numbers thingy is that?
<Werdna_LB> around "infinity" I think ???
<`T> woooow
* `T can count up to 0
<Werdna_LB> I still have to use my fingers though...but I don't know why I have more fingers that I need
<`T> heh, cut them off
<Werdna_LB> good idea!
<`T> I dares you to eat one :)
* Werdna_LB cuts off his fingers with some rusty scissors
<Werdna_LB> I've lost my scissors :(
* Werdna_LB trys to bite his fingers off instead

<`T> oh, a Petrol Tanker
* `T crowds round the Petrol Tanker efforty-thing with some friends
<Werdna_LB> what is this thing called...petrol???
<Jourdain> yup
* `T stares at it like a zombie, and moans every so often
* Ricaud has set up a massive net in his street, and any petrol tankers which drive past will get caught in the net, and we shall storm them and take their precious fuel. :P
<Astatine> umm..
<Astatine> don't you..like..have those..you know..North Sea oil platforms? :P
<`T> I thought you lived in "Thar Hills" Ricaud
<Ricaud> Yeah.
<Astatine> how can you be having a petrol shortage? :P
<Ricaud> Which means we should have to pay more for our petrol.
<Ricaud> Because. :P
<Ricaud> Tony Blair is our PM. :P
<Astatine> heh
<Astatine> same here.
<Ricaud> Nothing logical makes sense. :P
<Werdna_LB> we have the petrol, it's just that we can't transport it
<Astatine> Australia produces enough oil to make petrol for itself.
<Astatine> yet, the Australian oil is sold at the same inflated world price to keep "parity"
<Ricaud> Because there's a farmer standing outside a refinery somewhere blocking the trucks, and the police are too afraid to politely move him away. So the UK is going back to the Dark Ages. :P
<Astatine> whatever the hell that means :P
<Werdna_LB> yeah, but they have to put up with living upside-down though
<`T> I don't see what all the hype is about this petrol stuff, I bought some the other day, but it doesn't taste too brilliant
<^Kumba> US has to import it's own, and it's not OPEC's fault we're having high gas prices, it's cause the idiot gas companies are raising the price of refinement :P
<Ricaud> ROFL Tom
<Astatine> lol
<^Kumba> lol
<Werdna_LB> heh
* Astatine gives Tom a 10/10 :P
<Ricaud> Genius, Tom. Pure genius. Like a diamond-tipped bullet straight through the forehead. :P
* Werdna_LB gives Tom a 10...but I'm not saying what out of
<`T> gah...my creativity for witty comments has worn out now, though
* Werdna_LB points to his forehead while looking in awe at Tom
<Astatine> it's funny with everyone bitching about petrol prices here..
<Astatine> 50% of the price here is taxes.
<Ricaud> Next they're going to have farmers blockading the telephone lines and refusing to let the signals past. :P
<Jourdain> yup
<LT_Argyle> well i got a real big storage left..--> because of the millenium bug precosions..
<`T> heh
<Astatine> the government's reaction? "Well, we actually tax less than most countries, so you should be glad you live here" :P
<Werdna_LB> farmers WOULD do that, Ric

