Well, I got idea. 
It is about pilots which stays in one squad theirs entire career. Maybe there should be some profit for it. ( just like in NBA ) For example, FM can be LCM, FL CPT and CMDR COL. Maybe we should rise first two.

For example FM to CM and FL to MAJ. But only for pilots which stays in theirs home squad entire career.

It could be good award for their work.

What ya think?

FL/CM Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski/Crusader 3-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
Wing Commander's Own [August, September] '00
COM's Protector Aug '00

Well CMDR can get COL if I recall, but you need to wait 6 months as LC.

Onto the other two, how would you judge this? All it would be doing is adding 
more ranks, but with VERY LONG wait requirements, which could be served in 
useful positions not rotting as an inactive FM, and believe me VERY FEW 
deserving people would remain FM, as they'd either
1. Have gone somewhere better due to talent
2. Be inactive so rotted as A FM.

CMDR-SCOA/CPT Goatham/Fury/Avenger Wing II/SSD Avenger [TIE-BOP-XWA]
[LGNR] [Marksman-1st] [XA-A]
SW Goatham (Sith)/AED/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow,


Loyalty is indeed a great thing. Ford's been a member of the TIE Corps for 
approximately a year and four months; all time served being in the same 
squadron. He's been every rank so far, going from FM/SL, to FM/LCM, to 
FL/CPT, and now CMDR. 
Loyalty is, however, it's own reward. That, and the respect, dignity, and 
recognition that comes to it. 
You don't do any special work by staying in the same squadron; heck, if your 
squadron that you were assigned to initially sucks or you have problems with 
it, by all means, transfer. 
If a CMDR, WC, COM or whomever feels that a certain pilot has demonstrated 
exceptional loyalty and enthusiasm towards the wing / ship, it's their 
prerogative to commend them, or maybe award them a medal, or something like 
that. But promotions are deserved because of work you have done. It takes 
loyalty but no special talents or skills to stay in the same squadron, and 
talent and skills is what gets you promotion. As Ford's past WCs have said, 
promotions are a commitment to continue serving to the best of your 
abilities, not a reward. When you are promoted, you are pledging that you 
will continue in the same capacity you have in the past, not being given a 
license to slack off because you've reached your goal of becoming COL or 


CMDR/MAJ Ford Prefect/Psi/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
[ISMx16][PCx2][BS][OV][MOC - 
SoCx9-BoCx4-PoCx5-GoCx2][CoB][HUSS][LoAx2][IWATS-SM 1/2-IIC-1/2]

Well. I don't know how it is in another squad, Some pilots don't want to
leave his squad for rank only.
That's why I want them to be awarded. Some of people are not rank runners.
They don't want to get CMDR before CM.
I'm in Crusaders Squadron. We've got excellent pilots here. And don't want
to leave it. Just like others.
We're the best in the wing, maybe entire Battle Group. I'm in the FL
position and when I'll get CPT I won't be promoted.

Then, what should I do? I don't want to leave my squad, just like my CMDR.
We're good pilots. We're in great squad.
And we don't want to leave to it just for rank. For CMDR is good. He can
achieve COL. I can be only CPT. That's why i think it should be award for
those kind of pilots like us.
If not. We'll live, and we've wont leave our squad.


If you don't care about rank, then take pride in the fact that yer FL/CPT in 
one of the best squadrons in your BG. Ford's always had more respect for 
those who stay in their squadron and attain FL/CPT or stay for an eternity as 
FM/LCM than those who chase after rank.
Again, if you don't want to leave it for rank, that's your decision. You're 
sacrificing advancement for staying in a squadron you love.

Besides, a system like this would be a pain to implement and keep track 
of...in addition to it probably getting abused.

MAJ Prefect

Yes, good points in that medals are there for this kind of reward, rank is a 
different award.

For instance, compare this to Real Life:

You have a job, lets compare a rank to a wage, you start with a low wage, you 
work you raise it, you get more and more, but your boss can only pay you so 
much. You need a new job before you increase your wage, either a dramatic 
increase due to a different job, or if you already have that much work a 
little and you get another increase.

See, you can not just get promoted for long term work, and if we allow that, 
then in a year people would want to be allowed the next rank, and the next 

And Loyalty, eh, remember there is a commendation for that, only awarded 
every 6 months, meaning you need to serve at least about 6 months to get 
recognition and be the one chosen in your squad.

CMDR-SCOA/CPT Goatham/Fury/Avenger Wing II/SSD Avenger [TIE-BOP-XWA]
[LGNR] [Marksman-1st] [XA-A]
SW Goatham (Sith)/AED/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow,

We have these things called "medals."

Rank promotions are not for achievements, but to show responsibility and 
experience. If you're not at least a CMDR, you have very little 
responsibilities. CMDRs have BSFs to fill out, members to manage, people to 
recruit, a homepage to maintain, figure out ways to motivate the squadron, 
write up weekly reports and MSEs, AND fly.... a Flight Leader or Flight 
Member doesn't do nearly that much work. That's why CMDRs have the privilege 
to work their way up to COL and FMs and FLs don't.

