Flying Contest Results

COL Sauron has made 3 brand-spanking new missions for the contest this month, as well as running this competition!!! Say, "Thank You, COL Sauron!"


Battle of Baraton

TIE Fighter Version

X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter Version

X-Wing Alliance Version

The competition is open to any and all pilots in the TIE Corps and you can compete in as many of the platforms as you like. To play the mission, just unzip the contents of the mission file, and you should find a readme file to tell you the rest.

Send the pilot file and the results to COL Sauron at by the 14th October. Make sure that the Xvt and XWA Pilot Files are zipped, or else they will be ignored. Any pilot file that was incorrectly flown (i.e. in the Combat Chamber) and has incorrect scoring will also be ignored. 

Award System:

Less than 20 people: ISM to top scorer

Between 21-39 people: PC to top scorer, ISM to second place

40 or above: BS to top scorer, PC to second and ISM to third.

Possible Silver Star to: anyone who wins all three platforms, with more than 30 people participating in each platform.