* Ricaud wants to live in Australia. But only because he might have a better chance of seeing Natalie Portman. :P
<Jourdain> :)
<Astatine> :P
<`T> but Ric, Australia has nothing else decent about it
<Werdna_LB> I've seen Natalie Portman!!!...admittedly on TV, but I still enjoyed it
<Ricaud> Gah ... I can't believe how many Australian/NZ actors and actresses they cast ... Episode II is just going to end-up like a feature-length episode of Home and Away. :P
<`T> thats evident in such TV Gems like "Rex Hunts Fishing Adventures"
<Ricaud> Rex Hunt is cool! :P
* Astatine shudders - home and away
* `T pokes Ric
<Ricaud> As is that Steve-guy-whose-name-I-can't-remember who guys around poking snakes. :P
<`T> Rex hunt is anything but Cool
<`T> Steve Irwin
<Ricaud> That's the one!
<Ricaud> He's frigging amazing.
<`T> he's ok
<Werdna_LB> they'll all be having Bonza Burgers in the next SW
<`T> but Rex Hunt is a tw*t
<Werdna_LB> I prefer Rex Hunt's brother...Mike
<Ricaud> "Look at this mate, it's a great bloody big snake! Crikey mate, he looks a bit annoyed ... I'll poke him with a stick and see if that helps calm him down."
<`T> eh?
<Astatine> lol
<`T> "Hey, It bit me the little Devil, I'll just stand here anyway, and die from poison"
<Jourdain> lol
<Ricaud> *Cue Steve Irwin poking the snake. Suddenly there is a blur of movement, screaming, and the camera falls to the ground. All that is heard is the sound of feet running into the distance, and Irwin's last desperate gurgles of breath*
<`T> heh
<Werdna_LB> "I'm gonna sneak up behind that snake and stick my thumb right up it's butt-hole, and that should REALLY piss it off"
<LCM_Wem> :P
<Ricaud> LOL
<Ricaud> Oh, and Bush Tucker Man, when he was on Channel 4 in the afternoons. He rocked. :P
<Astatine> I hope he dies someday.
<Astatine> you get the Bush Tucker Man? :P
<`T> Bush Tucker Man, lol, that rocked
<Ricaud> We got the Bush Tucker Man a few years ago, but they stopped it. :-(
<Astatine> ah
<`T> Driving Round Australia constantly eating Worms and saying "Good Tucker Mate"
<`T> "There Should be some good Tucker up this Cows Arse, mate"
<Ricaud> Don't diss the Bush Tucker Man. :P
<Werdna_LB> I think that Dame Edna Everage (didn't spell that right, did I?) is in the next Star Wars
<Werdna_LB> ...or is that just me lying again
* `T was almost sick while watching a certain "Bush Tucker Man" Episode
<`T> thats you lying, LB
<Werdna_LB> damn, I must stop doing that!
* Werdna_LB turns his head upside-down to know what it feels like to be in Australia

<Ricaud> Mind you ... Bush Tucker Man may be bad, but British TV produces worse rubbish. :P
<Ricaud> Case in point ... Family Fortunes. :P
<`T> and Wheel of Fortune, thats Toss too
<Werdna_LB> ...that Nude gameshow
<Jourdain> that is crap.. but it is normal crap
<`T> and soaps
<`T> and...and...
<Jourdain> game shows are suposed to be crap
<Ricaud> Family Fortunes is a showcase for the biggest inbred 'tards in Britain. :P
<`T> heh
<Ricaud> They get the most stupid people on it ...
<Ricaud> And some of the answers.
<Ricaud> "Name a country, other than Great Britain, where English is the main language," asks Les Dennis ...
<`T> Turkey
<Ricaud> "Err, Germany," says Captain Divvo of the Mongoloid Family. :P
<Ricaud> UH-AWWWW
<Werdna_LB> hey...I've been on Family Fortunes!!!
<Ricaud> "Something you can eat," asks Les Dennis.
<`T> Ric, have you seen that episode where the guy says "Turkey" for every answer
<Ricaud> "A drum!" replies Captain Divvo. :P
<Ricaud> "A shade of blue," Les desperately searches for an answer. :P
<Ricaud> "Er ... red ... reddy-blue."
* `T smacks Ric
<Ricaud> UH-AWWW
<Ricaud> But even worse than that is Ainsley Harriot. :P
<Werdna_LB> that was me too, "Captain Divvo"
<`T> Ric, have you seen that episode where the guy says "Turkey" for every answer?
<Ricaud> I swear one day Ainsley Harriot's head is just going to explode on live television, a la "Scanners". :P
<Ricaud> No Tom. :P
<`T> gah...
<`T> it was a proper episode too
<Ricaud> ROFL
<`T> "name something you would take to the Beach
<`T> Contestant "Turkey"
<Ricaud> LOL
<Ricaud> "Name something VERY small."
<Ricaud> "A turkey ...
<`T> he actually got a question right too
<Ricaud> "A turkey living in a bungalow, Les."
<Ricaud> UH-AWWWW :P
<`T> the question was "Name something you'll eat for Sunday Dinner"
<Werdna_LB> he was just playing the odds...if asked a million questions, Turkey would be the answer to at least one of them
<Ricaud> LOL
<`T> yeah, but he was asked 5
<LCM_Wem> a... tuna.
<`T> it was funny, cause his family were looking at him in disgrace
<Ricaud> They could take somebody in a coma on a life support machine from out of hospital, put them on Family Fortunes, and they'd probably win the bloody thing. :P
<`T> heh
<Ricaud> "Name a type of vehicle."
<Ricaud> *Drool*
<Ricaud> BING!
<`T> "Trolley"
<Werdna_LB> petrol tanker!
<`T> "This Stretcher thing I'm on"
<Werdna_LB> my feet!
<`T> "The pixies that carry me about"
<Werdna_LB> a turkey...well I use them anyway
<`T> heh

