FO Report for the week ended 16/09/2000


Ouch, not much good news this week... very ambivalent, actually.

First off, an apology.  It has been brought to my attention that certain recent promotions were in contravention to the stated rules.  I misunderstood the interpretation of some of the rules and that has since been cleared up.  I apologize to all offended parties and assure you this will not happen again.

A whole slew of CS officers have resigned/retired and a new wave of command staff is coming in.  First off is former Security Officer, FA Rapier.  He had to take an emergency leave which has ended up being longer than he expected so he has stepped down rather than let the Emperor's Hammer suffer from lack of attention.  He will be missed as he held his position with honor and distinction for a very long time.  No replacement has, as of yet, been chosen.  Also on this list, former SDIR, AD Langer, has also stepped down after being on leave.  His acting-SDIR during his leave was AD Stalker5 and is also his replacement.  ALSO on the list of recent resignations is former TAC, HA Kawolski.  Kawolski, as many of you know, has added many very important features to the TIE Corps and helped tremendously by using his power as TAC to better this club.  He will stay on to help with the roster, message boards, and other things.  We all thank him for his dedication, hard work, and friendship.  HA Kawolski's replacement is AD Striker.  CA:COMM VA Boromir also stepped down this week.  His replacement is FA Thedek.  CA:TAC VA Slade also stepped down.  AD Striker is NOT looking for CAs, so please do not bug him about it. Congratulations to all the new appointments and farewell to those whose grace is no longer upon us (in a CS position/CA:CS position, that is).

Other than that, not much has happened...

FO-TCCOM/AD Sarriss/CS-4/SSSD Sovereign (Hussar)
-=** Professor of Graphics **=-