Super Bombad Racing

“You like Star Wars? You like Mario Kart? Then you’ll love this!!!”

Okay, that probably won’t be the line used on the adverts, but it will be truer than anything else they may think up. Yes, this is big-head cartoon racing, using characters and scenes from Star Wars: Episode 1.

You may laugh when I say this but I honestly believe that the developers, Lucas Learning, are on to a winner. Lucas Learning are famous for education titles such as Droid Works, but now they are going out for full fun for the kiddies and I’m very excited by the prospect of it myself.

In the game you can compete as 8 of the main characters from the film, including Yoda, Boss Nass and Darth Maul, all with different strengths and weaknesses. There will also be masses of power-ups to help you along on each track.

Super Bombad Racing is set to be the game that SWE1: Racer should have been. It’s just going to be pure, mindless fun!!!


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