<Rinny> Ok, here's a little question out of curiosity.
<Rinny> Are there any girls in here?
<Bran> Rinny, where you from?
<Werdna_LB> well, I'm not...and anyone in #tiecorps will know that now, Rinny
<VitCarp> I see at least two
* Mairin hides behind Astatine and Karva
<Rinny> I remember when I used to sim, at one point I was the only girl in the entire uni.
<Rinny> It was neat. ^_^
<Mairin> oh... Rinny's female?
<Rinny> Yeah.
* Bran watches the channel perk up
<Mairin> phew. i can come out of hiding now
<Rinny> Hehe.
<Werdna_LB> we still don't know if she's not interested in you, Mairin
<Bran> Why Mai, you think us manly brutes will harm you or something?
<Rinny> I don't swing that way. :P
* Mairin glares at Brandy. STFU bout that
* Bran thinks about retaliating.....then stops thinking
<Werdna_LB> that's so easy for you to do, Bran!
<Bran> well, stupidity does come naturally for me
<Werdna_LB> it's a talent :o)
<Rinny> Bran... that's an interesting name.
* Rinny goes off to find some headphones. BRB
<Bran> It's actually Brandon but I have to settle for a brand of cereal when my normal nice is not available
<`T> ..
<Rinny> Ouch, that sucks. ^_^
<Rinny> I just use a variety of names such as Queen Rinny, Goddess Rinny... etc. ^_^
<Astatine`> Rinny is a chick?
<Rinny> YES.
<Werdna_LB> people call me names like that too...but I don't think they're being nice, Rinny
<Rinny> We've been through that. ;P
<Astatine`> and here I was thinking "he" was another pervert looking for chicks to harass
<`T> LB, you female?
<Werdna_LB> no, Tom
<Astatine`> based upon the "Are there any females in here?" comment
<Rinny> Astatine: I was just making sure I wasn't alone. ;)
* Werdna_LB is thinking about killing Tom
<Astatine`> ah
<`T> So....you are female?
<`T> >:)
*** VarZoraan has joined #Emperor's_Hammer
* Werdna_LB smacks Tom into next week
<Werdna_LB> yo Var!
<VarZoraan> hey Werndna!
<Werdna_LB> got a bit carried away with my name there, Var
<`T> lol
<Werdna_LB> bye everyone, I must leave
<Werdna_LB> sorry, I couldn't chat to you Var :(
<`T> :P
<Werdna_LB> I'm even more sorry that I had to chat to Tom :o)
<`T> ...
<`T> Damn you Loser B...something
*** Disconnected

<WildKat> petrol prices still high?
<Ramos> hell yes
<`T> yeah...I think so
<Werdna_LB> higher than before to be honest
<Mairin> hey've gone up by 4p per litre
<WildKat> geez
* `T pats his trusty Bus
<Werdna_LB> you own a bus, Tom?!?!?
<`T> er......
<`T> yes, of course I do
<`T> its...um...red
<Werdna_LB> cool!
<`T> ;-)
<`T> and its got big spikes welded to it
<WildKat> hmm
<`T> and if I put a Cd in it, the Horn plays that tune
* Werdna_LB is highly gulible and believes anything
<Werdna_LB> WOW!
<`T> and...and...
<`T> and it can fly
<WildKat> umm Tom you ok?
<`T> of course I'm ok, why wouldn't I be ok
* `T twitches
<WildKat> i dunno
<Werdna_LB> ...it can fly...what, like the "magic school bus"?
<`T> yeah!
* WildKat gives Tom a sedative
<`T> and it speaks to me