= High Admiral Kawolski, Tactical Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =
- TAC-FSE/HA Kawolski/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign (#691)
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx5 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoCx3/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E {IWATS-SM/1/2}
- http://www.tiecorps.org

Err...since when did employees at jobs get ranks like "General" or "Colonel"? 

A military organization is different than a civilian job.

= High Admiral Kawolski, Tactical Officer and Fleet Systems Engineer =
- TAC-FSE/HA Kawolski/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign (#691)
- MoH/ICx2/OoR/GOE/GSx4/SSx3/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx5 [EXCR]
- MoI-DC/MoT-7rh-1gh-89bh/LoCx3/MoC-1BoC
- CoSx3/CoE/CoL/CoB/LoAx3/OV-3E {IWATS-SM/1/2}
- http://www.tiecorps.org

...If ya want to be a FM, COL. Elite squadrons have
that privilege. It's one of the few elite privileges
left. But that's a debate that goes no where and it's
worth brining up.

VA Slade

Personally I think that the idea of "awarding" someone with a promotion for 
staying in a squadron is crazy. If you want to get promoted, then you have 
to weigh the balance on it. Either stay and deal with the limitation in rank 
for your position, or transfer to another squadron where you can become a FL 
or CMDR and achieve a higher rank. Rank does have its privileges, and 
sometimes obtaining that privilege means making sacrifices.

LCM Wil_Striker

The CoL is awarded on two occasions during a year, based on recommendations from the WC for 3 people
from a wing. It really doesn't have much to do with loyalty to a squad in the form of sticking
around, its more for recognizing good, consistent, work that befits people.. etc.

RA Kermee, Fleet Science Officer.
[ http://sco.ehnet.org | sco@emperorshammer.org ]
- SCO/RA Kermee/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign, ret. Intel goon {Legionnaire}
- GOE/GS/SS/BS/PCx3/ISMx13/MoI/MoT-ghx2/LoC ISx10/OV
- DJK (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan WR-PM w/1/DC

Well, Kawolski, i mean it more of a metaphor, in a job you only go so far 
without taking on more harder work. Meaning for a better salary you need to 
do more to deserve it, here for a better rank you need to do more to deserve 
it, it is the same thing, its not obviously identical, but its a metaphor for 

Kermee, the CoL isn't necessarily for loyalty i know, but you do really need 
to be there for a long time to be chosen, for the WC only chooses 3 people, 
so if your new you have no chance, so if you have been there a long time it 
suits the purpose of a long time award.

CMDR-SCOA/CPT Goatham/Fury/Avenger Wing II/SSD Avenger [TIE-BOP-XWA]
[LGNR] [Marksman-1st] [XA-A]
SW Goatham (Sith)/AED/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow,

I have been in Beth Squadron (Wing III) for a year and 5 months now. I have
always been in Beth Squadron, probably always will be, and if not, certainly
regard myself as a Beth pilot even if I hold another position. I served as a
FL until I became a CPT, then I stepped down to FM to allow someone else in
the squadron be promoted to CPT too.

You would think that I am all for this idea of FMs and FLs being promoted up
to COLs and stuff, but I'm not. Far from it.

When you see a MAJ, LC, COL or anything else higher than a CPT, you can be
sure that they have been outstanding in the field of Command sometime or
other. If you allow any Tom, Dick or Werdna to join these ranks, it takes
something away from these people.

Anyone in command deserves a bit more than us pilots. Even if a pilot has
been a member for a fraction of the time that I have been in the EH, but
been a CMDR, they deserve to be called a COL more than me. They have taken
their own time to run a squadron and look after the needs of other members,
on top of being an outstanding pilot, and they deserve a bit more than us

I would like to point out though, I personally am not a completely selfish
member of the EH who is only here for my own enjoyment and not care about
anyone else's before mine. I don't think any other pilot is that way either.

It's just that I have not been as selfless as the command are. Admittedly I
run a newsletter and a few other projects for you lot, but command is where
the true responsibility is, and they deserve to be called COL more than I.

Although I wouldn't say no to that promotion :o)

CPT Werdna Elbee

Here here. I personally hate to commend CPT Elbee on that fine assessment of 
why a FL should not be allowed to achieve a rank higher thank CPT. You are 
absolutely right, Command officers do deserve the respect their rank has 
given them, as well as the position they hold. 

LCM Wil_Striker

Err... sorry about that. That first line should have read: "I personally 
have to commend..." Sorry if that confused anybody. LOL

LCM Wil_Striker

What do you mean, "hate"? :o(

Werdna Elbee

I think he means "have", not hate :)

Captain Jahan Kalar, Aleth Squadron Commander
CMDR-ROA/CPT Jahan Kalar/Aleth/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign
"What counts isn't what's under the hood, but who's behind the wheel."

Exactly. LOL Slight typing error there. LOL

LCM Wil_Striker