“Erm…just whatever Ale you have on tap, mate,” requested Werdna, “I’m not picky.”

“The Wandering Jedi” is a bar deep in the city of Aurora Prime. It’s also where Werdna was waiting to meet a friend who he had got in contact with during his time on Deva, while practicing to become a Dark Jedi Knight. The friend was Ravnos Nottingham, who as well as being a Jedi literate in the arts of it’s Black Magic, was also a highly commended Squadron Commander onboard the DB Flagship, the SSD Avenger.

The SSD Avenger was up there now, orbiting the planet. The ship was getting some highly needed maintenance from the shipyards that were usually used by the SSSD Sovereign. It was filling the roll of protector of Aurora while the SSSD Sovereign filled the SSD’s place out in the field of battle.

That meant that half of the squadrons were on leave while the work was being done to the ship. One of the squadrons was Wraith Squadron, which was commanded by CPT Nottingham.

The door to the bar opened and Werdna glanced up to see if it was his friend. It was a bit too bright to see with the light shining in through the open door, and Werdna had to squint to see. The door closed, and the light became easier on the eyes. When Werdna focused again, he saw that it was not Ravnos, but another SSD Avenger Commander…

“Hey Tom,” Werdna called to get his attention, “I didn’t know that your squadron is on leave too.”

“It’s not, mate,” Tom replied, while walking over so he wouldn’t have to shout so loud, “I’ve been given medical leave for 5 days because I broke my arm on my last mission. Normally they just Bacta it and shove me back into a fighter, but since the Avenger isn’t going anywhere for a while they gave me some leave. Why are you not with the Sovereign on their latest rebel-killing spree?”

“Medical leave too.” answered Werdna, “I used my TIE as a missile. I didn’t have to pay the full price for that trick like the other guy, but it was quite painful.”

“What? You wrecked your fighter again?”

“Apparently, next time I‘ll be shot by the Flight Officer,” came the reply from Werdna, “But it’s nice to know that he can still take time out of his duties to add that personal touch.”

Tom laughed as he saw the mental picture of Werdna being shot by the FO. He stopped suddenly though, “Before I forget, Ravnos is going to be fairly late. He told me to wait here with you until he arrives.”

“You mean you’re not sticking around?”

After a moments pondering, Tom replied, “Hmm…okay then! You twisted my arm.”

As Tom signalled the barman for a drink there was a “Beep-Beep-Beep” coming from Werdna. “Sorry…it’s my portable comlink. Someone on the Sovereign must want me.”

Tom just nodded and proceeded to order his drink, “I’ll have some of that red stuff in that bottle over there.”

The comlink was opened as Werdna moved to a quiet corner of the bar to talk. “Hello…this is Commander Elbee.”

“Hey, Werdna,” come the voice over the comlink, “It’s Sequoh.”

“Ah, how are you enjoying your latest mission near the borders? Getting plenty of flying in?”

Sequoh had to interrupt, “I’m sorry, but I have no time for chatting. Could you help me with something please?”


“Have you heard from Lavos down there on Aurora? He was supposed to report in before the Sovereign left the sector to resume duty, but he never showed up.”

“No,” answered Werdna, “If he had come back late, he would have probably contacted me too.”

The comlink was silent for a moment. Then Sequoh continued, “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Could you do a even bigger favour for me?”

“You want me to look for him.”

“Bang on, Elbee. The command here are fairly annoyed to say the least and I want you to get to him before the Sector Rangers find him,” Sequoh ordered. Werdna may have been on leave, but he still could get ordered around. If he didn’t do as he was told, then when he returned…BANG!!! Guess who’s on hanger cleaning duty? “He was taking leave in Nergea, a planet in the Indies just over the border. I would check out his flat on Aurora first though…you may save a trip.”

“Nergea…yeah, I’ve been there before. Casino world isn’t it?” Werdna remembered, “I know where that is. It’s coordinates are probably still in my ships memory.”

“Great! You better get to it. I’ll see you in a week when you return to duty.”

“Later, Sequoh.”


Werdna switched off his comlink and walked back over to Tom. “Change of plan, mate. We’re off to Nergea in the Independent Territories. You’ll like it there, it’s packed with casinos.”

Tom looked a bit stunned by this change, “Erm…okay then. Any reason, or is this just another one of your ‘magical mystery tours’ that you made me go on 3 months ago?”

With a shake of his head, along with a deadly serious face, Werdna made it obvious that it was going to be business.

“But you’re injured, Werdna. I thought you were resting?” reminded Tom, “Hell, I’m injured too. And I haven’t said that I’m going there with you yet.”

“Yet…” noted Werdna, “Remember that time when I jumped in between you and a knife in a bar brawl?”


“Yeah well…you…you…” Werdna struggled to think of something to say to get Tom to go to Nergea with him, “you can wait here for Ravnos, and then go to the Imperial Hanger H5 with him and meet me there. I’m off to check out someone’s flat.”

On that note, Werdna rushed for the door.

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