<LSky> see, a system with 5 gigabytes of RAM :P
<LSky> and 17 gigabytes of virtual memory. :P
<Werdna_LB> I have lots of memory, like the time I went to the beach, my first day at school, etc, etc
<`T> wow, you must really have a good memory
* `T can't remember his first day at school
* LSky remembers. first day at HUT at least.
<`T> Well, High school yeah, but not primary school
<Werdna_LB> I can't remember either, I'm just a compulsive liar
* `T smacks LB
<Werdna_LB> ...in fact, I can't even remember what I had for dinner
<`T> I can remember being the class bully though
* `T rocked!
<LSky> yay, still in Panel A :P
<Werdna_LB> I can remember whan I stood up to a class bully
<Werdna_LB> ...and also the kicking I got
<`T> haw haw
* `T is working on becoming the class bully again >:)
* WildKat could beat up the class bully

<AD-Karva> Yo WildKat, sup?
<WildKat> not much
<WildKat> supposed to do homework
<AD-Karva> :)
<WildKat> umm instead discussing a possible date tonight:P
<AD-Karva> ooooh .... :o)
<WildKat> actually i might get to be a bad girl tonight if things work out:P
<AD-Karva> nice

<Werdna_LB> there is a newsgroup on the British Fuel Crisis!
<Werdna_LB> what the hell is the point of that?
<`T> heh
<VACoursca> Bleh.
<abk> lol
<abk> :-p
<abk> theres a newsgroup for everything :-p
<abk> like,
<`T> Tahdoiy that thar Fue-el Protests Woir Cencelled (/Farmer)
<abk> alt.sex.asts.lesbian.porn
<`T> lol

*** Faethor has quit IRC (NewYork-R.NY.US.Undernet.Org Dallas-R.Tx.US.Undernet.org)
<WildKat> yay it took Fae!:P
<`T> wah...
* `T cries for the loss of Fae, and all his Fae Goodness
<Ace_Pilot> weeeee!
<Manesh> gah
<WildKat> Tom you like Fae?
<`T> Fae Rockz!
<`T> :P
<WildKat> hehe

* SithRage give Ricaud a few liters of petrol
* Ricaud drinks the petrol. :P
* CrazyR2 lights a match
* CrazyR2 hands to Ricaud
<CrazyR2> here, eat this. :P
* Ricaud swallows the match. :P
* CrazyR2 runs quickly out of the room
*** Ricaud has quit IRC (BOOOOOOOOM!)
<CrazyR2> hehe
<Werdna_LB> hehe
<Psyko> lol
<LCM_Kyle> heh 
<CrazyR2> hmm
* CrazyR2 scrounges around in the remains of Ricaud
* CrazyR2 acquires his WC tag and COL tag
* CrazyR2 wears them
<CrazyR2> Bwahaha!
<CrazyR2> :P
* Night_Hwk shoots R2 for impersonating an officer :P
* Darkheart smacks Crazy silly
<Werdna_LB> Crazy, that's how Ric rose to power too!!!

* `Kumba summons a loveable, huggable, gay carebear and directs it at Psyko, at which time, the carebear uses Psyko for many perverse pleasures, most of which are unmentionable :P
<Psyko> oh god
<Psyko> `Kumba, that's a new low for you :P
<`Kumba> as demonstrated, Psyko enjoys it, the statement "oh god" was a gasp of pleasure :P
<AbK-ZZzzz> lol
<Psyko> not quite :P
<Werdna_LB> it's a new world record by Kumba there!
* Psyko rapes Kumba
<Col-Shik> gay carebear?
<Col-Shik> thats... scary
<Werdna_LB> arghh!!!!!! mental image!!!!!
<AbK-ZZzzz> hehe :-p
* Werdna_LB is disturbed
<Psyko> lol
* `Kumba laughs as his hologram self disappears and reappears elsewhere, and it turns out Psyko is raping a shop vac :P
<Psyko> Gah!
* `Kumba then causes the shop vac to turn on high :P
<AbK-ZZzzz> LOL!!!
<Col-Shik> i mean, hell.. what if grumpy was really mad at you in the shower and tried for some "payback"
<AbK-ZZzzz> ROFL!
<Psyko> lol
* Psyko screams

<LT_Argyle> heya werdna
<Werdna_LB> hey argyle
<LT_Argyle> what is up werdna?
<Werdna_LB> the sky, argyle
<HerrSlage> Heh.. "what is up".
<HerrSlage> Must be European.
<LT_Argyle> lol
<LT_Argyle> yeah
<LT_Argyle> belgian
<HerrSlage> Ah..
<HerrSlage> Hercule Poirot.
<LT_Argyle> :)
<Werdna_LB> is there anything else famous from Belgium???
<Werdna_LB> ...apart from our Argyle here :o)
<LT_Argyle> beer: stella
<LT_Argyle> chocolate
<LT_Argyle> saxophone
<LT_Argyle> :)
<LT_Argyle> West front in WWI
<LT_Argyle> Jean claude vandamme
<LT_Argyle> judokas..
<Werdna_LB> whoo...plenty of stuff
<Werdna_LB> you learn something new everyday!
<LT_Argyle> antwerp is famous too.. second biggest european port.. almost equally large as amsterdam..
<Werdna_LB> you can stop showing off now, argyle!
<LT_Argyle> manneken piss is from brussels..
<LT_Argyle> had to say that..
<Werdna_LB> do brussel sprouts come from belgium too?

<WildKat> wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee SPLAT!
<LT_Argyle> what happend wildkat?
<WildKat> nothing gave Rose a bath
<Werdna_LB> I thought you jumped from a high building, Wildkat
<LT_Argyle> aah

* WildKat has a j/s up for sale
<TurtleXiV> haha
<TurtleXiV> WildKat: what kind?
<WildKat> percision pro
<WildKat> hardly used
<WildKat> i quit gaming:P
<WildKat> all i play now is mech3
<WildKat> and i use keyboard for it
<HerrSlage> Precision Pro?
<LT_Argyle> i'm playing close combat 4 at the moment.. my new comp broke down..
<Werdna_LB> bah...you can't turn your back on us pilots for ever, WildKat
<HerrSlage> Heh.
<WildKat> i was never a pilot
<WildKat> i'm a grunt:)
<LT_Argyle> close combat 4 = battle of the bulge.. also in Belgium
<Werdna_LB> okay, you just grunt away then
<WildKat> hehe
<LT_Argyle> grunt?
<LT_Argyle> as in ground trooper?
<HerrSlage> Peon. :P
<WildKat> grunt = foot soldier
<WildKat> yep
<TurtleXiV> infantry
<WildKat> poor me
<Werdna_LB> I just occasionally grunt
<LT_Argyle> lol
<TurtleXiV> hmm
<WildKat> i occasionally hiss, growl and sometimes purr :)
<WildKat> not offhand dearie
<Werdna_LB> I like to feel like I'm flying more often

<Nikolai> what kinda car you got
<WildKat> 85 olds cutlass ciera:P
<WildKat> needed gas:P
<Nikolai> cant beat my 73 ford mustang lx
* CM_Miack go's to Nikolais house for a toke
<SithRage> I have a 73 mercedees benz 300 at the moment its on its last legs...but its my favorite car I have had
<Nikolai> i need an engine
<Nikolai> yeah
<SithRage> its yellow with yellow rims
<WildKat> i don't want your mustang
* CM_Miack gets in his Skoda
<Nikolai> hehe
<WildKat> the old mustangs got a problem with exploding
* CM_Miack revs the engine and kills everyone with fumes
<Werdna_LB> my Fiesta has to be run like the cars on the Flintstones
<CM_Miack> lol
<Nikolai> i know why you think i need a engine
* CM_Miack races LB
<Nikolai> the other one exploded
<Nikolai> really
<CM_Miack> Skoda V Fiesta
<WildKat> the gas tank exploded?
<CM_Miack> you eat it ?
<Nikolai> yeah
<WildKat> <------knows alot bout cars for a woman:P
<Nikolai> my car blew up
<Nikolai> kinda
<WildKat> eeep
* Werdna_LB out-runs Miack's skoda in his Fiesta...literally
<Nikolai> there was a little hole
<Nikolai> and some sparks went off my tires
<CM_Miack> me crys
<SithRage> <--- Knows a lot about cars but not enough about women
<CM_Miack> argh 
<Nikolai> and than on the axle
<WildKat> SR : hehe
<Nikolai> and than boom
<Nikolai> little fire
<CM_Miack> I dont even have a car I own a Motorbike >:)
<Nikolai> in the car
<Nikolai> and i jump out
<WildKat> :(
<SithRage> I want a Tractor
<Nikolai> and my gas melts my engine
<Nikolai> and than pop!
<CM_Miack> lol
<Nikolai> it explodes
<WildKat> you can get Ford to fix that prob you know
<CM_Miack> they have a name for that Nikolai its call knackered 

<WildKat> anyway i goina run for a bit
<ShadwHawk> cya
<WildKat> need broceries:P
<Werdna_LB> bye
<ShadwHawk> ick
<WildKat> groceries even
<Astatine> hey SH
<LT_Argyle> cya
<LT_Argyle> wk
<ShadwHawk> hello Ast
<Gavron> Evening
<WildKat> ick?
<WildKat> grocery shopping is fun
<ShadwHawk> grocery shopping - ick - not my favorite way to spend an afternoon
<Werdna_LB> or any other time
<WildKat> better than hearing Rose cry
<WildKat> anyway
<ShadwHawk> try it with my twelve-year-old daughter! "Hey mommy look, Bugs Bunny chip clips!"
<Werdna_LB> I'm just like that when I go to the shops :o)
<`T> ...
<`T> a 12 yr old says stuff like that?
<`T> lol LB
<ShadwHawk> well .. I am paraphrasing
<ShadwHawk> but every little stupid thing we don't need grabs her attention
<Werdna_LB> yep, I'm so like that too
<LSky> good
* `T stares at LB
* `T sighs
<ShadwHawk> well there's a time to browse, but NOT when I want something for dinner SOON

*** Topic is ':: Coursca is gonna get a thrashin' from the FC REAL SOON! | http://www.geocities.com/lovewilkil/hammer68.zip ::'
*** Set by Tron- on Wed Sep 20 06:25:29
<Mairin> What's Coursca getting a thrashing about?
<Ford> Join the rest of us in wondering. :P
<`Ace> i'd put my money on ops abuse :P
<`Maverick> Mairin, I can't remember...I was there when Ronin put that up there
<Mairin> hmmm...
<Werdna_LB> he probably paid for it..."thrash me, baby...yeah"
<AD_Pri> lol
* Ford fwds that comment to Ronin. :P
<Mairin> lol!
<Werdna_LB> go on...I'm not scared!
<`Kumba> Take 1 part Coursca, mix with 2 part smartass attitude, add 1 idiot who hates Ronin, and about 5 channel loggers, blend on medium speed, and bake at 450F for 35 minutes oruntil light golden brown :P
<AD_Karva> <`Ace> i'd put my money on ops abuse :P <-- It's aint this. Im telling you that :)
<AD_Karva> its gonna be interesting when Cour actually comes in here
* Mairin flings herself at Karva's feet and abjectly BEGS to know what's happening!
<Mairin> :P
<`Ace> ok, so it's not ops abuse....what does cour do that more annoying that ops abuse?
<Mairin> he's Coursca Ace. :P
<`Kumba> think for a minute about Cour :P
<`Ace> heh
<Ford-Eat> Did he do any of his pop-ups to Ronin?
<`Ace> well, as far as i knew u couldn't be demoted for an ego larger than the enitre eh
<Ford-Eat> Cour?
<Ford-Eat> Ego?!?
<Ford-Eat> You insult the very word, Ace.
<`Kumba> unless your a skitzophrenic rabid lab monkey, it shouldn't be too hard to figure whats wrong with Cour :P
<Mairin> lol
<Ford-Eat> Cour has no ego.
<Ford-Eat> Hey, Basia.
<AD_Karva> Cour HAS A HUGE EGO
<AD_Karva> ;)
<`Ace> part of the prob is maturity i believe (although i have to admit we all (especially me) act immature at some points)
* Werdna_LB is a skitzophrenic rabid lab monkey...so don't make fun!!!
<Ford-Eat> Karva...compared to Wing II...you jest. :P
<WildKat> i can't say
<AD_Karva> Ford - Good point :o)
<WildKat> it's classified
<`Kumba> lets say Cour's ego is like Donitz's ego...both are almost of same volume, however, Donitz's ego is heavier cause he can (or used to) be able to back it up :P
<`Kumba> Cour is just a bubble of gas commonly found in the large colon :P
<AD_Karva> lol
<`Maverick> well I'm off for band. 
<Werdna_LB> I just thought it was larger because he's more "dense"
* Ford-Eat has no colon, and therefore wouldn't know. :P

* Werdna_LB must go now...nothing good ever lasts forever
<`T> muhaa ha ha >:-)
<Sarriss> later LB
* `T pokes LB
<Werdna_LB> bye, and Tom, don't poke me in my special area!
* WildKat pokes LB
<`T> >:-)
<`T> later LB
<Werdna_LB> bye